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1、ModuleModule 4 4Fine ArtsFine ArtsWestern,ChineseWestern,Chinese,and Pop,and Pop ArtsArts 柳岸水牛图柳岸水牛图虾虾齐白石齐白石渔渔 归归 图图老老 鼠鼠 偷偷 蛋蛋奔马图奔马图徐悲鸿徐悲鸿愚公移山图愚公移山图 此幅愚公移山图极具现实意义。画家以宏大的气势、震人心魄的力度表达了一个古老民族的决心与毅力。田横五百士田横五百士 这幅这幅田横五百士田横五百士是徐悲鸿的成名大作,故事是徐悲鸿的成名大作,故事出自出自史记史记田儋列传田儋列传,巨大的历史画面渗透出一种悲壮的气慨,撼人心魄。,巨大的历史画面渗透出一种悲壮

2、的气慨,撼人心魄。桂林风景桂林风景 1934年Guernica 毕加索毕加索(1881188119731973)是当代西方最有是当代西方最有 创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,是是2020世纪最伟大的艺术天才,他的艺术生涯几乎贯穿其一生,世纪最伟大的艺术天才,他的艺术生涯几乎贯穿其一生,作品风格丰富多样,后人用作品风格丰富多样,后人用“毕加索永远是年轻的毕加索永远是年轻的”的说法形容的说法形容毕加索多变的艺术形式。史学上不得不把他浩繁的作品分为毕加索多变的艺术形式。史学上不得不把他浩繁的作品分为不同的时期不同的时期早年的早年的“蓝色时期蓝色时期”、“粉红色时期粉红色时期”

3、、盛年的、盛年的“黑人时期黑人时期”、“分析和综合立体主义时期分析和综合立体主义时期”(又称(又称“立体主义时期立体主义时期”)、)、后来的后来的“超现实主义时期超现实主义时期”等等。下面介绍毕加索不同时期的等等。下面介绍毕加索不同时期的部分作品,供你欣赏。部分作品,供你欣赏。1912 Pablo Picasso 毕加索毕加索1913 Pablo Picasso 毕加索毕加索1921 1921 Pablo Picasso 毕加索毕加索在车上在车上Roy LichtensteinRoy Lichtenstein 羅依羅依 李奇登斯坦李奇登斯坦Title:Girl with Hair Ribbon

4、,1965Artist:Roy Lichtenstein Title:Campbell Soup Series II 1968 Old Fashion Artist:Andy Warhol Match the words in the box with the definitions.1.a person who paints is called _.2.an object used for painting_.3.a public building where you can look at artist paintings_.4.a liquid used for writing or d

5、rawing_.5.very special and unusual_.6.a picture of a person_.7.belonging to the present time_.8.a particular way of doing something_.9.a painting of a country scene_.图1 图2 图3 图4artistbrushart galleryinkextraordinaryportraitcontemporarystylelandscape alive aspect imitate(art)movement observeordinary

6、reality style 1.the way in which something is done _2.to watch carefully _3.a style of painting adopted by a group of artists _4.to copy _5.living or full of life _6.not special or unusual _7.one of the separate parts of something _8.the way something really is _ styleobserve(art)movement imitateali

7、veordinaryaspect realityFine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop ArtsMatch these words and phrases with the definitions.Reading Activity:Answer these questions.1:Which art movement did Picasso start?2:What does Pop art mean?3:What are the common things between Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong?()1.The passage refer

8、s to _artist(s).A.one B.two C.three D.four()2.Who is most famous for his lively paintings of horses?A.Pablo PicassoB.Roy LichtensteinC.Qi BaishiD.Xu BeihongDDRead paragraphs A-D and choose the best answers:I.Find the main information of the four artists and match them.1.Pablo Picasso 2.Roy Lichtenst

9、ein3.Qi Baishi 4.Xu Beihong a)one of Chinas greatest paintersb)American artist c)traditional Chinese style of paintingd)started Cubisme)His painting is world famous example of pop artf)observed the world of nature carefully g)be famous for his lively paintings of horses h)Spanish artist i)aim to sho

10、w ordinary twentieth-century city life j)show reality,not just imitate it II.Read paragraphs AF and choose the correct answers.1.The Cubist art movement_.A.showed different sides of an object in the same picture.B.is considered to be the greatest art movement of the twentieth century.2.Pop art_.A.ad

11、vertised the twentieth-century life.B.tried to show ordinary life in the modern world.3.Qi Baishi_.A.painted in a very unusual way.B.was a very traditional Chinese artist.4.Xu Beihong_.A.wanted to do more than imitate reality.B.tried to paint horses 5.Wu Hang_the picture of a golden-haired girl.A.lo

12、ves B.dislikes 6.Sarah Hardwick thinks that_.A.a Chinese artist painted picture3 B.Pablo Picasso painted picture3.Abstract of the text (1)Pablo Picasso is the _artist,who is considered to be the greatest_artist of the_century.It was he and another artist who_Cubism in painting,which means showing al

13、l_of the objects and people at the same time.And Toy Lichtenstein is the representative of the-_art which_ to show the ordinary city life.Chinese artists_Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong,followed the_Chinese style of painting,the former famous for the picture of the little_,the latter known for his lively p

14、ainting of_.vThis is a _ by the Spanish _,Pablo Picasso,considered to be the _ western artist of the twentieth _.Picasso and another _,George Braque,started _,one of the most important of all modern _.Cubist artists painted _&_,with different _ of the object or person _ at the same time.vThis painti

15、ng is by _ American _ Roy Lichtenstein who is a world_ example of _.Pop art was an important _ that aimed to show _ twentieth-century _.For example,it _ things _ soup cans and advertisements.Language points:因因而闻名而闻名 被认为是被认为是 以以为目标为目标 试图干试图干 对对感到厌倦感到厌倦 对对着迷着迷 无法忍受无法忍受 喜爱喜爱 我得说我得说 对对产生兴趣产生兴趣 画派画派 波普艺术

16、波普艺术 be famous for be considered to bevaim to dovtry to dovget tired of vbe crazy aboutvcant standvbe fond ofvI must sayvdevelop an interest invart movementvpop artvpaintvDont sit there.It says“_ _”.vThe _ is _ in water colors.v考虑考虑:considervthink aboutvthink ofv认为:认为:vthink of.as regard.as look on.

17、asvconsider.as take.as treat aspainting paintedbe considered to be be considered to be 被认为被认为 用法用法:consider 表示表示“考虑考虑”时后接时后接doing/疑问词疑问词+to do 表示表示“认为认为”时后接时后接sb./sth+宾补宾补(n./adj./to be/as)1Graham Bell is considered_the first telephone.A.to have invented B.having invented C.to invent D.to have been

18、inventing 2.The Smiths are considering_their holiday.A.where taking B.where to take C.where they take D.where to be taking v_ his age,he was considered _ well in the play.vA.Consider;actingvB.Considering;to have actedvC.Considered;actingvD.To consider;to actvAnswer:BvConsidering 考虑到。考虑到。v=taking eve

19、rything into considerationaim to do aim to do 以以为目的为目的 The athletes adopted the training plan,_to win gold metals in the coming 2008 Olympics.A.deciding B.aiming C.thinking D.considering aim ataim at向向瞄准瞄准;旨在旨在,针对针对,志在志在 翻译翻译:该工厂必须致力于研制新机械。该工厂必须致力于研制新机械。KEY:The factory must aim at developing new mac

20、hines.He aimed the ball _ the goal,but missed.at alive,live,living,lively,lovely1.He was _when they took him to the hospital.2.His grandpa is still_at the age of 90.3.Is the dog _ or dead?4.Although he is old,he is still very much _5.Australias _ TV comedy series The Late Show is very popular6.She i

21、s a_child and popular with everyone.7.She is the finest _pianist.8.My little sister has a _voice.9._ weather,isnt it?10.Latin isnt a_language.aliveLivingalivealivealive lively/lovelylivinglovelyLovelylivinglivebe(get)tired of be(get)tired from1.I am tired _ listening to rock music.I hate it.2.The bo

22、y was(got)tired _ studying so long,so he went out to stretch his arms and legs.offromAfter much deliberation,the president decided to _ her suggestion.A.adoptB.adaptC.AdoreD.admireAnswer:Aadopt an approach to the problem 采用,采纳采用,采纳 adopt a baby girl 收养,领养收养,领养adopt Australia as her home 选择(某国)定居选择(某国)定居adapt(oneself)to the new environment 适应适应adapt a film from a novel 改编,改写改编,改写adore my niece 疼爱,爱慕,崇拜疼爱,爱慕,崇拜vscene sceneryvThats the most exciting _ Ive ever seen.vThe sunrise is a beautiful _.vThe police arrived at the _ of the burglary in no time.vI like natural _.scenescenescenescenery


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