Unit 3 Words and Language points (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 The InternetWords and Expressions红色的词块红色的词块与词块音频一致,必须抄写到单词与词块音频一致,必须抄写到单词表对应单词的位置。表对应单词的位置。1.与某人聊天与某人聊天 chat with sb.2.convenient(adj.)-(n.)-(adv.)convenience对某人来说做某事很方便对某人来说做某事很方便 its convenient for sb.to do sth.为了方便起见为了方便起见 for convenience在某人方便的时候在某人方便的时候 at sbs convenienceconvenientlyI dec

2、ided to pay a visit to her at her_(convenienct)convenience3.以现金支付以现金支付 pay in cash5.网上冲浪网上冲浪 surf the internetbenificial6.benifit(v&n.)_(adj.)得益于得益于 benifit from 为了为了.的利益的利益 for the benefit of 对某人对某人/某事有利某事有利 be of benefit to sb./sth.对对.有好处有好处 be benificial to4.困住;陷于困住;陷于 be stuck in当地村民会从这个新的政策中受益。

3、当地村民会从这个新的政策中受益。The local villagers will_ _ the new policy.The new policy will _ _ _ the local villagers.benefit 8.inspire(v.)_(adj.)_(n.)激励某人做某事 inspire sb.to do sth.inspiring_(inspire)by her brother,she decided to try to realise her dream.from be beneficial toinspirationInspired7.在远处在远处 in the dis

4、tance9.拥有拥有.的机会;可以进入的机会;可以进入 have/gain/get access to .来说是可使用的来说是可使用的 be accessible to 10.度过一段艰难的时光度过一段艰难的时光 go through a tough time(时间时间)流逝流逝 go by复习复习 go over上涨;上升上涨;上升 go up 11.运转良好运转良好 function well 起起.作用;具有作用;具有.功能功能 functionas serve.as./act.as./work.as 12.打折打折 at a discount打九折打九折10%discount Wil

5、l you sell the coats_ a discount.13.account(n.账户;描述账户;描述/v.认为认为)因为因为,由于由于 on account of at对对负有责任;对负有责任;对做出解释;说明做出解释;说明的原因的原因account for 14.rude(adj.)-(adj.)-(n.)Onrudelyrudness对某人无礼对某人无礼 be rude to sb.是是的原因的原因 account for 绝不绝不 on no account(放句首,部分倒装)把把.考虑在内考虑在内 take into account _ no account _ no ac

6、count will I will I give in to the give in to the difficulty.difficulty.某人做某事是粗鲁的某人做某事是粗鲁的 its rude of sb.to do sth.15.实现一个目标实现一个目标 achieve a target打中打中/错过目标错过目标 hit/miss the target针对;目标是针对;目标是 be targeted at 16.对对挑剔挑剔 be particular about尤其;特别尤其;特别 in particular17.对对烦恼烦恼 be upset about做某事使某人感到心烦做某事使

7、某人感到心烦 It upsets/upset sb.to do sth.让某人感到心烦的是让某人感到心烦的是 It upsets/upset sb.that.18.对对.熟悉熟悉 be familiar with sth.为为.所熟悉所熟悉 be familiar to sb.19.如果;万一如果;万一 in case万一万一;如果发生;假设;如果发生;假设 in case of决不决不 in no case(置句首,部倒)He is a new singer and most people are not familiar _ him.The Internet is not familiar

8、_ the local villagers.withtoU3 Language Points1.There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.本句是复合句。本句是复合句。h how the Internet has made our lives more convenient是宾语从句;telling us.是动词-ing形式短语做后置定语,修饰articles.This is a new book explaining how to keep health

9、y.There are some boys playing football on the playground.There was a note_(read),“Dont miss the meeting!”reading2.Now that he works and can take care of himself,his daughter has time to study at university.本句是复合句。本句是复合句。now that引导原因状语从句,意为引导原因状语从句,意为“既然既然”,相当,相当于于since。你既然知道他生病了,就应该去看看她。你既然知道他生病了,就应

10、该去看看她。_ _ _ _ _ _ _,you should go to see him._ _ _ _ _ _,you should go to see him.Now that you know he is ill Since you know he is ill 3.However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.本句为本句为“the+比较级比较级.,the+比较级比较级”结构,意为结构,意为“越越.,.,就就越越.”。你越小心,你犯的错误就会越少。你越小心,你犯的错误就会越少。_ _

11、careful you are,_ _ mistakes you will make.你讲得越多,你的英语就会变得越好。你讲得越多,你的英语就会变得越好。_ _ you speak,_ _ your English will become.The more the fewer The more the better chat with sb.its convenient for sb.to do sth.for convenience at sbs convenience pay in cash be stuck in surf the internet benefit from for th

12、e benefit of be of benefit to sb./sth.与某人聊天 对某人来说做某事很方便 为了方便起见 在某人方便的时候 以现金支付 困住;陷于 网上冲浪 得益于 为了.的利益 对某人/某事有利 in the distance inspire sb.to do sth.have/gain/get access to go through a tough time function well at a discount 10%discount on account of account for 在远处 激励某人做某事 拥有.的机会;可以进入 度过一段艰难的时光 运转良好 打折 打九折 因为,由于 对负有责任;对做出解释;说明的原因 be rude to sb.its rude of sb.to do sth.achieve a target be particular about be upset about be familiar with sth.be familiar to sb.in case in case of in no case 对某人无礼 某人做某事是粗鲁的 实现一个目标 对挑剔 为.烦恼 对.熟悉 为.所熟悉 如果,万一 万一;如果发生;假设 决不


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