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1、 This unit includes some general conversations with reference to the schedule arrangement in detail,such as time,date,place,people involved,etc.with the customer.The learner can learn it according to each situation easily and then can easily handle every situation when it happens.Teaching Aims:1.Kno

2、wledge aim:Through the study of this unit,the student will learn how to talk properly and be considerate when making schedule arrangements.2.Skill aim:Students will be able to make their conversations according to the given situations.Core Skills:1.Be clear and well-organized 2.Talking in a good and

3、 proper manner 3.Being warm and considerate Background Knowledge In business activities,proper schedule arrangement is very necessary for developing business successfully.Because of different cultural backgrounds,value of time varies from country to country.First we should know about working hours a

4、nd vacations of the visitors country,and then we should make a proper arrangement according to the actual situations and different business purposes.When the clients visit your office,you should greet them with smiles to show your concerns to them;when talking about schedule arrangement with them,yo

5、u should be passionate and friendly,respecting their opinions and offering them with the best and useful suggestion;when arranging schedules,try to get the consent of the customers.在商务活动中,恰当地安排商务活动日程对顺利地开展业务十分必要。由于文化背景不同,各国的时间观念也不尽相同。我们首先了解访问者国家工作时间及假日情况,然后根据客人的实际情况和不同的商务目的做出恰当的安排。安排客人来办公室时,应该微笑接待,表

6、示对客人的关心;谈论日程安排时,应热情、友好,充分尊重客人的意见,为客人提供最佳的、有用的建议;安排行程时,尽量征得客人的同意。Section One Situational Dialogue Directions:Students must be able to recite these dialogues fluently and understand them.Mr.Wilson is visiting Guangzhou Textiles Corporation and talking with Mr.Lin Bing,the section chief of the Public R

7、elations Department of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation about his schedule during his stay in Guangzhou.Dialogue One In Public Relations Department(1)(Susan,the secretary of the Public Relations Department of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation,is introducing Mr.Lin to Mr.Wilson.)S:Good morning,Mr.Wilson.H

8、ave you had a good rest?W:Yes,thank you.S:Mr.Wilson,may I introduce you to Mr.Lin,our section chief?Mr.Lin,Mr.Wilson is the general manager of the International Trading Corporation of Canada.W:Its a pleasure to meet you,Mr.Lin.L:Glad to meet you too,Mr.Wilson.How is the service here?W:Quite good.And

9、 I like the food here.L:Ive come to make some arrangements to make sure your stay in Guangzhou is a pleasant one.If it is convenient for you right now,lets talk about the schedule of your visit.W:Ok.L:I think we can draw up a tentative plan together.Tomorrow Ill show you around our factory at 8:30 a

10、.m.What do you say to it?W:Im for it.L:Would you mind a day of sightseeing?W:Thanks.Maybe later.Lets get business over first.L:I had thought a sightseeing trip between talks would be a welcome diversion.Business can be combined with pleasure.W:Well,I appreciate it if you arrange it.Which place did y

11、ou have in mind?L:What about Baiyun Mountain and Liurong Temple?W:That would be nice.When?L:The day after tomorrow.W:Shall we have enough time for our talks?L:Well have talks at half past two tomorrow afternoon and well continue our talks at nine a.m.on the fourth day.W:Sounds good.L:So long as we k

12、now each others requirements and we dont get bogged down on details,Im sure well be able to finish our talks on the fourth day.S:I hope so.Lets do our best to make everything smooth sailing.Dialogue Two In Public Relations Department(2)(Mr.Wilson and Mr.Lin are talking schedule arrangements.)L:There

13、 is something Id like to mention.W:Yes?L:Id like to host a dinner in your honor at seven tonight.W:Thanks.My evenings will be quite full then?L:Oh,no.Ill leave some evenings free,that is,if its all right with you.W:Oh,sure.Thats what I wanted to suggest.In the evening,Ill have to think about what we

14、 discussed during the day.L:Right.Is there anything special youd like to do?W:There is.I would like to talk to some of the technicians,if it is possible.L:That can be easily arranged.That can be done when you visit the factory.After that youll know our factory and products better.W:Yes,itll be easie

15、r for us to get down to facts.By the way,can you recommend a good restaurant?Id like to give a farewell dinner to express my gratitude to you.L:Thank you.Tell me which day and Ill ask Miss Wang to make a reservation for you.W:The evening before my departure.And would you see that my plane ticket is

16、booked for next Tuesday?L:Sure,Ill see to it.Wouldnt you like to spend an extra day or two in Guangzhou?W:Im afraid that I cant.I have to report back to the head office.L:I see.Maybe some other time then.W:Im sure Ill be in and out of Guangzhou quite often in future.L:Then its all settled.Thank you

17、for your cooperation.W:Youre welcome.Im sure the talks will go well.Dialogue Three In Mr.Wilsons room(Mr.Lin,comes to visit Mr.Wilson.Mr.Lin is knocking at the door.)W:Hello,who is that?L:Its Lin Bing.W:Come on in.(Mr.Wilson opens the door.)Welcome!L:Nice to see you again!W:Meeat,please.Would you li

18、ke something to drink?L:No,thanks.What do you have in mind for this afternoon?W:I have some paper work to finish.L:So,you will stay in the hotel.As for this evening,well hold a dinner in your honor at Sichuan Restaurant.W:Thats very kind of you.L:Mr.Ding,our general manager,will host the dinner,and

19、some other important people will also be there.W:Ill be delighted to meet them.L:Is 6 oclock convenient for you?W:Yes.In fact,any time will do.L:Very good.Ill come for you at 6 oclock this evening.The dinner will start at 6:30.See you then.W:Thank you,Mr.Lin.See you.Useful Patterns 1.Words and Phras

20、es 1)sight-seeing saitsi:i n.游览,观光 2)bog bg n.沼泽 v.(down)(使)陷入困境(泥沼)3)gratitude grtitju:d n.感激,感谢 4)departure dip:t n.离开,出发 5)schedule edju:l n.时刻表,日程;vt.安排 6)section chief 部门主管,科长 7)Public Relations 公共关系 8)draw up 拟订 9)tentative plan 试验性计划 10)show somebody around 带某人参观 11)Baiyun Mountain 白云山 12)Liu

21、rong Temple 六榕寺 13)in ones honour 为了欢迎某人 2.Basic sentences 1)Have you had a good rest?你休息得好吗?2)Mr.Wilson,may I introduce you to Mr.Lin,our section chief?威尔森先生,我给您介绍我们的部门主管林先生。3)Its a pleasure to meet you,Mr.Lin.林先生,很高兴认识你。4)How is the service here?这里的服务怎样?5)If it is convenient for you right now,lets

22、 talk about the schedule of your visit.如果您现在方便的话,让我们谈谈你的访问的行程吧。6)What do you say to it?你意下如何?7)Im for it.我同意。8)Lets get business over first.我们先谈谈业务吧。9)Which place did you have in mind?你认为去哪里?10)Shall we have enough time for our talks?我们有足够的时间谈吗?11)Lets do our best to make everything smooth sailing.我

23、们会尽力让一切进行顺利。12)There is something Id like to mention.有一点我要提及的。13)Thats what I wanted to suggest.这是我刚才提出的建议。14)Is there anything special youd like to do?你有什么事情特别想做?15)Id like to give a farewell dinner to express my gratitude to you.我想举行一个送别会,以表达我对您的感激。16)Sure,Ill see to it.一定,我会处理的。17)Thank you for y

24、our cooperation.谢谢您的合作。18)Is 6 oclock convenient for you?对你来说,6点钟合适吗?Class Work Directions:Translate the following dialogues into English and practice them with your partner with the useful patterns in the situational dialogues.Dialogue A A:布朗先生,我向您介绍一下我们公司采购部的经理杨先生。B:很高兴认识你,杨先生。Y:我也很高兴认识你,布朗先生。您觉得这

25、里的服务怎样?B:很好。酒店很舒服,服务人员很友好。Y:听起来不错。那么,让我们谈谈我们的行程安排吧。B:没问题,一切听你的。Y:明天早上9:00我会带你到我们的工厂参观,下午2:30看最新的纺织设备。B:好啊,到时候我们要对新设备的价钱进行讨论,看看最合理的价钱是多少。Y:另外,我想在后天,给您安排一天的观光活动,你意下如何?B:如果我们明天把一切事情都办好的话,那是完美的主意。Y:我们打算后天早上带您去参观越秀山,观看镇海楼,下午带您参观南越王墓博物馆,晚上畅游珠江,共聚晚餐。B:太好了。这些广州的景点,我仰慕已久,我期待着。Y:希望我们一切进行顺利吧。Dialogue BY:布朗先生,今

26、天中午我们准备带你去吃中国菜。你意下如何?B:很好的主意。我一直都对中国菜很感兴趣。就我所知,中国按地区分,有不同样式的菜的。Y:是的,有很多种。在我们广州,最著名的当然是地道的粤菜了。B:是吗?那么,我们现在去那里?Y:去一家广州老字号的酒楼,名叫陶陶居。B:它在那里的,我们怎样去?Y:在荔湾区,离这里不算近。我们坐公司的车去。我们走吧。B:好的。Y:吃完饭后,我们会将在下午3点在花园酒店会议中心参加总公司举行的会议。B:一切都清楚了,谢谢你们的安排。Y:别客气。我也代表公司,谢谢你的配合。Efficiency Transferring Directions:Work in pairs.Yo

27、u are Li Yisheng,an interpreter of a Chinese company.Your partner is Jack Anderson,a visiting Canadian businessman.First,you talk with Mr.Anderson and ask him his plans for a)tonight;b)tomorrow afternoon;c)this weekend.Then,you offer Mr.Anderson various choices and ask about his preference for:1)ent

28、ertainment;2)food;3)sightseeing;Finally,work together to make a 2-day program for Mr.Andersons visit.In the travelling schedule,Mr.Andersons different preferences in different time should be included.Look at the following words you might use in your dialogue.conference play golf visiting factory pla

29、y tennis equipment sales country club cocktail party Chinese food dinner Jiaozi movie appreciation seafood hot pot morning tea Baomo Garden mountain climbing Lotus Mountain barbecue Pearl River Boating Show Time Directions:Make a conversation with your partner and show to the class according to the

30、given material above.Pay attention to your tone,eye contact,gesture and your body language.Additional Exercises.Make sentences according to the examples 1)Mr.Wilson,may I introduce you to Mr.Lin,our section chief?A乔治先生,我可以向您介绍我们的客服部经理陈先生吗?B威廉先生,我可以向您介绍我们的会计部经理金先生吗?2)Lets get business over first.A我们先

31、讨论水污染的问题吧。B我们先分析上月的公司业绩吧。3)Id like to give a farewell dinner to express my gratitude to you.A我想开一个派对来表达我对您的欢迎。B我想开一个鸡尾酒派对来表示我对您的帮助的感激。.Sentence Interpretation 1)你今晚有什么安排吗?2)要制订一个每日时间表并予以执行是很重要的。3)这主意太完美了。4)我很难安排好每天的活动。5)要我按时完成这项工作还是很容易的。III.Role Play A:You are Li Kang,marketing manager of Dafa Garme

32、nts Company.You meet Mr.Richard Bowen for the first time in your company.Mr.Bowen is the purchase manager of Willshire Fashion Inc.,a Los Angeles based American firm.After greeting with each other,you two are talking about the schedule arrangements.You need to tell him the arrangement for the dinner

33、 party tonight and the schedule for visiting the factory tomorrow.Also,you should discuss the plan for the talk about equipment business with Mr.Bowen.B:You are from Guangzhou Bode Textile Import&Export Corporation and meet Mr.Guy Dewey from Hongkong Zhonghua Garments Company.This is his first visit

34、 to Guangzhou and he will stay for three days.You see him in the factory and accompany him to visit the factory.You make schedule arrangements for his three-day trip in Guangzhou,including one day for you to discuss the sales of the equipment of your company.You can arrange one day to show him aroun

35、d.Please try to keep the conversation going.Section Two Situational Interpretation Directions:In this section,students are expected to read the manuscripts carefully and interpret them.Task 1 Directions:Read the following manuscript carefully,and try to interpret it into English.女士们、先生们:我很高兴出席广东省对外开


37、访华时说过,加拿大口前正在调整发展和投资政策,正在把重心转向亚太地区,中国是亚太地区的重点而温哥华则是加拿大通向亚太地区的门户。作为中国总领事,我对温哥华被选为这次展览会的展出地感到高兴。祝展览会取得圆满成功!Notes:1.广东省对外开放展览会Guangdong Open for Business Exhibition 2.剪彩 ribbon-cutting 3.不平衡 imbalanced 4.逆差 trade deficit 5.障碍 impediment 6.扩大上述份额 enlarge the share 7.特鲁多总理 Premier Tradean 8.亚太地区 Asia-Pac

38、ific Region 9.温哥华 Vancouver 10.中国总领事 Consul General of China Task 2 Directions:Read the following manuscript carefully,and do the exercises.Ladies and gentlemen,Today,Im very pleased to be with my new and old friends to attend the Sino-European Economic Forum jointly hosted by the University of Inte

39、rnational Business and Economics and the China Association of International Trade.Id like to extend my welcome to his Excellency Ambassador and other European friends participating in this forum.Chinas economic and trade links with Europe hold a prominent position in Chinas foreign trade and economi

40、c cooperation.Europe,especially the west European countries,has been important as Chinas trading partners and source of capital and technologies.The Commonwealth of Independent States and central and eastern European countries are also becoming our important economic and trading partners.In 2003,the

41、 2nd year of its WTO membership,China strictly complied with its commitments,cut tariffs,opened the markets,strictly observed the WTO rules,and modified relevant laws and regulations.These have received compliments from all parties.Chinas opening-up has taken on a new look and its foreign trade and

42、economic cooperation have taken new steps.The total import stood at US$412.8 billion,up 39.9%;the export reached US$438.3 billion,up 34.6%.The year 2003 is also the 1st year for the official Euro launch in the euro zone consisting of 12 member states.The EU integration process,in particular,the enla

43、rgement,has made significant progress.The Sino-European Economic Forum jointly hosted by the University of International Business and Economics and the China Association of International Trade provides a platform of communication to help increase the mutual understanding,economic and trade links,stu

44、dy and resolve the problems in our economic and trade relations.So it is of great significance.Hereby,Id like to wish this Sino-EU Economic Forum a complete success.Thank you!ExerciseWork in groups,and try to interpret the manuscript into Chinese.Exercise Translate the following words and phrases in

45、to Chinese.1.ambassador _ 2.forum _ 3.prominent _ 4.opening-up _ 5.total import _ 6.integration process _ 7.platform _ 8.of great significance _ Suggested Answers for Teaching Reference Section One Situational Dialogue Class Work Dialogue A A:Mr.Brown,Id like to introduce you to Mr.Yang,manager of P

46、urchasing Department in our company.B:Nice to meet you,Mr.Yang.Y:Nice to meet you,too.What do you think of the service here?B:Very good.The hotel is very comfortable and the servants here are very friendly.Y:Sounds good.Then,lets talk about our itinerary.B:No problem.Im listening.Y:I will show you a

47、round our factory at 9:00 a.m.tomorrow.At 2:00 p.m.,I will take you to see our latest textile equipment。B:All right.Then we should discuss the price of the new equipment to check how much is the most reasonable.Y:Besides,I am going to arrange one day for sightseeing.What do you think?B:Thatll be a p

48、erfect idea if we can finish all the work tomorrow.Y:On the morning of he day after tomorrow I would like to go to Yuexiu Mountain and visit Zhenhai Tower with you.In the afternoon,we will visit Western Han Nanyue Kings Tomb Museum.In the evening,we will go boating in the Pearl River and enjoy our d

49、inner together.B:Great.Those are the scenic spots I am looking forward to.I am expecting.Y:I hope everything goes on well.Dialogue B Y:Mr.Brown,we are planning to eat Chinese food at noon.How do you like it?B:Thats a good idea.I have great interest in Chinese food.As far as I know,there are differen

50、t styles of Chinese food,which is divided by different areas.Y:Yes,there are many styles.In Guangzhou,the most famous food is Yuecai.B:Really?So,where are we going?Y:To a famous old teahouse called Taotao Teahouse.B:Where is it and how can we get there?Y:In Liwan District,not far from here.Lets take


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