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1、【New words and expressions】park v.停放(汽车)停放(汽车)traffic n.交通交通 ticket n.交通违规罚款单交通违规罚款单 note n.便条便条 area n.地段地段,地区地区 sign n.指示牌,标识指示牌,标识 reminder n.提示提示 fail v.失败失败 obey v.服从服从New Words and Expressions park n.公园 the Central Park 中央公园 v.停车 Stop and leave(a vehicle)in a place for a time.Eg.You cant park

2、in this street.你不能在这条街上停车。parking lot 停车场 No parking!禁止停车!traffic n.交通交通 traffic police 交通警察交通警察 traffic light 交通灯交通灯,红绿灯红绿灯 traffic jam 交通堵塞交通堵塞 I spend a lot of time in traffic jam heavy traffic 繁重的交通(交通拥挤)繁重的交通(交通拥挤)I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic.(in heavy traffic 交通拥挤)交通拥挤)reminder n.提示

3、(可以指人,也可以指物,remind v.提示,提醒 remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事 An older photo can remind me of my childhood.You remind me of your mother.remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事 eg.Remind me to answer that letter.提醒我回那封信。fail v.失败 vi.失败 Why did the plan fail?vi.不及格 I hope I cant fail in the French test.vt.使不及格 The teacher

4、said he would fail me if I dont worker harder.vt.未能,不能,忘记(后接不定式)He failed to finish his work in time.Dont fail to post the letter for me.obey v.服从,顺从,执行 obey without questions 绝对服从命令 obey rules 遵守规章制度 obey orders 服从命令 or:obey commands obey the law 遵守法律 反义:disobey,break,violate valet,go against ticke

5、t C 票(机票,车票,电影或入场券)eg.Do you want a single or a return/round ticket?你想要单程票还是往返票?Ive got two tickets for the World Cup Final.我有两张世界杯决赛的票。C(交通违章)罚款单 get a parking ticket 收到违章停车罚款单 a speeding ticket 超速驾驶罚款单noteC 笔记,摘记 make notes=take notes 做笔记eg.He never forgets to make notes for his speech.他从不忘记在做演讲前拟

6、好讲稿。eg.Students are busy taking notes in class.学生们在课上忙着做笔记。a note-book 笔记本,记事本eg.You will take a lot of notes on your note-books.你将在笔记本上做许多笔记。C 便笺,便条便笺,便条 leave sb a note 给某人留个便条 a note of thanks 感谢信 note paper 便条纸C纸币纸币bill纸币(U.S.)coin 硬币paper money/paper currency 纸币4)音符音符 whole note 全音符 half note二分

7、音符 quarter note四分音符 eighth note八分音符 area n.地区,地域,地段地区,地域,地段desertarea 沙漠地区沙漠地区 aresidential,rezidenl area住宅住宅区区 areacode(美)电话的区域号码(美)电话的区域号码 zipcode(美)邮递(美)邮递/postcode(英)(英)district 1)地域,地区地域,地区 thelakeDistrict(英国北部的)湖区(英国北部的)湖区 2)行政地区(以行政、司法、教育为目的划行政地区(以行政、司法、教育为目的划分)分)XuanWuDistrict,Beijing,China中

8、国北京宣中国北京宣武区武区 anelectiondistrict一个选区一个选区 3)特区特区 ShenzhenDistrict深圳特区深圳特区 region地区,地带地区,地带 aforestregion森林地带森林地带 anindustrialregion工业地区工业地区 theGreatLakesregion大湖区大湖区 tropicalregions热带地区热带地区 sign 1)n.记号,符号:,2)n.牌子,指示牌 traffic signs 交通指示牌 street signs 街道指示牌3)v.签名eg.Sign your name here,please.请在这签上你的名字。

9、Read the text,and listen to the story,try to answer the questions:1.What will traffic police usually do if you park you car in the wrong place?2.What was the polite request?.3.What did the writer find on his car during the holiday in Sweden?1.What will traffic police usually do if you park you car i

10、n the wrong place?Traffic police usually give you a ticket.2.What was the polite request?The police request to pay attention to the street signs.3.What did the writer find on his car during the holiday in Sweden?He found a note on his car.Text If you park your car in the wrong place,a traffic police

11、man will soon find it.You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.However,this does not always happen.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car:sir,we welcome you to our city.This is a No Parking area.You will enjoy your stay here i

12、f you pay attention to our street signs.This note is only a reminder.If you receive a request like this,you cannot fail to obey it!Learn the Lessson1、If you park your car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon find it.in the wrong place 不合适的地方不合适的地方wrong adj.不合适的不合适的,错误的错误的 right adj.合适的,正

13、确的合适的,正确的 eg.He is the right person who you are looking for.eg.You met the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.2、You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.let(sb.)go 放开,释放,使自由放开,释放,使自由 eg.The man wont let me go.eg.He is very angry now.He wont let you go easily.without a

14、 ticket=without giving you a ticketWithout+n.如果没有如果没有eg.Without water,fish will die.3、During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car:sir,we welcome you to our city.This is a No Parking area.You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.welcome sb.to+地点地点 欢迎某人来某地欢迎某人来

15、某地 enjoy v.享受,欣赏,享受,欣赏,喜欢喜欢+doing stheg.Enjoy your stay here.祝你玩得开心祝你玩得开心 No parking area.禁止停车区域禁止停车区域 If you receive a request like this,you cannot fail to obey it!Fail和refuse,forget 等相似,是具有否定意义的动词。虽然一个句子中一般只有一个否定句,但有时候也会有cannot fail这样两个否定词同时出现在一个句子中的情况,这时它们构成双重否定。双重否定用来表示肯定,因此,这句话的意义实际上就是“你会遵守执行的”

16、。又如,You must not refuse me.(你一定要答应我)Key structures1条件句(条件句(Conditional sentences)(1)条件指某一事情完成之后其他事情才能发生。)条件指某一事情完成之后其他事情才能发生。if通通常的意思是常的意思是“假如假如”,其后有时跟,其后有时跟then(那么)。如果(那么)。如果then没有道出,也会隐含在句子的意思内。没有道出,也会隐含在句子的意思内。if引导的条件引导的条件从句不是指已经发生的事件,而是指能够发生、可能发生从句不是指已经发生的事件,而是指能够发生、可能发生或可能发生过的事件。或可能发生过的事件。如果我们认

17、为将来的事件很可能会发生,那么如果我们认为将来的事件很可能会发生,那么if从句中要从句中要用一般现在时(有时也用其他形式的现在时),主句中用用一般现在时(有时也用其他形式的现在时),主句中用will(或(或shall)加动词形式或其他形式的将来时:)加动词形式或其他形式的将来时:If it rains tomorrow,I will not go to school.如果明天下雨,我就不去上学。如果明天下雨,我就不去上学。If he doesnt finish his homework,his mother will become angry.如果他没完成作业,他的妈妈会生气。如果他没完成作业

18、,他的妈妈会生气。(2)主句中的will表示肯定如此或几乎可以肯定会如此。如果觉得其“肯定”程度达不到使用will的程度,或者如果想表达建议等其他意思,就可以用别的情态助动词来代替will:If its fine tomorrow,we can/may go out.如果明天天气好,我们可以/可能出门去。(3)主句还可以用祈使语气等表示请求、建议等:Stay at home tomorrow if it rains.明天如果下雨就呆在家里。Please tell him to ring me if you see him.如果你见到他,请让他给我打电话。Please let me know i

19、f you cant come.如果你不能来,请告诉我一声。A:用正确时态填空。用正确时态填空。1.If it _(rain),I shall take an umbrella with me.2.If he _(be)here before 10 oclock,I shall see him.3.If he plays well,he _ (get)into the team.4.You will never _(pass)this test if you dont work hard.ExerciserainsisWill getpassSpecial difficulties1 Poli

20、ce and Traffic Police traffic police 交通警 police n.警察 n.警察部门,警方(与the连用)eg.Ring the police if there is a burglary.如果发生入户盗窃就给警方打电话。警察(复数)eg.The police are questioning a foreign tourist.警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman.policewoman eg.There is a traffic policeman over there.You can ask him the way to

21、 the station.2 Pay attention to,Care,Take care of,Look after pay attention to (思想上)注意 pay attention(to sth.)注意 notice 眼睛上的)注意 care 关心,在意 eg.I dont care.我不在乎。eg.Who cares?我不在乎(谁在乎!)eg.I dont care if he breaks his neck!他就是折断颈骨,我也不在乎!take care of=look after 照顾,照料 eg.Please take care of/look after the c

22、hildren for me when I am out.我出门时代我好好照顾孩子们。3】Remind and Rememberremind v.提醒 remind sb.of sth.,remind sb.to do sth.eg.I reminded him to post my letter.remember v.记起,记得 eg.Do you remember?你想起来了吗?eg.remember to do sth.记得要去做 Remember to send the letter.remember doing sth.记得已经做了 I remembered sending the letter.thank you


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