2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Foreign Food讲义 外研版选修8.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 3 Foreign Food 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一 )阅读词汇写其义 1 weapon n 武器 2 forehead n 前额 3 bow vi. 鞠躬 4 palm n. 手掌 5 slap vt. 掌击 6 funeral n. 葬礼 7 toast n. 祝酒;干杯 8 classical adj. 古典的;古代的 9 handclap n. 拍手 10 wrist n. 手腕 (二 )表达词汇写其形 1 stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 2 rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 3 request n. 请求;要求 4 appl

2、ause n. 掌声 5 deal n. 协议;交易 6 gesture n. 姿势;姿态 7 spread vi. 张开 8 panic v. 恐慌;惊慌 9 live adj. 现场的 10 blank adj. 空白的 11 bend vt. 弯下腰 12 hug vt. 紧抱;拥抱 13 wipe vt. 擦;抹;揩 14 host n. 主人 (三 )拓展词汇灵活用 *municate vi.(用语言、信号 )传递信息;交流;沟通 communication n交流;沟通 *2.vary vi.变化; (大小、形状等 )相异,不同 variety n变化;多样化;种类 variabl

3、e adj.易变的;变化的 various adj.各种各样的;多方面的 3.formal adj.正式的 ( 反义词 )informal adj.非正式的 *4.traditionally adv.传统地 traditional adj.传统的 tradition n传统 *5.threatening adj.恐吓的;具有威胁的 threaten v威胁 threat n威胁 6.conscious adj.意识到的;自觉的 ( 反义词 )unconscious adj.无意识的;无知觉的 *7.favour n恩惠;善意的行为;支持;赞同 favourable adj.赞同的;有利的fav

4、ourite adj.特别喜爱的 n.特别喜爱的人 (或事物 ) 8.invitation n邀请 invite vt.邀请 9.performance n表演 performer n表演者 perform v表演;表现 10.judgement n判断;意见 judge v判断 n.裁判;法官 11.social adj.社会的 society n社会 【 精品教育资源文库 】 用上面标注 *的单词的正确形式填空 1 There is a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Years Eve. We usually ha

5、ve Chinas traditional food dumplings on that day.(tradition) 2 Being out of work is threatening. But the threat can urge the workers to work harder.(threat) 3 Im in favour of the plan, which will be favourable to the development of children.(favour) 4 In our daily life, communication plays an import

6、ant part, so its important to develop the ability to communicate with others.(communicate) 5 There are a variety of animals and plants in the world. They vary in shape and size and exist in many parts of the world. But for various reasons, some of them are dying out.(vary) 话题单词积累 1 greet/ri?t/ vt. 迎

7、接;问候 2 approach/?pr?t?/ v. 接近;靠近; 走近 3 cheek/t?i?k/ n. 面颊 4 misunderstand/?mIs?nd?stnd/ vt. 误解;误会 5 misunderstanding/?mIs?nd?stndI?/ n. 误解;误会 6 understanding/?nd?stndI?/ n. 理解 7 spoken/sp?k(?)n/ adj. 口语的 8 unspoken/?nsp?uk?n/ adj. 未说出口的;非口语的 9 posture/p?st?/ n. 姿势;体态 10 frown/fra?n/ v. 皱眉;蹙额 11 misr

8、ead/mIsri?d/ vt. 读错,误解 12 facial/feI?(?)l/ adj. 面部的 13 anger/?/ n. 怒气,怒火 14 fist/fIst/ n. 拳头 15 yawn/j?n/ vi. 打哈 欠 16 kiss/kIs/ n it comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility rather than just let life happen. 2独立主格结构 例句 One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers sp

9、read. 仿写 照片中的女孩在甜蜜地微笑,她的长发在微风中飘扬。 The girl in the photo was smiling sweetly, her_long_hair_flowing in the breeze. 3 “ 主语 be adj. to do” 结构 【 精品教育资源文库 】 例句 Body language is fascinating for anyone to study. 仿写 一篇没有任何标点符号的文章是很难懂的。 A piece of writing without any punctuation is_difficult_to_understand.

10、4 every time 引导时间状语从句 例句 In Russia you should make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass. 仿写 每次看到这些照片,我都会想起我们一起度过的美好 时光。 I think of the happy hours we spent together every_time_I_see_these_photos. 话题佳句背诵 1. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the s

11、ame way with touching or distance between people. 各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度 也不尽相同。 2 However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. 不过,来自西班牙、意大利或南美等国的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能去 (用身体 )接触对方。 3 Most people around the

12、 world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to bow. 现在世界上多数人见面要握手相互问候,但有些文化 (背景的人 )会采取另外一些寒暄方式。比方说,日本人就更愿意鞠躬。 4 The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put pe

13、ople at ease. 微笑当然是最普遍通用的面部表情,它的作用是表示快乐和安人心境。 四背语段语感流畅 We communicate with more than just spoken and written words. We also use body language very often, which varies from culture to culture. People from different cultures have different ways to greet each other. For example, when we nod at somebody

14、 we mean we agree with his or her opinion. But in some countries, it means disagreement. As a result, they are likely to have misunderstanding when communicating. So when abroad, we should remember the proverb “ When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do” ; while at home, we should try to put foreigners at e

15、ase. 我们 不只是 通过 口头 和书面语言 交流 ,我们也经常使用 身体语言 ,它 因文化不同而不同 。【 精品教育资源文库 】 来自不同 文化 的人们有不同的方式相互问候。例如,当我们朝某人 点头 时,我们表示 同意 他或者她的观点。但是在一些国家,它表示 不同意 。结果,他们 交流 时 很可能 会 误解 。因此在国外时,我们应该记住这个谚语 “ 入乡随俗 ” ;而在国内时,我们应努力使外国人 舒适自在 。 第一板块 重点词汇突破 师生共研词汇 1 vary vi.变化;不同 vt.变更;改变 教材原句 We see examples of unconscious body langu

16、age very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture. 我们经常看到无意识的身体语言,但也有 “ 习得的 ” 身体语言, “ 习得的 ” 身体语言在不同的文化中各不相同。 (1)vary with 随 ? 而变化 vary from 不同于 ? vary in 在 ? 方面不同 /有差异 vary from . to . 由 ? 到 ? 情况不等 (2)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类 a variety of varieties of 各种各样的

17、(3)various adj. 各种各样的;不同的 The color of that animal varies with the season. 那种动物的颜色随着季节而改变。 Opinions on this matter vary from person to person. 对于这件事,人人意见不一。 I want to know whether this plant can adapt to a variety (vary) of soils. 我想知道是否这种植物能够适应各种土壤。 2 involve vt.包括;涉及;使参与;需要 教材原句 Greetings in Asian

18、 countries do not involve touching the other person, but they always involve the hands. 亚洲国家的问候并不包括触摸别人,但总是有手的接触。 (1)involve sb.in (doing) sth. 使某人参与 (做 )某事;使某人牵扯到某事中 involve doing sth. 包括做某事;需要做某事 (2)involved adj. 复杂的;有牵连的;涉及的;有关的 【 精品教育资源文库 】 get/be involved in 被卷入 ? 之中;热衷于;专心于 be/get involved wi

19、th sb./sth. 与某人混在一起;和某事有密切联系 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which involved spending (spend) quite a lot of time with students. 米歇尔找到了一份高中老师的工作,这份工作需要花费相当长的时间和学生在一起。 The manager interviewed everyone involved (involve) in the accident to find out the truth behind what had actually happe

20、ned. 经理和每一个与事故有关的人进行了面谈,就是为了弄清楚事故背后的真实发生的情况。 Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth. 学生应该参与社区活动,他们能从活动中获取成长的经验。 名师指津 involved adj.作前置定语时,意为 “ 复杂的 ” ;作后置定语时,意为 “ 涉及的 ” 。例如: an involved sentence“ 一个复杂的句子 ” ; the people involved“ 所涉及的人 ” 。 3 panic v & n


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