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1、(模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期)Project(2)Project(2)板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Traffic Accidents and Road Traffic Accidents and Road SafetySafety江苏省响水中学江苏省响水中学 李成荣李成荣Learning Aims:At the end of this class,youll be able to:1.use some of the key phrases1.use some of the key phrases freely;2.write a short passage2.write a s

2、hort passage about how to reduce traffic accidents;3.establish the right attitude3.establish the right attitude towards road safety.Revision(Putting into English)Revision(Putting into English)1.1.由由引起引起 2.2.目的,旨在目的,旨在3.3.意识到意识到4.4.有责任做某事有责任做某事5.5.一些主要原因一些主要原因6.6.与与有关有关7.7.注意注意Step 1 激趣导学arise fromar

3、ise fromaim at/be aimed ataim at/be aimed atbe aware ofbe aware ofsome of the major causes ofsome of the major causes ofhave a responsibility to have a responsibility to do do in connection within connection withpay attention pay attention toto 8.出差错出差错 9.未打转向灯转弯未打转向灯转弯 10.发出错误信号发出错误信号 11.好逞强好逞强 12.

4、导致导致 13.分散注意力分散注意力 14.危及某人生命危及某人生命 15.挤满挤满do sth wrongdo sth wronggive wrong signalgive wrong signalbe aggressivebe aggressiveresult inresult intake ones attention take ones attention fromfromrisk ones risk ones lifelifebe crowded withbe crowded withturn without signalingturn without signaling 16.有责

5、任做某事 17.小心,留意 18.尤其,特别 19.(很)有可能 20.和有关 21.假定,认为 22.适用于 23.缺乏控制take the responsibility to take the responsibility to do do watch out for watch out for in particular in particular There is likely to be There is likely to be be related to be related to make the assumption thatmake the assumption thata

6、pply toapply tolack of controllack of controlIt is likely that It is likely that Sb is likely to do Sb is likely to do 24.的诱因 25.保持状态良好 26.建议做某事 27.向左右两边看 28.横穿马路 29.服从交通信号灯 30.取决于某人,由某人决定an invitation toan invitation tokeep in good conditionkeep in good conditionIt is recommended to doIt is recomme

7、nded to dolook both wayslook both waysrun across the roadrun across the roadobey traffic lightsobey traffic lightsIt is up to sb to It is up to sb to dodoStep 2 重点讲析Key phrasesKey phrases 1.1.arise from arise from 由产生,由引起2.2.这些事故是由粗心引起的。这些事故是由粗心引起的。很难预见这一行为所产生的后果。很难预见这一行为所产生的后果。2.do sth wrong 2.do s

8、th wrong 做错事When your friends do sth wrong,you always help them and never give them up.These accidents arise from These accidents arise from carelessness.carelessness.It is difficult to foresee the It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this consequences that may arise from

9、this action.action.当朋友做错事的时候,总是互相帮助,从不放弃。当朋友做错事的时候,总是互相帮助,从不放弃。3.take the responsibility to do sth3.take the responsibility to do sth有责任做某事尽管很忙,我们有责任照顾老年人。尽管很忙,我们有责任照顾老年人。If some part of the money missing,who will If some part of the money missing,who will take the responsibility?take the responsibi

10、lity?4.watch out for 4.watch out for 当心,注意 LetLetbuyersbuyersknowknowwhatwhattotolooklookforforandandwhatwhattotowatwatchchoutoutfor.for.我会小心照看它们。我会小心照看它们。AlthoughAlthoughbusy,busy,wewehave the have the responsibility responsibility tototaketakecarecareofofthe elderlythe elderly .让买家知道自己要找的是什么和应该当心什

11、么。让买家知道自己要找的是什么和应该当心什么。I Iwill watchwill watchoutoutforforthem.them.如果部分钱不见了,如果部分钱不见了,谁来负责任?谁来负责任?5.apply to 5.apply to 适用于,应用于适用于,应用于 这应该应用于任何项目。These regulations apply to everyone,without exception.6.an invitation to 6.an invitation to 诱发诱发 Dont leave your shopping on the back seat of Dont leave y

12、our shopping on the back seat of your car its an open invitation to a your car its an open invitation to a thief.thief.窗户开着会引发犯罪。窗户开着会引发犯罪。ThisThisshouldshouldapplyapplytotoanyanyproject.project.这些规章对谁都适用,没有例外。这些规章对谁都适用,没有例外。不要把买好的东西放在车后座上不要把买好的东西放在车后座上这容易招惹小偷。这容易招惹小偷。An open window is an invitation

13、 to crime.An open window is an invitation to crime.7.look both ways 7.look both ways 向两边看向两边看 过马路前先要向两边看一看过马路前先要向两边看一看。Remember to look both ways for automobiles when you cross the street.Look both ways before crossing the road.Look both ways before crossing the road.记住在过马路时记住在过马路时,注意左右两面的车辆。注意左右两面的

14、车辆。What are some major causes of road accidents related to driversdrivers,cyclistscyclists and pedestrianspedestrians?Step 3 Step 3 设疑讨论设疑讨论Working in Groups of 4 and having a Working in Groups of 4 and having a discussiondiscussionDriversDriverscauses causes of of road road accidentsaccidentsNot pa

15、ying attentionGetting annoyed in a traffic jamSpeaking on mobile phonesDriving after drinking alcoholSpeeding CyclistsCyclistsPedestrians Pedestrians Not paying attention to carsRiding on the pavementCarrying a passengerRiding at night without lightsRiding a bike in bad conditionCrossing the road in

16、correctlyIgnoring traffic lightsReportingReportingStep 4 Step 4 典题拓展典题拓展 Writinganactionplan:Howtoprotectyourselvesfromroadaccidents?pay attention to the surrounding traffic.1.In order to prevent accidents,driversdrivers should not be aggressive and push into other lanes or pass other cars when in a

17、 traffic jam.not speak on a mobile phone while driving.drive without drinking alcohol.not drive too fast.Different situations:Different situations:pay attention to the cars around,always signal at turnings and stay on the correct side of the road.2.In order to prevent accidents,cyclistscyclists shou

18、ld not carry a passenger or a heavy load.have a light on the bicycle at night.keep the bicycle in good condition.walk next to their bikes to avoid causing accidents when on the pavement.always cross roads on a crossing and never run across the road.3.In order to prevent accidents,pedestrianspedestri

19、ans should look both ways and listen for cars while crossing the street.never ignore traffic lights.PresentingHowCanStudentsProtectThemselvesfromTrafficAccidents?Your advice on how to be safe on the roadYour advice on how to be safe on the roadA brief introductionA brief introductionEvery year,traff

20、ic accidents kill Every year,traffic accidents kill thousands of people.We should thousands of people.We should especially young people especially young people As students,we should do the As students,we should do the following to avoid accidents on the road.following to avoid accidents on the road.

21、First,Second,First,Second,Structure AnalysisStructure AnalysisStep 5 Step 5 要点总结要点总结Parts Paras.Main IdeasParts Paras.Main Ideas1 1-2 Introduction1 1-2 Introduction3 3 8-15 Causes.8-15 Causes.4 4 cyclists/pedestrians cyclists/pedestrians2 3-7 2 3-7 Causes.driversCauses.drivers4 16 Advice/Conclusion4

22、 16 Advice/Conclusionpersuasive essaypersuasive essayIntroducing Introducing an argumentan argumentSupporting Supporting detailsdetailsConclusionConclusion 道路交通安全是大家很关心的一个话题。据报道,很多的交通事故都是由于人们违反交通规则而造成的;为了维护大家的交通安全,我们要牢记交通规则。请根据提示用英语写一篇文章介绍基本的交通规则。1过马路要走人行横道、地下通道、或人行天桥。2骑车要靠右行;红灯停,绿灯行。3转弯或停车时要打手势。4要教

23、育小孩子不要在马路上玩耍、打闹。5要帮助老人和小孩过马路。注意1不要逐条翻译;2词数120左右。参考词汇人行横道crosswalk,地下通道underground passage,人行天桥pedestrian overpassStep 6 Step 6 训练巩固训练巩固Sample Writing Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic accidents It is reported that many accidents resulted from peoples breaking of traffic rules

24、 So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them strictly When one crosses the street,one shouldshould take the crosswalk,underground passage or pedestrian overpass If one is riding a bike or motorcycle,keepkeep riding on the right side of the road When the red light is on

25、,pleaseplease stop and wait until the green light is on Give Give a hand signal if one wants to turn or stop It is important toIt is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very dangerous Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind deed If everyone obeys the

26、traffic rulesIf everyone obeys the traffic rules,it will be much safer to walk or ride it will be much safer to walk or ride on the roadon the roadPresenting your writing Homework:1.Polish your writing after class.2.Reading your writing aloud to your partner.3.Send your writing to:scryll_.Thanks for being with us!Thanks for being with us!


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