Unit 4 Words and Expressions 词汇(ppt课件)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 4Words and ExpressionsConfucius 孔子mansion/mn?n/n.公馆,宅第cemetery/smtri/n.墓地,公墓philosophy/flsfi/n.哲学descendant/dsndnt/n.后裔,后代,子孙individual/ndvdjl/adj.单独的,个别的 n.个人 We interviewed each individual member of the community.我们采访了社区中的每个成员。The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队和个人均可参加比赛。

2、heel/hil/n.足跟,后跟 Achilles heel(喻)阿喀琉斯的后跟,致命的弱点kingdom/kdm/n.王国,领域chief/if/adj.最重要的,最高级别的 n.首领,酋长 the chief financial officer of the company 公司的首席财务官 (俚语)There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.将多兵少。puzzle/pzl/n.谜,智力游戏,疑问 v.迷惑,使困惑 a puzzle to sb.对某人来说是个谜/难题 puzzle over/about sth.苦苦思索某事 puzzl

3、e sth.out 琢磨出.的答案 puzzled adj.困惑的;puzzling adj.令人困惑的nearby/nba/adj.附近的,邻近的 adv.在附近 There were complaints from nearby residents.附近的居民有些怨言。join.to.把.和.连接或联结起来 In the 16th century,the nearby country Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England.十六世纪时,邻国威尔士并入英格兰王国。break away(from.)脱离,背叛,逃脱 In the 20th cent

4、ury,the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK.在20世纪时,爱尔兰南部脱离了联合王国。belong/bl/v.应在(某处),适应 belongings n.个人所有物,财物,财产belong to 属于 The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas.同属于联合王国的这四个国家在某些领域紧密合作。as well as 同(一样也),和,还 通常连接两个词性、结构对等的词或短语;连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数与第一个主语

5、保持一致。English,as well as Chinese and math,is(be)of great importance.英语、语文和数学同等重要。currency/krnsi/n.通货,货币military/mltri/adj.军事的,军用的 defence/dfns/n.防御,保卫 defend v.防御,保卫legal/lil/adj.法律的,合法的 legally adv.illegal adj.不合法的-illegally adv.surround/srand/v.围绕,包围 surround.with.以.包围.be surrounded by/with.被.包围 su

6、rrounding adj.周围的,附近的 surroundings n.环境evidence/vdns/n.证据,证明The evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasised.证据显示,交通安全的重要性再怎么强调也不为过。evident adj.显而易见的 It is/was evident that.(=evidently)显然.evidently adv.明显地achievement/ivmnt/n.成就,成绩,达到make achievements in.在.方面取得成就 She

7、has made great achievements in her work and has won respect from her students.她在工作中取得了巨大成就,赢得了学生们的尊敬。a sense of achievement 成就感 achieve v.完成,达到 location/lke?n/n.地方,地点,位置 locate v.找出.的位置,确定.的地点conquer/kk/v.占领,征服battle/btl/n.战役,搏斗 v.搏斗,奋斗port/pt/n.港口(城市)fascinating/fsnet/adj.极有吸引力的,迷人的keep your eyes o

8、pen(for)留心,留意charge/n.收费,指控,主管 v.收费,控告,充电 in/take charge of 主管/看管/负责.in the charge of 在.主管/负责之下 free of charge 免费 charge(sb.)for sth.为.(向某人)收费/要价 charge sb.with sth.指控某人某事announce/nans/v.宣布,通知,声称 announce sth to sb 向某人宣告某事 announce(to sb)that.(向某人)宣布.It is announced that.据宣布.announcement n.宣告,通告,通知a

9、mount/mant/n.金额,数量 the amount of.的数量 a large amount of./large amounts of.很多 amount to 总计为gallery/lri/n.展览馆,画廊approach/pr/n.方法,途径,接近 v.接近,接洽 the/an approach to.通往.的道路;.的方法 make an approach to 对.进行探讨 at the approach of 在快到.的时候ensure/n/v.保证,确保landscape/lnskep/n.(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景generous/nrs/adj.慷慨的,大方的,丰富的

10、be generous to sb 对某人慷慨/大方 be generous with sth 在某方面慷慨/大方 generosity n.慷慨,宽宏大量 generously adv.慷慨地在编辑区输入标题butter/bt/n.黄油 v.涂黄油于honey/hni/n.蜂蜜ancestor/nsst/n.祖宗,祖先position/pz?n/n.位置,姿态,职位 v.安装,安置courtyard/ktjd/n.庭院,院子snack/snk/n.点心,小吃eager/i/adj.热切的,渴望的 be eager to do sth 渴望做某事 be eager for sth 渴望得到某物

11、 eagerly adv.急切地,渴望地poet/pt/n.诗人 poem n.诗歌county/kanti/n.郡,县feast/fist/n.盛宴,宴会,节日roll/rl/v.翻滚,滚动;n.卷轴,滚动dot/dt/n.点 v.加点,遍布 on the dot 准时 be dotted with布满,星罗棋布于cattle/ktl/n.牛 The peaceful landscape of the Emerald Isle and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hil

12、ls dotted with sheep and cattle.绿宝石岛风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。roar/r/v.&n.吼叫,咆哮ocean/n/n.大海,海洋 The roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast.波浪咆哮,海鸟鸣叫,奏响了海岸交响乐。scent/snt/n.气味,气息 breath in sweet scent of fresh flowers 呼吸鲜花的芬芳greet/rit/v.问候,迎接 gre

13、et sb.with.用.来迎接/问候某人 be greeted by.扑面而来 greeting n.问候;greetings n.问候语pub/pb/n.酒吧,酒馆wine/wan/n.葡萄酒,果酒beer/b/n.啤酒stew/stju/n.炖菜 v.炖,煨custom/kstm/n.风俗,习俗,习惯 local culture and customs当地文化和习俗sensory/snsri/adj.感觉的,感官的striking/strak/adj.引人注目的,显著的 a striking image 一副引人注目的画transition/trnzn/n.过渡,转变,变迁crowd/krad/n.人群,民众 v.挤满,使拥挤 crowds of.成群的.;a crowd of.一群.Every year crowds of visitors come to Beijing to see the Forbidden City.每年都有大批游客来北京参观紫禁城。crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with.充满.,挤满.A people without the knowledge of their past history,origin and culture is like a tree without roots.-Marcus Garvey.


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