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1、2022-2023学年北京市平谷区九年级(上)期末英语试卷一、单项填空。(共6分, 每小题0. 5分)1(0.5分)Mary has some difficulties in learning.I decide to help _.()AmeBhimCherDus2(0.5分)World Reading Day is celebrated _ April 23.()AinBonCatDof3(0.5分) _ do you usually go over your lessons?After dinner.()AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen4(0.5分)_I take photos her

2、e?Sorry,you cant.Its not allowed in the museum.()AMustBNeedCCanDWill5(0.5分)Many people like pandas they are cute()AthoughBifCwhileDbecause6(0.5分)Leonardo da Vinci was one of _ inventors in the world.()AfamousBmore famousCmost famousDthe most famous7(0.5分)Every day I _ sports with my parents to keep

3、healthy.()Aam doingBdoCdidDwill do8(0.5分)We _ to the community to do some cleaning next Sunday.()Awill goBwentCgoDhave gone9(0.5分)When I got home yesterday,my father _with my grandparents in the living room.()AtalkBtalksCis talkingDwas talking10(0.5分)China _ many satellites to space since 1970.()Aha

4、s sentBsentCis sendingDwill send11(0.5分)This book is very meaningful,so it _by many people.()AenjoyedBenjoysCwas enjoyedDis enjoyed12(0.5分) Judy,could you tell me _the schoolbag?Oh,yes.I bought it in a store on the Internet.()Awhere did you buyBwhere will you buyCwhere you will buyDwhere you bought二

5、、完形填空。13(8分)Ever since my Dad died,my life has changed.My Mom is always really busy at her work,and she doesnt spend much time with me anymore.I have to go to a daycare every day after school. One day,at dinner time,I asked Mom if we could go to the(1) together. Can we please go to the fair this Sun

6、day? I begged. Lilly,you know I have to work that day, Mom told me. She(2) a plate in front of me and kissed my head.It was a delicious piece of cherry pie,which was my favourite.Then I looked into my Moms brown eyes and asked her, Cant you take this Sunday off? Mom(3) down next to me and put her ha

7、nd on my shoulder. Sorry,Lilly!I have to go to work that day. Tears streamed down my face as I yelled, You never have time for me! Then I ran into my room and slammed the door.I(4) on my bed for a long time. When I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen table where Mom left me a plate of pancakes

8、,I(5) found a note under the plate.I grabbed it and read it.It said that Mom was really sorry that she couldnt take me to the fair. After Mom came back home that day,she put me down on the couch and had a(6) with me.She said, Lilly!I go to work so much not because I like it,but because I have to mak

9、e money that can pay for food and clothes.It was much(7) when your Dad was not around.But now Ive decided to take weekends off,and tomorrow Im taking you to the fair. Really? I smiled. Really. Mom(8) as she held me close and rocked me back and forth.Then she tapped me on my nose and said, I love you

10、,Lilly. I laughed, I love you too,Mom.And you are the best Mom forever!(1)A.zooB.parkC.fairD.gym(2)A.keptB.placedC.washedD.covered(3)A.satB.wentC.fellD.wrote(4)A.gluedB.calmedC.criedD.slept(5)A.luckilyB.carefullyC.quietlyD.suddenly(6)A.restB.talkC.walkD.meal(7)A.saferB.harderC.easierD.busier(8)A.nod

11、dedB.arguedC.shoutedD.cried三、阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择 最佳选项。(共26分, 每小题6分)14(6分)McKenna is in third grade.She likes going to the beach and learning about the world.The followings are her favourite things that she shared with her classmates.(1) These pictures are from other countries.I

12、ve never been to these places,but these photos are really cool to look at.I like to learn about places all over the world.I really hope I can go to visit these places some day in the future.(2) On weekends I often go to the beach near my home with my parents.Im proud of my first time boogieboarding

13、in the ocean with my dad.It was fun,and I went way out into the ocean wherethe waves were really big.I also went really fast on my boogie board.(3) I found this rock when I went biking on a trail with my brother and my dad.We stopped for a water break,and I found a rock that looked like a trapezoid.

14、Il had gold specks,so it shined in the sun!I liked it so much that I took it back home.Please match the following sentences with her favourite things.A.Something I like to look atB.Something I foundC.Something I am proud of15(6分)Kevin loves to read mystery books because he likes to try to solve the

15、mystery himself before he gets to the end.Solving puzzles is like solving mysteries,so he likes working on puzzles too.He also likes solving problems.Kevin can usually solve any mystery,puzzle or problem. One day Kevins mom was trying to find her glasses.Without her glasses,she could not drive.This

16、was a problem because she was going to drive Kevin to his friends house.It was also a mystery and a puzzle.Kevin really wanted to solve this mystery,so he sat down with his mom. Where do you last remember seeing your glasses? he asked. I had them on while I was watching the news this morning,n she s

17、aid. Where were you watching the news? asked Kevin. His mom thought for a minute,and then she answered that she was in the sitting room.She remembered sitting in her favorite chair and taking off her glasses when the news ended.She thought she had placed her glasses on the table,but they werent ther

18、e. Are you sure you didnt put them on again after the morning news? asked Kevin. Maybe I did, his mom replied. Lets walk through your day,Mom, said Kevin.Kevin had his mom describe everything she remembered doing during the day so far.She mentioned watching the news,making breakfast,folding laundry,

19、working in her home office and then gardening.It was after gardening that she started looking for her glasses.After hearing about his moms day,Kevin retraced her path through the house and yard.He looked under the cushion (垫子) of her favorite chair,in the kitchen,in the laundry basket,in her office

20、and around the garden.He didnt find her glasses. Kevin didnt want to give up,so he looked in each place again and he looked even harder.When he went around the kitchen again,he opened the cabinets(橱柜)instead of just looking on the counters,Kevin solved the mystery,the puzzle and the problem.He found

21、 his moms glasses in the drawer with the silverware. Thank you,Kevin, said his mom, I wouldnt be able to see anything without you. (1)What was Kevins mom trying to find? A.Her glasses.B.Her books.C.Her chairs.D.Her keys.(2)Where did Kevin find them for her mom? A.On the table.B.In the yard.C.In the

22、drawer.D.On the Internet.(3)How did Kevin help her mom find them? A.By reading mystery books.B.By following her days path.C.By looking for it in his house with his friends.D.By walking around his house with his mom.16(6分)When it comes to internet safety for kids,one important aspect that must be add

23、ressed is social media sites.Social media sites such as Facebook can be a great way for kids to interact with each other.But its also important for parents to be aware of(意识到) the negative effects and dangers of being on such sites. Here are some tips to keep in mind about how to keep kids safe on s

24、ocial media sites.Think of the Internet as a Big,Open Space.You wouldnt drop your child off at a big public place like a mall for the day and expect everyone he meets to treat him with kindness and protect his best interests,would you?That is a good analogy(类比)for What happens when a child goes onli

25、ne unsupervised.Be sure to keep a close eye on exactly who your child is talking to and when. Be aware of the possibility for bullying (欺负).While it is probably the case that many children online will have pleasant interactions with friends and peers,for the most part,the truth is that bullyingboth

26、online and offis a reality among children.When you have more opportunity for social interaction,you have more opportunity for rejection or bullying by peers.Keep an eye out for signs that your child may be the one who is bullied,and educate yourself about bullying in school. Know about something cal

27、led facebook depression (抑郁症).Researchers say looking at Instagram or Facebook posts of happy events in others lives can make some kids with poor selfesteem(自尊)feel even worse.That makes a certain amount of sense when you consider the fact that people tend to post happy news and photos of themselves

28、 at parties on social media sites.Be sure to explain to your child that what he sees on social media sites is definitely not what a persons everyday real life is.People are not likely to post news about failures or mistakes or times when they are not feeling good about themselves.Images of shiny,hap

29、py people on such sites tell only a small pair of the much bigger story.(1)What can we learn from the passage? A.Social media sites are very good for kids.B.Happy events in others lives can influence some kids with poor selfesteem.C.Kids have more opportunities for bullying by peers at school.D.Happ

30、y photos posted on social media sites are peoples real life.(2)The word unsupervised in Paragraph 2 probably mean .A.not to be withB.not under watch and directC.not looked forD.not thought and learned(3)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.Learning about Social MediaB.Ta

31、lking about Social MediaC.Helping Your Kid with Social MediaD.Keeping Your Kid Safe on Social Media17(8分)Just like a detective following clues that lead to the perpetrator(罪犯)of a crime,you as a reader must use context (语境)clues within a text passage to tell the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.Cont

32、ext clues are simply hints (提示)or additional information the author provides that can help you understand the meaning of a difficult word or phrase.These clues can be found in the same sentence as the vocabulary word or elsewhere in the passage,so be on the lookout whenever a new term presents itsel

33、f. With reading comprehension (理解)being as important to all aspects of life as it is today,its no wonder that language skills such as vocabulary are emphasized (强调).You will most definitely meet vocabulary questions in the reading parts of tests,and youre going to have to use some skills to get you

34、through. Understanding how various types of context clues work can help you to understand difficult vocabulary words,even those brand new to you.There may be some words you cant completely understand in a text,but you shouldnt let that discourage you.Inside the passage,where all the interesting clue

35、s of vocabulary lie,you can figure challenging words out. Context clues are also helpful when youre trying to work out the main idea of a passage or struggling to make inferences (推断)about meaning because unknown words can help connect the dots in useful ways. Every author writes differently,so a nu

36、mber of different types of context clues can be found in reading passages.Some authors offer very little explanation for difficult words,throwing difficult vocabulary into their writing wherever they can with little or no help,other authors carefully create their passages to make sure readers follow

37、 every step of the way,and most are somewhere in the middle.No matter what degree of help youre given,context clues are your friend. Generally,context clues can be grouped into four types: Definitions (定义)or restatements Synonyms (同义词) Antonyms or opposites Examples or explanations After examining t

38、he context of a passage for clues,you should have at least a vague (模糊的)idea of what an unknown vocabulary word means.Use your estimate(估计)to come up with synonyms for the new word,then try these out in the sentence to see if it still makes sense.If not,keep searching for hints until youve found som

39、ething that works.(1)According to the passage,context clues are .A.the skills of guessing new wordsB.the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary wordsC.additional information that explains the meanings of unknown wordsD.the hints that help you understand the meaning of a difficult passage(2)What are Parag

40、raph 3 and Paragraph 4 mainly about? A.What context clues mean.B.Where context clues come from.C.How we benefit from context clues.D.Why we are discouraged by context clues.(3)What can we learn from the passage? A.Reading is more important than language skills.B.You will never meet vocabulary questi

41、ons in the reading tests.C.Different types of context clues can be found because of different writing styles.D.Context clues are only used for working out unfamiliar words.(4)What is the writers main purpose in writing the passage? A.To tell the importance of reading comprehension.B.To help us know

42、the context clues and use them to solve vocabulary problems.C.To compare different ways to find out context clues in a text passage.D.To discuss the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary words.四、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 18(10分)The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people.Many custo

43、ms accompany Spring Festival.Some are still followed today,but others have weakened. Before the New Year comes,Chinese people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes,bedclothes and all their utensils(用具).Then people begin decorating their cleaned rooms.All t

44、he door panels will be pasted (粘贴) with Spring Festival couplets,highlighting Chinese calligraphy(书法)with black characters on red paper.The content varies from house owners wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year.Also,pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front d

45、oor to ward off evil(邪恶)spirits and welcome peace. The Chinese character fu(meaning blessing or happiness) is a must.The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down,for in Chinese the reveled fu is homophonic(谐音)with fu comes,both being pronounced as fudaole .Whats more,two big red

46、lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door.Red papercuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious (吉利的)meanings may be put on the wall. People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve.At that time,all family members eat dinner together.The meal is more luxurious than usual.Dishes such as chicken,fish and bean curd cannot be excluded(把排除在外),for in Chinese,their pronunciations,respectively ji,a yu and a doufu, ,mean auspiciousness,abundance and richness.After the dinner,the whole family will sit together,chatting and watc


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