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1、 专题句型专题句型状语从句状语从句考点揭密考点揭密考点设置考点设置典型例题解析典型例题解析课时训练课时训练 考点揭密考点揭密 在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词,在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词,起状语作用的从句叫状语从句。状语从句可置主句之起状语作用的从句叫状语从句。状语从句可置主句之前,也可置主句之后。前,也可置主句之后。前置时,从句后用逗号与主句前置时,从句后用逗号与主句分开;分开;后置时,与主句之间无标点符号。后置时,与主句之间无标点符号。状语从句可分为状语从句可分为时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、比较、地点、比较、地点、让步、方式让步、方式等

2、九类。等九类。e.g.If you go to the party,you will have a good time.e.g.You will have a good time if you go to the party.复合句由一个主句(Principal Clause)和一个或一个以上的从句(Subordinate Clause)构成。主句是全句的主体,通常可以独立存在;从句则是一个句子成分,不能独立存在。从句不能单独成句,但它也有主语部分和谓语部分,就像一个句子一样。所不同在于,从句须由一个关联词(connective)引导。g 考点设置考点设置1.时间状语从句时间状语从句(1)引导

3、词:引导词:when,while,as,before,after,as soon as,until/till,since.注意:注意:a.while所引导的时间状语从句中的时态常用所引导的时间状语从句中的时态常用进行进行时态时态。如:。如:When/While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.While he was watching TV,the boy fell asleep.b.as则强调主句和从句的动作在同一时间进行则强调主句和从句的动作在同一时间进行(一一边边.一边一边);也可表示也可表示“随着随着”.Sh

4、e sang as she walked along.As the election approached,the violence(暴行)(暴行)got worse.c.since从句中用一般过去时,主句用现从句中用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。在完成时。Its/It has been+一段时间一段时间+since+时间状语从句时间状语从句”中,译作中,译作“自从自从以来以来,已经已经(时间时间)了了”d.as soon as遵循遵循“主将从现主将从现”的原则。的原则。主主句句中若用中若用一般将来时一般将来时,从句从句则用则用一般一般现在时现在时表示将来表示将来.小结:小结:till,unt

5、il和和notuntil:1.until/till从句用于肯定句时,从句用于肯定句时,主句的动词主句的动词 是延续性动作,意为是延续性动作,意为“某动作一直延续到某时间点才停某动作一直延续到某时间点才停 止止”。如:。如:We waited until/till he came.(wait 是延续性动词)是延续性动词)2用于否定句时,主句谓语动词是非延续性动词,意为用于否定句时,主句谓语动词是非延续性动词,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始某动作直到某时间才开始”。此时。此时till/untill可用可用before代替如:代替如:He wont go to bed until her father

6、 returns.3till不可以置于句首,而不可以置于句首,而until可以。如:可以。如:Until you told me I had no idea of it.4notuntil句型中的强调和倒装说法:句型中的强调和倒装说法:It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it.Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.practice:1.I will go to bed as soon as I _my homework.A.will finish B.finishing

7、 C.finishC 4.I will not watch TV until I finish my homework.=I will not watch TV _ I finish My homework.before2.My sister _(read)her bookin the classroom when her teacher came in.was reading3.I my_(do)homework while my parents_(watch)TV last night.was doingwere watching (2)遵循遵循“主将从现主将从现”的原则的原则,(即主句若

8、为一般将来时,即主句若为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来。从句用一般现在时代替将来。)2.条件状语从句条件状语从句(1)引导词:引导词:if,unless(=if.not).e.g.If I am free,I will call you.e.g.If it doesnt rain,we will go for a walk.unless是从属连词,它引导条件状语从句,译作是从属连词,它引导条件状语从句,译作“除非除非否则的话否则的话”、如果如果.不不”e.g.You will be late for class unless you start right now.除非除非你现在出发你现

9、在出发否则的话否则的话年上学就会迟到的。年上学就会迟到的。e.g.You will not succeed unless you work hard.考点设置考点设置3.原因状语从句原因状语从句(1)引导词引导词:because,since,as.(2)对对because 原因状语提问用原因状语提问用“why”。(3)because 不能与不能与so连用。连用。(4)because,since,as,for的区别:的区别:Why are you standing here?-Because Im waiting for my uncle.because 从句所表示的是对方不知道从句所表示的是对

10、方不知道的的直接的原因直接的原因,因此在回答以,因此在回答以why引导引导的特殊疑问句的特殊疑问句时时只可用只可用because,它引导它引导的从句可以位于主句前或主句后的从句可以位于主句前或主句后.而而as,since 引导的从句却不可;引导的从句却不可;例句例句:Li Hong didnt go to school yesterday,because he was ill.as从句所表示从句所表示比较明显的原因和理由比较明显的原因和理由(由于由于,既然既然)这种原因一般是这种原因一般是大家知道大家知道的的,一般一般从句说明原因从句说明原因,主主句说明结果句说明结果。其。其从句位于主句之前从

11、句位于主句之前,since用来表示比较勉强的理由和原用来表示比较勉强的理由和原或原由已为人们所或原由已为人们所知。知。e.g.As the water was not deep,we were able to cross the river.(从句说明原因从句说明原因,主句说明结果主句说明结果)e.g.AS I knew he was ill,I didnt call him.e.g.Since everybody is here,lets bigin the meeting(“大家都在这里大家都在这里”的原由已为人们所知)的原由已为人们所知)e.g.Since you cant answer

12、 the question,(原由已为人们所知)(原由已为人们所知)Ill ask someone else.for往往用于附加理由证明。所说的理由是一种补充说明。往往用于附加理由证明。所说的理由是一种补充说明。分句前常有逗号分句前常有逗号,其引导的其引导的分句不可放于句首分句不可放于句首。例句:例句:Its spring now,for the flowers are out.Practice:1.Why hasnt Mr.Li come to work today.-_he has gone to Beijing to have a meeting.A.If B.Until C.Thoug

13、h D.Because2.I decided to stop and have lunch,_ I was feeling quite hungry.A.Because of B.for C.AsDB3.Because he was ill,he didnt_ go to school.A.so B./4.A.I stayed at home because of the weather was bad.()B.I stayed at home because the weather was bad.()C.I stayed at home because of the bad weather

14、 A ()AFTT 考点设置考点设置例句例句:She is so great a father that we all like him.4.目的状语和结果状语目的状语和结果状语(1)目的状语从句目的状语从句引导词:引导词:so that从句中常用从句中常用情态动情态动词词(can/could)E.g.Speak slowly so that we can understand you.(2)结果状语从句结果状语从句引导词:引导词:so+adj+that,such+n+thatso+adj+a+n(名单名单)+that例句例句:It is so red an apple that I want

15、 to eat it.so+adj+an+n(名单名单)+that(3)so与与such的区别的区别 She is such a great father that we all like him.such+a+adj+n(名单名单)+thatIt is such an red apple that I want to eat it.such+an+adj+n(名单名单)+that小结小结:so+adj+a/an+n(单数)单数)+that such+a/an+adj+n(单数)单数)+that1.It is _small a room _it cant hold so many People

16、.A.so that,B.suchthat=It is _ a small room _it cant hold so many People.A.so that,B.suchthat Practice:AB2.He is _young a boy_ he cant carry the box.He is _ a young boy _ he cant carry the box.A.so that,A.suchthat例句例句:It is such fine weather that people can go swimming.such+adj+n(不可数不可数)+that例句例句:The

17、re are such beautiful flowers that we want to Pick it.such+adj+n(pl)+that小结小结 such+adj+un/n(pl)+thatABI have so little money that I cant buy the book.We have so many friends that we feel happy.We have so much homework that we tired.小结小结:一般情况下一般情况下,suchthat结构中用名词结构中用名词,但是但是,如果名词是用如果名词是用little,few,man

18、y,much等等 修饰时修饰时,要用要用so来表示来表示.“如此如此”so little(如此少如此少)+u so few (如此少如此少)+cn so many(如此多如此多)+cn so much(如此多如此多)+u注意注意:little 若放在可数名词前若放在可数名词前,译作译作“小小”,而不是而不是“少少”要用要用such来表示来表示.Review:so+形形+a/an+名名(单数单数)such+a/an+形形+名名(单数单数)so+many/much/few/little+形形+名名 such+形形+不可数名词不可数名词/可数名词复数可数名词复数 Practice:1.Mary ha

19、d _to do that she was busy all day.A.So many work B.such much work2.They were _little boys that they couldnt go to school.A.so B.such3.All of us feel surprised that he was _little boy eat_ _much food.A.so,so B.such,soBBsuchso(4)so.that与与too.to和和.enough to间转换间转换 tooto 可与可与not enough注意注意:1.所修饰词和所修饰的词是

20、一对反义词所修饰词和所修饰的词是一对反义词.2.转换时转换时too放在所修饰词之前放在所修饰词之前.too+adj enough放在所修饰词之后放在所修饰词之后.adj+enoughe.g.The boy is so young that he cant go to school.=The boy is too young to go to school.=The boy is not old enough to go to school.Practice:1.The room is small hold so many people.=The room is to hold so many

21、people.=The room is small it cant hold so many people.too to not big enough sothat 考点设置考点设置 6.让步状语从句让步状语从句 (1)引导词:引导词:though/(although),even though/if.(2)though/不能与不能与but连用。连用。请判断正误,对的写请判断正误,对的写“T”,错误的写,错误的写“F”。A.Though I like looking after her,but she doesnt let me do it.()B.Though I like looking a

22、fter her,she doesnt let me do it.()C.I like looking after her,but she doesnt let me do it.()F TTHiding from the rain and snow Hiding from the rain and snow Trying to forget but I wont let go Trying to forget but I wont let go Looking at a crowded street Looking at a crowded street Listening to my ow

23、n heart beatListening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the world So many people all around the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl Tell me where do I find someone like you girl Take me to your heart take me to your soul Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me

24、your hand before Im old Give me your hand before Im old Show me what love is-havent got a clue Show me what love is-havent got a clue Show me that wonders can be true Show me that wonders can be true They say nothing lasts forever They say nothing lasts forever Were only here today Were only here to

25、day Love is now or never Love is now or never Bring me far away Bring me far away Take me to your heart take me to your soul Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is-be my guiding star Show me what love is-be my guidi

26、ng star Its easy take me to your heartIts easy take me to your heartStanding on a mountain high Standing on a mountain high Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I should go and see some friends I should go and see some friends But they dont really

27、 comprehendBut they dont really comprehendDont need too much talking without saying anything Dont need too much talking without saying anything All I need is someone who makes me wanna singAll I need is someone who makes me wanna sing【例【例1】Lucy knew nothing about it _her sister told her.2003 河北省河北省

28、A.because B.until C.if D.since 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例【例3】The young man travelled all over the world he had a man-made leg.2003 河南省河南省 A.though B.if C.as D.because B【例【例2】Other people wont be pleased if he the queue.2003 河南省河南省 A.will jump B.jumps C.jump D.jumped BA【例【例4】The students will go to Summer Palace

29、 if it tomorrow.2003 甘肃省甘肃省 A.dont rain B.wont rain C.doesnt rain D.isnt rain C【例【例7】David was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为简单句改为简单句)2003 福州市福州市 David was_careless _ find the mistakes in his test paper.【例【例5】The driver hurt the girl_badly_she had to see a doctor.2

30、003 新疆新疆 A.so,that B.either,or C.too,to D.neither,nor 典型例题解析典型例题解析A【例【例6】Mrs Read didnt sleep well last night because the wind made too much noise.对句子划线部分提问对句子划线部分提问)_Mrs.Read _well last night?too toWhy didntsleep.单项选择单项选择1.He was_angry to hear the news that he couldnt say a word.A.so B.too C.very D

31、.much2.Because his mother was ill,_he must stay at home to look after her.A./B.so C.that D.either3.Though the workers were very tired,_they went on planting trees.A.and B.but C./D.so4.They didnt watch TV_they finished their homework.A.after B.when C.until D.as 课时训练课时训练(B)(A)(C)(C)课时训练课时训练5.Ill write

32、 to you as soon as I_Beijing.A.get to B.arrive C.will get to D.will arrive6.Well have a trip if it_rain.A.wont B.will C.dont D.doesnt7._you hurry up,or we will be late for school.A.If B./C.Unless D.When8.He saves money_he can buy some birthday presents for his mother.A.so B.so that C.such that D.in

33、order9.Why are you late for school?_ I got up late.A.Because B.For C.Since D.As(A)(D)(C)(B)(A)10.The flowers_well if they_.A.wont grow,dont take good care of B.dont grow,are taken good care of C.dont grow,dont take good care of D.wont grow,are not taken good care of 课时训练课时训练(D)11.He asked_many stran

34、ge questions that the teacher didntt want to teach him any more.A.so B.such C.too D.very(A)12.Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to there are no mistake.A.look for B.make sure C.find out D.think about(B)13.I have my own car,so I_drive where I want to go.A.must B.have C.need to

35、 D.can(D)14.The old man was quite weak after the accident,so he A.must be takes care of B.must take care of C.must be looked after D.must look after15.The man had gone away _ the old man said thanks to him.A.that B.so C.until D.before 课时训练课时训练CD.句型转换,将下列各句改为同义句句型转换,将下列各句改为同义句1.Hurry up or youll be l

36、ate for school._you _hurry up youll be late for school._you hurry up,youll be late for school.2.Ill do my homework when my mother comes back.I_ do my homework _my mothercomes back.3.This question is so hard that no one can answer it.This is_ _ _that no one can answer it.4.Because he was ill,he didnt

37、 go to school.He was ill,_he didnt go to school.5.Though he was tired,he went on working.He was tired,_he went on working.课时训练课时训练 If dont Unless wont until such a hard so but 6.The ice on the lakez was so thin that people couldnt skate on it.The ice on the lake was _thick _ _people_ _ _.7.The girl

38、was too excited to say a word.The girl was _excited_he couldnt say a word.8.The men was so old that he couldnt climb the hill.The man was _old _climb the hill.9.unless you are brave youll lose your chance._you _brave,youll lose your chance._brave,_ youll lose your chance.10.The weather is so fine th

39、at people can go out for a walk.It is_ _ _that people can go out for a walk.课时训练课时训练 not enough forto skate on so that too to If are Be or such fine weather11.Its such a small room that it cant hold too many people.Its _ _ _room that it cant hold too many people.12.He had breakfast before he went to

40、 school.He _ _breakfast _he went to school.13.When he was 12,he started writing his own newspaper._ _ _ _12,he started writing his own newspaper.课时训练课时训练so small adidnt have until At the age of5.比较状语从句比较状语从句 (1)引导词:引导词:as.as,not as(so).as,than (2)not as(so).as与与than的同义句替换。的同义句替换。(3)as.as,not as(so).as中间用形容词或副词的中间用形容词或副词的 原形。原形。7.地点状语从句地点状语从句 (1)引导词引导词where,wherever.(2)wherever=no matter where8.方式状语从句方式状语从句 引导词:引导词:as if,as though.


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