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1、Module 2 My New Teachersv.短语检测v1确定,确信;查明 make sure v2犯错误 make a mistake/make mistakes v3取得进步 make progress v4不断/总是做某事 keep doing sth.v5结果 as a result v6在某方面干得好do well in sth.(反义反义do badly in)v7事实上 in fact v8睡着 fall asleep v9讲笑话;开玩笑 tell jokes v10厌倦了 get bored(with sth.)v11宁愿,宁可 would rather v12.确信(做

2、)对有把握 be sure of(doing)v13.按时.on timev14.及时 in time v15.害怕 be afraid ofv16.擅长 be good at/in(反义:反义:be poor/weak at/in)v17.尽力 do ones best(try ones best)v18举例 for examplev19.公立学校 state schoolv20私立学校 private shool 1.amusing(funny)有趣的;可笑的有趣的;可笑的我有一则可能你没听说过的有趣的消息他在饭后讲了几则令人捧腹的笑话。I have an amusing piece of

3、 news you may not have heard of.He told several amusing jokes after dinner.amuse vt 使开心 amusement n 消遣,娱乐 amused adj 感到有趣的;被逗乐的(主语常为人)be amused at/by 以为乐 The audience was amused by the performance2.energetic adj.精力充沛的精力充沛的 energy n.能量能量 活力活力他精力充沛。He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。He has m

4、uch energy.He is full of energy.intelligent adj 聪明的;智能的 理解力强的。intellect 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力,它还可表示智力高的人。eg:He was one of the most formidable intellect of his time.他是他所处时代的盖世英雄。intelligence 指处理或对付问题或情况所需的特殊才智 eg:use your intelligence,and youre sure to achieve something.Wisdom 较为文雅正式,可指明智的言行,侧重于经过一定经

5、验和知识的积累而能更好的做出决定或提出建议的能力。3.patient耐心的 其反义词impatient 没有耐心的 patience n.耐心 patient n.病人 be patient with sb/sth 对有耐心,有忍耐力。be patient of sth 对某事有耐心/有忍耐力的 My uncle was a man patient of injuries.Shes very patient with young children.4.be serious about sb/sth/doing sth 对认真Is she serious about giving up her

6、job?be strict in/on/about sth 对某事严格be strict with sb 对某人严格This company is very strict about punctuality.The Browns are very strict with their children.We must be strict with ourselves in everything5.be nervous about 对紧张,担忧be nervous of 害怕eg:Im nervous of(being in)large crowds.eg:She was so nervous a

7、bout her exams that she couldnt sleep.6.avoid vt 避免;防止 avoid sth 避免/避开某物 avoid doing sth避免做某事 eg:Fortunately,we were able to avoid an accident.我们幸运地逃过一场事故 eg:He was lucky and avoided punishment/being punished.他很幸运,避免了惩罚 7.appreciate vt.感激;欣赏appreciaten./pron.赏识、欣赏、感激某事。eg:I appreciate all your help.

8、appreciate(ones)doing sth 欣赏.感激(某人)做某事.eg:I would appreciate your calling back this afternoon.I would appreciate it if 如果我将不胜感激。eg:I would appreciate it if you can write back soon.8.admit vt,承认 admit sth 承认(事实、过失等)承认(事实、过失等)eg:At last the thief admitted his crime.admit doing sth/having done 承认干过某事 e

9、g:He admitted having stolen the car.admit that 承认承认 I admit my mistake/that I was wrong.be admitted to/into 被录取,被接纳为会员 eg:luckily for him,he was admitted to Beijing University.9.respect v.&n.尊重尊重,尊敬尊敬 (复复)问候问候 respect onesself 自尊;自重自尊;自重 eg:Everyone should respect himself.eg:Everyone should respect

10、himself.respect sb/sth for sth 因某事而尊重某人因某事而尊重某人/某物某物 eg:he is highly respected by everyone for his eg:he is highly respected by everyone for his integrity.integrity.win/earn/gain the respect of sb 赢得赢得的尊敬的尊敬 eg:the teacher earns the respect of eg:the teacher earns the respect of studants.show/have r

11、espect for sb 对对.表示尊敬表示尊敬 eg:We should show/have respect for the oldeg:We should show/have respect for the old.give/send ones respects(to sb)致意,问候致意,问候 eg:She sent her respects to my parents.eg:She sent her respects to my parents.语法知识语法知识:1.make sure of/about sth确保,查明,核实弄清楚 eg:We can make sure of/ab

12、out victory.我们保证获得冠军 make sure that 确保(从句的谓语动词常用一般现在时)eg:Make sure that all the wiondows are closed before you leave.与sure相关的短语:be/feel sure of(doing)确信(做)确信(做),对,对有把有把握握be sure to do sth.一定一定/务必做某事务必做某事be sure that .确信确信 对对有把握有把握for sure 无疑,无疑,肯定,肯定,有把握地有把握地 They say that first impressions are very

13、 important.They say=It is said=Sb is said to do 据说 They say that he has written a new book.It is said that he has He is said to have written a.据说他又写了一本新书。2.My first impression of Mrs.Li was that she was nervous and shy.ones first impression of sb./sth.对的第一印象My first impression of Ben Laden was that

14、he was very handsome.leave/make/have a+adj.+impression on sb.给某人留下的印象eg:Although she had only met the old man once,he had made an indelible impression on her.be impressed with/by/at sth 对有印象Im impressed with his sense of humour.They were very impressed by his new house.impress sb with sth 给某人留下的印象Ch

15、ina impressed this foreigner with the high speed of development.5.She avoids making you feel stupid.后跟v-ing形式作宾语的动词有:承认冒险别继续承认冒险别继续admit risk keep理解原谅和感激理解原谅和感激understand,excuse appreciate推迟享受并练习推迟享受并练习delay enjoy practise完成想象有建议完成想象有建议finish imagine,suggest,advise避免错过别抵制避免错过别抵制avoid,miss,resist考虑宽恕

16、不介意考虑宽恕不介意consider,forgive mind禁止否认准逃离禁止否认准逃离forbid deny allow,permit escape 6.Ive always hated making mistakes后面既可跟to do 又可跟v-ing的动词有:love,like,hate,prefer,begin,mean try require need start,continue,stop,forget,remember,cant afford,intend,plan,neglect go on 后面跟ing和to do意思不同的 remember/forget/regret

17、to do 记住/忘记/后悔要去做(事情还没有做)remember/forget/regret doing记得/忘记/后悔曾经做过(事情已经发生)try to do 努力做某事 try doing 尝试做某事 mean to do 打算去做 go on to do接着做另一件事 mean doing 意味着 go on doing接着做同一件事 stop to do 停下来去做 stop doing 停止做 cant help to do 不能帮助做 cant help doing 情不自禁地做7.Mrs.Li just smiles,so that you dont feel complet

18、ely stupid.(1)so that,so.that引导结果状语从 句“因此”He spoke fast,so that I didnt catch him.He spoke so fast that I didnt catch him.Hes so young that he cant join the army.Hes too young to join the army.(2)so that=in order that 引导目的状语从句“为了”so as to/in order to 为了 He got up early so that/in order that he could

19、 catch the first bus.2)He got up early in order to catch the first bus.so that such thatso+adj.+a/an+可数名词单数+thatsuch+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数+that1)He is such a good student that we all like him.2)He is so good a student that we all like him.3)She made such rapid progress that 当名词前有many,much,few,little(少)时,

20、不用such,而用so.3.I ate so much food that I was sick.4.They were such little boxes that he could carry six once.So与that引导的结果状语从句连用置于句首时,主句动词与主语倒装。So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him clearly.8.make progress in(doing)sth 取得进步常用修饰词常用修饰词:fast,rapid,great,a lot of,much10.a bit 与a little的异同两者皆

21、可做程度副词,在肯定句中修v/adj/adv以及比较级时可互换表“一点,稍微”。eg:this box is a bit/a little heavier than the other one.a little可直接作定语修饰名词,而a bit需在后面加of才可做定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词.eg:There is a bit of/a little rice left for lunch.a bit 和a little在否定句中意思相反:not a bit 相当于not at all(一点都不);not a little相当于very(much)或extremely(很,非常)eg:She

22、 is not a bit tired She is not tired at all.eg:It is not a little money that I lost.11.We dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.1)He dare not go home alone at night.2)He doesnt dare to go home alone at night.实义动词实义动词,常用于否定句、疑问句,常用于否定句、疑问句中中 dare to do sth情态动词情态动词,多用于现在时。过去式,多用于现在时。过去式dared,现

23、在分词,现在分词daring 混合结构混合结构(实义动词后面省略(实义动词后面省略to)dareI dare say我想,在我看来,恐怕,大概我想,在我看来,恐怕,大概How dare you do sth?你怎么敢你怎么敢?Dont dare do sth!/You dare!你敢!你敢!He go out alone.darentdoesnt dare todidnt dare12.keep doing sth.继续继续/反复做某事反复做某事 keep sb.doing使某人一直做使某人一直做eg:The boss kept the workers working all day.keep

24、 sb.from doing 阻止某人做阻止某人做prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.在主动语态中在主动语态中from可以省略,可以省略,被动语态中不可以被动语态中不可以。eg:I keep him from pouring the dirty warter keep up 使保持、维持使保持、维持(在同一水平在同一水平);使不;使不低落;继续低落;继续keep up with 跟上,跟上,不落后不落后keep on 继续继续 13.As a result my work is improving.as a result 因此1)He studies very har

25、d,and as a result,he makes great progress.as a result of=because of 由于2)He has made great progress as a result of hard working.3)由于天气恶劣我迟到了。I was late as a result of bad weather.But,Ithink that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me With 宾语宾补结构 通常表示原因、伴随或方式。补足语常可以是adj/adv.doing.done.to do

26、.介词短语等1.with宾语 doing(表示动作由宾语发出且正在进行)eg:We visited the garden with the guide leading the way2.with 宾语 adj/adv(表示宾语所处的状态)eg:He would like to sleep with the windows open 3.with宾语介词短语(表示宾语的状态)eg:Mary hurried out,with the computer on.4.with宾语 done(表示被动完成,通常宾语是动词的宾语)eg:With everything bought,he went home.

27、5.with宾语 to do(动作有句子主语发出,表示将来要发生的动作)eg:The new manager had a busy time with a lot of things.to deal with.1.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _,he gladly accepted it.(2007 安徽)A.finished B.finishing C.having finished D.was finished 2.Now that weve discussed our problem,are people

28、 happy with the decisions_?(2009 全国卷1)A.taking B.take C.taken D.to take 3.You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.(2008 福建)A.for B.when C.with D.while 4.I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _.(2005 北京)A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 5.It was a pi

29、ty that the great writer died _ his works unfinished.(2004 福建)A.for B.with C.from D.of6._ production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 全国卷)A.As B.For C.With D.Through7With nothing_to burn,the fire became weak and finally died out.A.leaving B.leftC.leave D.toleave 8.I live in

30、 the house with its door_to the south.(这里with结构作定语)A.facing B.facesC.faced D.being faced14.Mr.Wus only been teaching us for two weeks.have/has been doing 现在完成进行时 Hes been watching television all day.The ground is wet.It has been raining.现在完成进行时表示过去开始而且现在仍在进行着的情况,或者刚刚停止、现在看到的结果。现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别现在完成时和

31、现在完成进行时的区别1.现在完成进行时着意于动作本身,将其看作是现在完成进行时着意于动作本身,将其看作是一种继续的、延长的活动;一种继续的、延长的活动;现在完成时则更看重现在完成时则更看重动作的完成和目前产生的结果。动作的完成和目前产生的结果。Ive been reading your book.Ive read your book.2.在不用时间状语的情况下,现在完成进行时表在不用时间状语的情况下,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行。示动作仍在进行。现在完成时表示动作已结束。现在完成时表示动作已结束。The students have been preparing for the exam.学生

32、们一直在准备考试。(还在进行)学生们一直在准备考试。(还在进行)The students have prepared for the exam.学生们为考试作了准备。(已经结束)学生们为考试作了准备。(已经结束)Hes been living here for ten years.He has lived here for ten years.3.Work,live,teach,study等词用两种时态都等词用两种时态都可以,意思差别不大。可以,意思差别不大。4.现在完成进行时常谈论比较短暂的动作和情况现在完成进行时常谈论比较短暂的动作和情况;谈论持续较长时间或永久的情况时,常用现在谈论持续较

33、长时间或永久的情况时,常用现在完成时。完成时。That man has been standing on the corner all day.For 900 years the castle has stood on the hill above the village.16.He tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored.1)Thats just a joke.这只是个玩笑这只是个玩笑 2)Its no joke.不是闹着玩的。不是闹着玩的。play a joke on sb 戏弄戏弄 开玩笑开玩笑 3)Dont play a joke o

34、n the disabled.tell a joke/story/lie15.He loves it,in fact.in fact=as a matter of fact 实际上 1)As a matter of fact,I dont know the truth.2)He doesnt mind.In fact hes pleased.1.Mr.Wu teaches maths.()2.Mrs.Li is an English teacher.()3.All of the students like Mrs.Chen.()4.Some of the students are afraid

35、 of Mrs.Chen.()5.Mrs.Chen teaches chemistry.()FTFFTDecide True or false:Fill in the blanks using the words or phrases in the text.My first impression of Mrs.Li was that she was _ and _.But now,after two weeks the class really likes _ her.She is _and_ and _ English grammar so clearly that I can _ it.

36、She _ making you feel stupid.I feel Im going to _ with her.nervous shyworking withkindpatientexplainsunderstandavoidsmake progress Mrs.Chen is very _ and _ and doesnt smile much.But her teaching is so well _ and clear.So most of us really _ her.I think Ill _ in the exam with Mrs.Chen teaching me.str

37、ictseriousorganizedappreciatedo well Mr.Wu,who teaches us _ _ is a _ man.He is really amusing and _ when we are getting _.So we wont _ _ in his class and he is already very _ with us.I like the three of them.Chineseliteraturegood-lookingtells jokesboredfallasleeppopular3.I think perhaps she was,as i

38、t was 省略句:I think perhaps she was nervous and shy,as it wasBecause 强调原因或理由,回答why的提问Since,Now that,As 既然(表示已为人知的 原因,强调关系上的自然结果)For 引导的从句常放在句子后面,表直接的、随便的附加说明的理由或推断的理由。4.the class really likes working with her.love 热爱热爱 指引起深厚的、强烈的感情的爱I love my people,I love my country.be fond of 喜欢喜欢 热爱热爱 表示对某人或某事有感情,语

39、气要次于“love”The child is fond of sweet food.like 喜欢喜欢 不反感不反感 Do you like reading?enjoy 欣赏欣赏 喜欢喜欢 具有“满足感”+doingI enjoy Russian folk songs.1.They started out early _ they might get there in time.A.so that B.such that C.so as to D.in order to2.Its unfair,sir!How _ speak to me like that?A.you are B.dare y

40、ou C.do you dare D.are you dare to3.The woman is both kind _ her students and strict _ them.A.to,to B.with,with C.to,with D.with,to4.It is _ that I have to stay at home all day.A.so bad a day B.such bad a day C.so badly a day D.such a badly day5.John shut everybody out of the kitchen _ he could prep

41、are his grand surprise for the party.(02)A.which B.when C.so that D.as if6.The man will have to wait all day_ the doctor works fast.(01)A.if B.unless C.whether D.that7.I dont know the restaurant,but its _ to be quite a good one.(94)A.told B.said C.spoken D.talked8.-Hi,Tracy,you look tired.-Im tired.

42、I _ the living-room all day.(98)A.painted.B.had painted C.have been painting D.have painted 9.This term,Liu Ming has made _that he has been praised by the teacher several times.A.such many progress B.so many progressC.such much progress D.so much progress10.Can you believe that in _ a rich country t

43、here should be _ many poor people?(95)A.such,such B.such,so C.so,so D.so,such11.Robert is said _ abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in.(99)A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying12.I hate _ when people talk with their mouth full.(98)A.it B.that C.these D.the

44、m13.I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.(04)A.this B.that C.it D.oneenjoy/hate/like/love 后接形式宾语后接形式宾语it+从句从句14._ two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because (04)15.Sarah,hurry up,Im afraid you cant have time to _ before

45、 the party.A.get changed B.get change C.get changing D.get to change get done 固定搭配固定搭配 He is an _(精力充沛的)boy;he enjoys sports.Our teacher is _(严格的),so we have to do what he says.3.What were your first _(印象)of London?4.Give a _(总结)of todays lesson.5.Make a _(翻译)into French,please!energeticstrictimpres

46、sionsummarytranslationFill in the blanks.6.I known your leg hurts,just be p_ until the doctor arrives.7.We a_ your efforts for the development of the company.8.I_ means clever or bright.9.As soon as I got their letter,I wrote back i_.10.Students should show r_ for their teachers.11.She really enjoys

47、 reading Chinese _(文学).atientppreciatentelligentmmediatelyespectliteratureTranslation:1.我对学校的第一印象是它又大又漂亮。My first impression of our school was that it was large and beautiful.2.明天上午会有一场足球赛的直播。There will be a live broadcast of a football match tomorrow morning.3.白求恩大夫对他的病人都很耐心。Doctor Bethune was very

48、 patient with all his patients.4.刚开学的时候,王老师对我们很严格。Mr.Wang was very strict with us at the beginning of the semester.5.据说明年会有一位新老师教我们。They say/It is said that a new teacher will teach us next year.6.作为今天的家庭作业,我们要写一 篇关于学校的作文。For our homework today,we have to write a composition of our school.7.我讨厌说英语的时

49、候犯错误或读错单词。I hate making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English.8.由校长教我们,我想我会取得进步的。I feel Im going to make progress with the headmaster teaching us.9.吴老师的课是非常的有组织,所以我 们都非常尊敬他。Mr.Wus teaching is so well organised that we all respect him a lot.10.他老是问同一个问题。He keeps on asking th

50、e same question.11.那位医生对他的病人很有耐心。The doctor is very patient with his patients.12.电影哈利波特如此好看有趣,所有的孩子都喜欢看。The film Harry Porter is so interesting that all the children like it.13.小明是个诚实的孩子,大家都信懒他。Xiao Ming is such an honest boy that everybody believes in him.14.刘翔跑得很快,结果获得了金牌。Liu Xiang ran fast,so tha


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