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1、Unit 5 单词用法1.strange strend adj.奇特的;奇怪的;stranger-the strangest【拓展】stranger n.陌生人 strangely adv.奇怪地(2)adj.陌生的,不熟悉的 我对这个地方一点都不陌生。The place isnt strange to me at all.2.suddenly sdnli adv.突然,忽然(1)suddenly adv.突然,忽然(指发生得快且出乎意料)可用于句首,句中,句尾(2)sudden adj./n.突然的;突然发生的事 all of a sudden 突然地,只可用于句首或句尾修饰句子When t

2、he rainstorm suddenly came,what were you doing?=When the rainstorm came all of a sudden,what were you doing?3.beginbgn v.开始(began-begun-beginning)begin to do/doing sth=start to do/doing sth.开始做某事 begin with 以.开始 to begin with 首先 ;起初【拓展】beginning n.开始;开端beginner n.初学者 at the beginning of 在.开始我正在等公交这时

3、开始下起了雨。I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily.让我们以一个有趣的故事开始本节课。Lets begin the class with a funny story.4.heavily hevli adv.在很大程度上;大量地 heavy adj.重的(反light轻的);大量的heavily adv.在很大程度上;大量地;沉重地;沉闷地该词可表示“雨雪”下得很大。rain/snow heavily 雨/雪下得大外面雪下得正大。Its snowing heavily outside.We had to put off t

4、he sports meeting because of the heavy rain.5.pick up(1)接电话 I called you,but you didnt pick up.(2)捡起,拾起 I picked up a wallet on my way home.(3)开车接某人 I will pick you up at the airport.(4)学到,获得 He was picking up the skills quickly注意:如果是代词,必须放在该短语中间 eg.pick it up7.light ai(1)n.灯;光,光线 可数名词 lights外面没有光亮,

5、感觉就像半夜一样。With no light outside,it felt like midnight.请把灯打开。Please turn on lights.(2)v.点燃 light-lit-lit 或者light-lighted-lighted(lighted可用作形容词 点燃的 a lighted candle 点燃的蜡烛)light up 点亮;照亮 light up ones life照亮某人的生活(3)adj.轻的(反heavy);浅色的;明亮的(反义词都是dark)我想买那件浅蓝的衬衣。I want to buy the light blue shirt.8.report r

6、pt v.&n.报道 词形变化reporter n.记者常考短语It is/was reported that 据报道 真题例句据说我们100年后将没有煤炭和石油可以使用。It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.8.report v.报道;公布(2)可数名词 报道;报告make a report 作报告 a weather reporter 一则天气预报9.work work v.运转;发挥作用;工作 药不起作用。The medicine doesnt work.work有其它的意思:表示“工作”,

7、是不可数名词:他要做的工作太多。He has too much work to do.表示“著作”或“作品”,是可数名词,但多用复数:He has read many of Hemingways works.10.windwndn.风词汇拓展windy adj.有风的经典例句我们被鼓励使新能源,比如风能。We are encouraged to use new powers like wind power.11.woodwd n.木头,木词形变化wooden adj.木制的经典例句纸是由木头制成的。Paper is made from wood.a piece of wood 一根木头 The

8、 chair is made of wood.这把椅子是木头做的。(看得出原材料)Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。(看不出原材料)12.against 倚;碰;撞 表示“反对”,其反义词为 for。若表示“强烈反对”,一般用副词 strongly:be against(doing)sth反对(做)某事 fight against 对抗 你对这个计划是赞成还是反对呢?Are you for or against the plan?表示位置,意为“靠着”、“顶着”、等:老师的办公桌靠墙放着。The teachers desk is against the wall

9、.雨猛烈地敲打着窗户。The rain is beating heavily against the windows.现在越来越多人反对吃野生动物。These days more and more people are against eating wild animals.13.at first 起初;首先at first 是介词短语,在句中作状语,相当于in/at the beginnin其反义词是at last,“最终;终于”。at first,first of all&first的区别at first 起初;起先。表示时间上的先后。first of all 首先;第一。一般表达的是内容

10、中最重要的一点first 第一,首先。表示要做的事情的先后顺序中的第一步14.match mt n.火柴;比赛 v.匹配(1)柴;比赛 可数名词 matcheswin/lose the football match 赢得/输了足球赛(2)v.匹配 match.with.把.和.匹配起来把图片和字母搭配起来。真题例句Match the pictures with the letters.你对对战9班的这场的篮球比赛有信心吗?Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9?15.beatbit v.敲打;打败(对手)词形变化

11、过去式:beat;过去分词:beaten beat 与win 的区别 beat“打赢”“战胜”,打败(人或团队)用于比赛时,后接宾语是战胜对手,表示“赢了某人我们肯定会赢他们。We are sure to beat them.win“赢得;获胜”,比赛;竞赛;奖励等,而不是参加比赛的对手。我们赢得了篮球赛。We won the basketball game.他很强大,没有人能够打败他。He is so strong.No one can beat him.12.asleep slip adj.睡着的sleep v.睡觉;sleepy adj.困倦的asleep adj.睡着的,只作表语 fa

12、ll asleep 入睡 sleeping adj.睡着的,与睡觉相关的,作定语 睡袋 a sleeping bag sleepy adj.困倦的,作表语或定语 feel sleepy感到困倦的她睡的太熟了。she was very deeply _.asleep13.rise raz v.增加,提高过去式:rose;过去分词:risen vi.后不需要加名词 升起;(工资)增加;(价格)提高;太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(2)raise vt.后需要加名词 举起;抬起;募捐 -raised rais

13、edraise money for homeless people 为无家可归的人筹钱raise your hand 举手If you have questions,please raise your hand.14.fallen :adj.倒下的,落下的 fall v.落下;跌倒;倒塌fall-fell-fallen sb./sth.fall down.某人摔倒;某物倒塌 sb./sth.fall down from sth.=sb./sth.fall off sth.某人/物从摔下里,掉下来到处都是被风吹到的树,破了的窗户和垃圾。Fallen trees,broken windows an

14、d rubbish were everywhere.Look,therere many leaves falling off/falling down from the trees.15.apart adv.相距;分离;分开 adj.分离的 take apart 拆开;拆卸apart from除了.外(还有)=besides;除了.之外(没有)=except for虽然这场暴风雨破坏了很多东西,但它把家人和邻居的距离拉更近了。Although the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and neighbors closer t

15、ogether.她跟家人分开住。She lives apart from her family.除了英语外,他还要学日语。Apart from English,he has to study Japanese.除了打电脑游戏外,他没有坏习惯了。Apart from playing computer games,he has no bad habits.17.icy ai adj.覆盖着冰的,冰冷的 icy-icier-iciest 【拓展】ice n.冰因为前一天的大雪路上结了冰。The road was icy because of the heavy snow from the night

16、 before.这条路结了冰。This is an icy road.There is lots of ice on this road.18.realize rlaiz v.理解;领会;认识到(1)v.理解;领会;认识到(不用于进行时态和被动语态)realize sth.意识到某事-realize his mistakerealize 宾从(that,5W1H)意识到凯特意识到她的包还在家里。Kate realized(her)her bag was still at home.很快我意识到他是在骗我。Soon I realized that he was lying to e to rea

17、lize 逐渐意识到,渐渐认识到Sb.realize/achieve ones dream.实现梦想 =make ones dream come trueWe should study hard to realize/achieve my dream.=We should study hard to make my dream come true.19.silencesalns n.沉默,无声词形变化 silent adj.沉默的常考短语 in silence 无声(句末,作状语)=silently adv.沉默地该词为副词短语,是in+n.的结构。修饰动词 keep silent保持沉默 真

18、题例句学生们无声地坐下了。The students sat down silently/in silence.在那之后,我父母没有说话,我们默默地吃完了剩下的晚餐。My parents didnt talk after that,and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence/silently.沉默是金。Silence is gold.20.truthtru n.实情,事实词形变化true adj.真实的 truly adv.真实地 tell the truth 说出实情a true story 一个真实的故事A good friend tr

19、uly cares about me.tell(sb.)the truth (和某人)说出实情 to tell the truth 老实说(作插入语,位于句首)真题例句 他们通过做许多科学实验找出了真相。They found out the truth by doing a lot of scientific experiment.21.die down v.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 die of死于(内因)die from死于(外因)die out 灭绝 大约凌晨三点风逐渐变弱时他终于睡着了。He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down a

20、t 3:00 am.The loud music died down after the teacher came.22.make ones way to 前往,费力地向 lose ones way 迷路-get/be lostby the way 随便说一声,随便问一下(插入语,改变话题时用)on the/ones way(to)在去的途中on the way to school/the office 在去学校/邮局的路上 on the way home在回家的路上in the/ones way 挡路;妨碍(某人)in this way 这样,以这种方式凯特还在前往学校的路上。Kate wa

21、s still making her way to pletely kmpli:tadv.完全地;彻底地由complete+ly 构成。complete adj.完整的,完全的,彻底的complete还可以作动词,意为“完成,使完满;填写我父母都很震惊。My parents were completely shocked.你完全正确。You are completely right.Luckily,we completed the work on time.24.shock (1)n.震惊;震动 可数名词 shocks(2)v.使震惊;使震动 shocksshockedshockingshoc

22、ked adj.惊愕的,受惊吓的(可做定/表语)be shocked at sb./sth.对感到震惊 be shocked to do sth.震惊地去做某事 be shocked by 是被动语态的惯用搭配,被震惊他们对我的建议感到震惊。They were shocked at my advice.我们听到这个坏消息很震惊。We are very shocked to hear the bad news.25.recently ri:sntli adv.最近,不久前 -more recently更近一些用于过去式。He came to see me recently.多用于完成时态中。I

23、havent seen him recently.recent adj.最近的-in recent years最近几年里最近几年,中国变化很大。Eg.In recent years,China has changed a lot.这本书是最近出版的。The book was published recently.26.take down(1)拆掉,拆除,拆卸更近一些,绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。More recently,most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Cent

24、er in New York was taken down by terrorists.(2)写下,记录下=write downPlease take down my phone number.(3)往下拽 Please take down you T-shirt.请把你T恤往下拽。26.terroristterrist恐怖分子 可数名词 terroriststerror 恐怖;惊恐 不可数名词terrorism n.恐怖主义27.date ei n.日期;日子;约会 up to date 最近的,最新的 out of date 过时的,过期的have a date with sb.和某人约会

25、(1)询问日期的句型:Whats the date today?今天几号?-Its January 16th.(2)询问星期的句型:What day is it today?今天周几?-Its Monday.(3)询问日期又询问星期的句型:(几号星期几)Whats today?今天几号,星期几?Its Monday,January 16th.28.Go off (闹钟)发出响声go off 离开例如:他今天早上早早地离开了。He went off early this morning.go off (食物,饮料)变质,变坏例如:冰箱里的牛奶变质了。The milk in the fridge

26、goes off.go off (电灯)熄灭;(电)中断例如:灯突然灭了。Suddenly,the lights go off.29.begin bgin v.开始;同义词为:startbegin的过去式为:began;过去分词为:begun常见短语搭配 to begin with 首先,起初 begin with 以.开始 begin to do sth=begin doing sth 开始做某事 at the beginning of 在.的开端 30.make sure 确保,确认;查明。常见用法如下:make sure+(that)从句 确保.make sure of(doing)sth.确保(做)某事当我们在网上看到一则新闻时,在转发给他人之前最好确保它是真实的。When we read a piece of news online,wed better make sure to its true before sending it to others.


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