2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges预习案 外研版必修4.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges (主题语境 :人与自然 自然界之美 ) .课标单词 在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 Practicemakesperfect. 话题必记单词 1.woodn.(常作复数 )树林 2.flatadj.平坦的 3.colleaguen.同事 4.goodsn.货物 5.tradevi.做生意 ;交换 ;交易 n.贸易 ;交易 ;行业 6.viewn.景色 ;风景 阅读识记单词 1.peak n.山顶 ;山峰 2.plain n.平原 adj.朴素的 3.slope n.斜坡 4.hilly ad

2、j.多山的 ;丘陵起伏的 5.cruise n.(乘游轮的 )漫游 ;巡航 6.cabin n.船舱 ;机舱 7.lounge n.休息室 ;休息厅 8.pin n.别针 v.钉住 ,别住 构织连脉词族 1.surroundvt.围绕 ;环绕 surroundingadj.周围的 surroundingsn.周围环境 2.narrowvi.变狭窄 adj.狭窄的 narrowlyadv.勉强地 ;狭窄地 ;严密地 3.distantadj.遥远的 distancen.距离 4.exploitvt.开发 ;利用 exploitationn.开发 ;利用 5.forbidvt.禁止 过去式 :fo

3、rbad/forbade 过去分词 :forbidden forbiddingadj.冷峻的 ;令人生畏的 6.mountainousadj.多山的 mountainn.山 7.variedadj.多变化的 varyv.变化 ;使多样化 varietyn.种类 variousadj.各种各样的 8.spotn.地点 ;场所 vt.(使 )产生污渍 ;认出 ;用灯光照射 spotlessadj.洁 白无瑕的 ,非常洁净的 ;无缺点的 9.naturallyadv.自然地 naturaladj.自然的 ;自然界的 naturen.自然界 语用规律归纳 ?“ 形容词 +-ly” 构成的抽象副词 na

4、rrow 狭窄的 narrowly 勉强地 wide 宽的 widely 广泛地 high 高的 highly 高度地 deep深的 deeply 深刻地 ;深深地 large大的 largely 大量地 ;主要地 ?多彩的 “ 风景 ” view:主要指从某处看到的东西或景象 ,有时也指自然美景 ,常构成 a.viewof.搭配 。 sight 可指景象 ;也指名胜 ,常用复数。 scene 指情景 ,这时与 sight 相同 ,也指动静都有的景象。 scenery 指纯静的自然风景。 语境活用 1.With high mountains surrounding it,the village

5、 is cut off from its surrounding communities.(surround) 2.Naturally children are curious to explore nature and want to discover natural secrets.(nature) 3.The students were forbidden to go out at night in the school.(forbid) 4.People in mountainous regions see lots of mountains as a common sight in

6、their life.(mountain) 5.The man is always distant towards his neighbors,so his neighbors often keep 【 精品教育资源文库 】 him at a distance.(distant) . 课标短语 从 表 面 理 解 到 深 层 延 伸 从 拓 展 中 抓 其 规 律 Observationisthebestteacher. 1.fourweeksoff 四周的假期 2.atleast 至少 3.gothrough 穿过 ;经历 4.beheavywith 有大量的? 5.inthedistan

7、ce 远处的 6.getakickoutof 从?中得到乐趣 7.describe.as.把?描述为? 8.all the way 一路上 ;自始至终 9.be around 存在 语境活用 1.Shes completely homeless; atleast I have my parents to fall back on. 2.Some people getakickoutof racing cars. 3.The New Year is coming.The air isheavywith joy and smell of fireworks. . 重点句型 从 教 材 中 探 求

8、高 考 脉 动 从 仿 写 中 熟 练 运 用 Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart. 领悟教材语境 1.He and a colleague weretospend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. 他和一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。 (教材 Page 42) 要点提炼 be to do 表示将来时。 2.We could seethesunsetting behind the white pagoda. 我们目睹太阳在白塔后西沉。 (教材 Page

9、 42) 要点提炼 see sb/sth doing sth 看到?正在做某事。 3.Onadistantmountainwasasign in 20-foot characters. 远山上写着 20 英尺见方的高考写作情景 那一天 ,我打算去参观当地的动物园。 I wastovisit the local zoo that day. 刚才 ,我经过操场时 ,看到李华正在踢足球。 IsawLiHuaplayingfootballontheplaygroundwhenIpassedbyjustnow. 在大树下有个小男孩躺在那里。 Under a big tree lay/liesasmall

10、boy. 他离开了办公室 ,眼里含着泪水。 He left the office,tearsineyes. 只要你学习英语的方法得当 ,就能学好英语。 You can learn English well onlyif you have a good way. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 汉字。 (教材 Page 42) 要点提炼全部倒装句。方位副词或介词短语置于句首 ,该句用全部倒装。 4.Nearly 100 million people live here,mostofthemintheeast. 差不多一亿人口住在此地 ,绝大多数住在东部。 (教材Page 48) 要点提炼 “ 名词

11、/代词 +补足语 ” 独立主格结构。 5.Im allowed to stick one in onlyif Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours. 只有待在一个地方超过 24小时我才能钉一个图钉。 (教材 Page 49) 要点提炼 only if 引导条件状语从句 , 意为 “ 只有? ” 。 .语篇 旧材新用探究根源 Killtwobirdswithonestone. 话题与语篇填空 Peter and a colleague were 1.tohave (have)four weeks off.So they decided to hav

12、e a trip along the Three Gorges.The trip is as follows:They decided to buy tickets 2.for the Jiangyou boat.They just had to show their passports.The sun was shining 3.brightly (bright)as they sailed downstream through a hilly region.They slept through the Qutang Gorge,which 4.narrows (narrow)to 350

13、feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains. At Wuhan they made 5.a detour up the 话题与短文改错 In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every a country in the world, three.And everywhere he goes,he sends a postcard.He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view,and st

14、icks an interesting stamp.Usually he writes just a short message to himself.His one,from the Malvinas islands,reads 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Daning River.As they came out of the Xiling Gorge,they sailed into the 6.construction (construct)site of the dam.All the passengers came on deck.They took 7.pictures(pict

15、ure) and pointed at the site,but they werent allowed to get 8. off the boat.On a distant mountain 9.was(be)a sign in 20-foot characters.“Build the Three Gorges Dam,10.Exploit (exploit)the Yangtze River,” it said. Goodfishing. On a wall in his home in London there a large map of the world.There are of little red pins in it.“Its good to get a pin in the map,”says Mr.McCorquodale.“but I the rules.Im allowed to stick one in only if Ive been in a place more than 24 hours.” -温馨提示: - 本文档仅为 【 全套资料之一 】 ,欢迎点击下方按钮链接,下载全套资料! 请点此到 下载本文全套资料


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