1、My parents6My parentsPPT课件【名师课件】My parentsPPT课件【名师课件】firemannursecookdoctorbus driverteacherpolicemanWhat does he/she do?He/She is a 12345678My father is a My mother is a?What does your father do?What does your mother do?Jill loves her family.Her family is happy.Jill loves her parents.Jill loves her
2、 mother.Her mother is kind and nice.Jill loves her father.Her father is strong and brave.Her father is strong and brave.Her mother is kind and nice.Jills parentsPeters parentsJills parentsPeters parents1.What does Jills father do?2.What does Jills mother do?Jills father is a _.Jills mother is a _.Wh
3、at do Jills parents do?firemannurseWho is he?He is Jills father.What does he do?He is a fireman.Who is she?She is Jills mother.What does she do?She is a nurse.What do Peters parents do?Peters father is a teacher.Peters mother is a doctor.1.What does Peters father do?2.What does Peters mother do?What
4、 does Peters father do?He is a teacher.What does Peters mother do?She is a doctor.What do Peters parents do?His father is a teacher.His mother is a doctor._He can She can He can My name is Jill.Im a student.I have a happy family.She can My name is Jill.Im a student.I go to school every day.I have a
5、happy family.My father is a fireman.He can put out fires.My mother is a nurse.She helps sick people in the hospital.My aunt is a shop assistant.She is kind and nice.She sells things to people.My uncle is a teacher.He teaches students every day.He likes his job.My cousin is a student.He can play foot
6、ball well.I love my family._studentfiremannurseteachershop assistantstudentteach studentssell thingsto peopleput out firesMy name is Jill.Im a student.I have a happy family.help sickpeople1.听读并背诵P26.1何师俭调任广东的那年,庄稼歉收,何师俭担心老百姓遭受疾苦,就自作主张把存留的五万石粮拿出来作为应急粮饷,并告诫下属官吏暂缓征收赋税。2何师俭在兵部时,就对各个地方的地势要塞、攻打守备的时机和军粮供应的
7、情况很熟悉。到凉州后,他对每次集会讨论的事情都了如指掌,受到总督的赏识。3.何师俭晚年时 已双目失明,但是仍然勤于政事,有时还让随从官吏把文书的内容读给自己听。在家中去世后,陕西曾修建祠堂来纪念这位名臣4.为了干扰中国的和平崛起,美国军方在原本平静的南海一再掀起风浪,但只要中国政府,沉着应对,中国就一定能朝着既定目标稳步前进。5.苏轼深受儒释道思想的影响,一生经历了多次起起落落,但他面对厄运,始终能够,并在诗、词、散文、书法等方面都取得了很高的成就。6.真正的实力是指:低调谦逊、平和务实、真诚友善,对于别人的嘲讽和歧视能够,最终靠自己的能力成就一番事业且不张扬的一种卓越品格。7既不注重从纯粹思辨去寻求人生真理,也不崇尚向彼岸世界去寻求生命解脱