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1、2022年四川省成都市简阳市中考英语二诊试卷一、选择填空(共10小题; 计20分)A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题; 每小题1分, 计10分)1. Susan has made up her mind to be _ university student, so she studies very hard.AaB. anC. the2. Is everyone here? No. We are all here _ Tom. He is absent because of a bad cold.A. besidesB. exceptC. including3.

2、Can Sam and Sally join in our school soccer team? I dont think so. _ Sam _ Sally shows any interest in playing soccer.A. Either; orB. Neither; norC. Not only; but also4. Peter _ have failed in the final examination. He looks too sad. Lets cheer him up.A. canB. cantC. must5. I am wondering _? Here is

3、 a map for you.A. how I can get to ChunXi RoadB. when I should get to ChunXi RoadC. why I should get to ChunXi Road6. Have you ever heard of Xu Yuanchong, a great professor?Yes. His translated works keep the _ of the original(原作的)Chinese poems.A. rhymesB. beautyC. style7. The Battle at Lake Changjin

4、 is a great movie _ shows how the Chinese peoples Volunteer Army fought against the enemy bravely.A. thatB. whatC. who8. You are late for class, Tony. You should arrive _ tomorrow morning.A. earlyB. lateC. earlier9. Look at the sign, sir! There is no parking here.Im sorry. I _ it. I will drive away

5、right now.A. dont noticeB. didnt noticeC. havent noticed10. What a big tree it is!Its said that it _ in Qing Dynasty.A. plantedB. was plantedC. has been planted二、补全对话根据对话内容, 从文后选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Hello, Jenny! _11_B: Not fine. Im nervous about the coming final exams.A: Its no use worrying about them now

6、. _12_B: Thats true. Actually, Id better prepare early for the exams, but Im sleepy now.A: _13_ It will make you awake.B: Good idea. And you can tell me your secret of being happy on the way.A: Well, if I feel bad sometimes, Ill chat with a friend.B: _14_A: That will make you feel worse. You should

7、try going out to meet people.B: Perhaps youre right. _15_A: Its never too late to change.A. I will go out more often.B. How are you these days?C. How about going for some coffee?D. Just study hard and believe in yourself.E. But I just stay at home and do nothing in that case.三、完形填空阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容,

8、从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。When talking about shopping, in-person shopping comes to our mind at once. Many customers have gone _16_ to check goods. They could see and touch the goods before they buy them.Shopping online allows customers to _17_ the price without leaving their homes. And customers can

9、 buy what they want without wasting much time.Today, customers would like to spend _18_ time in working, so they dont have enough free time. Shopping online can meet their _19_ and preferences.Now there are shopping choices for everyone. What the next shopping experience might be? No matter how it c

10、hanges, people can _20_ it in their own ways.16. A. onlineB. to the marketsC. to the factories17. A. knowB. decideC. lower18. A. lessB. moreC. fewer19. A. tastesB. hobbiesC. needs20. A. acceptB. refuseC. agreeBOnce I have to make a speech in my English class. The speech would last about fifteen minu

11、tes. Id _21_ spoken in public for such a long time before. I really had no idea whether Id done a good job. After two days preparation, _22_ writing my speech. But speaking in pubic still made me _23_ .Finally, the day came. I went to the platform (讲台). However, I _24_ all my note cards on the floor

12、 by accident. I was greatly discouraged. I tried to focus on my speech but I couldnt. All I _25_ was what my classmates would think of me.However, no one laughed at me. They just said “Come on!”. Because of their _26_ , I finally finished my speech successfully.In life, we always focus on our _27_ a

13、nd pay more attention to bad things than good ones. This makes it _28_ to have a good attitude(态度)towards life. Such bad thoughts will stop us from performing at our best _29_ we can change our way of thinking. We will consider clearly what weve learned. And what weve learned can be put into use in

14、the future. Then well find that we are getting close to our _30_ .21. A. everB. oftenC. never22. A. enjoyedB. finishedC. stopped23. A. angryB. excitedC. nervous24. A. droppedB. caughtC. threw25. A. heard ofB. depended onC. cared about26. A. developmentB. encouragementC. agreement27. A. weaknessesB.

15、changesC. feelings28. A. difficultB. possibleC. important29. A. ifB. unlessC. as30. A. mindB. heartC. success八、判断正误阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。Recently, a new kind of expression got popular online. Have you ever heard of “humblebragging”? People use it to describe someone who seems to say so

16、mething in a humble way, but is actually showing off the things he is proud of.For example someone says, “I just knew that I got accepted to Harvard and Oxford. Maybe they got my name mixed up with someone elses!” Its telling others that he has been accepted to two good schools. However,although peo

17、ple who humblebrag think it will make them seem more common, a 2015 study showed that humblebragging always brings the opposite result. Humblebragging gets peoples dislikes because it seems very fake (假). The humble words with the purpose of showing off dont lead to a good result, one of the writers

18、 of the study.31Humblebragging is a new expression online.32. Actually, those who humblebrag show off themselves indirectly.33The man got accepted to Harvard and Oxford by mistakes.34. The man wanted others to know his excellence by humblebragging.35. Many people finally accept humblebragging.九、阅读下面

19、两篇短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共2小题; 每小题10分, 计20分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。My Learning RecordName: SezerSelf-assessment(自评)ReadingRead four classicsKnow the main ideaListeningUnderstand idioms.SpeakingTell stories fluently(流利地)Use poems to express feelingsPeer-assessment(同伴评价)WritingUse topic to express the ideas.GradesA+

20、: 2224. Well done! Keep going.B+: 1821. Good.You can do better.C: Below 17. Try harder! Come on.36. Which subject is this learning record probably used for?A. Chinese.B. History.C. Geography.37. When did Sezer probably do these readings?A. In class.B. In her free time.C. In an exam.38. Which should

21、Sezer spend the most time on?A. Listening.B. Reading.C. Speaking.39. How well did Sezer do in this learning?A. A+.B. B+.C. C.40. What can we know from this record?A. Sezer thinks shes good at writing.B. Sezer is very confident about her learning.C. Sezer can finish reading four classics.BThis year t

22、he First Class for New School Year moved the classroom to the Chinese space station. Three astronauts named Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo were invited to bring a special space teaching for the students.Astronaut Liu Boming took the students to the space station in the form of Vlog, showin

23、g the space kitchen, hot air device(设备), three meals a day, drinking water system.Nie showed off the flute, a traditional Chinese musical instrument that he brought to the space station, and brought a special family photo of all the astronauts in active service.Tang Hongbo prepared two scientific ex

24、periments for the students: “Drinking tea with chopsticks” and “Growing sweet potatoes in space”. The sweet potatoes brought from his hometown to space have started to grow. Tang Hongbo also sent a message, “The road of life is long, do not give up your dream because of difficulties and challenges.

25、Keep making progress and the future is always full of hope. I believe that in the near future in order to let the students know how the astronauts exercise and build a strong body, the three astronauts led the children on the spot to play “sky patrol Tai Chi” .41. Where was the First class for New S

26、chool Year this year?A. In a special kitchen.B. In a Chinese scientific lab.C. In the Chinese space station.42. How did Liu Boming take the students to the space station?A. By using the Vlog.B. By talking on the phone.C. By taking a spaceship.43. Who can you see in Nies family photo?A. All his famil

27、y members.B. The family members of the three astronauts.C. All the astronauts who are working with Nie.44. What can you learn from Tang Hongbos words?A. We should face the difficulties bravely and improve ourselves.B. Life is full of difficulties.C. Everyone will have a better future.45. Whats the b

28、est title of this passage?A. Pilot HeroesB. Space TeachingC. Sky Patrol Tai Chi一、补全单词根据首字母及句意补全单词。(共5小题; 每小题1分, 计5分)46. Wang Yaping p_ her daughter to pick up a star for her before leaving for the space station.47. It rained heavily yesterday, so our sports meeting had to be c_.48. This small apartm

29、ent near the sea is expensive because of its good l_.49. Because of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the price of oil has i_ a lot in the past few months. Many drivers couldnt afford it.50. Su Yiming, a snowboarder, is well-known to Chinese people because of his e_ performances at the 2022 Beijin

30、g Winter Olympic Games.二、完成对话在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Hello, Im a reporter from our school newspaper. Three years has _51_, and I know you will leave the junior middle school. May I ask you some questions? B: Yes, please.A: How are you feeling at this moment? B: Its hard to say. On the one

31、hand, I am a little excited because Im going to _52_ a new school.A: Yeah! You are curious about everything new in the high school.B: Yes. But on the other hand, I feel a bit nervous. Ive learned that the _53_ in senior high school are more difficult than those in junior high school, especially phys

32、ics and chemistry.A: Thats true.B: This _54_ me most. I am afraid that I will get too stressed out.A: Thats surely a problem. But dont take it too seriously. Make a good study plan and _55_ it. Dont give up halfway. Life is colorful in school. Enjoy yourself from time to time.B: I agree. Only in thi

33、s way can I keep _56_ in both mind and body.A: There are many kinds of interesting clubs in senior high school. You can join them.B: I see. Maybe I will meet with some difficulties in senior high school, but I will try to _57_ them and be successful.A: You are so great! What do you want to do before

34、 leaving school? B: Im going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates. Im sure they will bring me good _58_ in the future.A: That sounds good! What do you want to be in the future? B: I admire those great men such as Qian Xuesen and Deng Jiaxian, so I want to be a _59_.A: What a big dream

35、! Is there anything else you would like to say? B: I hope my junior school will be better.A: Thank you for accepting my _60_. Wish you a bright future.B: Thank you.三、短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。birth decide different especial influence left make tradition value while when oneWhen

36、naming a child, the culture is not the same in different places.In many European countries, children are named after the names of relatives within their families. For example, in Italy _61_ named after their grandparents. Naturally, the parents _62_ use the fathers family names, then they will use t

37、he mothers family names, _63_ in big family.In China, some names are connected with the _64_ of the date and the time of the children. It is thought that a name can _65_ a child. If a boy is given the first name “坤”, maybe, he is short of earth according to his birth. The Chinese character “坤” is ma

38、de up of two parts. The _66_ part means earth in English. Parents believe that the boy with a name of earth will not be short of earth any longer in his life.In an African country called Ghanas Akan, the time when they were born _67_ his or her name. But there are some _68_ between boys and girls. F

39、or example, a boy born on Friday is named Kofi, _69_ a girl born on the same day is named Afua.No matter where the name comes from, a name is the first gift to a child in life. For that reason, all names are _70_.四、阅读表达A补全短文根据短文内容, 从短文后的AF选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。The Beginning of Spring is the first solar

40、term (节气) in the 24 solar terms of China. _71_ The date for the Beginning of Spring usually comes on February 4 or February 5 in the solar calendar.When a year comes to this period, people will easily find that the days are becoming longer and the weather is getting warmer. Temperature, sunshine hou

41、rs and rainfall are all on the rise. _72_In China, its said that an egg can be set upright on the Beginning of Spring. Its believed that someone who can make the egg stand will have good luck in the future. _73_ and good luck is coming to you._74_ On that day, villagers and the people in cities usua

42、lly holds ceremonies to welcome the spring. Villagers usually make a clay sculpture of a cow, which people call “spring cow” .Women take their children to go around the cow for three times. Its said that in this way the children can be kept away from diseases.The tradition of eating special snacks o

43、n that day is called “ yaochun” in Chinese. It means “biting the spring”. People will wrap(包裹)some vegetables with thin pancakes. _75_A. Try to stand eggs on your own.B. It is known as the beginning of spring.C. So people believe that it can bring them warmth and hope.D. There is a long history of e

44、ating them on the Beginning of Spring.E. Chinese farmers celebrate the Beginning of Spring with special events.F. The Beginning of Spring is celebrated in different ways throughout the country.五、完成图表阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图表中所缺的信息。Chopsticks are a common kind of tableware at our dinner table. They are not o

45、nly used in China, but also used in Asia and overseas Chinese communities. Whenever we see chopsticks, we will think of Chinese culture.There are many stories about who may have invented chopsticks. About 4,000 years ago, our ancestor, helped people fight against floods (洪水). He was always busy and

46、often ate in the wild. To save time, he found it was more convenient than using hands. From then on, people followed him and ate with chopsticks. In fact, 3,000 years ago, dating back to the Shang Dynasty. Around 500 A.D., such as Japan, Vietnam and Korea.Chopsticks are usually 7 cun and 6 fen long.

47、 Cun and fen are Chinese units of measurement. 7 cun and 6 fen is about 25 cm. Chopsticks are round at one end and square at the other. In ancient times, the rich had their chopsticks made of silver, gold or other valuable materials. But common families just used wood or bamboo chopsticks. Nowadays, they are made from different materials.Although chopsticks


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