Unit 4 Natural Disasters Words and Expressions (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、例句 They had led the country into economic disaster.他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。The disaster caused him to waver in his faith.这件灾难使他对信仰发生了动摇词根词缀:词根词缀:dis(远离远离,偏离偏离)+aster(star星星星星):星星偏离:星星偏离了原来的位置了原来的位置灾难灾难natural disasters 自然灾害 an air disaster 空难The tornado killed dozens of lives.那场龙卷风夺去了几十条人命。类比:dry a.干燥的干燥的 dro

2、ught n.干旱干旱 high a.高的高的 height n.高度高度 see vt.看见看见 sight n.视野视野 think vi.想想 thought n.想法想法The ground is as hard as stone after the drought.长期干旱后土地硬得就像石头一样。In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.实际上,因为干旱,很多粮食作物歉收。slide/slad/vi.&vt.(slid,slid)(使)滑行;滑动使)滑行;滑动landslide/lndslad/n.(landfall)

3、山体垮塌;滑坡山体垮塌;滑坡The village was destroyed by a landslide.滑坡摧毀了村庄。The heavy rain caused the landslide.大雨引起山体滑坡。slide into(使)滑入(使)滑入;溜进溜进;陷入陷入It seemed possible that the US and China could slide into some form of trade war.有可能中国和美国会陷入某种形式的贸易战。Large earthquakes can cause powerful tsunamis.大地震可以引起强烈的海啸。Th

4、e heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。More than 70 people were killed in the flood.70 多人因洪灾丧生。a flood of 大量的大量的He received a flood of thank-you letters.他收到大量感谢信件。vt.淹没;灌满淹没;灌满The heavy rain flood the village.大雨淹没了这个村庄。vi.泛滥;大量涌入泛滥;大量涌入Water flooded in through the

5、back door.水从后门涌进来。An active volcano may erupt at any time.活火山会随时喷发。eruption/rpn/n.爆发爆发The eruption of the volcano destroyed many villages.火山爆发破坏了很多村庄。例句If you pull this lever,the roof will slide back.拉一下这根杆,顶就往后滑动。The book slid off my knee.书从我膝上滑落。I had not realized the magnitude of the problem.我没意识

6、到这个问题的重要性。The main quake was estimated at magnitude 6.6.据估计主震区的震级有6.词根词缀:词根词缀:magni(大大)+tude(名词后缀,表状态名词后缀,表状态):大的程度:大的程度震级,量级震级,量级The Wenchuan earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0.汶川地震的震级为8.0 级。例句 The policeman _(rescue)the boy from _(drawn).His father came _his rescue when his company went bankrupt.(破

7、产的)rescued搭配 rescue sb./sth.from.把某人/某物从.中营救出来 drawningto 例句 The flood did a lot of damage to the crops.Drinking and smoking can _(damage)your health.搭配 n.损坏damagedo damage to sb/sth.对对造成损害造成损害The storm didnt do much damage to crops.暴风雨并未对庄稼造成严重损失。破拆法:des(毁掉)+troy(特洛伊,被希腊联军毁掉的名城)Nearly everything in

8、 the city was destroyed.城里几乎所有的东西都被毁了。Theyve destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。拓展 damage 指价值降低或外表损坏等,不一定指全部破坏或可以修复的破坏。destroy 指彻底毁坏,以至于不能或很难修复。ruin指使物体无法恢复原状,而且含有在过程中逐渐被毁掉的意思 Theres been a bomb threat we need to evacuate.有人威胁说在这安放了炸弹 我们需要紧急疏散 All people would evacuate the area.所有人员也都全部撤离这一地区。拓展 e

9、vacuation n.疏散;撤离;排泄词根词缀:词根词缀:e(外外)+vacu(空空)+ate(动词后缀动词后缀):都到外面,使里:都到外面,使里面变空面变空撤出撤出例句 The criminal escaped by a helicopter.罪犯乘直升机逃走了。The shipwrecked sailors were rescued by helicopter.遭遇海难的水手已经被直升机救起。例句The farm came to him on his fathers death.他父亲死时把农场留给他了。The film ends with the death of the heroin

10、e.这部电影以女主角的死告终。同根词 die-died-died-dying-dead adj.死的-death n.例句Those kinds of changes could affect the food chain.They were deeply affected by the news of her death.The condition affects one in five women.同根词 affection n.影响;感染;喜爱影响深深打动疾病侵袭effect/fekt/n.效果,影响效果,影响have an effect on对对有有影响影响side effect 副作

11、用副作用effective/fektv/a.有效的有效的 In the storm I took shelter under the tree.You cant shelter your brother from blame in the accident.你不可以庇护你的兄弟,使其免受事故的责难。shelter sb/sth from sb/sth 保护保护免受免受Some parents want to shelter their children from any harm.一些父母想要保护他们的孩子不受一点伤害。例句 The glass will _if you pour boiled

12、 water into it .Thunder _ overhead.There is _crack in this window.crackcrackedaIt seemed as if the world were coming to an end.世界似乎要到末日!It seems as if our team is going to win.看来我们队要胜了。She stood at the gate as if she was waiting for someone.她站在门口好像在等人。as if 的用法:的用法:as if 后面即可以接陈述语气也可以接虚拟语气,如果后面接的并非真

13、实情况,则要用虚拟语气,将时态向过去推移一个时态。例句 You look as if you didn t careHe talks as if he knew where she wasHe talks about Rome as if he had been there beforeHe opened his mouth as if he would say something如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had过去分词”从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“wouldcouldmight动词原形”A large number of c

14、ompanies and buildings were in _(ruin)after the explosion on August 12,2021.If you re addicted to(沉迷于)computer games,youll ruin _(you).The rain _(ruin)my painting.ruinsin ruins 严重破坏;破败不堪 bring/come.to ruin 使.毁灭 be the ruin of sb.毁了某人 yourselfruined ruin vt.破坏;毁坏;使破产搭配 ruin oneself 毁掉自己 ruin ones hea

15、lth/fame/future 毁坏某人的健康/声誉/未来例句The covering of forestry in our town is 60 percent.我们镇的森林覆盖率是百分之六十。Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才是靠百分之一的灵感与百分之九十九的努力。同根词 percentage n.百分比;百分数;百分率联想记忆:联想记忆:b(Brazil)+r(Russia)+i(India)+c(China):金砖四国:金砖四国brickBricks covered the

16、ground like red autumn leaves.残砖就像秋天的红叶覆盖着大地。The house is built of brick.那座房子是用砖建造的。a piece of metal 一块金属The railway tracks were now useless pieces of metal.铁轨如今成了一块块废金属。The box is made of metal.盒子是用金属做的。The news of his death was a shock to us.What happened gave me a big shock and left a deep impres

17、sion in my memory.She was taken to hospital suffering from shock.There was blood everywhere and the policeman was clearly _shock.震惊搭配 in shock 震惊;吃惊 令人震惊的事休克in It shocked _(I)to see how they treated the miners.I was shcok _(hear)that he was the champion.Relief workers(救援人员)were shocked _what they sa

18、w.me shock sb.使某人震惊 be shocked to do sth 对做某事感到震惊 be shocked by/at.被.震惊 to hearby同根词 shocked adj.震惊的=修饰人 shocking adj.令人震惊的=修饰物Water,food,and electricity were hard to get.水、食物,和电都很难弄到。The electricity had been cut off.停电了。We can use the power of the wind to make electricity我们可以使用风力来发电。electric lektrk

19、 adj.电动的电动的 electrical lektrk()l adj.与电相关的与电相关的electronic lektrnk a.电子的电子的 They were trapped _ the burning hotel.By clever questioning they trapped him _ making a confession.他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。They trapped her into _(sign)a contact.in搭配 be trapped in/under.被困在.中/下面;trap sb.into(doing).骗某人(做).intosigning

20、同根词 trapping-trapped-trapped Once you fall into _trap,it will not be easy to get out of it.The young man had his car _(trap)in the mud for two hours before the rescue workers arrived.When hiking in the mountain,he was accidentally trapped _a trap which was made for animals.a搭配 fall/walk into a trap

21、掉进陷阱;落入圈套 set/lay a trap 设下陷阱/圈套 avoid the trap of doing sth.避开做某事的陷阱 trappedin例句She _(bury)her face in her hands and cried._(bury)in the newspaer,I didnt notice what was happening._(bury)herself in work,she had no time to have fun.Before _(get)married,she buried _(her)in her work;after_(get)married

22、,she was buried _her family.So she joked that marriage _(bury)her dream now and then.buriedbury ones head/face in ones hand 双手抱头/掩面 BuriedBurying同根词 bury-burying-buried-buriedgettingherselfgettinginBuriedMy father buried his head/himself in his newspaper.=My father was buried in his newspaper.我父亲专心致

23、志地看他的报纸。Buried in my book,I didnt realize it was raining.我专心致志地看书,没注意到下雨了。bury ones head/oneself in=be buried in 埋头于,埋头于,专心致志于专心致志于 例句 After failing the college entrance examination,he was buried_study.in be buried in/bury oneself in 埋头于;专心致志于;沉浸于 If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn _(

24、breath)more deeply.I became out _breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly.out of breath 运动后喘不过气来 hold ones breath 闭气;屏住呼吸 lose ones breath 喘不上起来 ofto breathe同根词 breath n.呼吸 breathing-breathed-breathed breath/bre/n.气息;呼吸;一口气气息;呼吸;一口气You can see peoples breath on a cold day.冷天能看到人们呼出的空气。She took a

25、 deep breath.她做了一次深呼吸。take a deep breath 深吸一口气深吸一口气hold one s breath 屏住呼吸屏住呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气上气不接下气catch ones breath 恢复呼吸恢复呼吸 The flowers _(revive)in water in a week.The national economy began_(revive).The causes of this revival were many and complex.这次复兴的原因是复杂多样的。搭配 revive from.从.苏醒/复活 will rev

26、iveto revive同根词 revival n.振兴;复苏 revive=reviving=revived=revived例句 You just walk alone the path,and it will get you there _effort.You should _(praise)his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses.搭配 without effort 毫不费力的 make every effort to do sth.尽一切努力做某事 withoutpraisemake an effort to do

27、sth.努力做某事努力做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事不遗余力做某事1.He was making an effort to control himself.他努力控制自己的情绪。2.These flowers,with or without human care,whether or not some people appreciate,always make every effort to open their flowers.这些花儿,不管有没有人在意,不管是不是有人欣赏,总是要竭尽全力开出自己的花朵。3.Dear fellow students,

28、lets start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour,and every minute!亲爱的同学们,让我们从现在起,每一天,每一小时,每一分钟,都不遗余力地做一点贡献!例句 The new leader hopes to unify the country.新领袖希望把国家统一起来。England and Scotland do not have a unified legal system.英格兰和苏格兰法制不统一.同根词 unified-unified-unifying We gr

29、ow in wisdom as we grow older.我们随着年龄增长而更加明智。A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.口若悬河,不能证明真有才智。She is crowned with wisdom by nature.她天生聪明。wise/waz/adj.明智的;有智慧的明智的;有智慧的例句He always provides a context that makes his characters believable.他总是能够提供使他的人物形象逼真的背景。You can always tell the meaning of a word fr

30、om its context.你常可以从上下文中猜出词义来例句He often suffers from headaches,_makes him easily _(make)his temper.He _(suffer)a lot of pain now.He is suffering _a bad cold.suffer pain/defeat/loss/damage/poverty/punisment whichmakesufferer/sfr(r)/n.受苦者;受难者;患病者is sufferingfromsuffering/sfr/n.痛苦;苦难痛苦;苦难He suffered fr

31、om poor eyesight and could no longer read properly.他视力不好,再也不能正常阅读了。Some were found alive,though they were suffering from terrible injuries.有些人被发现还活着,尽管他们受到了严重的伤。suffer.from.受.苦(+表示疾病的名词或表示造成不幸、痛苦的食物名词Etna is Europes most active volcano.埃特纳山是欧洲最活跃的火山。There are more than 100 volcanoes in Japan.日本有100

32、多处火山。例句 Violence has erupted on the streets.大街上突然发生了暴乱。An active volcano may erupt at any time.活火山随时可能喷发。同根词 eruption n.爆发;喷发;火山灰例句They are at the end _their food supply.The government decided to supply the homeless _houses.The government decided_(supply)houses_the homeless.in short suppy 供应不足 suppl

33、y and demand 供求关系 ofwith同根词 supplies-supplying-supplied-suppliedto supplyto Russia supplies the European countries with natural gas.=Russia supplies natural gas to the European countries.俄罗斯向欧盟国家输送天然气。supply ab.with sth=supply sth to sb.向某人提供某物破拆法:破拆法:hurri(迅速迅速)+cane(棍杖棍杖)助记:飓风来袭,像迅助记:飓风来袭,像迅疾的棍杖肆虐

34、着这个小镇。疾的棍杖肆虐着这个小镇。After the hurricane,many peoples homes were destroyed.飓风过后许多人的房屋被毁。例句We had a party in the open air yesterday.同根词 open n.户外;空旷例句These plants wont survive without sun.Of the six people injured in the crash,only two survived.Few buildings survived the big fire.The old lady has surviv

35、ed all her children.As far as I know,the old man _(survive)the earthquake and he was the only _(survive)of this village,but nobody knew how he _(survive).Finally,he _(survive)his wife by ten years.vi.生存vi.存活同根词 survival n.幸存 the chances of survival 存活的机会 survivor n.幸存者vt.幸免vt.比.活(或存在)的时间长survivedsur

36、vivorsurvivedsurvived词根词缀:词根词缀:sur(下下)+vive(活活):活下去:活下去生存,幸存生存,幸存例句She left the tap on and the bath ran over.The police had put a tap on his phone line.He felt a tap on his shoulder.That girl tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently.My phone is being tapped.He tapped on his desk.同根词 taps-tapping-t

37、apped-tappedn.水龙头n.窃听器n.轻拍n.轻敲vt.窃听vt.轻敲例句Water is spouting out of the pipe.水正从管子里喷出来。The workers are laying pipes under the road.工人们正在道路下面铺设管道。同根词 piper n.管道工;吹笛者例句 The whistle goes at the end of the match.He whistled to his friend to keep hidden.他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。例句 We took the emergency in our stride.

38、我们泰然地处理了紧急情况。Ring the bell in an emergency.情况紧急时请按铃。词根词缀:词根词缀:e(出出)+merg(沉沉)+ency(名词后缀名词后缀):从沉没中突然浮从沉没中突然浮出来出来突发事件。突发事件。例句 He was breathing quickly and tried _(keep)calm.In the heat of a debate he is able _(calm)himself down.搭配 stay/keep/remain calm 保持镇定 to keepto calm同根词 calmly adv.冷静地 calmness n.沉

39、着;冷静搭配 calm.down 使.平静下来辨析:辨析:calm(人)情绪镇定冷静的;(天气,海洋等)平静的quiet强调客观环境很安静或人性格文静silent强调人主观上不愿意说话still 强调没有动作,静止不动In an emergency,she is always calm.在紧急关头,她通常很冷静。The street is quiet at midnight.深夜的街道非常安静。The man is very strange and silent.这个男人非常奇怪,而且少言寡语。The still butterflies look like flowers.那些静止的蝴蝶看起来

40、像花朵。A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.在学习一种新语言时,辞典是非常有用的工具。This new medicine may aid your recovery.这种新药可以帮助你恢复健康。first aid 急救急救with the aid of 在在的帮的帮助下助下例句 The plumber lost his kit on the way home.这位水管工人在回家的路上把工具丢了。There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.每辆车

41、的行李箱内都备有工具箱。first aid kit 急救箱例句 He promptly ordered all hands on deck.他敏捷地命令所有官兵到甲板上来。同根词 hand n.手;帮助例句 A truck went out of control and crashed_the back of a bus.Many people died_the train crash.搭配 crash into 撞上;闯入 intoinMore than 170 people have died,and Many of them were swept _by the floods .She

42、was left _(sweep)up after the party.Did you sweep _the closet last night?Give the room _ good sweep.sweep away 消灭;彻底消除 sweep up 打扫;清扫 sweep out 打扫干净;收拾干净 awayto sweepouta同根词 sweeps-sweeping-swept-swept例句My mother was crying as I _(wave)goodbye to her.He waved _me when he saw me.Huge waves were break

43、ing _the shore.wave sb.goodbye=wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手道别 wave at/to sb.向某人挥手(致意)wavedaton同根词 waves-waving-waved-waved54.deliver/dlv(r)/vt.&vi.递送;传达;发表;接生递送;传达;发表;接生However,dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.然而,危险的状况和被毁坏的道路将使运送食物和供应品变得困难。Do you

44、 have your milk delivered?你的牛奶是让别人送吗?We promise to deliver within 48 hours.我们承诺在48 小时内送到。be delivered of a baby 分娩;生孩子分娩;生孩子She was delivered of a healthy boy.她生下一个健康的男孩儿。55.summary/smri/n.总结;概括;概要总结;概括;概要词根词缀:词根词缀:sum(sum(总结,概括总结,概括)+(m)ary()+(m)ary(名词后缀名词后缀):概要,:概要,总结总结in summary 总的来说总的来说In summar

45、y the two universities have some things in common.总之,那两所大学有一些共同之处。56.length/le/n.长;长度长;长度类比:类比:long a.long a.长的长的length n.length n.长度长度 strong a.strong a.强壮强壮的的strength n.strength n.力量;长处力量;长处 dead a.dead a.死亡的死亡的death n.death n.死亡死亡 wide a.wide a.宽的宽的width n.width n.宽度宽度Is the summary the proper length?摘要的长度合适吗?This room is twice the length of the kitchen.这个房间的长度是厨房的两倍。The river is 300 miles in length.这条河长 300 英里。The snake reaches a length of 100 cm.蛇长达100厘米。


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