1、電子商務中的零售:產品和服務Retailing in Electronic Commerce:Products and Services2006.032無店頭銷售網路銷售郵購電視購物直銷(多層行銷)3注意課題後台作業貨物的供應訂單倉儲物流金流前台作業金流COD:Cash on Delivery4Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing(E-Tailing)Overview of e-tailingElectronic retailing(e-tailing):Retailing conducted online,over the InternetE
2、-tailers:Those who conduct retail business over the Internet5Internet Marketing and E-Tailing(cont.)Size and growth of the B2C marketnumber of U.S.online buyers from 53.2%of all Internet users in 2001 to 6%by 2004(90 million people purchasing online)U.S.revenues from online B2C buying predicted to g
3、o from$73 billion in 2001 to$190 billion in 2004May 2002 sales of$9.8 billion in the first quarter of 2002(up 19.3 percent from the first quarter of 2001)annual 2002 sales estimated to be over$40 billion1.4%of total retail sales,up from 1.1 percent in 2001 average online shopper spent over$300 per q
4、uarter全球寬頻用戶數急速成長CAGR=63.85%資料來源:eMarketer,資策會MIC整理,2003年4月全球寬頻網路用戶數 單位:千戶寬頻的普及將促使網頁呈現以及網路廣告形式走向多媒體表現方式,同時亦有助於帶動線上影音、線上學習等需求地區市場規模($US billions)北美$78.1亞太地區$23.9西歐$29.6拉丁美洲$0.5東歐$0.6非洲及中東$0.8總計$133.6資料來源:Forrester Research,2002年 2002年全球B2C電子商務市場規模 B2C電子商務規模最大地區為北美北美地區2002年B2C電子商務規模佔全球58.5%,其中美國約為720億
5、西歐與亞太地區則僅次於北美西歐與亞太地區已具備基本要件,最具發展電子商務潛力書籍名列線上購物產品榜首產品品項比率書籍23音樂產品(CD)15服飾13消費性電子產品 13旅遊產品11電腦硬體10產品品項比率電腦軟體8票務8日用雜貨7錄影帶/VCD5家具/家飾4玩具/遊戲軟體4產品品項比率化妝品4商務旅遊產品4運動用品4珠寶/時尚產品3股票/金融商品2汽車1其他19線上購物產品品項與種類 資料來源:Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive,2002年 全球網路消費者購買頻次較高的產品品項包括書籍、音樂產品(CD)、服飾、消費性電子產品、旅遊產品等 9Internet Mar
6、keting and E-Tailing(cont.)What sells best on the Internet?Computer hardware and softwareConsumer electronicsSporting goodsOffice suppliesBooks and musicToysHealth and beautyEntertainmentApparelCarsServicesOthers旅遊規模約佔總體三分之v線上旅遊規模最大,約佔總合之30%v旅遊、汽車、服飾以及花卉的市場規模成長幅度最高2002年美國B2C電子商務市場產品類別分析資料來源:Shop.org
7、,Forrester Research,eMarketer,2003年5月單位:十億美元因先後受美伊戰爭以及SARS疫情的影響,2003年上半年線上旅遊營收大幅下滑,線上票務中的藝文及交通類票務亦深受衝擊,但2003年仍較2002年成長15.44%B2C電子商務市場規模資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年6月台灣B2C電子商務規模突破200億單位:新台幣百萬元台灣網路零售佔整體零售不及1%單位:新台幣十億元資料來源:經濟部統計處、資策會MIC,2003年12月雖然目前線上零售所佔比例仍低,但每年均呈快速成長之趨勢相較於美國線上零售約佔1.5之比例,根據成長趨勢預測,我國線上零售應仍有很大成長空間
8、網路零售市場規模-500.01,000.01,500.02,000.02,500.03,000.03,500.00.00%0.10%0.20%0.30%0.40%0.50%0.60%線上零售 0.8 2.1 4.4 7.7 12.2 15.8 total 2,991.2 3,129.6 3,050.7 3,060.6 3,149.7 3,244.2 線上零售比率0.03%0.07%0.14%0.25%0.39%0.49%1999年2000年2001年2002年2003年2004年(f)仍以旅遊 票務 3C為三大主要區隔旅遊產品一支獨秀,2003年佔總體的41.9%,但所佔比例日漸減小仍以旅遊、
9、票務、3C為三大區隔,票務約佔13.8%,3C商品約佔13.9%註1:電腦軟體不含遊戲註2:其他包括雜貨、花卉、精品、食品、傢俱、服飾等項目資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年12月我國B2C電子商務各區隔所佔比例2002年2003年旅遊產品單價高 銷量大旅遊產品平均成交金額及每月成交筆數俱高,堪稱網路最熱門商品註1:票務近乎壟斷局面,故未予計算成交筆數;其它包括食品、雜貨、廚具等,因品項繁多,不予計算該類平均成交金額及平均成交筆數註2:回卷家數215資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年12月我國B2C電子商務市場產品類別分析15Internet Marketing and E-Tailing(c
10、ont.)Characteristics of successful e-tailinghigh brand recognition(Lands End)guarantee provided by highly reliable or well-known vendors(Dell)digitized format(software)relatively inexpensive items(office supplies)frequently purchased items(groceries)commodities with standard specifications(books),ph
11、ysical inspection unimportantwell-known packaged items that cannot be opened even in a traditional store(vitamins)16重點信任機制品牌標準推薦經驗貨品運送17E-Tailing Business ModelsClassification by distribution channelMail-order retailers that go onlineDirect marketing from manufacturersPure-play e-tailersClick-and-mo
12、rtar retailersInternet(online)malls18E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)19E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)Direct marketing by mail order companiesdirect marketing:broadly,marketing that takes place without intermediaries between manufacturers and buyers;in the context of this book,marketing done online
13、 between any seller and buyere.g.東森20E-Tailing Business ModelsDirect sales by manufacturersSellers understand their markets better because of the direct connection to consumers,and consumers gain greater information about the products through direct connection to the manufacturersExample:Dell Comput
14、ersbuild-to-order approach of customization21E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)Pure-play e-tailersVirtual(pure-play)e-tailers:Firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaining a physical sales channelExamples:博客來22E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)Click-and-mortar retailers:Bri
15、ck-and-mortar retailers with a transactional Web site from which to conduct businessBrick-and-mortar retailers:Retailers who do business in the non-Internet,physical world in traditional brick-and-mortar storesMultichannel business model:Describes a company that sells in multiple marketing channels
16、simultaneously(e.g.,both physical and online stores)23E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)Retailing in online mallsReferring directoriesdirectory organized by product typecatalog listings or banner ads at the mall site advertise the products or storesMalls with shared servicesconsumer can find the produ
17、ct,order and pay for it,and arrange for shipmenthosting mall provides these services,but they are executed by each store independently24E-Tailing Business Models(cont.)Other B2C business modelsTransaction brokersInformation portalsCommunity portalsContent creators or disseminatorsViral marketingMark
18、et makersBuild-to-orderService providers25Travel and Tourism Services OnlineMajor travel-related Web sites are:26Travel and Tourism Services Online(cont.)Revenue models of online travel services include:Direct revenues(commissions)Revenue from advertisingConsultancy feesSubscription or membership fe
19、esRevenue-sharing feesOthers 27Travel and Tourism Services Online(cont.)Services provided:Traditional servicesproviding general informationreserving and purchasing tickets,accommodations,and entertainment28Travel and Tourism Services Online(cont.)Unique servicestravel tips(a visa problem)electronic
20、travel magazinesfare comparisonscurrency conversion calculatorsworldwide business and place locatorsoutlet for travel accessories and booksexperts opinionsmajor international and travel newsdetailed driving maps and directions chat rooms and bulletin boardsfrequent-flier dealsonline travel auctions2
21、9Travel and Tourism Services Online(cont.)Impact of EC on the travel industryConsumers who used to order accommodations directly from a hotel are now using the Internet to compare prices and frequently are buying from an intermediary(H)30Travel and Tourism Services Online(cont.)Corporate travelTo re
22、duce corporate travel costs,companies can make arrangements that enable employees to plan and book their own tripsUsing online optimization tools provided by travel companiesTravel authorization software checks availability of funds and compliance with corporate guidelines31Employment Placement and
23、the Job MarketThe Internet offers a rich environment for job seekers and for companies searching for hard-to-find employeesWho uses the Internet job market?Job seekersEmployers seeking employeesJob agenciesGovernment agencies and institutions104人力銀行32Real Estate OnlinePotential homebuyers can:view m
24、any properties online,at any time and from anywhere,saving time for the buyer and the brokersort and organize properties according to specific criteria and preview the exterior and interior design of the properties,shortening the search process33Insurance OnlineStandard insurance policies are availa
25、ble online at a substantial discount:Auto HomeLifeHealthThird-party aggregators offer free comparisons of available policies34Online Stock Trading35Banking and Personal Finance Onlineelectronic banking(e-banking):Various banking activities conducted from home or the road using an Internet connection
26、;also known as cyberbanking,virtual banking,online banking,and home banking36Banking and Personal Finance Online(cont.)Home banking capabilitiesView current account balances and history at anytimeObtain charge and credit card statementsPay billsDownload account transactionsTransfer money between acc
27、ountsBalance accountsSend e-mail to the bankExpand the meaning of“bankers hours”Handle finances when travelingUse additional services37Banking and Personal Finance Online(cont.)Virtual banksHave no physical location,but only conduct online transactionsNetBank()First Internet Bank()Make sure that the
28、 bank is legitimate before sending money to a virtual bank38On-Demand Delivery Services and E-GrocersE-grocer:A grocer that will take orders online and provide deliveries on a daily or other regular schedule or will deliver items within a very short period of timeOn-demand delivery service:Express d
29、elivery made fairly quickly after an online order is received39On-Demand Delivery Services and E-Grocers(cont.)E-grocersoffer consumers the ability to order items online and have them delivered to their houses free regular“unattended”weekly delivery based on a monthly subscription modelon-demand del
30、iveriesa surcharge and additional delivery chargenonperishable items shipped via common carrierdry-cleaning pickup and delivery“dont run out”automatic reordering fresh flower deliverymovie rentalsmeal planningrecipe tipsmultimedia featuresnutritional information40On-Demand Delivery Services and E-Gr
31、ocers(cont.)Who are e-grocery shoppers?Shopping avoidersNecessity usersNew technologistsTime-starved consumers41Online Delivery of Digital Products,Entertainment,and MediaDigital products:products that can be transformed to digital format and delivered over the Internet42Online Delivery of Digital P
32、roducts,Entertainment,and Media(cont.)Napster Consumers-to-consumers(peer-to-peer)digital distributionNapster only shares“libraries”or lists of songs,and then enables a peer-to-peer file-sharing environmentSued for copyright infringement in 200243Online Delivery of Digital Products,Entertainment,and
33、 Media(cont.)Free file sharing is no longer allowedNapster forced to charge customers for use of its file-sharing serviceEntered into an agreement with Bertelsmann AG(large global music label that participated in the lawsuit against Napster)Went into bankruptcy in 2002Roxio purchaced and reopened in
34、 late 2003 as“for fee file-sharing service”44Online Purchase Decision AidsShopping portals:Gateways to storefronts and malls;may be comprehensive or niche oriented 45Online Purchase Decision Aids(cont.)shopping robots(shopping agents or shopbots):Tools that scout the Web on behalf of consumers who s
35、pecify search Z Purchase Decision Aids(cont.)“Spy services”services that visit Web sites for you,at your direction,and notify you of their Wireless shopping comparisonsMAT&T Digital PocketNet47Online Purchase Decision Aids(cont.)Business rating sitesBConsumer Reports Online(consumerreports.org)Forre
36、ster Research()Gomez Advisors()48Online Purchase Decision Aids(cont.)Trust verifications sites:evaluate and verify the trustworthiness of various e-tailersTrustEVersignBBB onlineWebtrust49Successful Click-and-Mortar StrategiesSpeak with one voiceEmpower the customerLeverage the multichannels50Proble
37、ms with E-Tailing and Lessons LearnedReasons retailers give for not going online include:product is not appropriate for Web saleslack of significant opportunitytoo expensivetechnology not readyonline sales conflict with core business51Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned(cont.)Failures in B2C
38、 dot-comsKa creative idea for on-demand deliveries of movie rentalsdifficulty in how to return the videosFdifficulty in delivering products in a timely mannereRregistering for courses etc.online was not popular with consumers52Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned(cont.)Gbusiness model called
39、for selling a large amount of ad impressions,which proved to be impossiblePcost of acquiring customers was too costly53Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned(cont.)Lessons learned:Dont ignore profitabilityManage new risk exposureWatch the cost of brandingDo not start with insufficient fundsThe
40、web site must be effectiveKeep it interesting54Issues in E-TailingDisintermediation:The removal of organizations or business process layers responsible for certain intermediary steps in a given supply chain Reintermediation:The process whereby intermediaries(either new ones or those that had been di
41、sintermediated)take on new intermediary roles55Issues in E-Tailing(cont.)Cybermediation(electronic intermediation):The use of software(intelligent)agents to facilitate intermediationHypermediation:Extensive use of both human and electronic intermediation to provide assistance in all phases of an e-c
42、ommerce venture56Issues in E-Tailing(cont.)Unbundling:old economy processes will be broken into specialized segments that can be delivered by specialized intermediariesChannel conflict:Situation in which an online marketing channel upsets the traditional channels due to real or perceived damage from
43、 competition57Issues in E-Tailing(cont.)Determining the right priceprices competitive on the Internetprices should be in line with the corporate policy on profitabilityPersonalizationuse cookie files and other technologies to track the specific browsing and buying behavior of each consumermarketing
44、plan tailored to that consumers pattern58Managerial IssuesShould we grab a first-mover advantage or wait and learn?What should our strategic position be?Are we financially viable?Should we recruit out of town?59Managerial Issues(cont.)Are there international legal issues regarding online recruiting?
45、Do we have ethics and privacy guidelines?How will intermediaries act in cyberspace?Should we set up alliances?60SummaryThe scope of e-tailingE-tailing business modelsHow online travel/tourism services operateThe online job market and its benefitsThe electronic real estate marketOnline trading of stocks and bonds61Summary(cont.)Cyberbanking and personal financeOn-demand delivery serviceDelivery of digital productsAiding consumer purchase decisionsCritical success factorsDisintermediation and reintermediation