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1、 写作能力的提高是一个日积月累、循序渐进的过程,难以通过捷径“速成”。考试意义上的写作则受到考试时间、大规模判卷等客观因素的制约,这种种制约又通过试卷的命题形式直接对作文字数以及通过提纲、提示和图表对写作内容及短文展开方向等作出限制。这些限制便使本无“诀窍”可循的写作有了“套路”、“模式”、“捷径”和“章法”。四六级考试中的短文写作每一段均可包括主题句+扩展句+终结句,每段都可由这三句展开,其中扩展句可并列使用,这就是三句式段落展开法。同时,四六级考试中的短文写作又都包括主题段+扩展段+终结段,每篇短文写作都可依这样的模式展开,这就是三段式短文展开法。历年真题剖析高分最基本要素:内容;结构;用

2、词主题句是论说文或说明文中阐明段落中心思想或主要内容的核心句子,对全段的论述起着宏观指导和限制作用,是构成英语段落的重要手段。主题句就象公路上各路段的路标一样,引导驾驶员依循指定的路线行驶,以避免迷失方向。If a person expects to do things successfully,he should have confidence.It is confidence that enables a person to face the obstacles or drawback that stand in his way.In fact,one can hardly accompl

3、ish anything if he has doubt about his ability in what he does.When ones confidence is shaken,he tends to become discouraged and depressed and chances are that he may fail to do what he could.In contrast,a person who never loses heart will succeed in what seems impossible.并非所有句子都能充当主题句。例如并非所有句子都能充当主

4、题句。例如This is what I want to say.Everyone knows that May 1st is Labor Day.Hands up,or Ill kill you!这些句子要么缺少能进一步讨论的话题,或者没有围绕话题待展开的内容,因此不具备主题句的功能。检验主题句有一个较为简便的方法,既针对句子用Why?(待解释)和How?(待描述)设问,如果能够解答,则可基本认定为主题句。如果难以解答,或答案很荒谬,则可排除主题句的可能性。例如:例如:w Pronouncing a language is a skill.(可解答)wReading extensively h

5、elps to enrich our knowledge.(可解答)w He is my father.(不可解答)wShe told me that I couldnt make progress if I work hard.(不可解答)主题句多见于段首。这样,既可以突出要点,使读者从一开始就可以明了段落的主题和中心思想;也利于作者有效地组织段落,控制段落内容,提醒作者紧扣主题。有时主题句也可能位于段落的中间。这种位置利于先举事例,然后于段落中间部分用主题句综合概括,接着进一步举例和引深说明。段尾主题句主要是对前文进行总结和概括。或者为了突出具体内容,引起读者的思考和兴趣,也可将主题句置于

6、段尾。主题句的呈现1.Friends are important to us.2.But real friendship is not easy to come by.3.A friend in need is a fiend indeed.1.Now Project Hope is underway in China.2.The Project is of great importance to Chinas education.3.Poverty is not so terrible,but poor education is fatal.为了体现某个意思的重要性,人们在书面语中可用一些特

7、定的句式来突出重点或凸现主题。这些句子就称为强调句。如倒装,it前置强调,反问,重复某词语等。构成强调主题句的句式以it引导的句子居多。因为这类句式较易掌握,也颇为实用。例如:例如:1.It is certain that a man without friends will suffer a great deal from solitude.2.It is not difficult to make friends,but it is not easy to obtain real friendship.3.Hopefully,from my friend I will learn a lo

8、t and to my friends I can offer what I should.1.To help poor kids to go back to school,China has sponsored a special project known as Project Hope for years.2.It will be very hard for China to achieve its planned economic growth and make great progress in science without a well-educated population.3

9、.It is on the young generation that China places her great hope.为避免句式过于单调,还可以用表条为避免句式过于单调,还可以用表条件的主题句引出段落出题。这种句式便于件的主题句引出段落出题。这种句式便于先引出话题,再进一步亮明观点。先引出话题,再进一步亮明观点。If a person wants to live a happy life,he should have some friends.If all the kids can be well-educated,China will undoubtedly become stro

10、nger in near future.If thee were no electricity,the world would be a quite different one.了解了主题句的概念和作用,为写好主题句作文打下了基础。但怎样才能由主题句有效展开段落,是不少学习者颇为头疼的问题。虽然知道主题句是段落中最具概括性的句子,后面的句子应该是起支撑作用的、描叙或讨论细节的拓展句,但究竟如何拓展法,还是朦朦胧胧,不得要领。根据给出的主题句或自己写出的主题句,先用why?或 How?设问,然后把段落主题句作为一个总的问题以解释、讨论或描述的方式来给予解答。这样,写段落就变为回答问题。确立主题句


12、。作,也具有较强的逻辑性和说服力。I have learned English for almost ten years,but it is difficult for me to have a good command of the language.For one thing,I just learn English by memorizing many rules.Rules are important.But rules dont always tell us how to use English properly in given situation.For another,I fa

13、il to understand that the study of a language is to communicate rather than compete for good grades.Admittedly,I have a comparatively large vocabulary,but I often feel at a loss for words when I try to speak or write.In fact,to learn a language is not so difficult,but to apply what one has learned a

14、bout a language is far from easy.从反面来论证由主题句提出的观点,从反面来论证由主题句提出的观点,用反面的事实来证明某一观点的正确性,用反面的事实来证明某一观点的正确性,使自己的论述更有说服力,也利于段落使自己的论述更有说服力,也利于段落的展开。的展开。Electricity plays a very important part to our modern society.A world without electricity will be a terrible one.Factories have to be closed because of power

15、 failure.Busy traffic lines will be in a state of chaos and suffer from great loss.Moreover,modern communication systems will fall apart and people will find it hard to get information on time.Also,it will be impossible for us to enjoy the convenience and entertainment in our daily life.Such a world

16、 will look like a hell.Naturally everyone expects to be perfect.But unfortunately there is no one who never makes mistakes,and no one is to be blamed unless he refuses to learn from them.Many young people become discouraged when they recognize in themselves qualities that they do not likebad temper,

17、selfishness,laziness and other unpleasant things.Just remember that we all have some of these faults and have to fight to overcome them.So one must learn not to be too unhappy when he makes a mistake.1.No one will succeed in doing thing without confidence.a.encourage us to face any difficultyb.the s

18、tudy of English(example)c.job interview2.There may be several reasons for one to become unsure of himselfa.lack experiencesb.doubt about ones own abilityc.overestimate difficulty3.Confidence can be built up if one takes a correct attitude toward difficulties.a.if we try,we canb.never lose heart when

19、 we happen to fail文章一开始就道破主题,这是最简单实用的方式。常用于记叙文、说明文和议论文。Grades are really important for most students.Schools and the society as a whole tend to value a student by grades.Students with higher grades are preferable for admission to good schools or colleges.Also,successful application for satisfactory

20、jobs depends a great deal on good grades.开头段用提问的方式引出主题,激起读者的阅读兴趣,也为下面段落的展开提供了条件。但这种开头应避免“Do you think so,my dear friend?”“Do you agree with me?”“Whats your opinion?”等毫无意义的提问,以免引起读者的不快或反感。作文开头先概括性地叙述某一现象或事物,再由一般到具体引出主题。这样,可使作文的开头更显自然。例如:例如:Every year there are changes in climate in different parts of

21、 the world.Some of these changes are due to natural causes.However,some climate changes are caused by air pollution and these changes may increase.开头段直接说明写作目的或表明对某事物的看法,使读者能一目了然。例如:例如:When I decided to enter the university,like most freshmen I had only the vaguest notion of what subject I intended t

22、o major in.But now after two quarters of aimlessly chosen course work,and after a good deal of self-analysis,I have decided that there are at least four good reasons why I should major in business administration.在作文开头段根据自己的认识对某事物给出一个简单的定义,并适当说明。Humans are social animals.They depend on groups for sur

23、vival.An individual human being lost in a wildness is capable of doing many things.But he or she will probably be thinking constantly about how much better it would be if there were other people around to talk to and to help.恰当的引用一谚语或某一句名言开头,引出讨论的主题,可使读者印象较深。There is the saying that time is money.It

24、 is true that money is as precious as money.But it is also true that no one can afford to waste his time no matter how rich he is,because when time is gone,it will never come back.Manners are very important in every country,but ways of expressing good manners are different form country to country.Wh

25、at is good manners in one country may not be appropriate behavior in another.So the safe advice for a foreigner,no matter what country he is visiting,is to follow the old proverb:“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”在结尾段对全文讨论的问提或要点进行概括总结,并进一步明确和深化主题,使读者留下较深刻的印象。例如:例如:A well-handed telephone call will

26、give the caller a good impression of the company he or she is dealing with.For this reason,an office secretary who can handle telephone calls cheerfully,tactfully,and efficiently is a valuable asset to any organization.1)归纳总结归纳总结 Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit.In many adu

27、lts,too,the condition is more or less temporary.Although sleepwalking itself is nothing to become alarmed about,the problems that cause the sleepwalking may be very serious.针对文中论述的问题提出作者的建议,以引起读者的注意和思考。例如:例如:Therefore,it is necessary for us to exploit more energy resources to meet the ever-increasin

28、g demand of modern society.For example,garbage can be used to generate electricity.Also,the extensive application of solar energy should be encouraged.Even the heat of human bodies will become a new resources of energy.2)提出建议提出建议In fact,payment for a job should vary with any differences in the way t

29、hat the job is performed.Where it is simple to measure the work done,as in the work done with the hands,monetary encouragement schemes are often chosen;for indirect workers,where measurement is difficult,methods of additional payments must be employed.在结尾段对未来作出展望,启发和激励读者。As for the future,it seems c

30、ertain that English in one form or another will be spoken by far more people than it is today.It will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does.3)展望未来展望未来In general,all of the work done in the twentieth century in these areas has improved life for many people.Many sci

31、entists in these fields now feel that their main concern is keeping people healthy.They are less concerned with curing disease that people already have.Much work still remains to be done.All of the successful work described here provides great hope for the future.以提问的方式结尾,促使读者对全文内容进一步思考和产生更大的兴趣。例如:例

32、如:It seems that almost everyone is superstitious in one way of another.We all want to be able to tell the future,control the world around us,or have some luck.In the last part of the twentieth century,now that science is the way of the world,we still hold many of our ancient superstitions.Do they wo

33、rk?Are they fact?Of course not.Or are we sure?4)问句结尾问句结尾文章的各个段落既自成体系,又必须相互协调和照应,以利于全文主题思想的表达。一般来说,因为不同的位置,段落的功能也有所不同。(1)(1)作文存在的障碍和问题作文存在的障碍和问题However,some books are harmful.Books that tell people to do bad things will certainly do great harm to us.Especially yellow books will ruin the young people.

34、These books are no good.So we must choose books to read.a.翻译式作文。翻译式作文。例例:The First Day I Came to CollegeI always remember the day I come to college.It was a sunny day and I was very excited.I have arrived at the college in the afternoon.Everything had seemed fresh to me.The campus was beautiful.The

35、college was located at the foot of a Mountain and was surround with trees.To the east of it we can see a blue river.There are so many teaching buildings.It was here that I would study for four years.I thought that I must study hard in order to live up to the expectations of my parents and friends.It

36、 is true that there are many challenges,but I will prove myself a worthy college student.b.时态混杂。时态混杂。例例:ComputerNowadays computers are widely used in our society.We can see computers everywhere.Many people use computers in schools and colleges.We also use computers in offices,libraries,banks and at

37、home.c.没啥可写。没啥可写。例例:Fake commodities are bad to us.They not only are bad to our life,but also to our health.In a store,even a supermarket,all kind of fake commodities always can be found.It is very harmful to customers society and even to a country.Fake CommoditiesDo you like travelling?Probably you

38、 will say“Yes,I like it very much!”Thats right.TravelingI think travelling is really good to everyone of us.Do you agree with me,my dear friend?d.套用中文模式。套用中文模式。例例:.As I was a little tired from the journey to the college,I went to bed early.At mid night,I suddenly woke up.I found that there was no ga

39、te in the college.The First Day I Came to Collegee.主题模糊。主题模糊。例例:(2)(2)作文与词语作文与词语Im a student of Hunan University.Im studying in Tumu Department.I like my major very much.要能正确和恰当地用词语表达意思,首先必须意识到英语词语和汉语词语并非是一一对应的。应适当了解正式文体与非正式文体的差异,尤其是词语的区别。例如,汉语的“觉得”可用英语的feel、find、think等词语来表达,但具体怎么用,还须依句意而定:1.你觉得这个计划

40、怎么样?What do you think of the plan?2.他觉得有人在注视着他们。How do you like the plan?He became aware that someone was watching him.3.我觉得他不会同意。I have a sense that he wont agree.4.你觉得这样做合算吗?Do you find it pays?没没 能能 cant fail to/unable to/not be in a position to/很很 多多 a lot of various/plentiful/numerous/countless

41、/abundant/quite a few必必 须须 must be supposed to/be obliged to/have no alternative希希 望望 hope feel like/would like/expect/be dying to/cant wait to努努 力力 work hard hardworking/diligent/industrious/dedicated得得 到到 get obtain/acquire/achieve/gain/win/earn有有 趣趣 interesting fascinating/attractive/entertaining

42、/pleasant/enjoyable增增 进进 increase expand/add to/enhance/enlarge/broaden/develop/improve这些单词在作文中出现频率较高,有必要格外小心,老出错,就会给读者或评卷人以不好的印象。求表达正确求表达正确:behaviorinformationtrafficequipmenthomeworkdamageknowledgeprogress trouble experience work money advice把语法结构相同,意思同等重,语气一致的句子结构或句子平行排列,可加重语气,增强节奏感。也是展开段落的一种有效方式

43、。例如:Television presents a vivid world in front of us.TV programs not only inform us of current events both at home and abroad,but also bring us with marvelous wonders in the world.By watching TV,we can also enjoy exciting sports games,lovely wild animals and colorful foreign customs.It is true that

44、television helps to expand our knowledge and beautify our life in a vivid way.Sports and games are good for our health.Undoubtedly,regular participation in games and sports will enable one to build a strong body,to have a good appetite and to delay the process of aging.What is more,by the training o

45、f sports and games that a person will be quicker in doing things and stronger in fighting against disease.1.Nothing is+er than to+V/Nothing is+more+adj+than to+V e.g.Nothing is more important than to receive education.2.cannot emphasize the importance of too much.(再怎么强调.的重要性也不为过。)3.There is no denyi

46、ng that+S+V.4.It is universally acknowledged that+:5.There is no doubt that+6.The reason why+句子 is that+句子 7.So+adj+be+主词+that+如此.以致.)So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费 8.Adj+as+Subject(主词)+be,S+V Rich as our country is,the qualities of our living are by no means sat

47、isfactory.9.enable+Object+to+V 10.Onnoaccountcanwe+V(我们绝对不能.)11.Itistime+S+过去式(该是.的时候了)12.It isconceivablethat+(可想而知的)Itisobviousthat+(明显的)Itisapparentthat+dueto/Owingto/Thanksto+N/Ving,Whata+Adj+N+S+V!=How+Adj+a+N+V!leavemuchtobedesired(令人不满意)haveagreatinfluenceon dogoodto,doharmto,poseagreatthreat

48、to doonesutmostto,spare no effort 有些同学在写作文时,常感到句与句之间的意思连接不顺,但却找不到原因。其实,这往往是受汉语思维影响的缘故。汉语文句的逻辑关系和上下意思的衔接,往往可通过句子的意义来体现,如“小张病了,没来上课。”“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。”英语则须加上必要的连结词;“Mr.Zhang was absent from class because he was ill.”“Modesty helps one to go forward,whereas conceit make one lag behind.”英语句子为体现文句和内容的连贯,常借

49、助于各种连接手段。其中最常用的就是过渡词(transitions)或连接词(connectors)。能否较好地使用过渡词来体现作文各层次能否较好地使用过渡词来体现作文各层次间的内在联系,是评判一篇作文优劣的重要依间的内在联系,是评判一篇作文优劣的重要依据之一。故要练好作文,据之一。故要练好作文,必须掌握常用过渡词必须掌握常用过渡词语的功能和作用。语的功能和作用。根据其本身的意思和作用,常用过渡词语可以分为以下几类:first,second,third(the most important),第一,第二,第三firstly,secondly,thirdly(finally),首先,第二,第三fo

50、r example(for instance),例如,Take,for example,.以为例,such as(namely),比如,especially(obviously/surely/undoubtedly),尤其是(的确/毫无疑问),in fact,(as a matter of fact),事实上,其实,similarly,likewise,同样,也however(but)然而(但是)on the contrary(by contrast)相反on the other hand另一方面that is 即,也就是说in other words 换言之in addition(besid


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