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1、Inorganic chemistry Kang Ling12019-2-24Handan is located to southern part of HeBei province22023-1-26It lies at the east foot of Taihang Mountains(太行山),and borders the North China Plain(华北平原)in the east.It is in the communication center of Hebei,Henan,Shanxi and Shandong provinces.32023-1-2642023-1-

2、26Handan has a history of more than 2,500 years,and is considered one of Chinas historical and cultural cities.It was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom(赵国)in the Warring States Period(战国时期).赵武灵王52023-1-26It is also a commercial centre during the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties(西汉和东汉西汉和东汉).There are

3、many renowned historical figures such as the First Emperor of China,Qinshihuang(秦始皇秦始皇),Emperor Wuling(武灵王武灵王)of the Zhao Kingdom,Lian Po(廉颇廉颇)and(蔺相蔺相如如),etc62023-1-26TOURIST ATTRACTIONS (TOURIST ATTRACTIONS (history and history and cultucultur re)e)Congtai Park.(从台公园)Xuebu-bridge.(学步桥)Lv-xian shri

4、ne.(黄粱梦吕仙祠)Jingniang-lake(京娘湖)铜雀台罗敷潭72023-1-26Congtai parkJingniang-lake The lake is also related to a historical story told in(警世通言)from Feng Menglong Jingniang-lake,which is located in Wuan county,is about 60km to Handan.With the beautiful scenery,it has became the most popular place for people in

5、 Handan to spend the short holidays.92023-1-26102023-1-26铜雀台东风不与周郎便铜雀春深锁二乔112023-1-26罗敷潭122023-1-26日出东南隅,照我秦氏楼。秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。罗敷喜(善)蚕桑,采桑城南隅。青丝为笼系,桂枝为笼钩。头上倭堕髻,耳中明月珠。缃绮为下裙,紫绮为上襦。行者见罗敷,下担捋髭须。少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩头。耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄。来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。使君从南来,五马立踟蹰。使君遣吏往,问是谁家姝?“秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。”“罗敷年几何?”“二十尚不足,十五颇有余”。使君谢罗敷:“宁可共载不?罗敷前致辞

6、:“使君一何愚!使君自有妇,罗敷自有夫!”“东方千余骑,夫婿居上头。何用识夫婿?白马从骊驹,青丝系马尾,黄金络马头;腰中鹿卢剑,可值千万余。十五府小吏,二十朝大夫,三十侍中郎,四十专城居。为人洁白晰,鬑鬑颇有须。盈盈公府步,冉冉府中趋。坐中数千人,皆言夫婿殊。”陌上桑132023-1-26春日游罗敷潭春日游罗敷潭 李白李白行歌入谷行歌入谷口口 路路尽无人尽无人跻跻攀崖度绝攀崖度绝壑壑 弄弄水寻回水寻回溪溪云从石上云从石上起起 客客到花间到花间迷迷淹留未尽淹留未尽兴兴 日日落群峰落群峰西西142023-1-26The idiom of tutal 成语之乡成语之乡As a notional hi

7、storical and cultural city,Handan is the hometown of idiom and allusions,There are over 500 Chinese idioms and allusions derived from Handan including the following typical ones:152023-1-26Learn to Walk in Handan 邯郸学步 成语“邯郸学步”,比喻生搬硬套,机械地模仿别人,不但学不到别人的长处,反而会把自己的优点和本领也丢掉。The idiom learning how to walk

8、in handan was used to refered to those who learned or imitate from others mechanically,without catching the essence of the good qualities of others,only to lose their own merits and capacities.162023-1-26Riding and shooting in Hus garbs 胡服骑射胡服骑射 这个典故告诉人们不要故步自封,应学习别人长处,勇于改革。The story to tell people n

9、ot to be complacent and should learn from the strengths of others,have the courage to reform172023-1-26Carrying rod to ask for punishment负荆请罪.182023-1-26Fools paradise 黄粱美梦192023-1-26Han Dan Food 美食林扒鸡(braised chicken)磁县胖妮熏鸡(Smoked Chicken)永年广府牌酥鱼(Crisp fish)临漳临英熏兔(Smoked rabbit)广府牌五香酱驴肉(Flesh of a

10、donkey.)广府牌驴蹄筋(The donkey tendons)广府牌驴板肠(Donkey board intestinal)202023-1-26 广平桂月牌缯肘(Zeng elbow)永年驴油烧饼(sesame seed cake)涉县螺丝饼(Screw cake)涉县金丝小窝头(Pit head)津津乐一口香水饺(Perfume dumplings)武安锅盔(Wuhan boiler ash)212023-1-26Do you like it?Those are the most famous attractions of my homtown.222023-1-26Thank you for your attention 232023-1-26


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