Unit1 语言知识点(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、重点和拓展词汇1.n.辩论;争论 vt.&vi.辩论;争论 2.vi.&vt.(,)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)3.n.工作计划;日程安排 vt.安排;预定 4.n.专家;行家 adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的 5.vi.&vt.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点 quitquitquit基础自主梳理debatescheduleexpertfocus【拓展词汇】6.adj.十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的 n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年 7.n.志愿者 vt.&vi.自愿 adj.志愿的;自愿的 8.prefer vt.更喜欢;较喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择

2、其他事物)n.偏爱;爱好 volunteer基础自主梳理teenageteenagervoluntarypreference9.suit n.一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜 adj.合适的;适用的 10.n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向挑战 adj.具有挑战性的 11.confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑 adj.难以理解的;不清楚的 adj.糊涂的;迷惑的n.困惑;糊涂;混淆 suitablechallenge基础自主梳理challengingconfusingconfusionconfused12.adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的 adv.流利地 n.流利 13.vi.&vt.毕业

3、;获得学位 n.毕业生 n.毕业 _14.vt.建议;推荐;介绍 n.推荐;介绍信 _15.n.前进;发展 vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进adj.高级的;高等的;先进的_ 16.adj.负责的;有责任的 n.责任;义务 _fluentfluentlyfluencygraduategraduationrecommend基础自主梳理recommendationadvanceadvancedresponsibleresponsibility17.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还 vt.幸免于难 n.生存;幸存;幸存事物 n.幸存者 arrive-arrivalremove-removal1

4、8.vt.解决;解答 n.解决办法;答案 answer;key;ticket,entrance to.19.attract vt.吸引;引起的注意(或兴趣)adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 _tourist attraction_20.addict vt.使上瘾 n.对入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人 adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的_ adj.使人上瘾的_n.上瘾;沉溺;嗜好 _solvesolutionattractiveattraction基础自主梳理survivalsurvivoraddictedaddictiveaddiction prefervt.较喜欢prefer

5、red-preferred-preferring(1)prefer doing/to do sth宁愿做某事prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事prefer sth/doingto sth/doing 喜欢(做)而不喜欢(做)prefer to dorather than do宁愿做而不愿做have a preference for 偏爱;喜爱考点互动探究重点 单词考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空He comes from Shanghai,so he prefers rice noodles.Research has shown that having a preferen

6、ce junk food can result in obesity.H e h a d r a t h e r u n c o n v e n t i o n a l w o r k h a b i t s,(prefer)to work through the night.toforpreferringNowadays some children outdoors.(preferto)Nowadays some children outdoors.(preferrather than)Nowadays some children outdoors.(would ratherthan)如今一

7、些孩子宁可待在家里上网,也不愿意到户外进行锻炼。prefer to surf the Internet at home rather than take exercise考点互动探究 prefer surfing the Internet at home to taking exercise would rather surf the Internet at home than take exercise challengen.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向挑战(1)face the challenge 面对挑战meet the challenge迎接挑战accept/take up a ch

8、allenge 接受挑战(2)challenge sb to sth 向某人挑战某事challenge sb to do sth向某人挑战做某事(3)challenging adj.具有挑战性的考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest (challenge)facing medical researchers.This Silk Road route is a (challenge)journey,for most part of the journey will be made by bus.challen

9、geschallenging考点互动探究He came off badly when (challenge)by reporters at the press.when.while.once.if引导省略句写作步步升完成句子Although to work in Antarctica,scientists passion to learn about this mysterious land will never end.虽然在南极洲工作极具挑战性,但科学家们对于了解这片神秘土地的热情永不停歇。it is challenging考点互动探究challenged confusevt.使糊涂;使迷

10、惑confuse A with/and B 把A与B混淆be/get confused with/about对感到困惑in confusion 处于混乱状态考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空The witness confused me conflicting accounts of what had happened.To avoid (confuse),please write the childrens names clearly on all their school clothes.Many students find the experience of attending unive

11、rsity lectures to be a (confuse)and frustrating experience.withconfusionconfusing考点互动探究As teenagers grow,it is natural for them to feel (confuse)about the changing world.随着青少年长大,他们对不断变化的世界感到困惑是正常的。confused recommendvt.建议;推荐;介绍(1)recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事recommend doin

12、g 建议做 recommend that sb(should)do 建议某人做(从句用虚拟语气)(2)recommendation n.推荐;介绍信考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空I hope my (recommend)can provide some references for you and wish you a delightful journey in China.He recommended (read)the book before seeing the movie.Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye examinatio

13、n (take)at the age of six months old.recommendationreading(should)be taken考点互动探究I recommend you to think very carefully before you make any decision.I recommend that before you make any decision.(用宾语从句改写)you(should)think very carefully考点互动探究 advancen.前进;发展 v.前进;促进;发展in advance 在前;预先,提前make advances

14、in(=advance in)在方面取得进步/进展advance on/towards朝前进考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空There have been great(advance)in modern medicine in the last ten years.This restaurant is usually full at mealtimes,so youd better reserve a table advance.They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the(advance)te

15、chnology.advancesinadvanced考点互动探究It is confirmed that the date of the meeting from Friday to Monday.已证实,会议日期已经从星期五提前到了星期一。has been advanced schedulen.工作计划;日程安排 vt.安排;预定ahead of schedule(=ahead of time)(进度上)提前on schedule(=on time)准时behind schedule(=behind time)(进度上)滞后be scheduled for 定于;为安排时间be sched

16、uled to do sth 计划/安排做某事as scheduled 如期;按照预定时间考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have flexible(schedule)to make it easier to care for their children.Open to under 14s,the competition is scheduled _ July 3 and 5.The train is scheduled (arrive)at 8:45,but its running twenty mi

17、nutes late.schedulesfor考点互动探究 to arrive attractvt 吸引,引起的注意(或兴趣)attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意attract sb/sth to 使受吸引/诱惑be attracted to 被所吸引;迷恋考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空The old temple on the top of the hill,said to have been constructed in the Song Dynasty,is a popular tourist (attract).A city is like any produ

18、ct;it has to be packaged properly to be(attract)to the consumer.Jaws was a great success,(attract)huge audiences and winning many awards.attractiveattraction考点互动探究attracting by the beautiful of the piano music,the audience almost forgot to applaud when the pianist finally finished it.Attracted focus

19、vi.&vt.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点(1)focus on 集中注意力于 focus/concentrate/fix ones attention(mind,efforts,etc.)on集中注意力于(2)the focus of sth的焦点考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空It is difficult to cover all aspects in a single article,so (focus)on one specific topic is a better choice.The proper Western dinner at a fine

20、 restaurant is one of manners,_ focus)on conversation.While rock-climbing,you need to remain very _(focus)so that you wont make any dangerous errors.focusingfocusing考点互动探究focusedHe stood before the crowd,feeling very uneasy as all the eyes_ him.He stood before the crowd,feeling very uneasy with all

21、the eyes him.were focused on focused on addictn.对入迷的人吸毒成瘾的人 vt.使沉溺,使上瘾addict oneself to sth沉溺于be/become/get addicted to sth/doing sth沉迷于;专心做考点互动探究【活学活用】单句填空Someone who has a bad habit or an addiction alcohol needs to get help from a treatment centre.He got(addict)to chatting and playing e-games on the Net,which made his father feel blue.The parents felt helpless when they found their son hopelessly(addict)himself to love stories for long.addictedto考点互动探究addictingSome experts believe that the students,once addicted(addict)to computer games,will probably lose opportunities of progressing.


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