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1、质量体系质量体系管理评审管理评审QMSQMS ManagementManagement ReviewReview22023-1-19n ALast ISO9001 Audit Overview by CQC 上次外审审核结论n BInternal Audit Findings(QMS)内审审核发现n CCustomer Feedback(Complaints/Customer Surveys)顾客反馈 n DSupplier Performance 供货商业绩n EImprovement Actions 改进措施 n F.Cost of poor quality(COPQ)质量损失成本n GQ

2、uality Targets Assessment 质量目标评估n H.Improvement Suggestions in 2019(Product/QMS/Resources)2019改进建议(产品、体系、资源)n I.2019 Quality Targets(Draft)2019年质量目标(草案)32023-1-19A.Last ISO9001 Audit Overview by CQC 上次外审审核结论42023-1-19BInternal Audit Findings(QMS)内部审核发现52023-1-19C.Customer Feedback(Complaints excepti

3、ng Warranty)顾客抱怨62023-1-19C.Customer Feedback(Complaints excepting Warranty)顾客抱怨72023-1-19 2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey 2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey调查时间:2018年3月2018年12月Time duration:March 2018 to December 2018调查对象:混凝土搅拌站、回收站、搅拌车用户及备件服务Object of survey:Customers purchasing concrete BP,RP an

4、d TM from CLX and service.调查方式:服务工程师,销售经理现场客户访问Methods of survey:Customer field visit by service engineers and sales managers;调查表数量:共发4040份,收回3030份。Qty of survey sheets:Issuing 40 copies,collect back 30 copies in total2018总体满意度总体满意度 90%,高于目标值高于目标值88%,满意度最低的方面是:满意度最低的方面是:交货及时性交货及时性 General satisfacti

5、on value is 90%,higher than target 88%,the lowest items are:delivery timeC.Customer Feedback(Customer Satisfaction Surveys)顾客满意度82023-1-19C.Customer Feedback(Customer Satisfaction Surveys)顾客满意度顾客满意度调查表 Customer Satisfaction Survey调查时间:2018年3月2018年12月调查对象:混凝土搅拌站、回收站、搅拌车用户及备件服务调查方式:服务工程师,销售经理现场客户访问调查表

6、数量:共发40份,收回30份。搅拌车搅拌车TM 搅拌站搅拌站BP 回收站回收站RPSatisfaction ValueSatisfaction Value评价内容评价内容 Survey Content质量 Quality外观 Surface94.0%性能 Performance89.0%寿命 Life89.0%交付 Delivery包装 Packaging90.0%运输 Transportation88.0%及时性 Delivery Time88.0%服务 Service 售前 Before-sale对LIEBHERR的认知度 Acquaintance of Liebherr90.0%产品的介

7、绍 Instruction of CLX product90.0%售中 In-sale信息沟通Communication92.0%报价及时性 Speed of offer92.0%售后 After-sale客户问题的处理速度 Speed of response94.0%处理结果 Service result92.0%产品的操作培训 Training for operation96.0%服务态度 Attitude and motivation100.0%92023-1-19C.Customer Feedback(Customer Satisfaction Surveys)顾客满意度102023-

8、1-190-KM Quality 零公里质量统计零公里质量统计 Size尺寸,20.0%Appearance外观,13.3%Wrong spec.规格不符,42.2%Transportation damage 运输损坏,8.9%Other其它,15.6%0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%35.0%40.0%45.0%Disposal Method 处理方式分析处理方式分析Unqualified Reason Analysis of supplier in-coming quality of 2018 2018 供应商入厂质量不合格供应商入厂质量不合格原因分析原因

9、分析DSupplier Quality Performance 供货商质量业绩In 2018 QC provided 52 pcs Non-conformity reports related on 45 types in-coming goods在2018年检验员共出具52份不合格报告,涉及45种采购件112023-1-19DSupplier Quality Performance 供货商质量业绩Field Quality-Warranty Claim Feedback三包索赔件三包索赔件质量反馈质量反馈In 2018 got 62 pcs Warranty claim reports re

10、lated on 40 kinds purchase part,37 of 40 kinds part(92%)claim number 3 pcs,belong to occasional problem.The other 8%claim reports related 3 kinds of parts belong to batch quality problem,the most reason is design no-reasonable of suppliers and improper use by customers.2018年共收到62份索赔报告,涉及40种采购件。索赔数量3

11、件的有37种产品,占92%,属于偶发问题;剩余8%的报告涉及3种采购件,属于批量质量问题,主要原因是供应商的设计不合理以及客户使用不当。Occasional problem93%Design2%Improper use5%其他其他7%122023-1-19Top Quality Feedback of Each Product Group 每类产品主要质量反馈 RP HTMDSupplier Quality Performance 供货商质量业绩Field Quality-Warranty Claim Feedback三包索赔件三包索赔件质量反馈质量反馈Remarks:Purchasing w

12、ill buy slush pump for test in customerRemarks:1.The shaft already changed new supplier;2.The pressure valve already changed specification from design.132023-1-19Summary 概述概述Audited two new suppliers。审核两家新供应商。Cooperated with the purchase Dept.to complete the test of 12 kinds of initial samples,the p

13、ass rate 92%;配合采购完成12类样品的检验,合格率92%;Top 10 suppliers with quality problems all got improved,without claim again;质量问题较多的前10名供应商都进行了改进,问题没有再出现;Supplier quality problem cause internal repair cost total 8184RMB,got the claim from supplier 1893RMB,successful rate 23%.供应商问题造成的内部返修成本共8184元,索赔成功1893元,成功率23%D

14、Supplier Quality Performance 供货商质量业绩142023-1-19E Improvement Actions-Risk 改进措施-风险和机遇152023-1-19E Improvement Actions-Suppliers 改进措施-供应商Warranty Claim Issues Improvement/三包索赔质量问题改进三包索赔质量问题改进No.序号序号Product Group 产品类别产品类别 Part Name 产品名称产品名称供应商供应商Supplier Name(ID)Major Problems 主要问题主要问题Improvement Actio

15、n 改进措施改进措施Status状态状态1HTMPROPELLER SHAFT 传动轴JIN FENG 天津津丰 092131Abnormal sound and wear out 异响和磨损Should be lack of oil to cause abnormal noise and we need requires the customer to add the lubricating oil in accordance with the requirements of every 50 hours and we have developed a new supplier应该是缺少润滑

16、油造成异响。我们应要求客户严格按照使用要求:每使用50小时加注一次润滑油。并且我们已经重新开发了一家供应商Finished2HTMRACK TRANSMITTER 操纵器RUAN ZHOU 黄河软轴092065The handle cant be locked tightly due to wear手柄磨损导致无法锁紧The suppliers analysis is that the inner chamber into the sediment caused by wear.We have advised the supplier to strengthen the seal of the

17、ir products.供应商分析是控制器内腔进泥沙造成磨损导致,我们已经建议供应商增强自身产品的密封。Finished3RPSUBMERSIBLE PUMP 潜水泵HU WO 上海沪沃092102Short-circuit 短路The supplier is equipped with submersible pumps with different lift for different Using the environment to avoid overload.供应商针对不同用途配备不同扬程的潜水泵,避免过载情况。Finished4HTMPRESSURE LIMITING VALVE

18、减压阀RUI CHUAN 瑞川 092211The pressure limiting valve was found leakage when working.工作中减压阀漏气。The supplier had provided pressure limiting valve with the thickened seal.供应商已经更换加厚密封垫的减压阀。Finished162023-1-19F COPQ 质量损失成本-Internal内部In 2018 internal repair cost since NCR quality report total:54,42254,422 RMB

19、172023-1-19F.Cost of poor quality(COPQ)质量损失成本-Warranty外部In 2018 Warranty Cost from customer total:636,991636,991 RMB 182023-1-19F.Cost of poor quality(COPQ)质量损失成本In 2018 both internal quality cost and warranty cost got big decline,the total Quality Cost declined 42%42%than 2017.192023-1-19G.Quality

20、Targets Assessment 质量目标评估2018 度公司总目标评估表 2018 Quality Targets Assessment 序号 No质量目标 Quality Targets目标值 Targets实际值 Value判定 Assessment1顾客满意度(CSI)Customer Satisfaction88%90%2产品出厂检验率 Qualified rate of delivery product100%100%3一次交验合格率 Right first time of final product90%85%4质量三包成本 Warranty Cost 1.6%.0.9%20

21、2023-1-19G.Quality Targets Assessment 质量目标评估20182018年度年度部门质量目标评估部门质量目标评估 2018 2018 Departments Quality Targets Assessment Departments Quality Targets Assessment 序号序号NoNo部门部门DepartmentDepartment质量目标质量目标 Quality TargetsQuality Targets目标值目标值 TargetsTargets实际值实际值 ValueValue判定判定 AssessmAssessmentent1技术 T

22、B新产品图纸正确率99%以上 Accuracy of new product drawing 99%above99%99.3%客户使用的技术文件完整率100%Integrity rate of technical documentation for customer 100%100%100%2销售 Sales顾客满意度 Customer satisfaction (对产品交付的评价Views on Product)92%88%销售指标完成率 Sales plan realization rate90%80%合同评审率 Contract review100%100%3售后 After Sales

23、顾客满意度Constomer satisfaction (对服务的评价Views on Service)90%99.6%4质量 QC计量器具检定及时率 Measuring equipment&gauge calibration timely100%100%产品出厂检验率 Qualitied rate of delivery product100%100%产品质量顾客满意度 Customer satisfaction of quality88%90%212023-1-19序号序号NoNo部门部门DepartmentDepartment质量目标质量目标 Quality TargetsQuality

24、 Targets目标值目标值 TargetsTargets实际值实际值 ValueValue判定判定 AssessmentAssessment5采购Purchase重要供应商季度考评合格率 The qualified rate of quarterly key supplier evaluation 96%98%对供应商的索赔成功率 Claim against suppliers 50%23%6人事 HR新员工、工种变更员工上岗前培训率 Training rate of new and position changed employee100%100%特种作业人员持证上岗率 Qualified

25、 rate of special operation personnel100%100%培训计划实施率 Training plan implementation rate90%96%7仓库 Warehouse帐、卡、物一致率 Stock goods,list and marks conformity rate98%98%发货及时率 Delivery on time98%100%8生产计划 Production Plan生产订单计划满足销售计划率 Production plan meet Sales plan96%100%9生产控制Production Control一次交验合格率 Right

26、first time of final product90%85%G.Quality Targets Assessment 质量目标评估222023-1-19H.Improvement Suggestions in 2019(Product/QMS/Resources)2019改进建议(产品、体系、资源)提高出口订单样件的合格率,减少客户退货和索赔 Improve initial sample of export order qualify rate,to reduce customer reject and claim.-工艺、生产、质量 提高产品交付的及时性 Improve the tim

27、eliness of product delivery -销售 Sales 提高采购件的入厂合格率 Improve quality rate of in-coming parts -采购/质量 Purchasing/QC提高生产自检和互检,减少不合格件传到后道工序 Improve Production self-checking and acceptance checking in process,to avoid unqualified parts effect of next process -生产 Production 232023-1-19I.2019 Quality Targets(

28、Draft)2019年质量目标(草案)20192019年度公司质量目标年度公司质量目标 Quality Targets of 2019序号 No.内容 Items目标值 Targets1顾客满意度 90%Customer Satisfaction2出厂检验合格率 100%Qualified rate of delivery product 3一次交验合格率 90%Right first time of final product4三包成本 1.0%.Warranty cost242023-1-19序号序号No部门部门Department质量目标质量目标 Quality Targets目标值目标

29、值 Targets1技术 TB新产品图纸正确率Accuracy of new product drawing 99%above99%客户使用的技术文件完整、及时率Integrity and timely rate of technical documentation for customer 100%100%2销售 Sales顾客满意度 Customer satisfaction (对产品售中的评价Views on Sales)90%合同评审率 Contract review100%3售后 After Sales顾客满意度Customer satisfaction (对服务的评价Views o

30、n Service)90%顾客满意度调查覆盖率 Customer satisfaction survey cover rate 80%4质量 QC计量器具检定及时率 Measuring equipment&gauge calibration timely100%产品出厂检验率 Qualitied rate of delivery product100%产品质量顾客满意度 Customer satisfaction of quality90%I.2019 Quality Targets 2019年质量目标 252023-1-19序号序号NoNo部门部门DepartmentDepartment质量

31、目标质量目标 Quality TargetsQuality Targets目标值目标值 TargetsTargets5采购Purchase重要供应商季度考评合格率 The qualified rate of quarterly key supplier evaluation 98%供应商进货检验合格率 Supplier parts qualify rate of in-coming checking99.3%对供应商的索赔成功率 Claim against suppliers 50%6人事 HR新员工、工种变更员工上岗前培训率 Training rate of new and position

32、 changed employee100%特种作业人员持证上岗率 Qualified rate of special operation personnel100%培训计划实施率 Training plan implementation rate96%7仓库 Warehouse帐、卡、物一致率 Stock goods,list and marks conformity rate 97.5%发货及时率 Delivery on time100%8生产计划 Production Plan生产订单计划满足销售计划率 Production plan meet Sales plan100%9生产控制Production Control一次交验合格率 Right first time of final product90%I.2019 Quality Targets 2019年质量目标2023-1-1926


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