2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music Born in America讲义 外研版选修7.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 4 Music Born in America 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一 )阅读词汇写其义 1 nickname n 绰号 2 species n (动物或植物的 )种 3 export vt. 出口 4 brilliant adj. 聪颖的;才华横溢的 5 career n. 生涯;经历 6 relativity n. 相对论 (二 )表达词汇写其形 1 publish vt. 出版 2 breakthrough n. 突破 3 support vt. 支持 4 replace vt. 取代;以?代替 5 victim n. 受害者 6

2、escape vi. 逃跑;逃避 7 straight adj. 直的 8 clear vi. (烟雾 )消散 9 quantity n. 数量 10 quality n. 质量 (三 )拓展词汇灵活用 *1.producer n生产者;制造商 produce vt.& vi.生产 production n产量;生产product n产品 *2.educate vt.教育 education n教育 educator n教育工作者 3.agriculture n农业 agricultural adj.农业的 *4.original adj.原来的;最初的 origin n起源 originat

3、e vi.起源 5.export vt.出口 (反义词 )import vt.进口 *6.graduate vi.毕业 n毕业生 graduation n毕业 7.personal adj.个人的 personally adv.就个人来说 personality n个性;人格 *8.brief adj.简短的;简洁的 briefly adv.简短地;简洁地 9.physical adj.身体的 physically adv.身体上;身体上地 10.explode vi.爆炸 explosion n爆炸;爆炸声 用上面标注 *的单词的正确形式填空 1 This word originated f

4、rom a Latin word and the original meaning is quite different from what it is today.(original) 2 Though she explained the topic briefly,_we still learned a lot from her brief words.(brief) 3 After graduation,_he is one of the graduates who have graduated this year and are looking for a job.(graduate)

5、 4 This factory produces computers. Its producer is very optimistic about the production and sale.(produce) 5 The government is attaching more importance to educating the younger generation. In a sense, it is the duty of every educator to do what they can for the cause of education of China.(educate

6、) 话题单词积累 1 character/krIkt?/ n 品质,性格 2 outgoing/a?t?I?/ adj. 爱交际的;外向的 3 independent/?IndIpend?nt/ adj. 独立的 【 精品教育资源文库 】 4 courage/k?rId?/ n. 勇气;胆量 5 reliable/rIlaI?b(?)l/ adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的 6 determined/dIt?mInd/ adj. 坚定的 7 diligent/dIlId?(?)nt/ adj. 勤奋的 8 measure/me?/ v. 测量 9 observe/?bz?v/ v. 观察;监视;

7、观测 10 explore/Ikspl?/ v. 探测;勘探 11 solve/s?lv/ vt. 解决;解答 12 simplify/sImplIfaI/ vt. 使简化;使简易 13 equip/IkwIp/ vt. 提供设备; 装备;配备 14 create/kri?eIt/ vt. 创造;造成 15 invent/Invent/ vt. 发明;创造 16 inspire/InspaI?/ vt. 鼓舞;激励 17 research/rIs?t?/ n. 研究;调查 18 curious/kj?rI?s/ adj. 好奇的;奇异的 19 accurate/kj?r?t/ adj. 精确的

8、 20 personality/p?s?nlItI/ n. 性格;个性 21 quality/kw?lItI/ n. 质量;品质 22 thoughtful/ ?tf?l/ adj. 考虑周到的 23 intelligence/IntelId?ns/ n. 智力;才智;智慧 24 attitude/tItju?d/ n. 态度;看法 25 patient/peI?(?)nt/ adj. 耐心的 26 confident/k?nfId?nt/ adj. 自信的 27 optimistic/?ptImIstIk/ adj. 乐观的 28 reasonable/ri?z(?)n?b(?)l/ adj

9、. 合乎情理的 29 flexible/fleksIb(?)l/ adj. 灵活的;可变通的 二积短语顿挫 抑扬 课内短语回扣 (一 )根据汉语写出下列短语 *1.bring_up 培养;养育 *2.bring_in 引进;赚得 3.as_a_result_of 由于?的结果 *4.carry_out 实施;履行 *5.earn_ones_living 谋生 e_to/into_power 掌权 7.convert_._into_. 把?转化为? 8._attach_to 把?系在?上;附上;连接 *9.the/a_key_to_(doing)_sth. (做 )某事的关键 10.experi

10、ment_with 对?进行实验 【 精品教育资源文库 】 11.be_known_for 因?而出名 /闻名 12.be_diagnosed_with 被诊断出 (二 )用上面标注 *的短语完成下列句子 1 As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family, brought_up in Americas crowded apartment, Id spent several years searching for aloneness. 2 His confident words have cleared up our doubts about how the p

11、lan will be carried_out. 3 The sale of the companys new product is good. It has brought_in two million dollars so far. 4 Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock.In fact, the_key_to easy morning wakeup lies in resetting your body clock.(2017?全国卷 ) 5

12、Some uneducated and unskilled people earn_their_living by doing manual labor (体力活 ) 话题短语积累 1 be independent of 独立于 2 be active in 某方面很积极 3 have a talent/gift for 有?才能 4 be skilled in 在?方面熟练 5 be qualified for 适合;胜任 6 be responsible for 对?负责 7 together with 和?一起 8 devote oneself to 致力于;专注于 9 further

13、education 进修;继续教育 10 be known as 作为?而出名 11 lay a solid foundation for 为?打下坚实的基础 12 graduate from 毕业于 13 be disappointed at sb. 对某人失望 14 show love and concern for sb. 爱护和关心某人 15 be confident of sth./in sb. 对某事 /某人有信心 三积句式写作扮靓 课内句式仿写 1 It is/was过去分词 that . 例句 In Stephen Hawkings case it was discovered

14、 that he was a brilliant scientist. 仿写 据说身体语言占第一印象的 55%,而你说的话只占 7%。 (2015?福建高考单选 ) It_is_said_that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent. 2 keep宾语宾语补足语 例句 The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straig

15、ht direction. 仿写 很抱歉让你等了三个小时。 I am sorry for having kept_you_waiting for three hours. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 3现在分词短语作结果状语 例句 Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut? 仿写 亨利?克雷?弗里克是纽约的一位富豪,于 1919 年去世,他把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品留给 了美国人民。 Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, lea

16、ving_his_house,_furniture_and_art collection_to_the_American_people. 话题佳句背诵 1 He is always welcomed because he dresses well and behaves gracefully, considerately and politely, giving others a good impression. 他穿戴得体并且举止文雅、礼貌周到,能给别人留下好的印象,所以他总是受欢迎。 2 She was quite optimistic and energetic, which broug

17、ht me a lot of happiness and courage. I learned something precious from her belief in life. 她非常乐观且有活力,这给我带来了许多快乐和勇气。我从她身上学到了一些宝贵的东西 要对生活有信心。 3 Tu Youyou, a great Chinese woman scientist, devotes herself to scientific research and makes great contributions in the field of medicine. 屠呦呦,中国一位伟大的女科学家,致力

18、于科学研究并在医学领域做出了巨大贡献。 四背语段语感流畅 Qian Xuesen was born in December 1911, Shanghai. After graduating from Shanghai Jiaotong University, he went to America for further education in MIT, which laid a solid foundation for his later career. The moment he returned to China in 1955, he devoted himself to the re

19、search into developing rockets. With great efforts, he made breakthrough together with other top scientists in this field years later. Known as the father of Chinas space program, Qian Xuesen was one of the most brilliant scientists in China. 钱学森 1911 年 12 月出生于上海。从上海交通大学毕业后,他去美国麻省理工大学深造,这为他后来的职业生涯打下

20、了坚实的基础。 1955 年他一 回国,就致力于火箭研制的研究中。通过不懈努力,多年后他和其他顶级科学家一起在这个领域取得了突破。钱学森作为“中国航天之父”而著名,他是中国最杰出的科学家之一。 第一板块 重点词汇突破 师生共研词汇 1 support vt.& n支持;拥护;支撑;供养 教材原句 The research was supported by the government. 这项研究得到了政府的支持。 (1)support sb.in sth. 在某方面支持某人 support a (ones) family/oneself 养家糊口 /自力更生 (2)come to ones support 来支持某人 with ones support 在某人的支持下 in support of 支持;拥护


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