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1、汉英翻译技巧千万不要被词的表面所迷惑“上课了?”(Have you)Just finished your class?Hows your first class?Has the bell gone?/Am I late for class?他(听到这话)心里一跳,脸色也变了。His heart jumped and the color of his face changed.At this his heart missed a beat and he became pale.三四个筛酒的酒保,都手忙脚乱,搬东搬西。But these serving men were so busy,their

2、 hands and feet were all in confusion,and they were moving things hither and thither,east and west.(All Men Are Brothers)The four or five waiters were busy rushing from one to another serving food and drink.(Outlaws of the Marsh)你不知道,金八这家伙背景复杂,不大讲面子。(曹禺日出)Dont you realize that this fellow Jin has al

3、l kinds of dubious connections and that hes no great respecter of persons?第一章 词的选择 一、根据上下文正确理解原文的词义(一)“情况”:这个词的基本意义与英语中的circumstances,situation,condition等词相近,但是究竟怎样翻译,还须根据上下文来决定(1)在这种情况下 under these/such circumstances such being the case in accordance with this specific condition(2)这种情况必须改变 This sta

4、te of affairs must change.(3)现在情况不同了。Now things are different.(4)他们的情况怎么样?How do matters stand with them?(5)前线有什么情况?How is the situation at the front?(6)前面有情况,做好战斗准备。Theres enemy activity ahead.Prepare for combat.(7)可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样了。But the picture outside this place is quite another story.(8)我们可能去那

5、儿,那得看情况而定。We may go there,but that depends.(it all depends.)(二)“事”:汉语中“事”的基本意义与英语中matter,affair,thing,business等词相近。但是在不同的上下文中,此词会有不同的含义(1)遇事和大家商量。Consult the masses when problems arise.(2)农民所做的事很多农民在农民协会领导之下总共做了十四件大事,如下所记。The peasants have done a great many thingsthe peasants under the leadership of

6、 the peasant associations have the following fourteen great achievements to their credit.(三)“水平”:汉语中“水平”这一词与英语 level相近。如“理论水平”译作theoretical level,但在不同的上下文中,它的含义不同,可采用不同的译法。(1)他的英语水平比我高。The level of his English is higher than that of mine.He knows more English than I.(2)各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。Cadres at all l

7、evels should improve their art of leadership.二、辨析词义和正确选词(一)注意词的广义和狭义(1)农业是国民经济的基础。Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.农林牧副渔互相结合的方针 The principle of combining farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-occupations and fishery(2)他从不喝酒。He never touches wine/spirits.(二)注意词义的强弱(1)反动派的暴行激起了人

8、民极大的愤怒。The atrocities of the reactionaries roused the people to great indignation.(2)多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久只争朝夕。So many deeds cry out to be done,And always urgently,The world rolls on,Time presses.Ten thousand years are too long,Seize the day,seize the hour!(三)注意词义的褒贬(1)他们组成了两个阴谋夺取最高权力的反革命集团。They rig

9、ged up two counter-revolutionary cliques in an attempt to seize supreme power.(2)他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.(四)注意词的语体色彩(1)别了,司徒雷登!Farewell,Leighton Stuart!(2)禁止赌博。Gambling is prohibited.(3)这小伙子干活真冲。This young fellow does his work with vim and vigor.(五)注意词的政治含义

10、(1)“农民”peasant/farmer(2)“侵略”invasion/aggression invasion指军事入侵,而aggression可指政治、军事、经济、文化各个方面的入侵。很明显,后者含义范围较前者广。(六)注意词的搭配1、定语和中心词的搭配浓茶 strong tea 浓墨 thick/dark ink 浓烟dense smoke青山 green hill 青天 blue sky 青布 black cloth 2、动词和宾语的搭配开车 to drive a car 开船 to set sail 开机器 to start a machine上自行车 to get on a bik

11、e 上飞机 to board a plane 上山 to go up/mount a hill 我已吩咐我的手下人都上了子弹。Ive already ordered my men to have their guns loaded.他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。He presented all his books to the library.教师应当献身于教育事业。A teacher should devote himself to the cause of education.谨以本书献给许教授,以表敬慕和感激之情。To Prof.Xu I dedicate this volume in

12、 token of affection and gratitude.第二章 词的增补 一、为了保证译文语法结构的完整(一)代词(或名词)1、作主语的代词(或名词)(1)接到你的来信,非常高兴。I was very glad to have received your letter.(2)亲不亲,一家人嘛。Relatives or not,we peasants are one family.(3)要有把握,就要有准备,而且要有充分的准备。To ensure success,one must be prepared,and fully prepared at that.2、物主代词(1)她用手蒙

13、住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。She covered her face with her hand,as if to protect her eyes.(2)孩子们天天带午饭到学校去吃。The children take their lunches to school every day.(3)我们响应了祖国的号召。We responded to the call of our motherland.3、作宾语的代词(1)请原谅,打断你一下。Excuse me for interrupting you.(2)把这些故事看完以后,用你自己的话讲一遍。After you have read these

14、 stories,tell them in your own words.(3)解静收起图说:“大家出车吧,中午休息的时候再看,就贴在这里。”Xie Jing folded up the diagram and said,“Now get moving.Ill paste this up here and you can have a good look at it during the midday break.”(二)连词(1)虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to go forward,whereas conceit makes one lag behind

15、.(2)姐姐在等我,我得走了。My sister is expecting me,so I must be off now.(3)男女老少都参加了战斗。Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle.(4)我们尊重知识分子是完全应该的,没有革命知识分子,革命就不会胜利。It is entirely right for us to esteem intellectuals,for without revolutionary intellectuals the revolution cannot triumph.(5)他不来,我不走。I s

16、hall not go until he comes.(6)群众齐心了,一切事情都好办了。When the masses are of one heart,everything becomes easy.(7)天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那座庙里过夜。As it was getting quite dark,we decided to stop at the temple for the night.(三)介词(1)我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country.(2)你是白天

17、工作还是夜间工作?Do you work in the daytime or at night?(3)这些图片,你们四个人分。Divide these pictures among the four of you.(4)咱们车站见吧。Lets meet at the station.(四)冠词(1)耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来嗅气味,舌头用来尝滋味。The ear is the organ which is used for hearing,the nose for smelling,and the tongue for tasting.(2)她不把他当阿公,而当做亲爹。She consi

18、dered him not a father-in-law but a father.(3)我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.二、为了保证译文意思的明确(一)原文中暗含而无需明言的词语(1)谁都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。Every one knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard.(2)要提倡顾全大局。We should advocate the sp

19、irit of taking the whole situation into consideration.(3)过去我们已经多次讲过用民主方法解决人民内部矛盾这个问题,并且在工作中基本上就是这样做的,很多干部和人民都在实际上懂得这个问题。On many occasions we have discussed the use of the democratic method for solving contradictions among the people;furthermore,we have in the main applied it in our work and many cad

20、res and many other people are familiar with it in practice.(二)概括性词语(1)黄金白银,坚甲利兵,并非构成大国的要素。Gold and silver,a strong army and powerful weapons-these are not the elements that constitute a great nation.(2)结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.(3)如此大量

21、的人员是决不能持久的,是很危险的。A situation in which such a large number of personnelcannot last long and is very dangerous.(4)我们自动取消了工农革命政府的名称还把没收地主土地改为减租减息。We voluntarily dropped the name“Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Government”and altered our policy of confiscating the land of landlords to one of reducing

22、 rent and interest.(三)注释性词语(1)班门弄斧。Show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter.(2)三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master mind.(3)陕北的部队经过整训诉苦以后,战士们的觉悟提高了 After the troops in northern Shaanxi went through training and consolidat

23、ion and poured out their grievances against the old social order,the fighters heightened their political consciousness(4)一九二八年夏提出了六项注意:一、上门板,二、捆铺草,三、说话和气 In the summer of 1928 he set forth Six Points for Attention:(1)Put back the doors you have taken down for bed-boards;(2)Put back the straw you hav

24、e used for bedding;(3)Speak politely;第三章 词的省略 省略词语3原则:1、在译文中看来是可有可无的,或是多余的;2、其意思已经包含在上下文里;3、其含义在译文中是不言而喻的。一、原文中重复出现的词语(1)我们说,长征是历史记录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history,that it is a manifesto,a propaganda force,a seeding machine.(

25、2)生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。Live or die,we should be loyal to our Party,to our people and to our motherland.(3)俘虏望望沈振新,又望望其他的人,没有再说下去。Looking at Shen Zhenxin,then at the others,the prisoner fell silent.(4)我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政即无产阶级专政,坚持共产党领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。We must adhere to the socialist road,the peopl

26、es democratic dictatorship(i.e.the dictatorship of the proletariat),the Communist Partys leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.二、原文中表示范畴的词语(1)在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放事业。Under the leadership of the Party,the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation.(2)“前怕龙后怕虎”的态度不能造就干部。“Fearing dr

27、agons ahead and tigers behind”will not produce cadres.(3)我们党结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。Our Party has put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time.三、可能影响译文修辞效果的词语(1)匪军所至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极。Wherever they(the bandit troops)went,they massacred and raped,burned and looted,and stopped at no

28、thing.原文采用排比手法,连续用了四个动宾词组,读起来铿锵有力,达到了强调的修辞效果。但是此句若译成:They massacred the people,raped women,burned villages and looted property,就大大减弱了原句的气势。因此译文中采用了及物动词的独立用法(即不带直接宾语),收到了行文有力的效果。(2)对于胜利了的人民,这(指权力)是如同布帛菽栗一样地不可以须臾离开的东西。Like food and clothing,this power is something a victorious people cannot do without

29、 even for a moment.原文中的四字词组“布帛菽栗”是用来比喻人民生 活中的头等要素“吃、穿”的。因此译文中概括为food和clothing两个词即可。如果逐字译成cloth and silk,bean and grain则不但罗嗦,而且不符合英语表达习惯。第四章 词类的转换 一、汉语的动词转换成英语的名词(1)你必须好好地照顾病人。You must take good care of the patient.(2)他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the

30、products.(3)绝对不许违反这个原则。No violation of this principle can be tolerated.(4)林则徐认为,要成功地禁止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片焚毁了。Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the opium trade must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.二、汉语的动词转换成英语的形容词 汉语中一些表示知觉、情感等心理状态的动词,往往可以转换成英语形容词,通常多以“be+形容词”的结构来表达。(1)获悉贵国遭受地震,我们

31、极为关切。We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake.(2)我为她的健康担忧。I am anxious about her health.(3)他们怀疑他是否能负担得起。They are doubtful about whether he can afford it.(4)他可晓得他儿子的行为表现吗?Is he aware of how his son has been behaving?(5)我们决不满足于现有的成就。We are not content with

32、 our present achievements.三、汉语的动词转换成英语的介词或介词词组(1)那么怎么办呢?孩子们都上一个学堂。Well,what is to be done?The children are in the same school.(2)我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反对;第二,不怕。Our attitude to the question of world war is,first,we are against it;second,we are not afraid of it.(3)这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。What are these p

33、eople after?They are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight.(4)我们全体赞成他的建议。We were all in favor of his suggestion.(5)他们不顾一切困难,挫折,坚持战斗。They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.四、汉语的形容词或副词转换成英语的名词(1)朱延年用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。Zhu Yannian covered up his embarrassment with

34、 the enthusiasm of his hospitality.(2)街中的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。Everything was gradually disappearing into a pall of grey.Pall:a dark covering,e.g.a pall of darkness,a pall of smoke(3)经过学校的门口,也改换了名称和模样,于我很生疏。When I passed the gate of the school,that too had changed its name and appearance,making me feel quit

35、e a stranger.(4)空气是这样的清香,使人胸脯里感到分外凉爽、舒畅。The air was fresh and fragrant;it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort.(5)在全国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象。During the National Civic Virtues Month,all the cities must clean up,and banish disarray and discourtesy.五、汉语的名词转换成英语的动词 在汉译英中,比较普遍的现

36、象是汉语的动词转换成英语的名词。但也有相反情况,即汉语的名词转换为英语的动词。与此同时,原来修饰该名词的形容词也常随之转换成英语的副词,作为状语来修饰由汉语名词转换成的英语动词。(1)他的讲演给听众的印象很深。His speech impressed the audience deeply.(2)大部分学生对老师态度很恭敬。Most students behaved respectfully towards their teacher.(3)该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by

37、 their fine workmanship and durability.(4)她在最后的一幕里占了很突出的地位。She figured prominently in the last act.第五章 语序的变换 一、定语位置的变换(一)汉语的定语,无论是单用或是几个连用,通常都放在所修饰的名词前面。英语则不然,单词作定语时,一般放在所修饰的名词之前,短语和从句做定语时则放在所修饰的名词之后,前置还是后置要根据英语的习惯来决定。(1)英国是第一个承认人民中国的西方大国。Britain was the first Western power to recognize Peoples Repu

38、blic of China.(2)去年皖北小麦的平均产量超过了历史上的最高水平。The average yield of wheat last year in northern Anhui topped the highest level in history.(3)门类齐全、结构合理、能够满足社会消费和整个国民经济发展需要的先进工业 an advanced industrial system which is complete in range and ration in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the exp

39、ansion of the whole economy(4)农林牧副渔布局合理、全面发展、能够满足人民生活和工业发展需要的发达的农业 a developed agricultural system with a rational distribution and all-round development of farming,forestry,animal husbandry,sideline occupations and fisheries meeting the needs of the people and of an expanding industry(二)汉译英时,英语的单词定

40、语并不是无例外地全部放在所修饰的名词之前。在下面一些特殊情况下,单词做定语可以甚至必须放在所修饰的名词之后:1、单词定语所修饰的名词是由some,any,every,no等构成的复合代词时,定语可后置。(1)他想找一个可靠的人帮助工作。He wanted to get someone reliable to help in the work.(2)今天报上有什么重要消息吗?Is there anything important in todays paper?(3)咱们到一个安静的地方去。Lets go somewhere quiet.(4)医生为救病人,尽到了一切必要的努力。The doct

41、or did everything necessary to save the patient.(5)这个句子没有什么不对的地方。There is nothing wrong with this sentence.(6)这是稀世珍品。It is something rare in the world.2、通常做表语用的形容词,用作定语时必须后置。(1)他是当今最伟大的诗人。He is the greatest poet alive.(2)到场的来宾中有一些外国记者。The guests present included a few foreign newsmen.(3)仅这个委员会就有三名女委

42、员。On this committee alone there are three women.3、在某些固定词组中,单个形容词用作定语时,习惯上放在所修饰的词后面。(1)军事法庭 Court Martial(2)(联合国)秘书长 Secretary General(of the U.N.)(3)(世界卫生组织)总干事 Director-General(of the WHO)(4)当选(而尚未就职的)总统 The president elect 4、某些以-ible或-able结尾的形容词用作定语,与every,the only,或形容词最高级连用来修饰一个名词的,也常放在所修饰的名词之后。(

43、1)我们一定要用一切可能的一切可能的办法来帮助他们。We must help them in everyevery way possiblepossible.(or:in every possibleevery possible way)(2)这是这儿能找到的能找到的惟一参考书。This is the onlyonly reference book availableavailable here.(3)工人们努力以尽可能快的尽可能快的速度提高产量。The workers are working to increase production at the highesthighest speed

44、 possiblepossible.(4)这是能想得出的想得出的最好解决办法。This is the bestbest solution imaginableimaginable.5、某些分词用作定语时,也须后置。(1)他们收下了赠送的赠送的礼物,十分高兴。They were very glad to have accepted the presents offeredoffered.(2)那些唱歌的唱歌的人大部分是妇女。Most of the people singingsinging were women.(3)他要求有关有关人员都积极参加这项工作。He urged those conce

45、rnedconcerned to take an active part in the work.(4)想去的想去的人请站起来好吗?Will those wishing to gowishing to go stand up?6、某些表示位置、方向的副词用作定语时,往往也放在所修饰的名词之后。(1)这儿的这儿的书很好看。The books herehere are very interesting.(2)那边的那边的那个工厂是我们学校办的。The factory therethere is run by our school.(3)这是惟一的出出路。This is the only way o

46、utout.(4)他作了一次国外国外旅行,刚刚回来。He has just returned from his trip abroadabroad.(三)英语有时把一系列的单词定语放在所修饰的名词之前,但其顺序与汉语不尽相同,往往需要做适当的调整。在汉语中,几个定语连用时,习惯上是把最能表明事物本质的放在最前面,而把表示规模大小、力量强弱的放在后面。英语则英语则往往与此相反,越是能表示事物基本性质的定语往往与此相反,越是能表示事物基本性质的定语越要靠近它所修饰的名词。越要靠近它所修饰的名词。再者,往往根据定语和它所修饰的名词之间的关系来安排前后位置;定语和中心词关系愈密切,位置愈接近定语和中心

47、词关系愈密切,位置愈接近。如果关系远近难分,则按词的长短排列,短的在前,长的在后。另外,在一连串定语中,如有代词,则总是放在最前面,而代词中的all,both又总是放在其他代词之前。(1)社会主义的现代化 强国 1 2 3 a modern powerful socialist country 2 3 1(2)极其光荣 伟大的事业 1 2 a great and most glorious cause 2 1(3)强大的 社会主义 工业国 1 2 3 a powerful industrial socialist country 1 3 2(4)国际 经济 新 秩序 1 2 3 a new i

48、nternational economic order 3 1 2(5)马克思主义认识论的 不可动摇的 基本 原则 1 2 3 the unshakeable,fundamental 2 3 Marxist epistemological principle 1(6)一位朝鲜 青年 舞蹈家 1 2 a young Korean dancer 2 1(7)几千朵美丽的 红 玫瑰 1 2 thousands of red beautiful roses 2 1(短词在前)(8)一张木制 小 圆 桌 1 2 3 a small round wooden table 2 3 1(9)党的坚强领导 1

49、2 the strong Party leadership 2 1(10)一位 美国 现代 优秀作家 1 2 3 an outstanding contemporary 3 2 American writer 1(11)他 所有的朋友 1 2 all his friends 2 1(12)勤劳 勇敢的人民 1 2 a brave hard-working people 2 1(短词在前)(四)此外,同位语在翻译中也可以当做一种定语来处理。英语中的同位语一般在中心词之后,而汉语中则有前有后。(1)我们共产党人 we Communists(2)他们全体 they all(3)我们热烈欢迎你们,各条

50、战线上的先进工作者们,来参加这次大会。We warmly welcome you,advanced workers from various fronts,to the conference.当汉语同位语在中心词之前时,译成英语时语序要做调整。(1)这是我们医院的院长周先生。This is Mr.Zhou,director of our hospital.(2)陪同贵宾的有国务院副总理某某某 The distinguished guests were accompanied by so-and-so,Vice-premier of the State Council(3)老民兵赵大叔走进司令部


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