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1、李翠英李翠英Have you ever tried to send a gift to the children in poor area?导导 What will you send as a gift to the children in poor area?The Worlds Most Useful Gift CatalogueTitle:Photos:What will the page show you?Fast reading Task 11.What is this internet page made up of?a brief i_ a gift_ an attractive

2、 _ntroductioncataloguecard思思2.Why are the gifts on the page unusual?Because the gifts are the most useful and are a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need them.3.In what kind of order are the gifts listed?How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts?The gifts are listed in

3、 the order of the price-from the the cheapest to the dearest.The cheapest gift costs 5AUD and the dearest costs 1,350 AUD.Task 2 (EX.2 p.35)On the Internet page,when you click on each gift,you get a description of that gift.In pairs,write the correct gift(A to U)from the Internet page next to each d

4、escription below.1.This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income,giving her and her family a better future.(N)A sewing machine人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件2.This gift gives a person the opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing,and life

5、skills.Adults develop the confidence to participate in the social,economic and political lives of their communities.G Basic adult education人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件3.This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings,as well as training in tree

6、 care for the local villagers who areworking hard to prevent their land from turning into desert.A 20 tree seedlings人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件4.This gift buys a goat.A goat gives milk and is a valuable income.Goats increase in number quickly and add much to a fami

7、lys food and financial security.They are easy and fun for children to care for.J A goat for a poor family人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件5.This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages.F s

8、chool books人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件6.This gift gives a child a good start in life.Community schools provide good quality education for children who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school.I One year of primary schooling人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课

9、件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件Key phrases.1.将某物捐赠给某人_ 2.in need_3.purchase sth.(from sb)_4.provide for sb._5.operate on sb.(for.)_donate sth to sb在困难;在危急中在困难;在危急中议议 展展 评评(向某人)购买(向某人)购买为为.提供提供给某人动手术(治疗)给某人动手术(治疗)人教英语选修7Unit4 using langua

10、ge精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件1.donate 教材语境教材语境P34 Would you like to donate an unusual gift?vt._ n._ 捐赠;捐赠物;捐款捐赠;捐赠物;捐款归纳拓展归纳拓展 根据例句总结短语:根据例句总结短语:He donated a lot of books to the poor._ =He gave made a donation of a lot of books to the poor._学以致用学以致用 Before graduation,many students in our sch

11、ool donated their books_ the school library for the students in lower grades to use.The company made a donation _ 2,000yuan_ the charity.donationdonate sth.to sb/sth.向某人捐赠某物向某人捐赠某物give make a donation of sth.to sb.向向.捐赠捐赠(.)of捐赠;赠送;献血捐赠;赠送;献血toto人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using lang

12、uage精品课件 2.occasion 教材语境教材语境P34 You can use the cards for any special occasion.n._ adj._ adv._归纳拓展归纳拓展 偶尔;有时;偶然偶尔;有时;偶然 _ on this/that occasion_学以致用学以致用 I met my old friend _occasion on my way home from school during those days.I admire my math teacher.I can remember very few occasions_she stopped w

13、orking because of ill health.场合;时刻场合;时刻occasionaloccasionallyon occasion在这种在这种/那种场合那种场合onwhen人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件3.distribution n.分配;分发;分配;分发;分布状态分布状态 归纳拓展归纳拓展 vt._分配;散布分配;散布1)Will you distribute the food to Tom?_2)The monitor is distributing books among the

14、 students._学以致用学以致用 1)The cherry tree has a wide _(distribute)in Japan.2)The organization distributed food _ the earthquake victims.distributedistribute sth.to sb.把某物分发给某人把某物分发给某人distribute sth.among sb.在在.中分发某物中分发某物distributionto/among人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件Th

15、e gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.翻译:翻译:_归纳拓展归纳拓展 下划线部分结构是下划线部分结构是_,意为,意为_,可用于连接两个并列成分。,可用于连接两个并列成分。连接的并列结构作主语时,谓语动词要遵循连接的并列结构作主语时,谓语动词要遵循“_”,即谓语动词与,即谓语动词与_在人称和数上保在人称和数上保持一致。持一致。用法类似的结构有:用法类似的结构有:_你送的礼物不是

16、给你所爱的人留念的,而我给那些确实你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而我给那些确实有生活需要的人一项志愿性捐助有生活需要的人一项志愿性捐助not.but不是不是.而是而是.就近原则就近原则buteither.or.;neither.nor;not only.but(also).not.but.人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件 学以致用学以致用 翻译:该受责备的是他弟弟而不是翻译:该受责备的是他弟弟而不是他他._ Not the manager but the workers _hoping to do

17、that.Either you or one of your assistants_(be)to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.Not he but his younger is to blame.areis人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件根据句意及所给单词提示完成句子。根据句意及所给单词提示完成句子。Not you but she _(be)wanted on the telephone now.Clothes and blankets_(distri

18、bute)to the refugees.衣服和毯子已经分发给难民了衣服和毯子已经分发给难民了 _that occasion,he looked like a fool.Doctors performed an _(operate)on the patient last night.单句改错:单句改错:A friend in need of is a friend indeed.单句改错:单句改错:Not the teacher but the students wants to visit the museum.washave been distrubutedOnoperationwant人

19、教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件4.operate vt.操作;起作用;经营;操作;起作用;经营;vi.运转;动手术运转;动手术 n._操作;手术操作;手术归纳拓展归纳拓展 operate_ sb.给某人做手术;给某人做手术;_ operation在经营中;在运转中在经营中;在运转中 come into operation _;_ sth.into operation 使使.开始运转开始运转合作探究合作探究 指出指出operate的词义的词义 1)He is operating on the patien

20、ts head._2)The computer operate well._;3)He helped his father operate a company._4)They _ him for a tumour他们为他施行了他们为他施行了切除肿瘤手术。切除肿瘤手术。operationonin开始运转;实施起来开始运转;实施起来put 为为.做手术做手术运转运转 经营经营operated on人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件5.in need 在困难中;在危急中;在困难中;在危急中;(食物或生活来源的)

21、短缺;缺乏(食物或生活来源的)短缺;缺乏归纳拓展归纳拓展 _ 需要某物;需要某物;_ ones need 满足某人的需要满足某人的需要 There is no need _ sth.没必要做某事没必要做某事合作探究合作探究 翻译:翻译:1)当你需要的时候请给我打电话。当你需要的时候请给我打电话。_.2)他们需要很多桌子和椅子。他们需要很多桌子和椅子。_.satisfyin need ofto doPlease call me when you are in needThey are in need of desks and chairs人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品

22、课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件Assignment 识记知识点,熟读课文。日日清 Unit 4-Period 3。人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素中国元素”,但是由于现代年轻人对古代中国文化了解甚少,并不知道哪些元素来自中国。,但是由于现代年轻人对古代中国文化了解甚少,并不知道哪些元素来自中国。2.本着保证校车安全的原则,公安机关将会同教育行政等部门对校车驾驶人进行逐一审查,坚决清退不符



25、流感传入我国,国家质检总局和农业部今天联合发出通知,自即日暂行禁止进口来自疫区的禽类及其产品。8.这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。9.杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件人教英语选修7Unit4 using language精品课件


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