2022年中考英语一轮复习 牛津译林版七年级下册 Units 5-6(ppt课件).pptx

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1、Unit 5-6 7B复习目标复习目标1.复习四会单词复习四会单词;2.复习重点词组复习重点词组;3.复习重点句型;复习重点句型;4.复习单元语法。复习单元语法。话题9(例一):要点:要点:1.谭盾谭盾1958年出生在中国湖南省中部;很小年出生在中国湖南省中部;很小的时候就表现出对音乐的兴趣;的时候就表现出对音乐的兴趣;2.对他而言,最好的音乐来自自然界;由于对他而言,最好的音乐来自自然界;由于他喜欢大自然的声音,他经常在自己的音他喜欢大自然的声音,他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们;乐里使用它们;3.谭盾成功地把中国音乐和西方音乐融合在谭盾成功地把中国音乐和西方音乐融合在一起;在东西方之间架起了一

2、座桥梁;用一起;在东西方之间架起了一座桥梁;用他自己的话讲,他自己的话讲,“我的音乐梦想无边界我的音乐梦想无边界”。话题9(例二):要点:要点:1.谭盾是当今世界最伟大的艺术家之一;他谭盾是当今世界最伟大的艺术家之一;他在年轻的时候用石头、纸张等常见的物品在年轻的时候用石头、纸张等常见的物品来制作音乐;来制作音乐;2 他喜欢来自大自然的声音;他经常在自己他喜欢来自大自然的声音;他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们;的音乐里使用它们;3 比如,在他的比如,在他的 一部作品一部作品水乐水乐中,他没中,他没有使用任何乐器;通过控制水流的速度,有使用任何乐器;通过控制水流的速度,他用水制造出了五十多种声音;那

3、真是太他用水制造出了五十多种声音;那真是太神奇了!神奇了!话题16迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼乐园 Disneyland(例一):要点:要点:我和父母在香港已经三天了,在这儿过得我和父母在香港已经三天了,在这儿过得很愉快;很愉快;今天,我们在迪斯尼乐园度过了一整天;今天,我们在迪斯尼乐园度过了一整天;它是个著名的主题公园,共有四个不同的它是个著名的主题公园,共有四个不同的区域,我们一一参观了;区域,我们一一参观了;最后,我们观看了一场烟火表演;最后,我们观看了一场烟火表演;我拍了许多照片,回去后会给朋友们看。我拍了许多照片,回去后会给朋友们看。(例二):要点:要点:上个星期六我们乘地铁去了迪斯尼乐园;上个

4、星期六我们乘地铁去了迪斯尼乐园;我们先在大门口拍照,然后参观了乐园里的四我们先在大门口拍照,然后参观了乐园里的四个区域;个区域;下午,当迪斯尼人物开始游行时,我们非常激下午,当迪斯尼人物开始游行时,我们非常激动;动;它是一天最精彩的部分;它是一天最精彩的部分;游行后,我们观看了一部游行后,我们观看了一部4D电影;电影;我们在乐园里待了大约我们在乐园里待了大约8个小时个小时,它可真是激动人心的一天。它可真是激动人心的一天。Task one12 答复答复 vi.13 奇怪的奇怪的 adj.14 离开离开 vt.15 迅速地迅速地 adv.16 发生发生 vi.17 每件事每件事 pron.18 感

5、到诧异感到诧异 vi.19 小心地小心地 adv.20 搜查搜查 vt.21 他自己他自己 pron.22 虚弱的虚弱的 adj.1.相同的相同的 adj.2 出生出生 n.3 地球地球 n.4 后部后部 n.5 脂肪脂肪 n.6 事实事实 n.7 和一样和一样 adv.8 通常的通常的 adj.9 突然突然 adv.10 任何人任何人 pron.11 没有人没有人 pron.Words(Four/Three skills)samebirthearthbackfatfactasusualsuddenlyanybodynobodyreplystrangeleavequicklyhappeneve

6、rythingwondercarefullysearchweakhimself31 干的干的 adj.32 没有没有 prep.33 粉笔粉笔 n.34 三明治三明治 n.35 不迟于不迟于 prep.23 拾起拾起 vt.24 吃惊的吃惊的 adj.25 后来后来 adv.26 某人某人 pron.27 以前以前 adv.28 蛇蛇 n.29 蚂蚁蚂蚁 n.30 少数的少数的 pron.Words(Four/Three skills)picksurprisedlatersomebodyagosnakeantlittledrywithoutchalksandwichby1.户外的户外的adj.

7、2.匆忙,急忙匆忙,急忙vi.3.快点,赶快快点,赶快4.抱怨抱怨v.5.那样那样adv.6.野营野营n.7.骑自行车运动骑自行车运动n.8.骑马骑马n.9.溜冰溜冰n.10.骑骑vt.11.在外面在外面adv.12.兔子兔子n.13.洞洞n.14.在在.旁边旁边prep.15.经过经过v.16.经过经过adv.17.哎呀哎呀excl.18.手表手表n.19.起立起立20.逃脱逃脱;离开离开21.落下,掉落落下,掉落vi.22.到达;击中到达;击中vt.23.她自己她自己pron.24.独自独自adj.25.低的,矮的低的,矮的adj.outdoor hurry hurry up compla

8、in that camping cycling riding skating ride outside rabbit hole by pass by dear watch stand up get away fall hit herself alone low26.锁上的锁上的adj.27.注意,觉察注意,觉察vt.28.侧,边侧,边n.29.通过通过prep.30.使惊奇使惊奇 vt.31.搭,树立搭,树立32.帐篷帐篷n.33.木头木头n.34.一段时间一段时间n.35.朝代朝代n.36.百年百年n.37.意大利的意大利的adj.38.省省n.39.从那时起从那时起40.激动的激动的41.

9、手机手机42.一点,少许一点,少许43.甜的甜的adj.44.变成变成linking v.45.足够的足够的adv.46.决定决定v.47.进入进入v.48.朝,向朝,向prep.49.忘记忘记v.50.太太.而不能而不能.51.够到够到vt.52.爬爬v.53.失败失败v.lockednotice into side through surprise put up tent wood period dynasty century Italian province from then on excited mobile phone a little sweet become enough de

10、cide enter towards forget tooto reach climb fail1.停止做某事停止做某事2.照例照例3.坐下坐下4.转身转身5.在在.路上路上6.自言自语自言自语7.拿起拿起8.逃离,跑开逃离,跑开9.前天前天Phrases(Four/Three skills)stop doing sth.as usualsit downturn aroundon ones/the waysay to oneselfpick uprun awaythe day before yesterday10.害怕害怕11.再也不再也不12.听说听说13.前几天前几天14.同时同时15.遍

11、及全世界遍及全世界16.至少至少17.像像.一样一样18.请求请求Phrases(Four/Three skills)be afraid ofnot.any morehear ofthe other dayat the same timeall over the worldat leastas.asask for1.A car _(突然突然)pulled out in front of me.2.These coats sold well in that _(时期时期).3.I didnt _(注意注意)the key on the small table.4.The girl is stil

12、l very _(虚弱虚弱)after her illness.5.I emailed our teacher last Monday and he _(答复答复)to me the next day.教案教案:强化训练强化训练(一一)suddenly根据所给词的中文提示填空根据所给词的中文提示填空periodnoticeweakreplied 6.We had some _(sandwich)for breakfast two hours ago.7.-Can he ask Mr Black for help?-Sorry.He should solve the problem by _(h

13、e).8.Dont forget _(close)the windows when you leave.9.He _(wake)up to find himself outside the house yesterday morning.sandwicheshimselfto close woke 10.Is there _(something)wrong with your fridge.11.She cried when she found _(her)alone at home.12The rabbit took out a watch out of _(it)pocket and lo

14、ok at the time.13.Air is so important for us.We cant live _(with)it.14.The girl looked up and saw a dog _(经过经过)by.15.John is a good baseball player.He is good at _(hit)the ball.anthingherselfitswithoutpasshitting16.When you are at the big tree,turn left and walk (朝,向朝,向)the bridge.17.Which (时期时期)of

15、history are you study?18.My grandmother raises some _(兔子兔子)at home.19.There are some _(洞洞)on that poor boys sock.20These desks and chairs are made of _(木头木头).21Do you know what is _(rabbit)favourite food?22Three hundred years means three _(century).towardsperiodrabbitsholeswoodrabbitscenturies1.amaz

16、ing/amazed(1)This world is full of _ things.(2)Tom is _ at the _ news.2.usual/unusual/usually/as usual(1)He got up late._,he went to school without having breakfast.(2)He was very excited yesterday because he got an _ gift from his father.(3)We _ get to school at half past six every day.(4)She sat i

17、n her _ seat at the back.(教案:单词辨析)教案:单词辨析)amazingamazedAs usualamazingunusualusuallyusual3.reply/answer(1)Anyone can _ this question easily.(2)Do you have the _ to these exercises?(3)I have written three letters to him,but he never _ to any of my letters.(4)I called you at 7 last night but there was

18、 no _.(教案:单词辨析)教案:单词辨析)answeranswersrepliedreply4.happen/sth happens to sb/happen to do sth/what happened(to sb)?(1)The robbery _ near the bank.(2)Dont worry._(没有坏事发生在他们身上没有坏事发生在他们身上).(3)I _(碰巧看到碰巧看到)him on my way home.(4)_?(小李怎么了小李怎么了)He fell off the bike and hurt his leg.(教案:单词辨析)教案:单词辨析)happened/

19、sNothing bad will happen to themhappened to seeWhat happened to Xiao Li5.wonder/wonderful/wonderfully(1)The Great Wall is one of the great _ in the world.(2)The teacher _ who broke the window.(3)We had a _ time last night.(4)The hotel is _ comfortable.(教案:单词辨析)教案:单词辨析)wonderswonderedwonderfulwonderf

20、ully6.with/without(1)He got into the office _ greeting anyone.(2)We cant sleep _ our eyes open.(3)_ your support,they couldnt finish the project smoothly.7.surprise/surprised/surprising(1)To everyones _,the plan succeeded finally.(2)When hearing the whisper,he looked up in _.(3)You shouldnt be _ tha

21、t he didnt come.(4)Its not _ that he failed the exam.withoutwithWithout surprisesurprisesurprisedsurprising单词辨析单词辨析1.hurry(n.&v.)(1)_(快点快点),or you will be late for school.(2)She _(着急着急)to see her child.(3)After class,students _(急着去食堂急着去食堂).Hurry up was in a hurry hurried to the dining hall单词辨析单词辨析2.

22、ride(v.)ride-rode-ridden(1)I_(骑车去骑车去学校学校)yesterday.(2)We plan to _(去骑马去骑马)this weekend.rode my bike to school go(horse)riding单词辨析单词辨析3.by(prep.&adv.)(1)到到2100年年_(2)经过经过_(3)坐在河边坐在河边_(4)通过互赠卡片庆祝圣诞节通过互赠卡片庆祝圣诞节_(5)由由写的写的_ by the year 2100 pass by sit by the river celebrate Christmas by sending cards to

23、each otherbe written by单词辨析单词辨析5.alone&lonelyMy grandfather lives _ in a _village.He feels _ from time to time.alone lonely lonely单词辨析单词辨析6.through&across(1)Its dangerous to walk _ the forest on your own.(2)You can walk _ the road when the light is green.(3)走过森林走过森林_ (4)跑过田野跑过田野_ through across walk

24、 through the forest run across the field单词辨析单词辨析7.surprise(n.&v.)(1)_(令我们惊讶的令我们惊讶的),the robot can do whatever they are asked to.(2)His sudden arrival really _(使我措手不及使我措手不及).(3)We all felt _ at the _ ending of the film.(4)When hearing the whisper,he looked up in _.(5)You shouldnt be _ that he didnt c

25、ome.(6)Its not _ that he failed the exam.To our surprisesurprised mesurprisedsurprisingsurprisesurprisedsurprising 13.search v.搜寻 He searched the bushes.search for=look for 寻找=hunt for find 找到 在森林搜索丢失的孩子(两种)_/_()I _ my pen everywhere,but I still havent _ it.A.looked for,found B.found,look up C.found

26、,look for D.looked up,findsearch the forest for the missing childsearch for the missing child in the forestA14.same adj.相同的 the same.as similar adj.相似的 be similar toMy pencil is _ yours.我的铅笔与你的一样。My pencil is _ yours.我的铅笔与你的相思。15.anybody pron.1.The question is easy,but not _ can answer it.2.He ran t

27、oo fast for _ to catch up with him.3.()The math problem is too difficult for _ in our group to work out.Would you please do us a favour?A)someoneB)no oneC)anyone D)everyonethe same assimilar toeveryoneanyoneC 16.fall:(1)vi.落下,掉落;倒下,跌倒 (2)n.秋天(美式英语)in fall (1)After running,he _ sleepy,and soon he _ a

28、sleep.(2)Babies often _(跌倒)when they are learning to walk.(3)The _(叶子)turn yellow and fall in fall.(4)Life is like a race.You either _(领先)or _(落后).feltfellfall overleavestake the leadfall behind17.fail:vi.&vt.失败,failfailingfailedfailed failure(n.失败)Susan is a clever and hard-working girl,so she neve

29、r _(不及格)in any exam.Success comes after _(fail).18.decide:vt.&vi.决定,decidingdecided decision(n.决定)He decided that he would buy a new car.=He decided _.I cant decide which one I should take.=I cant decide _.failsfailureto buy a new carwhich one to take 19.enter:vt.进入进入,加入,加入,enteringentered entrance(

30、n.进入,入口进入,入口)(1)The old lady noticed the burglar_(进入进入)the house through the kitchen window.(2)Where is the _(enter)to the park,please?(3)In 1978,Tan Dun _(考入考入)the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.(4)His _(ill)didnt enter into my plans.enter(ing)entranceenteredillness 20.forget:vi.&vt.忘记忘记,

31、forgetforgettingforgotforgotten (1)Could you please not forget _(lock)the door when you leave?(2)He was so _(forget)that he didnt turn off the lights last night.(3)I still remember _(meet)her in the park ten years ago.(4)Im sorry that I _ your umbrella in my office yesterday.A.have put B.have laid C

32、.left D.forgot plain:More and more students _ too much homework and they are really tired of it.A.complain about B.care about C.learn about D.hear aboutto lockforgetfulmeetingCA 二、重点词组二、重点词组 1、睁着眼睛睡觉、睁着眼睛睡觉 2.停下来吃饭停下来吃饭 3、地球的、地球的 1,300,000倍大倍大 4、在回家的路上、在回家的路上 5.得了吧、快点、得了吧、快点、加油、过来加油、过来 6.他自言自语他自言自语

33、7.拍许多照片拍许多照片 8.那天晚些时候那天晚些时候 9.奇怪的某物奇怪的某物/某事某事 10.前天前天 11.其他的什么事其他的什么事/东西东西 12.吃得极少吃得极少/不吃东西不吃东西 13.听说听说 14.没水生活很久没水生活很久sleep with ones eyes open stop for meals 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth on the/ones way home come on say to himself take a lot of photos later that day something strange the

34、day before yesterday what else=what other things eat little/nothing hear of live without water for a long time 15.嗅觉灵敏嗅觉灵敏 16.惊讶地做某事惊讶地做某事 17.骑自行车环游世界骑自行车环游世界 18.前几天前几天19.同时一只手写字另一只手画画同时一只手写字另一只手画画20.用粉笔画用粉笔画3D图画图画21.把肉放在两片面包之间把肉放在两片面包之间22.在全世界变得很受欢迎在全世界变得很受欢迎23.至少至少 24.我们的眼睛从出生起就这么大。我们的眼睛从出生起就这么大。2

35、4.给我拿着给我拿着 25.尝试穿过门尝试穿过门 smell things well travel around the world by bicycle put meat between two pieces of bread the other day write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time draw 3-D pictures with chalk be surprised to do become popular all over the world at least Our eyes are the sa

36、me size from birth.carry it for me try to go through the door 26.跟着兔子跑到了田野上跟着兔子跑到了田野上 27.支起了帐篷支起了帐篷28.用木材制作鸟用木材制作鸟29.从那时起从那时起30.变得越来越小变得越来越小31.她看到穿着衣服的兔子经过。她看到穿着衣服的兔子经过。32.向下掉了很长时间,落地。向下掉了很长时间,落地。33.她发现自己一个人在一个长而低矮的大厅里她发现自己一个人在一个长而低矮的大厅里.。run across the field after the rabbitput up a tent make a bir

37、d out of wood from then on became smaller and smallerShe saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.fall for a long time,hit the ground.She found herself alone in a long,low hall.Task 31.Fish sleep with their eyes open.with their eyes open是是“with+名词名词+形容词形容词”结构,在句子中作伴随状语。结构,在句子中作伴随状语。In hot summer,many

38、 people like sleeping _.(开着窗子开着窗子)Dont talk _.(嘴里满满的)(嘴里满满的)“with+名词名词+介词短语介词短语”也可以用作伴随状语。也可以用作伴随状语。Our teacher comes into the classroom _.(手里拿着一本书手里拿着一本书)with their windows openwith your mouth fullwith a book in her hand2.Our eyes are the same size from birth,but our nose and ears never stop growin

39、g.stop doing sth.意为意为“停止做某事停止做某事”The doctor told him to _(戒烟)(戒烟).stop to do sth.意为意为“停下来去做某事停下来去做某事”We had to _(停下来等停下来等)for the next train.()You have worked for several hours.Youd better _ a rest.A.to stop to have B.stop to have C.to stop having D.stop havingstop smokingstop to waitB3._,(在他们回家的路上在

40、他们回家的路上)they met Andy.4.When it miaowed,it _(听起来像听起来像)a whisper.5.Now I am not afraid of animals any more.notany more 相当于相当于no more/longerThe Blacks wont worry about their future life any more/longer.=_.6.Now TVs can be _ (和和.一样大一样大)152 inches.On their way homesounded likeThe Blacks will no more/lon

41、ger worry about their future lifeas large as7.你真会抱怨,这个背包没那么重。你真会抱怨,这个背包没那么重。You complain too much.The bag isnt that heavy.The baby cant walk_(那么远那么远).8.她发现自己一个人在一个长而低的厅里。她发现自己一个人在一个长而低的厅里。She _ in a long,low hall.9.爱丽丝想通过那扇门,可是她个子太大了。爱丽丝想通过那扇门,可是她个子太大了。Alice _,but she was too big.that far found hers

42、elf alone tried to go through the door 10.她朝下看,发现自己的身体变得越来越小。她朝下看,发现自己的身体变得越来越小。She _ and saw that her body _.11.不久,爱丽丝小得足以通过那扇门了,于是不久,爱丽丝小得足以通过那扇门了,于是她决定进入花园。她决定进入花园。Soon Alice _,so she decided to enter the garden.He decided_(放弃这份工作放弃这份工作).looked down became smaller and smaller was small enough to

43、go through the door to give up the job 12.爱丽丝只好回到桌子旁,不久她已太小,够爱丽丝只好回到桌子旁,不久她已太小,够不着那把钥匙了。不着那把钥匙了。Alice had to go back to the table,but she _.13.她试图爬上去,但是没成功。她试图爬上去,但是没成功。She tried to climb up,but failed.She _(考试没通过考试没通过).was too small to reach the key failed the exam 16.She found herself alone in a l

44、ong,low hall.eg.We find it important _(learn)English well.I found him _(cover)the table with a few papers when I got there.You can find the ground _(cover)with thick snow.我们发现他是一个诚实的孩子。(3种方法)_/_to learncoveringcoveredWe find him an honest child.We find that he is an honest child.We find him honest.1

45、7.Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it.Sandy feels unhappy because nobody seems to _ her progress.A.look B.read C.notice D.watch We often notice him _ the disabled.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help Didnt you notice the baby _(play)with her new toys when you came in?The thief wasn

46、t noticed _(enter)the building.eg.The play _(上演上演)in our city next week.Never _till tomorrow what you can do today.(今日事,今日毕。今日事,今日毕。)The police will _ the murderers picture in the city.A.put on B.put up C.put away D.put out Could you _ to the manager,please?A.put me off B.put me down C.put me away D

47、.put me through CAplayingto enterwill be put onput offBD19.Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door,so she decided to enter the garden.(1)形容词/副词+enough+(for sb.)to do (2)too+形容词/副词+(for sb.)to do (3)so+形容词/副词+that+从句 (4)such a/an 形容词 单数可数名词 that 从句(5)such 形容词 复数可数名词 that 从句 (6)such 形容词 不可数

48、名词 that 从句 eg.她年纪太小,还不能上学。(4种)_/_ _/_She is too young to go to school.She is so young that she cant go to school.She is not old enough to go to school.She is such a young girl that she cant go to school.Task 5一般过去时一般过去时(1)表示在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存表示在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。常见的时间状语有:在的状态。常见的时间状语有:Where did yo

49、u go just now?He left for Shanghai last night.yesterday,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening,last week/month/year/summer,an hour ago,just now,in the past,in 1982/2008,the other day,from then on 等。等。(2)表过在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的表过在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。动作。When I was a child,I often played football in the street

50、.注意:有时,情态动词注意:有时,情态动词can,will等用过去式等用过去式表示委婉语气。表示委婉语气。Could you lend me your bike?Would you please not talk loud here?(3)动词的过去式变化如下:动词的过去式变化如下:*be动词的过去式:动词的过去式:is/am was;arewere 实义动词的过去式:实义动词的过去式:*一般情况下,动词词尾加一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed,如:,如:workworked playplayed wanted wanted actacted*以不发音的以不发音的-e结尾动词,动词词尾加结尾动词,动


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