2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一编 教材回眸 Unit 4 Earthquakes讲义 新人教版必修1.doc

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1、【 精 品教育资源文库 】 Unit 4 Earthquakes 【题目优选】 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Tom 来信询问四川九寨沟地震的情况,并表达了要去灾区当志愿者的愿望。请你给他回信,主要内容包括: 1多座建筑物被毁,多处道路被阻,大量人员被困在废墟中, 24 人遇难, 500 多人受伤; 2当地政府积极组织救援,政府要求务必以最有效的方法发放慰问金并进行灾后重建; 3委婉阻止 Tom 去灾区当志愿者,同时说明理由。 参考词汇:慰问金 consolation money 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2信的开头和结尾已给出。 Dear Tom, _ _ _ Yours since

2、rely, Li Hua 【经典范文】 Dear_Tom, Thank you very much for your concern over the earthquake in Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province. Now Im writing to tell you something about it. As far as I know, many buildings fell down and were destroyed, the ways to the county were blocked and lots of people were tra

3、pped under the ruins in the earthquake. Besides, 24 people were killed, and more than 500 people were injured. The local government actively organized the rescue and demanded to give out consolation money in the most effective way and rebuild their homes. I know you are eager to help the people in n

4、eed there. But in my opinion, you dont need to go there in person, because it will be hard for you to communicate with people there. After all, you speak a different language. Anyway, thank you. Yours_sincerely, Li_Hua 【名师点拨】 本文结构严谨 ,表述清楚明了。短语 as far as I know, fall down, give out 等的运用,显示出作者扎实的词汇功底,

5、且高级句式 You are eager to help . 和 it will be hard for you to communicate with people there 的运用,又彰显出了作者熟练驾驭语言的能【 精 品教育资源文库 】 力。 1核心单词 (1)burst (vi.) 爆裂;爆发 (n.) 突然破裂;爆发 burst (过去式 /过去分词 ) (2)ruin (n.) 废墟; 毁灭 (vt.) 毁灭;使破产 (3)injure (vt.) 损害;伤害 injury (n.) 伤害;损害 injured (adj.) 受伤的 (4)destroy (vt.) 破坏;毁坏;

6、消灭 destruction (n.) 破坏;摧毁 (5)shock (vt. & vi.) (使 )震惊;震动 (n.) 休克;打击;震惊 shocking (adj.) 令人震惊的 shocked (adj.) 震惊的 (6)rescue (n. & vt.) 援救;营救 (7)trap (vt.) 使陷入困境 (n.) 陷阱;困境 trapped (过去式 /过去分词 ) (8)bury (vt.) 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 buried (过去式 /过去分词 ) (9)frighten (vt.) 使惊吓;吓唬 frightened (adj.) 受惊 的;受恐吓的 frightening (

7、adj.) 令人恐惧的 (10)congratulation (n.) 祝贺; (复数 )贺词 congratulate (vt.) 祝贺 (11)judge (n.) 裁判员;法官 (vt.) 断定;判 断;判决 judgement (n.) 判断力;识别力 (12)express (vt.) 表示;表达 (n.) 快车;速递 expression (n.) 表达;表情 2阅读单词 (1)nation (n.) 民族;国家;国民 (2)suffering (n.) 苦难;痛苦 (3)extreme (adj.) 极度的 (4)useless (adj.) 无用的;无效的;无益的 (5)ele

8、ctricity (n.) 电;电流;电学 (6)disaster (n.) 灾难;灾祸 (7)shelter (n.) 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 (8)damage (n. & vt.) 损失;损害 (9)sincerely (adv.) 真诚地;真挚地 【即景活用】 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Larry told her that she should not move in case she _ (injure) her neck. 答案: injured 2 When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their

9、 neighborhood in _ (ruin) 答案: ruins 【 精 品教育资源文库 】 3 A sudden stop can be a very _ (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed. 答案: frightening 4 Water had gone into the radio, and it was completely _ (use) 答案: useless 5 The art world gave me a chance _ (express) myself wit

10、hout words. 答案: to express 6 Natalies school was so _ (damage) that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn. 答案: damaged 7 I _ (sincere) hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 答案: sincerely 8 His shoes are so _ (dirt) that he must brush them. 答案: dirty 9 Ive known h

11、im for years and I trust his _ (judge) 答案: judgement 10 It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene _ (rescue) the survivors of the plane crash. 答案: to rescue 联想积累 1 “ 自然灾害 ” 单词荟萃 disaster n. 灾难;不幸 earthquake n. 地震 drought n. 旱灾;干旱 flood n. 洪水;水灾 eruption n. (火山 )喷发 hurricane n. 飓风 tsun

12、ami n. 海啸 2 “AAA” 式不规则变化动词 burst burst burst 爆发 cast cast cast 投;抛 cost cost cost 值;花费 cut cut cut 割 hit hit hit 打中 hurt hurt hurt 损伤 let let let 让 put put put 放 ; 放下 【 精 品教育资源文库 】 read read read 读 ; 阅读 rid rid rid 去掉 ?set set set 安放 ?shut shut shut 关闭 ?split split split 分裂 ?spread spread spread 展开

13、 ; 传播 3 “adj. ity n.” 荟萃 el ectricity 电 popularity 受欢迎 ; 流行 reality 现实 similarity 相似点 security 安全 equality 平等 nationality 国籍 personality 个性 activity 活动 majority 大多数 1 dig_out 掘出;发现 2 judging_from/by 从 ? 判断 3 right_away 立刻;马上 4 think_little_of 轻视;认为 ? 没什么了不起 5 a_(great)_number_of 许多;大量的 6 as_if 仿佛;好像

14、 7 be proud of 以 ? 为自豪 8 at an end 结束;终结 9 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪 10 be trapped in 陷入 11 be buried in 埋头于 12 burst out 爆发 【即景活用】 用所给短语的适当形式填空 right away, judging from, burst out, a great number of, at an end, as if 1 I felt a little dizzy, _ I had just woken from a long sleep. 答案: as if 2 _ what you say

15、 in your letter, you dont get along well with your 【 精 品教育资源文库 】 classmates. 答案: Judging from 3 The poor woman _ crying at the news. 答案: burst out 4 Its reported that _ people were rescued from under the ruins. 答案: a great number of 5 He rose to indicate that the conversation was _ . 答案: at an end

16、6 You dont look well. Youd better go and see a doctor _ . 答案: right away 联想积累 1 “in n.” 短语大荟萃 in turn 依次;轮流;相应地 in total 总计 in time 及时;适时 in place 在合适的位置;准备就绪 in danger 在危险中 in trouble/difficulty 处于困境中 in sight 看得见;在视线之内 in order 秩序井然;整齐 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪 in return 作为报答;回报 ?in need 急需;缺乏 ?in public

17、 公开地 2表示 “ 立刻;马上 ” 的词语荟萃 righ t away at once immediately right now in no time instantly 3 “ 埋头于;专心于 ” 的多种表达 be lost in be occupied in be devoted to be buried in be absorbed in apply oneself to 【 精 品教育资源文库 】 1 In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 在农家大院里, 鸡甚至猪都紧张得

18、不吃食了。 2 Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. 人们无论朝哪里看,那里的一切几乎都被毁了。 【句式仿写】 1 If you admit that life is full of beauty, be never _ (太忙碌不能享受 ) the wonder of life. 答案: too busy to enjoy 2 The dog followed him _ (无论在哪里 ) the old man went. 答案: everywhere/wherever/no matter where 联想积累 to

19、o . to . 结构 too . to . “ 太 ? 而不能 ?” ,表示否定意义。 only/just/but too . to . “ 非常 ? 去做 ?” too 前的 only/just/but 不仅没有否定意义,反而加重了 too 的肯定语气。 too 后面的形容词为表示心情或描绘性形容词的时候,如: happy, pleased, willing, thankful, delighted, anxious, eager, kind, good 等,表示肯定意义,意为 “ 很,非常 ” 。 too . to . 中的 too 前面有 never/cant 等时,此结构为双重否定表示肯定。 cant be too adj./cant be adj. enough . “ 越 ? 越好;再 ? 也不为过 ” 。 单词点津 burst vi.


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