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1、Unit 3Warming upGuess what the invention is or who the inventor is.?This invention looks like a bird.?Its made of metal.?It makes it possible for people to fly to different places in the world.?It is powered by an engine and is flown by a pilot.What is it?Airplane?This invention can help people in t

2、he street.?It looks like a tree standing beside the street.?It directs cars and trucks.?It uses colored lights.Red means stopping,green means going.What is it?Traffic lightsWhat is it?Mobile phone?Its made of plastics and metal.?It looks like a small box with a screen and buttons on it.?With the inv

3、ention you can contact someone while you are walking.?The inventor is from America.?He is one of the father of inventions.?The inventor invented the bulb.Who is he?Edison?He was a world-famous inventor from Sweden.?Here is one of his photos.?He invented dynamite(炸药炸药).?A famous prize wasnamed after

4、him.Who is he?Alfred NobelDifference between discovery and inventionfinding out something A discovery is_existing but not yet known_creating something An invention is_not existing before._connection between discovery and invention?Discoveries often lead to inventions.Inventions are often based on di

5、scoveries.Pre-reading steps every inventor must go throughApplying for a patentFinding a problemDoing researchTesting the solutionThinking of a creative solutionDeciding on the invention1._2._3._4._5._6._What do you use to catch snakes?ReadingThe problem of the snakesThe problem of the snakesSkimmin

6、g Skimming Whats the main idea of the text?The text is mainly about the authors experience in helping her mother get rid ofsnakesthe _and applying for the patent_ for her invention.Task 1Scanning:match the paragraphs with each steps in the passage and find the examples:paragraphStages Find a problem

7、1Do research2Think of a creative solutionExamples in this storyThe snake must be caughtharmed_but not _approachesLook for _ of removal;research the _ of snakeshabitsthreeDecide on _ possible approaches:the last onechoose_.34,5,6Test the Make _ attempts threesolution and finally the_ thirdseveral tim

8、es one is successful.Apply for a patentThis means the solution is recognized_7,8Stage one:find a problem1.What was the mother upset about?The mother was upset because some snakeshad made their home in their courtyard.2.Why was the writer happy to help her mother?The writer was happy because it gave

9、her a chance to distinguish herselfby inventing something merciful that would catch the snakes but not harm them.Careful readingTo do sth so well that people notice and admire herStage two Do researchWhy didnt the author use powders to get rid of the snakes?Because they are designed to kill snakes.a

10、pproach So a new _ was clearly needed.researchStage 3 Think of a creative solutionList the three possible approaches:removing their habitat;?Firstly,_.attracting them into a trap?Secondly,_using male or female perfume or food_.cooling them so that they wouldThirdly,_become sleepy and could be easily

11、 caught_.last?Finally,the author choose the_one.Stage 4:Test the solutionsThe first attempt:the next morning1.Early _ the author put a(n)_ bowl over the snakes habitat and frozenon top of some ice-cubes _ the bowl.2.She covered the whole thing with a large_.bucketTwo hours3._ later,though the snakes

12、 were less _,they still escaped quickly.activeThis attempt is a failureThe second attempt:1.The author froze the bowl and the ice cubesagain but placed them over the snakes habitatin the evening_.2.The author covered the whole thing and leftovernighteverything _.3.Early the next morning the snakes l

13、ook verysleepy_,but when she picked them up,they bitetry to _ her.a failureThe third attempt:secondThe next morning the author repeated the _ netprocedure and carried a small _ to releasedcollect the passive snakes and _ them back into the wild.a successStage 5 Apply for a patentPressed by,I decided

14、 to Seize the opportunity to get recognition_ for my successful invention to the Patent House.What was the authors invention?What was her successful idea of catching snakes?By placing the snakes at a _temperature for them to low_and then caught them by a small_.netsleepStage 5 Apply for a patentdiff

15、icultly1.An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention.F2.If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model,you can get a Cantpatent(专利专利).F3.If your inventions pass the test,your application for a patent will be published 12 months from the date you 18apply.FStep 5:ReviewStep 5:Review

16、Snakes came near my mothers house _now _andthenwhich upset_,_my mother much,and shewantedme to _So I _get _rid _them.ofset aboutresearchingthehabits_of snakesto find the easiestway to trap_them.I thoughtof three possiblea_.Firstly,removing their h_;approachesabitatsecondly,attracting theminto a _tra

17、p(陷阱(陷阱);andthirdly cooling them so that they would becomes_and couldbe easilycaught.I madeup myleepymindtouse thethirdone.I triedthreetimesandthePressedthird_myattemptwasfinallysuccessful._byfriends and relations,Idecided to _seizethepatentopportunity,hoping to get a _with myinvention.ThinkingLearn

18、ing from the author,what good qualities should an inventor have?Creative curious patientimaginative hard-working adventurous challengeablePredict 1.What will happen to the author if she gets the patent?Youll know if I succeed Youll know if I succeed by the size of my bank balanceby the size of my ba

19、nk balance2.Will she succeed eventually?3.Is it possible that she failed to get the patent?Thus,what will she do?Step 7:WritingStep 7:WritingWrite a short paragraph to complete the passage.Two weeks later,an envelope arrived from the Patent House._Step 7:WritingStep 7:WritingTwo weeks later,an envel

20、ope arrived from the Patent House,congratulating me on my successful idea of catching the snakes.I felt proud and all my hard work paid off.What was more encouraging was that a company decided to buy my patent,which made me have the money to try more inventions.I even want to get a job in a scientific company in the future,because inventions make people lead a more convenient life.Homework:writingPolish your writing in class.


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