英语任务型教学 课件.ppt(纯ppt,无音视频)

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1、Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(任务型语言教学(TBLT)1PPT课件How to understand the saying?Tell me,I forget.Show me,I remember.Involve me,I understand.填鸭式填鸭式translation:告诉我,我会忘记告诉我,我会忘记给我展示,我能记住给我展示,我能记住让我参与,我才能理解让我参与,我才能理解 2PPT课件uTask-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(任务型语言教学(TBLT)u The Tasks of TBLT 任务型语言

2、教学中的任务任务型语言教学中的任务3PPT课件Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(任务型语言教学(TBLT)n1.The definition 1.The definition 任务型语言教学的定义任务型语言教学的定义n2.The Main Features of Task-Based 2.The Main Features of Task-Based Language TeachingLanguage Teaching任务型教学的主要特征任务型教学的主要特征n3.The teaching steps of TBLT.3.The teaching step

3、s of TBLT.任务型教任务型教学的课堂步骤学的课堂步骤4.A Framework for TBLT.4.A Framework for TBLT.任务型教学的基本模式任务型教学的基本模式 4PPT课件1.Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(任务型语言教学(TBLT)TBLT,a new approach to language teaching that has attracted a lot of attention over the past 25 years,is a task-based approach to learning and te

4、aching.The focus of activities is on the task,and ultimately on meaning.It aims at proving opportunities for the learners to experiment and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic,practical and functional use of lang

5、uage for meaningful purposes.5PPT课件 任务型任务型 语言教学(语言教学(Task-based Language Teaching)就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语)就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语完成各种完成各种真实真实的生活、学习、工作等任务的生活、学习、工作等任务(task),将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化,),将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化,从而培养其运用英语的能力。也就是说以具体的从而培养其运用英语的能力。也就是说以具体的任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能融为一体,通过听、说、读、写等活动,用所学融为一

6、体,通过听、说、读、写等活动,用所学语言去语言去做事做事,在做事的过程中发展运用自己所学,在做事的过程中发展运用自己所学语言。它立足于学生本身,把学生作为教学的主语言。它立足于学生本身,把学生作为教学的主体,教师从学生体,教师从学生“学学”的角度设计出各种教学活的角度设计出各种教学活动。使学生在完成各种任务的过程中逐步形成运动。使学生在完成各种任务的过程中逐步形成运用语言的能力,能用语言的能力,能“自己站起来走路自己站起来走路”。6PPT课件2.The Main Features of Task-Based Language 2.The Main Features of Task-Based

7、Language TeachingTeaching任务型教学的主要特征任务型教学的主要特征 1 1.An emphasis on learning to communicate through.An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.interaction in the target language.强调通过交流来学会交强调通过交流来学会交际际2.The introduction of authentic texts into the learning 2.The in

8、troduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.situation.将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境 3.Provision of opportunities for learners to focus,not only 3.Provision of opportunities for learners to focus,not only on language,but also on the learning process itself.on language,but also on the l

9、earning process itself.关注关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程语言的本身,也关注学习的过程4.An enhancement of the learners own personal 4.An enhancement of the learners own personal experiences as important contributing elements to experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.classroom learning.把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习

10、的把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素重要因素5.An attempt to link classroom language learning with 5.An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.language activation outside the classroom.试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活动结合试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活动结合起来。起来。7PPT课件n3.任务型教学的课堂步骤任务型教学的课堂步骤n任务型的课堂教


12、果,展示任务成果,expression)8PPT课件4.A Framework for TBLT Pedagogical tasksRehearsal tasksActivation tasksEnabling skillsLanguage exercisesCommunicative activitiesReal-world/target tasks Nunan,D.1999.Second Language Teaching and Learning.Boston:Heinle/Thomson Learningpedagogical adj.教育学的教育学的,教学法的教学法的启动,激活,复述

13、,预习9PPT课件1.The definition of task1.The definition of task任务的定义任务的定义2.The components of a task2.The components of a task任务的组成任务的组成3.The rules of tasks designing.3.The rules of tasks designing.任务的任务的设计设计原则原则4.The judge of tasks.4.The judge of tasks.任务型任务的判断任务型任务的判断5.The varieties of tasks designing 5.

14、The varieties of tasks designing 任务的设计要有多样性任务的设计要有多样性6.The real or unreal tasks.6.The real or unreal tasks.任务型教学中的真假任务任务型教学中的真假任务7.Good learning tasks should.Good learning tasks should好的任务好的任务uThe Tasks of TBLT 任务型语言教学任务型语言教学中的任务中的任务10PPT课件What is the task?nTask is a piece of classroom work which in

15、volves learners in comprehending,manipulating,producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form.n任务任务是一种涉及到学习者理解,运用所学语言进行交是一种涉及到学习者理解,运用所学语言进行交流的课堂活动。学生的注意力主要集中在语言的意义流的课

16、堂活动。学生的注意力主要集中在语言的意义上,而不是语言的形式上。上,而不是语言的形式上。11PPT课件n Task is a special term in language teaching and its different from language exercise.It has its specific features,forms and teaching steps.n There are varieties of tasks in English teaching,but the focus of every task is on solving a communicative

17、 problem,which has some connections with a real world of learners lives and learning experience,and which can arouse learners interest and participation.It starts from the learners needs and emphasizes learning language by doing things.nThe learners begin by carrying out a communicative task,without

18、 specific focus on form.After they have done the task,they report and discuss how they accomplished this.12PPT课件 任务活动与语言练习有着本质的区别。任务活任务活动与语言练习有着本质的区别。任务活动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练,而动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练,而是侧重在执行任务中学生自我完成任务的能力是侧重在执行任务中学生自我完成任务的能力和策略的培养,重视学习者在完成任务过程中和策略的培养,重视学习者在完成任务过程中的参与和在交流活动中所获得的经验。的参与和在交流活动中

19、所获得的经验。13PPT课件The components of a task Goals Teacher role Input TASKS Learner role Activities Setting14PPT课件Goal:Exchanging personal informationInput:Questionnaire on sleeping habitsActivity:1)Reading questionnaire 2)Asking and answering questions about sleeping habitsTeacher role:Monitor and facili

20、tator to specify what is regarded as successful completion of the taskLearner role:Conversational partnerSetting:Classroom/pair work 15PPT课件Examples of the tasksl Listening to a weather forecast and deciding what to wear l Look at a set of pictures and decide what should be donel Responding to a par

21、ty invitation l Completing a banking application l Describing a photograph of ones family16PPT课件A:Wheres the pen?B:Its on the desk.Its just a simple practice of language pattern.17PPT课件Check if they are tasks or not Activity 1:Listen to Alex and Jack.Number the pictures.Activity2 :Listen again.Fill

22、in the blanks with the correct verbs from the box.Activity3:Look at the picture and choose the word to complete the sentences.Activity4:On a piece of paper,write about your life.Dont write your name on the paper.Put all the students paper together.Take turns to read the papers,and then Guess who she

23、/he is.Activity 5:Read the letter to Aunt Chen,and then write some advice.18PPT课件nTasks do not include activities which involve language used for practice or display,such as Describe the picture using the words and phrases from the list below or Ask your partner if he likes the food listed here usin

24、g the forms Do you like?Yes,I do/No,I dont.Where there is no outcome or purpose other than practice of pre-specified language.Unreal task19PPT课件A case:A teacher wanted a child to pick up a towel and hang it on a rail.His first three attempts to communicate his meaning to the child resulted only in c

25、onfusion:“Would you pick up the towel for me,before someone steps on it?”(No action)“What do we do with the towel,Jimmy?”(Still no action)“Well,would you hang it up?”(No action)“Jimmy,pick the towel up!”(Action)Another one:What is on your head?头发头发帽子帽子-破的窟窿破的窟窿-(ceiling)天花板天花板Give brief and simple i

26、nstructions.Getting students to speak to use the language they are learning-is a vital part of job.In general term,a good teacher maximizes STT and minimizes TTT.20PPT课件Put a tick()in the boxes if you think the instructions are good.21PPT课件3.3.The rules of tasks designingThe rules of tasks designing

27、任务型任务型语言教学活动的设计语言教学活动的设计原则原则 Definite aim Definite aim 有明确的活动目标有明确的活动目标 Real societyReal society尽可能接近现或类似实生活中的真尽可能接近现或类似实生活中的真实活动实活动 A processA process有获得、处理和传达信息的过程有获得、处理和传达信息的过程 Do thingsDo things学生必须做事情(讨论或实际操作等)学生必须做事情(讨论或实际操作等)Expression of meaning.Expression of meaning.学生使用语言时,重学生使用语言时,重点是表达意义

28、而不是操练语言形式(点是表达意义而不是操练语言形式(meaning-meaning-focusedfocused)The productThe product必须有具体的活动结果必须有具体的活动结果22PPT课件4、任务的判断、任务的判断 广义的任务:所有课内外学习活动都是学习任务,广义的任务:所有课内外学习活动都是学习任务,请大家判断下列哪些属于任务型语言教学中的任请大家判断下列哪些属于任务型语言教学中的任务?务?比如:比如:1-Role-play a dialogue in the textbook 2-Read a passage and answer questions 3-Do a

29、survey to find out the favorite foods 4-Change sentences into passive voice 5-Write about your favourite sport 6-Reply to an email message 7-Fill in the gaps with suitable words 8-Listen to instructions and draw a picture 9-Make a list of drinks and food for a party23PPT课件5.任务的设计要有多样性 n(1)名片/地图式-可布置

30、一个任务:让学生设计自己的名片,任务如下:画一幅自己居住地的地图,并编一个对话等。n(2)辩论式-例如在学完后,可设计一个话题让学生进行辩论n(3)竞赛式-学生好胜心和集体荣誉感很强,通过竞赛的方式可以促使学生主动参与活动。n(4)写作式-写作可以提高学生的语篇能力,有利于学生对自己的语言错误和语言方面的不足有更清楚认识,同时也可以丰富学生的想象力。n(5)绘画式-如可设计如下任务:让学生设计自己的房间等。n(6)表格式-例如:在教学了Family and Work后可布置如下任务:让学生建一个家庭档案n(7)对话式-例如:让学生看图编对话 任务型任务型 语言教学(语言教学(Task-base

31、d Language Teaching)24PPT课件8)信息差任务(Information-gap tasks)任务型任务型 语言教学(语言教学(Task-based Language Teaching)创设这样一个信息差距:拿一个布包,里面放一个形似橘子或其它水果的lemon(生词),向学生发出指令:Touch it and guess what is in the bag?然后引导学生用“Is this?”进行猜测,学生热情高涨,然后布置任务,组成小组做类似的猜测游戏。9)调查性任务(Inquisitional-tasks)NumberWhich animal do you like?(

32、在所选的选项上打“”1狗 猫 虎 狮 熊 兔 树袋熊 熊2狗 猫 虎 狮 熊 兔 树袋熊 熊3狗 猫 虎 狮 熊 兔 树袋熊 熊在牛津小学英语4A,Unit2“In a toy shop”中,针对生词与“I like.”的句型,我设计了这样一个调查任务:教师:I am a reporter.I am from CCTV10.(提问一名学生)Which animal do you like?学生:I like this panda.教师:How about you?(调查开始)调查表格25PPT课件P:Wheres the pen?R:Its on the chair.P:Wheres the

33、chair?R:Its next to the table.Question-and-answer activities based on the classroom situation requires the learners to relate language to nonlinguistic reality.Now these techniques are regarded as artificial and lack of any relationship with communicative reality.The teacher asks the questions,and t

34、he learners make statements about facts which are already known to everybody.26PPT课件However,in reality,we may ask the questions in the following way:P:Excuse me,wheres the post office?R:Its opposite the theatre.P:Excuse me,wheres the bank?R:Its next to the cinema.So at this situation,though the clas

35、sroom situation is the nonlinguistic environment,it is immediately real to the learners,and it remains a convenient aid towards helping the students to relate language to external reality.27PPT课件S1:Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?S2:I prefer coffee.Or,I prefer tea.Or,I like them both.Or,I dont lik

36、e either.The activity is not merely reacting to the questions.But it is not a really real task.It depends on the teachers choices.28PPT课件Directions:You are visiting a friend,Peter.Peter:Lets have a drink.What would you like,tea or coffee?You:Oh,Id rather have a meal.Peter:What kind of food would you

37、 like?You:Id like a Chinese meal.Peter:Good idea.Lets go,then.However,this practice can be connected with real society.If the exchange is provided with a beginning and an end,it becomes a coherent dialogue in a recognizable social setting.In order to learn a language better,the students may also lea

38、rn to relate language to the social interaction.For this purpose,it is necessary to increase the students sense of performing in a meaningful social context,rather than simply responding to prompts.29PPT课件“The Real and Unreal World TasksThe Real and Unreal World Tasks”任务型任务型 语言教学(语言教学(Task-based Lan

39、guage Teaching)Look at the practice:P:John has written the letter.R:He wrote it yesterday.P:John has seen the film.R:He saw it yesterday.In the practice the learners must produce the correct form of the simple past.But are there any questions here in the practice?P:By the way,has John written that l

40、etter yet?R:Yes,he wrote it yesterday.P:Has he seen the film yet?R:Yes,he saw it yesterday.(What improvement has the conversation made?)30PPT课件31PPT课件32PPT课件33PPT课件My name is xxx(real name)Design a situation of meeting new classmate.34PPT课件个案个案案例案例分析分析35PPT课件36PPT课件37PPT课件38PPT课件39PPT课件40PPT课件41PPT课

41、件42PPT课件43PPT课件44PPT课件45PPT课件46PPT课件47PPT课件nT:What were you doing?nS:I was in pubn (2)nS:I was in pubnT:In the pub?nS:Yeh,and I was drinking beer with myn friend.48PPT课件7.Good learning tasks should:1 enable learners to manipulate and practice specific features of language2 allow learners to rehearse

42、,in class,communicative skills they will need in the real world3 activate psychological/psycholinguistic processes of learning4 be suitable for mixed ability groups5 involve learners in solving a problem,coming to a conclusion49PPT课件6 be based on authentic or naturalistic source material7 involve le

43、arners in sharing information8 allow learners to think and talk about language and learning9 promote skills in learning how to learn10 have clear objectives stating what learners will be able to do as a result of taking part in the task11 utilize the community as a resource 50PPT课件12 give learners a

44、 choice in what way they do and the order in which they do it.13 involve learners in risk-taking14 require learners to rehearse,rewrite and polish initial efforts15 enable learners to share in the planning and development of the task16 have built into them a means of evaluating the success or otherw

45、ise of the task 51PPT课件任务型任务型 语言教学(语言教学(Task-based Language Teaching)52PPT课件53PPT课件The Understanding of Spoken Language54PPT课件When you say you understand what others says,do you think you really understand?55PPT课件“I understand what you said.”Do you think you really understand the others meaning?For

46、example:“Its cold in here.”Mike and Annie are in the living room.The window is open.Mike says,“Its cold in here.”1:The temperature in this place is frigid.2.Annie,please shut the window.“John likes a fish.”1.John swims well.(swimming)2.John can drink a lot of wine.(party)56PPT课件The level of understa

47、nding the first level of understanding Literal meaning字面意义字面意义the second level of understandingImplying meaning隐含意义隐含意义 Understanding spoken language fully may,therefore,involve two levels of comprehension Intentional structural57PPT课件 These words and phrasesentence levels of understanding are seen

48、by psycholinguists as a first level of understanding thats necessary for the comprehension of spoken language.This level of process is called the Construction Process by Clark(1977)and the Structural Level by Foss and Hakes(1978).Both suggest that at this level what listeners(Ls)are trying to do,is

49、to understand the proposition or propositions according to its literal meaning expressed by speakers(Ss)sentence.Normal sentences can express one or more propositions.(statement命题命题)For examples:Construction processstructural level构建过程构建过程/结构层次结构层次58PPT课件 i)Apples are expensive.(A single proposition

50、.)ii)Your coat is on the floor.(2 propositions:You have a coat.It is on the floor.)iii)Its cold in here today.(2 propositions:Its cold today.Its cold here.)iv)Those nice red apples cost a lot.(3 propositions:The apples are nice.They are red.They cost a lot.)v)Peters friend Mark,who is a teacher,like


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