2019版高三英语一轮复习 课时提能练6 Module 2 No Drugs 外研版必修2.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 2 No Drugs (限时: 35 分钟 ) (对应学生用书第 311 页 ) . 阅读理解 (2017 湖南十三校联考 )With fast food and convenience at our fingertips on every corner and at every turn, it is becoming increasingly hard to stay in shape.Staying healthy has been more and more difficult for many of the common people.To

2、oppose this we would like to arm you with four ways of staying healthy and feeling great. You really are what you eat. Its true, and theres no way around it.You cant be sitting there staring at that plate of fried chicken, hoping that you will feel amazed later in the day.We have to be in reality ab

3、out what we eat.If we are putting dead and fried food in our bellies, what is going to come out is exhausted energy and illness. Enjoy the sun. Enjoy the sunshine, or the wind or cold for that matter.In other words, get outside.Take a walk.Do it every single day.You dont have to be doing intense and

4、 heavy runs day in and day out, but you do need to be moving. You see, a healthy metabolism (新陈代谢 ) will only come from an active lifestyle.Those who have a sedentary living, sitting in office chairs or hardly moving, will have bodies adapted to that lifestyle.But if your body thinks that it needs t

5、o burn, then it will get in the habit of burning. Shop around the outside of the grocery store. This is becoming more and more of a popular saying among health food advocates.The inner passages are far more likely to be filled with preservatives(防腐剂 ) and chemicals to keep those boxed and packaged f

6、oods fresh for long periods of time.Yet eating fresh fruits, vegetables, unprocessed meats and so forth will keep nutrientdense foods going through your body.The more living items you consume, the more help they will be able to be to your immune system and your total body health. Water. Yes, simply

7、and without end, water.You need this for every single function that your body performs.When you get up in the morning, before you put anything else on 【 精品教育资源文库 】 your tongue, drink a quart or two.Build up the amount you consume each day.An option for water instead of other pickmeups.Day by day yo

8、ur body will realize that you are going to be more thoroughly hydrating, and it will keep you feeling healthy as you can be. 【语篇解读】 随着触手可及的快餐以及便捷舒适的生活方式越来越普及 , 现在的人们想保持身材已并非易事;对于大多数普通人来说 , 保持健康也变得愈加困难 , 本文就如何保持健康给出了一些建议。 1 According to the author, what makes it difficult to keep healthy? A People ar

9、e too busy to take exercise. B Our life becomes more and more convenient. C People are used to living a lazy life. D The stores are around our houses. B 考查推理判断。 根据第一段第一、二句“ With fast food and convenience at our fingertips on every corner.it is becoming increasingly hard to stay in shape.Staying heal

10、thy has been more and more difficult.” 可知 , 由于人们生活中的便利舒适越来越多 , 减少了活动量 , 从而导致健康水平也在下降。故选 B 项。 2 When is the best time to drink water? A After getting up in the morning. B After finishing your lunch. C Before going to bed. D After breakfast. A 考查细节理解。根据 Water 部分的 “When you get up in the morning, befor

11、e you put anything else on your tongue, drink a quart or two.” 可知 , 最好在早上起床后喝水。故选 A 项。 3 What is the best title for the passage? A We are what we eat B Tips for staying healthy C Its better to shop around D Water is very important for our body B 考查主旨大意。根据第一段最后一句以及下文中的几点建议可知 , 本文是针对如何保持健康给出的几条建议。故选 B

12、 项。 .阅读七选五 【 精品教育资源文库 】 (2017 湖南十三校联考 )Every culture has its own unwritten list of behavior that is acceptable.Every society also has its taboos, or types of behavior that are considered a violation of good manners. The word taboo comes from the Tongan language and is used in modern English to desc

13、ribe verbal and nonverbal behavior that is forbidden or to be avoided. 1 They tend to be specific to a culture or country, and usually form around a groups values and beliefs.What is considered acceptable behavior in one country may be a serious taboo in another. Verbal taboos usually involve topics

14、 that people believe are too private to talk about publicly, or relate to ones manner of speaking.In many cultures, for example, it is considered bad manners to discuss subjects such as sex or religion in public.In some countries, too much volume of ones voice may annoy people. 2 3 For example, one

15、of the biggest differences among many Western, Asian, and African cultures is the use of eye contact.In the U S., people make eye contact when they talk to others. 4 In many Asian and African cultures, however, children are taught to lower their eyes when talking to their elders, or those of higher

16、rank, as a way to show respect. Certain gestures made with the hands can have very different meanings depending on the country you are in.Crossing your middle finger over your forefinger is the sign for good luck in many western countries. 5 Also, in some Asian countries, moving your hands a lot whi

17、le talking, or “ talking with your hands”, is considered unsuitable. Behavior that is acceptable and nonoffensive in one culture can be highly offensive in another.When visiting a foreign country, be aware of some of the basic differences, as this will help to ensure a more enjoyable trip. A Nonverb

18、al taboos usually relate to body language. B In Vietnam and Argentina, however, it is a rude gesture. C In spite of what some people may think, taboos are not universal. D Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened to talk openly about it. E Learn a countrys customs so that you dont hurt th

19、e local people unconsciously. F They might think that someone who is speaking or laughing loudly is rude or 【 精品教育资源文库 】 aggressive. G If a person avoids eye contact, others might think they are being dishonest or unconfident. 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了不同国家习俗方面的禁忌 , 以及肢体语言、手势语的不同运用。 1 C 上句是对 taboo 的定义 , 下 句讲它们

20、通常是一个国家或一种文化所特有的 , 通常是围绕着一个团体的价值观和信仰而形成的。由此可以推断 , C 项 (尽管一些人可能这样认为 , 但禁忌不是通用的 )符合语境 , 起到承上启下的作用。故选 C 项。 2 F 本段主要讲一些人对禁忌的看法 , 比如一些私人问题不能在公共场合谈论等。根据设空前一句中的 too much volume of ones voice may annoy people 可知 , 在一些国家 , 说话声音太大会惹恼别人 , F 项 (他们可能认为大声说笑是粗鲁的或充满挑衅的 )正好是对上一句的解析。故选 F 项。 3 A 根据设空后一句中的 eye contact

21、可知 , 本段主要讲眼神 接触在不同文化中有不同的要求 , 属于肢体语言。故 A 项 (非语言禁忌通常和肢体语言有关 )符合语境。 4 G 本段讲的是眼神接触的作用 , 根据关键词 eye contact 可知 , G 项与该段主题一致 , 故选 G 项。 5 B 本段介绍手势语在不同国家的含义。上一句介绍了把中指和食指交叠起来 , 在很多西方国家意味着好运。下文应该介绍其他国家对此不同的 理解 , B 项 (然而在越南和阿根廷 , 这是一个粗鲁的手势 )符合语境 , 故选 B 项。 【导学号: 44040163】 .语法填空 (2017 全国卷 )There has been a recen

22、t trend in the food service industry towards lower fat content and less salt.This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界 ) 1. a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 2. (effect)such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical community was tryin

23、g to fight. Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are required 3. (process)the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.When fat and salt 4. (remove)from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something.As 5. result, people will eat more food to try to make up for th


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