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1、 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Lets review the class and do more exercises 1.图片对齐 在我们插入PPT图片或是输入文字的时候,为了整齐都需要将插入的文本框对齐 ,但是又不想一个一个的进行操作,这时按住Ctrl键将需要进行对齐的文本选中 ,点击开始排列对齐垂直居中即可; 2.巧用格式刷 在制作PPT的时候为了保证PPT风格的统一,很多任通常会使用复制粘贴来确保 每一页PPT格式相同,这样对于少页数来说可以进行操作,但是碎玉多页面的话 就有点麻烦了,其实我们可以巧用格式刷:首先,在开始菜单栏下方有一个格

2、式 刷,点击格式刷,很快就能看到效果; 3.去除所有动画效果 很多人在制作PPT的时候都是直接在模板库里下载模板进行使用的,但是下载的 模板大多数都是有幻灯片的,这样在演讲的时候很不方便,怎样将其进行去除呢 ?单击幻灯片放映选择设置幻灯片放映,放映类型选择演讲者放映;换片方式 选择手动即可; 4.PPT快键 PPT逼格提升技巧逼格提升技巧 1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 1. In many countries, it is impolite to show up at someones house for the first t

3、ime with _hands. You should always bring a small gift . 2. Billy embarrassed himself last night at a fine dining restaurant because he didnt know _ table manners. worth capital basic traffic empty mad knocking empty basic 3. It is _spending the time to learn about the customs of a country before you

4、 go there. That way, you will know what you are supposed to do in different situations. 4. The _ is always the worst in the _city. It is important to allow for more time if you are traveling by car. 5. Sandy went into her sisters room without _ on the door. That made her sister. traffic capital knoc

5、king worth 2 Think about your culture and make statements. In my culture, youre supposed to_. youre not supposed to_. youre expected to _. its impolite to _. its important to_. 2e Compare the table manners in France and China in your group. How are they the same or different? Make a list. e.g. In Fr

6、ance, people put their bread on the table. But in China, we always put our food on a plate or in a bowl and never on the table. Please continue, the following sentences you may use as references 1. make noise while eating 2. point at others with chopstick 3. say hello to others 4. wipe your mouth af

7、ter dinner 5. talk loudly at the table 6. Eat with chopstick 7. Talk at the table 8. pick up the bowl to ea 9. start eating first 10. eat while walking in the street 11. Stick the chopsticks into the food Some more exercise 小伙伴,小伙伴,Come on! 加油,加油!你可以的哦加油,加油!你可以的哦 . 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 fu

8、ll, familiar, knife, spoon, gradual 1. In some western countries, _ are not only used to cut things, but also used to eat things. 2. He cant eat any more. He is _ now. knives full 3. This is the first time I come to the city, so its _ to me. 4. We need three _ of relish. 5. He _ regarded the pet dog

9、 as his friend. unfamiliar spoons gradually . 单项选择单项选择 ( )1. They all passed the exam _ Jack. He was really sad. A. except B. beside C. besides D. except for ( )2. I like gentle music that can make us _ relaxed. A. feels B. felt C. feel D. feeling ( )3. There are many trees on _ side of the road. A.

10、 both B. each C. every D. none ( )4. He _ live with his friends, but he _ living alone now. A. used to; used to B. is used to; is used to C. is used to; used to D. used to; is used to ( )5. All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day. A. it B. them C. this D. that 1.把筷子插入食物中是粗鲁的。把筷子插入食物中是粗

11、鲁的。 _ _ to _ your _ _ the food. 2.你不应用筷子指人。你不应用筷子指人。 You _ _ _ _ _ anyone _ your chopsticks. 3.在巴西,你每次喝完饮料都要用餐巾把嘴巴擦干净。在巴西,你每次喝完饮料都要用餐巾把嘴巴擦干净。 In Brazil, you _ wipe your mouth _ your napkin every time you _ _ _. Its rude stick chopsticks into arent supposed to point at with should with take a drink .

12、 完成句子完成句子 4.在日本,吃面条时发出声音是礼貌的。在日本,吃面条时发出声音是礼貌的。 In Japan _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ noodles. 5.He should arrive there at 7:00.(同义句同义句) He _ _ _ _ there at 7:00. its polite make a noise while eating is supposed to arrive 6. 你不会相信我的法语进步得多快你不会相信我的法语进步得多快! And you wouldnt believe _ _ my French has improved! 7. 他们尽

13、力让我感觉像在家里一样他们尽力让我感觉像在家里一样。 They _ _ _ their way _ _ me _ at home. how quickly go out of to make feel 8. 虽然我仍然犯许多错误虽然我仍然犯许多错误,但它不像以前那但它不像以前那 样困扰我了样困扰我了。 Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it _ _ . 9. 我觉得记住所有的规矩是很难的我觉得记住所有的规矩是很难的,但是我但是我 也渐渐习惯了这些也渐渐习惯了这些,不再觉得它们奇怪了不再觉得它们奇怪了

14、。 I find it difficult _ everything, but Im gradually _ _ _ things and dont find them so strange any more. used to getting used to to remember . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. His biggest challenge is learning how to _ at the dinner table. 2. Its _ to break into the room without knocking at th

15、e door. behave rude 3. In France, you are _ to put your bread on the table instead of putting it on your plate. 4. In the West, table _ (礼仪礼仪)are very important. 5. Dont _ (拥挤拥挤). Please wait in line for tickets. supposed manners crowd . 单项选择单项选择 ( )1. What do you think of money? Well,I think money

16、is important _ its not the most important thing. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )2. I _ swim in the river when I was a child. A. am used to B. was used to C. used to D. be used to ( )3. Thank you for _ me the customs in your country. A. tell B. told C. telling D. tells ( )4. I wouldnt like to go shoppi

17、ng at this time of day. Its always _ . A. crowd B. crowding C. uncrowded D. crowded ( )5. How was your trip to Taiwan? Great!Its even _ than I thought it would be. A. good B. well C. better D. best . 完成句子完成句子 1. 在韩国在韩国,在餐桌上最年长的人应该先开始在餐桌上最年长的人应该先开始 吃吃。 In Korea,the oldest person _ _ _ _ eating first

18、at table. 2. 他们总是不怕麻烦他们总是不怕麻烦,想方设法为所有的顾想方设法为所有的顾 客服务客服务。 They always _ _ _ their way to think of ways to serve all the customers. is supposed to start go out of 3. 她的寄宿家庭使她有宾至如归的感觉她的寄宿家庭使她有宾至如归的感觉。 Her host family made _ _ _ _. 4. 现在他习惯了在国外生活现在他习惯了在国外生活。 Now he _ _ _ living abroad. 5. 我们没有理由浪费时间我们没有

19、理由浪费时间。 We _ _ _ _ waste time. her feel at home is/gets used to have no reason to ( )1. 11 宿迁中考宿迁中考You look quite tired. Youd better _ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having 【解析解析】选选A。had better后跟动词原形后跟动词原形,stop to do sth. 表表 示示“停下来去做某事停下来去做某事”;stop doing st

20、h. 表示表示“停止做某停止做某 事事”。故选故选A。 感悟中考感悟中考 ( )2. 11 宜宾中考宜宾中考Computers _ widely in our daily life. A. use B. used C. were used D. are used 【解析解析】选选D。考查被动语态考查被动语态。由主语由主语computers与谓语动与谓语动 词词use的关系可知的关系可知,使用被动语态使用被动语态,排除排除A与与B;由句意;由句意 “电脑在我们日常生活中被广泛地应用电脑在我们日常生活中被广泛地应用。”可知描述的是可知描述的是 客观事实客观事实,要用一般现在时要用一般现在时。故选故

21、选D。 感悟中考感悟中考 ( )3. 11 郴州中考郴州中考 _ is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone. A. It B. That C. This 解析解析: 选选A。考查固定句式:考查固定句式:It is+adj. +to do. . . 。 感悟中考感悟中考 ( )4. 11 崇 左 中 考崇 左 中 考 Is Jack good at basketball? Yes. _ basketball he is also good at table tennis. A. Except B. Besides C. But D. Besid

22、e 解析解析:选选B。考查介词辨析考查介词辨析。except表示表示“除了除了”,不包括不包括 后面所指内容;后面所指内容;besides表示表示“除除之外之外”,包括后面所指的包括后面所指的 内容;内容;but“但是但是”表示转折关系;表示转折关系;beside表示表示“在在旁边旁边”。 根据句意:根据句意:Jack擅长篮球吗擅长篮球吗?是的是的。除了篮球外他也除了篮球外他也 擅长乒乓球擅长乒乓球。可知可知Jack擅长篮球也擅长乒乓球擅长篮球也擅长乒乓球。故选故选B。 感悟中考感悟中考 5. 10 新疆中考新疆中考用所给单词的正确形式用所给单词的正确形式 填空填空 Youre supposed to shake _ (hand) when you meet your friends. 【解析解析】填填hands。shake hands“握手握手”,固定短语固定短语。句意句意 为:当你遇到朋友时为:当你遇到朋友时,你应该与之握手你应该与之握手。 感悟中考感悟中考 Homework Imagine your home received an exchange student, try to explain what he/she is supposed to do and what is not expected to do in Chinese culture.


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