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1、Section Warming up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending.单词1_ n适应(性);改编本_ vt.(使)适应;改编_ adj.能适应的2_ adj.经典的;第一流的n.经典著作 _ adj.古典的;经典的基础梳理基础梳理新知落实新知落实课标词汇课标词汇adaptationadaptadaptableclassicclassical3_ vi.犹豫;踌躇_ n.犹豫;踌躇4_ adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的_ adv.不舒服地;不自在地5_ n.结果;效果6_ adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的_ vt.弄错;误解n.错误;过失;

2、误会hesitatehesitationuncomfortableuncomfortablyoutcomemistakenmistake7_ adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的_ adv.灿烂地;辉煌地_ n.光辉;(卓越的)才华8_ vt.把分类;把归类_ n.分类;类别_ adj.分类的;类别的9_ n.谈论;言论;评述vt.&vi.谈论;评论;说起brilliantbrilliantlybrillianceclassifyclassificationclassifiedremark10_ vt.谴责;使注定_ adj.被判罪的_ n.谴责11_ n.相识;了解;熟人_ vt.使认识;

3、使了解_ adj.认识的;知晓的12_ n.机会;运气;大笔的钱_ adj.幸运的;侥幸的_ adv.幸运地;侥幸地condemncondemnedcondemnationacquaintanceacquaintacquaintedfortunefortunatefortunately.短语1_ 伪装(的);假扮(的)2_ (把某人)改变或冒充成3_结识;与相见4_ 震惊;惊讶5_ 一般来说6_ 就来说;从角度7_ 把看作;误认为in disguisepass.off as.Make ones acquaintancein amazementGenerally speakingin terms

4、 of.take.for.1.What if I was(.)?公式what.if条件句(what后省略上文或双方明了的事)仿写如果明天下雨怎么办?it rains tomorrow?句型结构句型结构What if2.Now once taught by me,shed become an upper class lady.公式Once done.(一旦)为省略的状语从句。仿写一旦赶上交通拥堵,你就会迟到。caught in the traffic jam,you will be late.Once.Reading Comprehension1This text is mainly about

5、 the first experience of Eliza meeting with_.AProfessor HigginsBColonel PickeringCProfessor Higgins and Colonel PickeringDa gentleman答案C篇章理解篇章理解2Eliza greeted the gentleman in order to _.Aask him to buy some flowers from herBtalk with himCask him to teach herDbeg some money from him答案A3Why did Eliza

6、 begin to cry?Because_.Ashe thought Professor Higgins would arrest herBthe gentleman didnt give her some moneyCPickering beat and scolded herDthere was no reason答案A4Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by_.Ahis appearanceBhis actionChis conversation Dhis manners答案C5From the text,w

7、e can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT_.Ahe doesnt care about moneyBhe is an expert in phoneticsChe is proudDhe is greedy答案D.Fill in the chart.IntroductionOn a 1._night,outside a theatre,the main characters of the play appeared.Eliza DoolittleA 2._girl has a strong accent

8、.She tried to sell her flowers to the passersby.She 3._Higgins for the policeman.Finally she became the centre of a bet made by Higgins and Colonel Pickering.rainyflowermistookProfessor HigginsAn expert in 4._likes to listen to peoples language and studies it.He believes that a persons 5._in society

9、 depends on the 6._of his/her English.He boasted that he could transform a poor person into a(n)7._class one by changing his(her)language,so he 8._a bet with Colonel Pickering to train a flower girl.phoneticspositionqualityuppermadeColonel PickeringAn officer in the army,studies many Indian 9._.He w

10、as quite interested in what Higgins said,and made a bet with him.Later they became 10._with each other.dialectsfriends.课文语法填空Act One of Pygmalion tells us how the main characters of this play,Eliza Doolittle,Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering had their 1._(fate)meetings while shelting/hiding fr

11、om a heavy rain 2._a theatre in London,England in 1914.Eliza Doolittle was a poor flower girl.When she tried 3._(sell)her flowers to a gentleman,her terrible English caught Professor Higgins attention.fatefuloutsideto sellProfessor Higgins,4._expert in phonetics,could place a person by his/her 5._(r

12、emark)He 6._(convince)that the quality of a persons English decides his/her social position.In his opinion,once 7._(educate)to speak properly,Eliza Doolittle could pass herself off in three months 8._a duchess at an ambassadors garden party and perhaps she could even work as a ladys maid or a shop a

13、ssistant.anremarkswas convincededucatedasColonel Pickering,an officer in the army,who had studied many Indian dialects 9._,came to England to make the acquaintance 10._ Professor Higgins.himselfof1.A gentleman(G)passes and hesitates for a moment.一位绅士(G)经过然后犹豫了一会儿。hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决核心词汇核心词汇知识整合知识整合核

14、心突破核心突破He who hesitates is lost.(谚)犹豫就会失去机会。She before replying.她犹豫了一下才回答。hesitated归纳拓展hesitate to do sth.做某事犹豫不决hesitate about/over(doing)sth.对犹豫不决hesitate about疑问词to do sth.不知如何hesitation n.踌躇;犹豫have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不踌躇/毫不犹豫地干某事without hesitation 毫不踌躇/毫不犹豫地;立即Dont tell us if you have a

15、 problem.你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。He hesitated at nothing.他从不优柔寡断。Hes still whether to join the club.他对是否加入俱乐部仍拿不定主意。hesitate tohesitating about/overShe helped me with my English _.(She had no hesitation in helping me with my English.)她毫不犹豫地帮我学习英语。without hesitation即境活用完成句子He_into the room.他迟疑不决是否要进屋。Hes stil

16、l_the expedition.他对于参加这次探险队仍犹豫不决。He joined the army without_.他毫不迟疑地参军了。答案hesitated to gohesitating abouthesitation2.Simply phonetics studied and classified from peoples own speech.简单地说语音学就是对人的发音进行研究、分类。classify vt.编排;分类;归纳The librarian is busy classifying those books into three parts.图书管理员正忙着把那些书分成三

17、部分。We audience all classify him as one of the greatest actors.我们观众都把他看作是最棒的演员之一。归纳拓展classify vt.分类;编排;把归类be classified into.被分类为classify sb./sth.as sth.将划分为classify.by/according to.根据分类classification n.分类I am looking for the classified section.我正在找分类广告栏。The of books in the library helps you to find

18、the books you want.图书馆的图书分类有助于你找到需要的书籍。classification即境活用用适当的介词填空The novel written by him is classified_a science fiction.The books are classified_several parts according to their contents.答案asinto用classify的适当形式填空This information is_;only a few people can see it.Which_does this book belong to?We wil

19、l_these subjects into three topics.答案classifiedclassificationclassify3.You can place a man by just a few remarks.你可以根据几句话就判定一个人来自何地。remark n谈论;言论;评述 v谈论;评论He made a rude remark about that woman.他谈到那个女人时,说了一句很粗鲁的话。Considering your ,we rejected her offer.鉴于你的评语,我们拒绝了她的提议。A local newspaper crime was on

20、 the decrease.一家当地报纸评论说犯罪活动在减少。remarksremarked that归纳拓展make a remark/remarks on/about就发表意见;对评头论足make no remark 什么也不说;不加评论remark that 评论remark on/upon/about 谈论/评论Some western newspapers have been _the civil war of Libya.一些西方报纸近来一直对利比亚内战作评论。He made a number of rude her performance here.关于她的表演,他在这里作了许多

21、无礼的评论。remarking onremarks about即境活用翻译句子当我进屋的时候,他正在评论这个问题。对于这次演出他什么也没说。在这种困难情况下,他表现出很大勇气。答案He was remarking upon the subject when I came into the room.He made no remark on the performance.He displayed remarkable courage in this difficult situation.4.Look at this girl with her terrible English:the Eng

22、lish that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.看这女孩,她说的英语太糟糕了,那一口英语使她注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子了。condemn vt.谴责;使注定We all condemn cruelty to children.我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为。She was an unhappy housewife condemned to spend hours at the kitchen sink.她是个不幸的家庭主妇,注定要在厨房的水槽旁消磨时光。归纳拓展condemn sb.for因谴责某人condemn sb.

23、to seven years in jail/death 判处某人七年徒刑/死刑condemn sb.to sth./do sth.使某人注定/使某人注定做The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake.报纸马上谴责他的错误。She knew that society would her_ leaving her children.她知道社会将会因为她遗弃孩子而谴责她。The judge him death.法官判他死刑。condemnforcondemnedto即境活用完成句子The judge_(判处抢劫犯)eight years

24、imprisonment.The illness_(使他不得不躺在床上)We_(因谴责他)his bad behaviour.答案condemned the robber tocondemned him to a bedcondemned him for5.But,sir,(proudly)once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.但是,先生,(骄傲地说)一旦她接受教导,学会正确地说话,这

25、个女孩可以在三个月内成功扮演使馆花园宴会的女公爵。pass.off as.(把某人)改变或冒充成She passed herself off as an American to escape the fine.为逃避罚款,她冒充是美国人。He his secretary his wife.他把秘书冒充成他的妻子。passed offas归纳拓展pass by 经过;不理会pass away 去世;消失pass down/on 把传给后世pass out 昏迷;失去知觉pass.on to 把传递给pass through 通过;穿过;经历pass off (以某方式)发生并完成He was o

26、nly three years old when his father passed away.他父亲去世时他只有三岁。As the years ,he became weaker and weaker.随着岁月的流逝,他变得越来越虚弱。passed by即境活用填入恰当的介、副词The morning mist passed_quickly.I passed_your house yesterday.Usually the stories of their ancestors in this village are passed_orally from generation to gener

27、ation.答案awaybydownHe tried to pass himself_as a qualified doctor.Its very hot in this room.If I dont get some fresh air I think Im going to pass_.He passed_peacefully this morning in the hospital because of cancer.答案offoutaway6.And I came to England to make your acquaintance!我来英国(伦敦)就是为了结识你!make one

28、s acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.)结识某人;与某人相见We talked as if we were old acquaintances.我们就好像是老相识一样谈话。归纳拓展make ones acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.)结识;与相识have some acquaintance with 熟悉/了解have no acquaintance with 不熟悉/了解acquaint sb.with 使某人了解I with French,but I do not know it well.我

29、懂得一点法语,但不精通。My father has a nodding acquaintance with the professor.我父亲与这位教授有点头之交。have some acquaintance即境活用完成句子Hes_(我的相识者之一)By chance,I_(结识了他的妈妈)Travel will_(使你熟悉)new customs.答案one of my acquaintancesmade the acquaintance of his motheracquaint you with7.Correct all these sentences in_terms_of gramm

30、ar,spelling,etc.,so that she can use them properly.从语法、拼写等方面改正这些句子,好让她恰当使用。in terms of就来说;从角度;用的字眼In terms of money,hes quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说,他很富有,但就幸福来说则不然。In terms of natural resources,it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.从自然资源来看,它是西欧最穷的国家之一。Let each child r

31、ead in terms of his own tastes and choices.让每个孩子根据自己的兴趣爱好选择书籍阅读。归纳拓展in honour of 为纪念in favor of 支持in charge of 负责in memory of 为纪念in case of 以防in defence of 为保卫in need of.需要in time of.在时刻The local people put up a memorial for him in memory of the hero.为了纪念这位英雄,当地人给他立了一块纪念碑。即境活用用“inn.of”短语填空We must th

32、ink_the majority of the people._fire,ring the alarm bell.Im_some fresh air.I am all_equal pay for equal work.答案in terms ofIn case ofin need ofin favour of8.Generally_speaking,_people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class(H)and less polite to those they consider are mem

33、bers of a lower class(L)一般来说,人们对于他们认为社会阶层比他们高的人要更有礼貌些,而对于他们认为社会阶层较低的人相对会无礼一些。generally speaking一般来说Generally speaking,about 10%of the applicants are eventually offered positions.一般来说,大约有10%的应聘者最终能获得职位。Generally speaking,its quite a fair settlement.大致上说,这样解决很恰当。归纳拓展非谓语动词作插入语:frankly/honestly speaking

34、 坦率地说compared with.与相比given.如果considering.考虑到to tell the truth 说实话judging from.由来判断to be honest/frank 说实话supposing.假设即境活用完成句子_(说实话),the pay isnt attractive enough,though the job itself is quite interesting._(一般说来),the more expensive the camera,the better its quality.答案To be honest/To tell the truth/

35、Honestly speakingGenerally speaking_(从他的衣服上看),he is a worker._(鉴于他的年龄),he was turned down by the army.答案Judging from his clothesConsidering his age1.What_if I was(born in Lisson Grove)?如果我是(出生在里森格罗佛)又怎么样?What if.常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘使将会怎样?”“如果将会怎样?”。后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。重点句型重点句型What if somethi

36、ng goes wrong?要是出了问题将会怎么样?It sounds like a good offer,but its a trick?那个提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎么样?what if归纳拓展How come?用于口语交际中,表示疑惑,意为“为什么会这样呢?怎么搞的?”。还可以接从句或v.ing形式。So what?那又怎么样?即境活用翻译句子如果你没有工作该怎么办?_他的英语怎么会这么糟糕。_答案What if you were out of work?How come that his English is so bad.他比你小十五岁。那又怎样?_答案He is 15 y

37、ears younger than you.So what?2.Now once_taught by me,shed become an upper class lady.如今让我一教,她就会变成一个上层阶级的淑女句中once taught是状语从句的省略,完整的句子结构应为:Now once she was taught by me。如果状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语部分含有be动词,可将从句的主语和be动词一起省略。Once set,the date for the meeting cant be changed.一旦设定,开会日期就不能改变。Once seen,the fi

38、lm will give you an everlasting impression.一旦观看,这电影将给你永不忘记的印象。即境活用完成句子_(一旦理解),the problem is easy to work out._(虽然完成),the article still needs to be improved._(在北京时),I paid a visit to the Great Wall.答案Once understoodThough/Although finishedWhile in Beijing说不定我还可以给她找份工作,当一名贵夫人的侍女或商店的员工,这些工作都要求英语讲得好。难句分析难句分析综合训练综合训练能力提升能力提升本讲结束请按ESC键返回


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