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1、Idioms related with food Idioms related with food 小组成员:涂思婷 卢璐 李若欣 1 精品文档 Content vegetable and fruit drink staple food 精品文档 01 Idioms related with Vegetables To be a vegetable 植物人 精品文档 01 e.g:You should adopt another solution to deal with this hot potato.Potato hot potato:a problem or a issue or som

2、ething is difficult to deal with.(棘手的问题)e.g:Dont be a couch potato!Youre just wasting your time.couch potato:a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television and gets little or no physical exercise.(电视迷)small potato:something or somebody is not important(小人物,微不足道的人或事)e.g:Im a small

3、potato,no one will listen to me.精品文档 02 Beans someone is very energetic(精力充沛)be worthless or not important(无足轻重)Three little people dont amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world tell someone something that people have been trying to keep a secert(说漏嘴)Jem was full of beans after a long sleep you

4、 are full of beans;that man is not 130 years old talk nonsense(胡说八道)This is a secret.Dont spill the beans to anybody.精品文档 03 Carrot 1 e.g:They applied the carrot and stick to enslave the people in the colonies.the carrot in the idom is an incentive or reward,The stick is the punishment.(软硬兼施)2 e.g:T

5、hey are holding out a carrot of$120 million in economicaid Carrot means something offered to someone in order to try and persuade them to do something.(为使某人做某事而给予的)报酬,好处,诱饵 My boss promised me a raise but I know he is just dangling a carrot in front of me To dangle a carrot in front of someone means

6、 to tempt someone with an item that is not attainable.(开空头支票,说空话)精品文档 01 Idioms related with fruits like tree,like fruit 羊毛出在羊身上 精品文档 01 Banana go bananas:to become very angry or excited(狂怒,气的发疯)top banana:the leading comedian in burlesque show.(主要喜剧演员)The top bananas perform was very funny,making a

7、ll of us laughed.top banana:the most important person in a group(大老板,主要人物)Hes the top banana in this company.Im so bored.Im going bananas go bananas:be crazy(发疯,神经错乱)She went bananas when she found him cheating.second banana:a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian(配角)(下属)精品文档 02 Apple I dont un

8、derstand why people always mistake Mary and Anna.They really are apples and oranges.apples and oranges:to describe a situation in which two people or things are completely different(两码事,截然不同)apple of(one s)eye(掌上明珠)the apple never falls far from the tree(有其父必有其子)apple polisher:a flatterer,someone wh

9、o behave if he had no self-respect(拍马屁的人)polish ones apple:to flatter someone(阿谀奉承某人)Mary is an apple polisher;she will do anything for the boss.bad apple or rotten apple(坏蛋)one bad(or rotten)apple spoils the whole bunch(一粒耗子屎坏了一锅汤)精品文档 02 Drink 精品文档 02 Tea For all the tea in China 多高的报酬也不做 I wouldn

10、t do that for all the tea in China.Cup of tea 喜爱,感兴趣的人/事 Classical music is not my cup of tea.A different cup of tea 迥然不同的人/物 Tea and sympathy 安慰、同情 I just want tea and sympathy right now.take tea with sb 狭路相逢 精品文档 02 Alcohol Wine New wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒 When the wine is in,the wit is out.酒醉智昏

11、 When the wine is in,the truth is out.酒后真言 Good wine needs no bush.酒好客自来 Cider all talk and no cider 空口说白话 more cider and less talk 少说多做 精品文档 02 small beer 无足轻重的人/物 think small beer of 轻视 She thinks small beer of painters.beer and skittles 吃喝玩乐 If you think life is all beer and skittles,youll soon f

12、ind out your mistake.Cry in ones beer 借酒消愁 Drink ones beer 让人闭嘴 beer 精品文档 02 Milk Milk for babies 简易、粗俗读物 All her books are milk for babies.The milk of human kindness 恻隐之心 Milk and water 淡而无味 Cry over spilt milk 悔恨莫及 milk and honey 富饶之地 milk the bull 缘木求鱼 精品文档 03 Staple Food 15 精品文档 01 Bread and but

13、ter?Bread and butter 谋生之道 Swan Lake is the bread and butter to the ballet company.?Bread and circuses 面包和马戏 食物与娱乐 It was bread and circuses time during spring festival.?Take the bread out of someones mouth 抢某人的饭碗?Out of bread 失业?In bad bread 处境不妙 16 精品文档 01 Bread and butter?Butter both sides of ones

14、 bread 在同一时间从两件事中获利 He is buttering both sides of his bread he works for us during the day and has a job with another company during the evening.?Bread buttered with both sides 过着舒适的生活?Like a hot knife through butter 形容某事很容易做?Know(on)which side ones bread is buttered 知道某人的利益所在 He knows which side hi

15、s bread is buttered on.?Butter sb up 巴结讨好,过分恭维 17 精品文档 02 Have a finger in every pie 每件事都要管,事事都想参与 She always wnats to have a finger in every pie if her neighbours are planning any little festivity.Pie Pie in the sky 比喻渺茫的希望 Their idea about increasing salary is just a pie in the sky.Eat humble pie

16、被迫低声下气地道歉 When he realized his mistake,he had to eat humble pie.Apple-pie order 井然有序,整整齐齐 By the end of the week we had gor everything in apple-pie order.18 精品文档 03 He thouhgt he was a big cheese in his office.Big Cheese 大人物,重要人物 Its hard cheese for him if he cant go to the cinema with us.Hard Chees

17、e 倒霉,不走运 Did someone cut the cheese?异味 Cut the cheese 白垩和奶酪,外表很像,但实质完全不同,形容两种东西表面相似而实质截然不同。As different as chalk and cheese Cheese 19 精品文档 04 Wage increase is only jam tomorrow for him.Have jam on it 好上加好 Want jam on it 要求过多 Ive already doubled your salary.You are still not satisfied.Do you want jam on it?Money for jam 容易赚的钱,容易做的事 If something is money for jam,its a very easy way of making money.Traffic jam 交通阻塞 In a jam 遇到困难 Jam Jam tomorrow 可望而不可即的事物 20 精品文档 Thanks!精品文档


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