Unit 3 Living Legend 重点单词词组讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 3Words and Phrases Learning captain 队长,船长,机长lose heart 丧失信心,泄气graceful adj.优美的,优雅的strength n.力量,体力failure n.失败,失败的人或物1 give up 放弃,投降 eg.永不放弃。Never give up.You saved my life and I want to give back to you.你救了我的生命,我要回报你。我将一些饼干分发给小孩子们。I gave out some biscuits to the children.give back 归还 give out

2、分发,耗尽 give in 屈服,交上2 compete v.2 compete v.竞争,对抗 compete with/against 与.竞争 compete for 为争取什么而竞争 compete in 参加什么比赛 eg.我与同学竞争。I compete with my classmates.我们为争取上好大学而竞争。We compete for good colleges.下个月我会参加马拉松比赛。I will compete in marathon next petitor n.竞争者,对手competition n.比赛competitive adj.有竞争力的,好竞争的3

3、make sense 3 make sense 有道理,合乎情理,表述清楚make no sense 没道理,没意义It make(no)sense that.什么是有意义或没有意义的eg.在公共场合禁止吸烟是合乎情理的。It make sense that smoking should be banned in all public.4 pretend v.4 pretend v.假装,假扮pretend to do sth 假装做某事eg.当老师进来的时候,我假装在学习。When the teacher came in,i pretended to study.even if/though

4、 即使,虽然 million num.一百万 audience n.观众,听众 positive adj.积极的,正面的,乐观的,肯定的 negative adj.否定的,消极的 slim adj.苗条的,单薄的 diet n.规定饮食,日常饮食 v.节食 go on a diet 节食5 cheat v.5 cheat v.作弊n.n.欺骗手段,骗子cheat sb.out of sth.骗取某人某物cheat on sb.对某人不忠eg.他骗了我一百万。He cheated me out of one million.This gang boss will kill the people

5、who cheat on him.这个黑帮老大会杀了对他不忠的人。6 rather adv.6 rather adv.相当,有点儿rather than 而不是would rather 宁愿eg.我希望你呆在这里而不是出去。I hope you stay here rather than go out.老实说,我宁愿明天早点起床。Be honest,i woud rather get up early tommorow.7 cut.out 7 cut.out 停止做,剪下cut across 走捷径,抄近路cut in 插嘴cut off 切下,剪下,砍下,打断cut down 砍倒,删节,削

6、减cut up 切碎eg.Tall trees cut out the sunlight.高高的树木遮住了阳光。8 compare.with/to 8 compare.with/to 与.比较comparison n.比较beyond/without compare 无与伦比make a comparison进行对比eg.这头狮子想与老虎比较速度。The lion want to compare speed with the tiger.我家乡的风景是无与伦比的。The scenery in my hometown is beyond compare.jog n.v.慢跑stress n.压力

7、,紧张,重音 v.强调,重读,焦虑 under stress在压力下 lay/place/put stress on sth.强调某事error n.错误堂测堂测cheat rather than pretend make sense captain give up campare I walk when he looked at me.He became a because he was so brave.Mom always me Tom.My motto is:Never .It that he said so many useless words.The doctor wants to save his life do nothing.He was criticize by the teacher for .pretended tocaptaincamparesgive upmake senserather thancheatingwith


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