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1、高三英语试卷 第 1 页 共 12 页(时间 120 分钟,满分 140 分)考生注意:1本试卷共 12页。满分 140分。考试时间 120分钟。2 答题前,考生务必在答题卡(纸)上用钢笔或水笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号,并用铅笔正确涂写准考证号。3 答案必须全部涂写在答题卡(纸)上。如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上也一律不给分。I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end ofeach conv

2、ersation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questionswill be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the fourpossible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you haveheard.1.A.At 8:00.B.At

3、 8:45.C.At 8:55.D.At 9:15.2.A.Looking for a job.B.Making an appointment.C.Building a website.D.Asking for a present.3.A.In a museum.B.In a cafeteria.C.In a clinic.D.In a company office.4.A.She has a tight budget this year.B.She is saving money for new clothes.C.She doesnt like the meat pie.D.She is

4、trying to lose weight.5.A.The man is a productive novelist.B.The man hasnt designed the plot.C.The man is struggling for the front cover.D.The man hasnt made a list of the characters.6.A.Ask Lily to wait.B.Find a meeting spot.C.Check the schedule of the train.D.Make a phone call.7.A.She is looking f

5、orward to the show.B.She is clear about the show.C.She cant bet with her husband.D.She dislikes the topic presented.高三英语试卷 第 2 页 共 12 页8.A.He is not surprised at the womans playing at a concert.B.He suggests that the woman should have a good sleep.C.He fully understands the womans feeling.D.He has s

6、leeping problems due to worry.9.A.The man has bought the wrong model car.B.The man has enlarged the model car too much.C.The woman is also keen on collecting model cars.D.The woman thinks it unwise to keep spending on model cars.10.A.She prefers to live on her own.B.The mans apartment is too small.C

7、.She gives priority to the budget.D.The man is selfish to make the offer.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and you willbe asked several questions on each of theshort passages and the longer conversation.Theshortpassages and the longer conve

8、rsation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is thebest answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on thefollowing passage.11.A.He will remain physically a

9、ctive.B.He can reduce the chance of injury.C.He can enjoy the sunrise while exercising.D.He will have a better appetite for breakfast.12.A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.D.At noon.13.A.The best time to exercise is any time of the day.B.Regardless of time and sexes,exercise is ben

10、eficial.C.Different time to exercise will bring the same effect.D.Different forms of exercise do good to ones reaction.Questions 14 through 16 are based on thefollowing passage.高三英语试卷 第 3 页 共 12 页14.A.The effects of having bad dreams.B.The latest experiments on dreams.C.The reasons why people dream.

11、D.The scientists who study dreams.15.A.By persevering in their attempts.B.By analyzing the puzzle carefully.C.By cooperating with other participants.D.By taking a nap and dreaming of the puzzle.16.A.It can remind us of our ancestors.B.It can foretell dangers ahead of us.C.It can relieve our stress i

12、n daily life badly.D.It can make us tough when under pressure.Questions 17 through 20 are based on thefollowing conversation.17.A.Write down her name and address.B.Show some kind of identification.C.Copy some letters from friends.D.Pass her driving test.18.A.She has a habit of reading in libraries.B

13、.She needs to read after the move to relax.C.She wants to make reading a part of her holiday.D.She wishes to know more about the local policy.19.A.He is patient and helpful.B.He is quiet and sharp.C.He is creative and inspiring.D.He is curious and kind.20.A.Passports are more useful than driving lic

14、ense in the service industry.B.Librarians can play the role of the police when it comes to identities.C.The number of books one can borrow is decided by the catalogue.D.There are alternatives to prove ones identity in a library.II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage b

15、elow,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent andgrammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Clues at Ancient Lake Site Reveal Earliest Known Cooked Meal高三英语试卷 第 4 页

16、 共 12 页Scientists have found the earliest known evidence of cooking at an archaeological site in Israel.The discovery has suggested prehistoric humans were able to deliberately make fires to cook food atleast 780,000 years ago.The detailed study of fish teeth unearthed at the Gesher Benot Yaaqov sit

17、e revealed that some ofour early ancestors most likely Homo erectus(直立猿人)believed to be the first hominin(古人族)_21_(migrate)outside Africa were able to cook fish,said Dr.Irit Zohar,a researcher at Tel AvivUniversitys Steinhardt Museum of Natural History.No human remains _22_(find)at the site before,b

18、ut the stone tools matched _23_ found atHomo erectus sites across Africa,Zohar said.She said the lake would have been shallow,and it mighthave been easy to catch large fish like the extinct Luciobarbus longiceps,which _24_ grow up to 6.5feet(2 meters),by hand.This is an incredibly important discover

19、y _25_ the shift to eating cooked meals meant humansspent less energy on the intensive work of searching for and digesting raw food,freeing up _26_(much)time to develop new social and behavioral systems.“Diet has had a big impact on the evolution of our species.It has been suggested _27_ theconsumpt

20、ion of meat in particular contributed to the increase in relative brain size of our early Homoancestors but they risked _28_(contract)diseases while consuming the uncooked meat which waslikely to be contaminated by infective bacteria,”Linscott said.“Cooking,however,kills bacteria and increases the e

21、nergetic value of meat,_29_(create)a newreliable food source for early hominins.Understanding when this happened is therefore a topic of greatinterest,because it might help to explain _30_ our hominin ancestors evolved the way in which theydid.”Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper wo

22、rd chosen from the box.Each word can be used onlyonce.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.motivateB.accidentallyC.highlightingD.plantationsE.engagingF.apparentG.purposeH.sensitiveI.increasinglyJ.decentK.treatBall-Rolling Bumble Bees Just Wanna Have FunPlaytimeisnt justfor children.Lab-k

23、ept bumble bees rollsmall wooden balls aroundfor no_31_ purpose other than fun,a new study reveals.It supports evidence that bees experience pleasure,_32_ the importance of protecting them in the wild and treating them well in their natural habitats.“It is super cool,”says Elizabeth Tibbetts,an evol

24、utionary biologist at the University of Michigan.“We usually think about insects as being so different that they lack complex behaviors.”But noteveryone is convinced the behavior is in fact play.Lars Chittka,a behavioral ecologist at Queen Mary University of London,and his colleagues高三英语试卷 第 5 页 共 1

25、2 页_33_ came across the new evidence.The team was studying how bumble bees learn complexbehaviors from their comrades by training the insects to move wooden balls to specific locations.If abee moved a ball to the right place,it got a sugary _34_.The researchers noticed that some beesmoved the balls

26、even when no reward was offered.They just seemed to like going back to them andplaying around with them and rolling them all over the place.The careful design of the experiments hasconvinced him the bees are indeed _35_ in play.Because play implies a capacity to experience emotions,documenting it in

27、 insects could have_36_ implications.Insects are _37_ being raised for animal feed,and there are no regulationsgoverning their welfare.Honey bees are also known to become stressed and more _38_ to diseaseand bee communities collapse when industrialized beekeepers transport them long distances on tru

28、cksto _39_ and vast fields without diverseflowers nearby,Chittkasays.The researchers hope theirfindings might also _40_ greater fellow feeling for and protection of wild insects.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marke

29、d A,B,Cand D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.If people actually embrace the concept of stress,it can make them stronger,smarter and happier,aStanford expert says.One reason why how you think about stress matters is that it changes how you _41_ stress.Viewing str

30、ess as _42_ leads people to cope in ways that are less helpful,whether its dragging yourfeet to avoid stress,or imagining worst-case scenes._43_,viewing stress more positively seems to encourage people to cope in ways that help themthrive,whether its tackling the source of stress,_44_ social support

31、 or finding meaning in it.Choosing to see the upside of stress isnt about _45_ the fact that stress can be harmful.Itsabout trying to balance your mindset so that you feel less overwhelmed and _46_ about the fact thatyour life is stressful.Psychologists have found that the ability to embrace stress

32、requires a high _47_for uncertainty.You have to be able to understand that two _48_ opposite things can be true at thesame time.It can be true that _49_ something stressful can make you sick or depressed,and it canalso be true that the same stressful experience can ultimately make you stronger,more

33、compassionateand more resilient over time.Stress is most likely to be harmful when the following conditions are _50_:it feels against yourwill,out of your control and utterly lacking in meaning.If you can _51_ any of these conditions by finding some meaning in it you can reduce the harmful effects o

34、f stress.Rather than being asign thatsomething is wrong with your life,feelingstressed can be a(n)_52_ of how engaged you are in activities and relationships that are personally meaningful.高三英语试卷 第 6 页 共 12 页One simple mindset reset that can help us face and find the good in the stress in our lives

35、is toview it as a(n)_53_ to learn and grow.The ability to learn from stress is _54_ into the basicbiology of thestress response.This is why putting people through practicestress is a key _55_technique for NASA astronauts,emergency responders,elite athletes and others who have to thriveunder high lev

36、els of stress.41.A.contribute toB.agree toC.respond toD.object to42.A.beneficialB.distractingC.reliableD.harmful43.A.In factB.In contrastC.Whats moreD.After all44.A.seekingB.arousingC.requiringD.embracing45.A.drainingB.analyzingC.reversingD.denying46.A.confusedB.unfortunateC.hopelessD.serious47.A.to

37、leranceB.demandC.anxietyD.preference48.A.generallyB.seeminglyC.inevitablyD.significantly49.A.putting offB.coming up withC.taking care ofD.going through50.A.presentB.controversialC.constantD.equal51.A.maskB.alterC.enhanceD.trace52.A.codeB.originC.monumentD.indicator53.A.vacancyB.substituteC.opportuni

38、tyD.illustration54.A.turnedB.builtC.brokenD.divided55.A.instrumentalB.conflictingC.intentionalD.trainingSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the on

39、ethat fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Arens,a driver of a delivery company,was making his rounds near a pond in Bozeman,Montana,when he heard an unearthly sound.It was December 2018,and about 15 feet from the frozen banks was the source of that cry a

40、half-submerged brown-and-white wirehaired dog,struggling to hold on to a thin layer of ice.How she got there no one knows,but an elderly man was already on the scene,determined to saveher.Hed entered the pond in a rowboat and was hacking a way at the ice with a rock to create a pathto the dog.It was

41、 slow going,and Arens,44,thought he stood a better chance.He took off his clothes,eventhough the temperature was-30,and jumped into the rowboat.His heart beating fast,Arens slid closer to the dog and used the other mans rock to smash away at高三英语试卷 第 7 页 共 12 页the ice.He gave himself a strong pull an

42、d slipped off the boat,crashing into 16 feet of freezing water.He resurfaced in time to see the dog going under.Using nervous energy to keep warm,he swam aboutfive feet toward her,grabbed hold of her collar,and pulled her to the ice.He then boosted the dog intothe boat and slid it back to the shore,

43、where anxious bystanders carried the dog to the home of therowboat owner.Once in the house himself,Arens jumped into a warm shower with the dog until they both feltwarmer.A few more minutes in the pond,the vet(兽医)told Arens,and she would have likely sufferedheart failure.The next day,Arens was back

44、working in the same neighborhood when the dogs owner came overto thank him for saving Sadie.Arens says,“That special delivery was the highlight of my career.”56.What does the underlined word“hacking”in paragraph three most probably mean?A.cuttingB.findingC.mendingD.adopting57.Why does Arens think“he

45、 stood a better chance”(in paragraph four)according to the passage?A.He was able to jump into the rowboat.B.He had better nerves to keep warm.C.He had an advantage in age.D.He was a faster swimmer.58.Which of the following statements is true about the incident?A.After saving the dog,Arens carried he

46、r home.B.Arens jumped into the river on seeing the dog.C.The dog was hunting when she fell into the water.D.Without Arens help,the dog could hardly survive.59.What is the main idea of the passage?A.A story of a pet lover.B.A special delivery of a driver.C.A dog suffering from heart attack.D.A fight

47、against freezing water.(B)高三英语试卷 第 8 页 共 12 页The UK doesnt have the best reputation regarding food waste.Luckily,its easy to learn how tochange these unsustainable habits,so that you can easily reduce unnecessary waste and save a prettypenny.1.Plan your mealsWhen you dont have a clear idea of what y

48、ou want to eat,its easy to pick up more than youneed,especially when items are on offer.It might seem like a great short-term option,but it cancause you to spend much more money in the long term,resulting in unnecessary food waste.Planning your meals for the week in advance can be a great way to avo

49、id this issuealtogether.Work out what you plan to eat and when,and how much.Whether youre shoppingonline or in-person,you can get only what you need both saving your money and reducing thepotential for food waste.2.Store your products correctlyThere are many tips that can help to keep produce fresh.

50、For example,potatoes,carrots andother root vegetables last longest if they are kept in the dark.Fresh fruit and vegetables,likegrapes,shouldnt be kept with ethylene-producing products(including bananas and apples)as theymake other fresh produce ripen and rot more quickly.You canalsofind many ways to


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