《文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)》课件Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine.pptx

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1、Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese MedicinePart A Lead-in1.Some famous quotes Do you know some famous quotes about Traditional Chinese Medicine?And can you translate them into English?Happiness lies,first of all,in health.G.W.Curtis 快乐首先在于有健康的身体。快乐首先在于有健康的身体。柯蒂斯柯蒂斯 Health is the thing that makes you feel

2、 that now is the best time of the year.Franklin P.Adams 健康是这样一个东西,它使你感到现在是一年健康是这样一个东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。中最好的时光。亚当姆斯亚当姆斯 One cannot help being old,but one can resist being aged.H.L.Samuel 一个人无法不变老,但是他可以抵制衰老。一个人无法不变老,但是他可以抵制衰老。塞缪尔塞缪尔2.Pair work Read the 1st passage and share your answer to the followin

3、g quesitons with your partner.1.How is TCM different from Western medicine?2.How does TCM treatment work?3.What do typical TCM therapies include?1.TCM understands that the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe as described in Daoism,and the treatment of illness is based p

4、rimarily on the diagnosis and differentiation of syndromes.2.Traditional Chinese medicine treatment starts with the analysis of the entire system,then focuses on the correction of pathological changes through readjusting the functions of the zang-fu organs.3.Acupuncture,herbal medicine,and qigong ex

5、ercises.Read the 2nd passage and share your answer to the following quesitons with your partner.1.What does the five elements theory explain?2.What is the order of mutual promoting and that of mutual restraining?1.The composition and phenomena of the physical universe.2.The order of mutual promoting

6、:fire promotes earth,earth promotes metal,metal promotes water,and water generates wood;The order of mutual restraining:wood restrains earth,metal restrains wood,fire restrains metal,water restrains fire.Part 3.Listening and Speaking PracticePass 1.Traditional Chinese MedicineVocabulary therapy erpi

7、 n.治疗,疗法 auditory dt()ri adj.听的;听觉的 olfactory lfkt()ri adj.嗅觉的 tactile tktal adj.触觉的;有触觉的 process prses v.处理;加工 cupping kp n.拔罐 herbal medicine 草药 ascribe to 归功于,归因于Task 1:Short Answer Questions Directions:Listen to the recording once and answer the following questions.1.What does the doctor observe

8、 about the patient in order to make a diagnosis?2.What does the doctor inquire about to make a diagnosis?1.The doctor observes the patients tongue,voice.2.The doctor inquires about the patients habits and medical history.Task 2:Word Hunting Directions:Try your best to spot the following expressions

9、while listening to the recording.1.中医疗法2.养生3.望闻问切4.病史5.把脉 1.中医疗法2.养生3.望闻问切4.病史5.把脉 1.the therapy of TCM 2.stay healthy 3.visual,auditory,olfactory,tactile and questioning 4.medical history 5.feels the patients pulseTask 3:True or FalseDirections:Listen to the recording again and tell whether the fol

10、lowing statements are true orfalse(T/F).()1.The diagnosis of TCM is based on various forms of observation.()2.Massage,guasha and cupping are different kinds of tactile stimulation.()3.TCM believes that if a persons body system remains balanced,he will be healthy.1.T 2.T 3.TTask 4:Blank FillingDirect

11、ions:Listen to the recording again and fill in the following blanks.Therapies in zhongyi emphasize(1)_.Doctors give(2)_.Tools for guasha and cupping are easily found in daily life.Herbal medicines are selected from natural plants and(3)_ to cure different diseases.Zhongyi(4)_the belief that the huma

12、n body has its own(5)_system.People are healthy as long as their body system remains(6)_.Therapies in zhongyi emphasize(1)tactile stimulation.Doctors give(2)massage.Tools for guasha and cupping are easily found in daily life.Herbal medicines are selected from natural plants and(3)processed to cure d

13、ifferent diseases.Zhongyi(4)ascribes to the belief that the human body has its own(5)functioning system.People are healthy as long as their body system remains(6)balanced.Task 5:Back TranslationDirections:Please listen to the recording attentively and then translate the following Chinese sentences i

14、nto English.1.包含望闻问切在内的各种观察法是中医的诊断方法。2.中医疗法注重触觉刺激。3.刮痧、拔罐等工具在生活中可以随手找到。4.草药从天然植物中选取,加工后可以用来治疗各种病症。1.包含望闻问切在内的各种观察法是中医的诊断方法。Diagnosis of zhongyi comes from various forms of observation,including visual,auditory,olfactory,tactile and questioning.2.中医疗法注重触觉刺激。Therapies in zhongyi emphasize tactile stim

15、ulation.3.刮痧、拔罐等工具在生活中可以随手找到。Tools for guasha and cupping are easily found in daily life.4.草药从天然植物中选取,加工后可以用来治疗各种病症。Herbal medicines are selected from natural plants and processed to cure different diseases.Pass 2 Traditional Chinese MedicineVocabulary revere rv(r)v.尊敬;崇敬 acupuncture kjp(k)t n.针灸 mo

16、xibustion mksbst()n n.艾灸 herbal medicine 草药 food therapy 食疗Task 1:Short Answer QuestionsDirections:Watch the video clip once and answer the following questions.1.What principles does TCM follow?2.What are the typical forms of TCM treatment?1.Yin and yang.Laws of nature.2.Herbal medicine,acupuncture

17、and moxibustion,Tuina,massage,cupping,Qigong and food therapy.Task 2:Word Hunting Directions:Try your best to spot the following expressions while watching the video clip.1.生老病死 2.敬畏生命 3.平衡阴阳 4.益寿延年 1.生老病死 2.敬畏生命 3.平衡阴阳 4.益寿延年 1.existence,growth,behavior and death 2.revering life 3.balancing yin and

18、 yang 4.maintaining good healthTask 3:True or FalseDirections:Watch the video clip again and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).()1.TCM aims at achieving the harmony between yin and yang as well as maintaining good health.()2.TCM has never changed its theories over thousand

19、s of years.()3.All the people interviewed have heard about TCM.1.T2.F3.FTask 4:Blank FillingDirections:Watch the video clip again and fill in the following blanks.Chinese medicine TCM has a history(1)_ back some three thousand years.TCM follows the ancient principles of yin and yang,believing that p

20、eoples existence,growth,behavior and death are(2)_ from nature.(3)_these principles,TCM has never stopped exploring and(4)_its theories and systems.Over the gradual(5)_ of these thousands of years,Traditional Chinese Medicine never forgot its principles of adhering to the laws of nature,revering lif

21、e,balancing yin and yang and bringing(6)_.Chinese medicine TCM has a history(1)stretching back some three thousand years.TCM follows the ancient principles of yin and yang,believing that peoples existence,growth,behavior and death are(2)inseparable from nature.(3)Adhering to these principles,TCM has

22、 never stopped exploring and(4)evolving its theories and systems.Over the gradual(5)progression of these thousands of years,Traditional Chinese Medicine never forgot its principles of adhering to the laws of nature,revering life,balancing yin and yang and bringing(6)unification.Task 5:Back Translati

23、onDirections:Please watch the clip attentively and then translate the following Chinese sentencesinto English.1.中医遵循阴阳原则,认为人的生老病死都与自然密不可分。2.中医从未停止探索、完善它的理论和体系。3.中医从未改变初衷,它遵循大自然的规律,敬畏生命,平衡阴阳,寻求和谐。1.中医遵循阴阳原则,认为人的生老病死都与自然密不可分。TCM follows the ancient principles of yin and yang,believing that peoples exi

24、stence,growth,behavior and death are inseparable from nature.2.中医从未停止探索、完善它的理论和体系。TCM has never stopped exploring and evolving its theories and systems.3.中医从未改变初衷,它遵循大自然的规律,敬畏生命,平衡阴阳,寻求和谐 Traditional Chinese medicine never forgot its principles of adhering to the laws of nature,revering life,balanci

25、ng yin and yang and bringing unification.Pass 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine and the WorldTask 1:Word Hunting 1.为中国的文化和科技而惊叹 2.声名远扬 3.在现代科技的辅助下 4.不断发展壮大 1.为中国的文化和科技而惊叹 2.声名远扬 3.在现代科技的辅助下 4.不断发展壮大 1.impressed with the Chinese culture and knowledge 2.spread far and wide 3.with the aid of modern techno

26、logy 4.continue to develop and expandTask 2:True or FalseDirections:Watch the video clip again and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).()1.The spread of TCM didnt start until modern time.()2.103 countries have recognized the use of herbal medicine.()3.The number of combined

27、visits to TCM hospitals and clinics in the world has reached 910 million in 2015.1.(F)2.(F)3.(F)Task 3:Blank FillingDirections:Watch the video clip again and fill in the following blanks.Traditional Chinese Medicine has spread to(1)_ countries and districts with(2)_countries already.In the year(3)_,

28、there were already(4)_TCM hospitals and(5)_clinics in China with the number of combined visits for the year reaching(6)_.Traditional Chinese Medicine has spread to(1)183 countries and districts with(2)103 countries already.In the year(3)2015,there were already(4)3,966 TCM hospitals and(5)42,528 clin

29、ics in China with the number of combined visits for the year reaching(6)910 million.Task 4:Oral PracticeDirections:Based on your notes,give a brief introduction of the spread of TCM in the world.Pass 4 Challenges Facing Traditional Chinese MedicineVocabulary diagnosis danss n.诊断 herb h(r)b n.药草 stub

30、born stb(r)n adj.顽固的 standardization stnddaze()n n.标准化 threshold rehld n.阈;门槛 one-size-fit-all 均码,统一的,一刀切的 be tailored to 量身定制Task 1:Short Answer QuestionsDirections:Listen to the recording once and answer the following questions.1.How is TCM different from modern medicine?2.What challenges are faci

31、ng TCM?3.How does TCM meet the challenges?4.What keeps TCM from being widely recognized?1.TCM focuses on the root causes of illnesses and takes a holistic approach to curing disease.2.Competition and the increasing use of modern medicine.3.Evolving to meet the needs of modern society.4.Standardizati

32、on of diagnosis.Task 2:Word Hunting Directions:Try your best to spot the following expressions while watching the video clip.1.在世界范围内获得广泛认可 2.千人一方 3.一人一方 1.在世界范围内获得广泛认可 2.千人一方 3.一人一方 1.Be widely recognized worldwide 2.“one-size-fits-all”treatment 3.Every prescription is tailored to the individuals n

33、eed.Task 3:True or FalseDirections:Listen to the recording again and tell whether the following statements are true orfalse(T/F).()1.TCM has already gained popularity all around the world.()2.TCM applies its theory derived from the laws and patterns of nature to the human body.1.(F)2.(T)Task 4:Back

34、TranslationDirections:Please listen to the recording attentively and then translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1.中医是一种古老的医疗体系,它将对自然法则和模式的深刻领悟应用到人的身体。2.中医与现代医学不同,它关注的是疾病的根源,并运用整体方法治疗疾病。1.中医是一种古老的医疗体系,它将对自然法则和模式的深刻领悟应用到人的身体。Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medical system th

35、at takes a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and applies them to the human body.2.中医与现代医学不同,它关注的是疾病的根源,并运用整体方法治疗疾病。Different to modern medicine,TCM focuses on the root causes of illnesses and takes a holistic approach to curing disease.Task 5:Oral PracticeDirections:Work in pairs

36、.One plays the role of a reporter,the other a TCM practitioner.Have an interview about the past and present of TCM.Pass 5 Acupuncture in the UKVocabulary conventional knven()nl adj.传统的 bedridden bedrd()n adj.卧病在床的 alternative medicine 辅助疗法,替代疗法 NHS National Health Service 英国国家医疗服务体系 NA neurogenic ar

37、thropathy 神经病性关节病 electric shock 电击 take hold 产生影响Task 1:True or FalseDirections:Listen to the video clip and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).()1.Many people in the UK turn to acupuncture if their illnesses can not be cured otherwise.()2.Acupuncture is growing very fast

38、in the UK.()3.According to Joanna,acupuncture is more painful than injection.1.(T)2.(T)3.(F)Task 2:Listening ComprehensionDirections:Choose the correct answer to the following questions based on your listening.1.What does the hostess of this program think of acupuncture?A)Ineffective.B)She cant unde

39、rstand why it works.C)Original.D)Backache.2.Which of the following statements about acupuncture in the UK is NOT correct?A)Acupuncture clinics are only found in Chinatown.B)Its regarded as an alternative medicine.C)Its accepted by NHS as an effective treatment.D)Its thriving.1.B 2.ATask 3:Blank Fill

40、ing 1.All over the UK,acupuncture is(1)_.This ancient Chinese treatment is now one of the most popular of all(2)_ therapies.Its even taking hold(3)_ the NHS.2.Nineteen-year-old Joanna Hughes believes acupuncture has(4)_her life.For nearly a year she suffered from NA,a condition that left her(5)_.1.A

41、ll over the UK,acupuncture is(1)booming.This ancient Chinese treatment is now one of the most popular of all(2)alternative therapies.Its even taking hold(3)with the NHS.2.Nineteen year old Joanna Hughes believes acupuncture has(4)transformed her life.For nearly a year she suffered from NA,a conditio

42、n that left her(5)bedridden.Task 4:Back TranslationDirections:Please watch the video clip attentively and then interpret the following Chinese sentence into English.我是一个科学家,根据我对医学的了解,根本无法相信把一根针扎进人的身体可以治疗疾病。我是一个科学家,根据我对医学的了解,根本无法相信把一根针扎进人的身体可以治疗疾病。Im a scientist and with all that I understand about m

43、edicine,it just makes no sense that sticking a needle into a human body could cure illnesses.Task 5:Oral PracticeDirections:Please have a role-play with your partners.One acts as Joanna,the other the reporter.The reporter interviews Joanna about:1.Why has she taken acupuncture treatment?2.How does i

44、t feel to take acupuncture?3.How does acupuncture work for her disease?Pass 6 TCM VS.Western MedicineVocabulary analytical nltk()l adj.分析的,分析法的 relational rle()n()l adj.亲属的,相关的,有关的 metaphysical metfzk()l adj.形而上学的;玄学的 microcosm makr()kz()m n.微观世界;小宇宙 holographic hlrfk adj.全息的;亲笔书写的 discrimination ds

45、krmne()n n.区别;辨别;鉴别 be steeped in 浸泡在,浸透在Task 1:Short Answer QuestionsDirections:Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.1.Is TCM a science?How is it different from Western science?2.How is TCM different from Western Medicine in terms of giving a diagnosis?3.Are TCM and Western Me

46、dicine compatible?1.TCM is a science,but it is different from western science.Western science is analytical,objective,while TCM is relative,relational and observation-based.2.Pattern-oriented approach vs.disease-oriented approach.3.Definitely.Task 2:True or FalseDirections:Listen to the video clip a

47、gain and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).()1.According to the interviewee,Chinese Medicine can be regarded as a science because many of its principles are objective.()2.According to the interviewee,Chinese Medicine is more interested in the dead body instead of the livin

48、g body.()3.According to the interviewee,Chinese Medicine links imbalances of the body with the imbalances in nature.1.(F)2.(F)3.(T)Task 3:Blank FillingDirections:Watch the video clip again and fill in the following blanks.In Chinese Medicine we call it a(1)_ science.Its sort of like we look at this

49、whole were studying and we often change things around that whole and then we watch how that reacts.This is the kind of(2)_science and its(3)_-based.Its not such an objective science.Many of the principles in Chinese Medicine are(4)_based on these ideas.The(5)_ of that person himself is steeped in su

50、ch ideas.In Chinese Medicine we call it a(1)relative science.Its sort of like we look at this whole were studying and we often change things around that whole and then we watch how that reacts.This is the kind of(2)relational science and its(3)observation-based.Its not such an objective science.Many


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