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1、大家好1大家好2大家好3Words and expressions:1.disability n.伤残伤残;无力无力;无能无能 disabled adj.伤残的伤残的 the disabled(指代一类人指代一类人)伤残人士伤残人士 disable vt.使丧失能力使丧失能力;使伤残使伤残 选词填空选词填空:disability,disable,disabledHe gets money from the Government because of his _.The _ are to receive more money.She managed to lead a normal life i

2、n spite of her _.Many soldiers were _ in the war.disabilitiesdisableddisabilitydisabled大家好4 温馨提示:距离期末考试只有1天!_ as she is,Maria is _ to do what some normal beings are _ to do and sets a good example to _.We as well as those with _ are inspired by her courage and _ to overcome difficulties.Maria 虽然残疾,却

3、能够做到一些正常人不能做到的事情,她为残疾人树立了一个好榜样。不仅是那些残疾人,我们也被她克服困难的勇气和能力鼓舞。Disabledableunablethe disableddisabilitiesability大家好6 大家好7大家好8 大家好9fine合适(的)大家好10 be beneficial to=be of great benefit to 对什么有益对什么有益 benefit n.益处益处 for sbs benefit=for the benefit of vi.得益得益 vt.对什么有益对什么有益 A benefit B-B benefits from/by A 阳光对植

4、物有益阳光对植物有益.Sunshine _ _ _ plants.Sunshine _ _ _ _ plants.Sunshine _ plants.Plants _ beneficial tobenefits frombenefits4.beneficial adj 有益的有益的;受益的受益的is of benefit to大家好11翻译翻译:1)新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康.(beneficial)2)他的休假已产生了有益的效果他的休假已产生了有益的效果.(beneficial)3)旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨益旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨

5、益.(benefit)Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.His holiday has had a beneficial effect.Tourism will benefit the economy of this district.大家好 other words=that is to say换句话说换句话说 in a/one word简言之简言之;总之总之 翻译翻译:他们叫他离开他们叫他离开-换句话说换句话说,他被解雇了他被解雇了.2)总之总之,我不喜欢这份工作我不喜欢这份工作.3)换句话说换句话说,他成了

6、英雄他成了英雄.They asked him to leave-in other words,he was fired.In a word,I dont like the job.He became,in other words,a hero.Bear them in your mind!大家好13消息,不可数,不加冠词消息,不可数,不加冠词特别提醒:word在固定搭配中有可数名词和不可数名词之分,使用时要注意。温馨提示:距离期末考试只有1天!Joe doesnt like keeping others waiting;_,he always _ and is punctual.In addi

7、tion,hes outgoing and easygoing.When free,hed like to _people face to face,and never _with others._,all of his friends like him as he can get on well with everyone around him.Joe 不喜欢让别人等待,换句话说,他总是信守诺言,按时做事。另外,他还是个外向、随和的人。有空的时候,他喜欢和人面对面地交谈,从来不和别人吵架。总之,他所有的朋友都喜欢他,因为他能和他周围的每个人相处得很好。in other wordskeeps

8、his word have a word withhave words In a word大家好156.clumsy (1)笨拙的笨拙的,不灵巧的不灵巧的You,clumsy guy!Youve knocked over my coffee!瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!(2)不机灵的不机灵的,不圆滑的不圆滑的 She is a clumsy girl.她不是一个机灵的女孩她不是一个机灵的女孩.大家好16(3)be clumsy with sth/at doing sth 在在方面不灵巧方面不灵巧He _ chopsticks.He _ chopsticks.他使

9、用筷子很笨拙他使用筷子很笨拙is clumsy withis clumsy at using 大家好17 7.大家好187.adapt vt.使适应使适应;改编改编 adapt(oneself)to使使(自己自己)适应适应 adapt sth for改编改编/作作之用之用 adapt sth from根据根据改编某物改编某物 adaptable adj.能适应的能适应的;可改编的可改编的 adaptation n.适应适应;改编改编 adapter/adaptor n.适应者适应者;改编者改编者介词填空介词填空:The play is adapted _ a novel.This book i

10、s adapted _ beginners.When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself _ new customs.1)Novels are often adapted _ the stage,television and radio.fromfortofor大家好19 大家好20 大家好21大家好22 大家好238.My motto is:live one day at a time.我的座右铭是我的座右铭是:过好过好每一天每一天.“at a time”在此表在此表_,它还表它还表_.相关词组相关词组:at one time_ a

11、t that time_ at the same time_ (at)any time_at no time_ at times_at all times_随时随时;总是总是在任何时候在任何时候;随时随时在任何时候都不在任何时候都不;决不决不同时同时;一度一度,曾经曾经在那时在那时同时同时;但但有时有时;间或间或一次一次,每次每次在某个时刻在某个时刻1You can borrow only two one time a time other times the same time2_ like this,I dont make a deci

12、sion by myself.A.At a time B.In time C.At that time D.On time3He was a teacher_ but now he works for foreign times any time other times one time大家好24 9.大家好2510.breath n.呼吸呼吸;气息气息拓展一:拓展一:out of breath上气不接下气上气不接下气 catch ones breath喘息喘息;歇口气歇口气 hold ones breath不出声不出声;屏息屏息 get o

13、nes breath(again/back)喘过气来喘过气来;恢复过来恢复过来 lose ones breath喘不过气来喘不过气来;呼吸困难呼吸困难 take a deep breath作一次深呼吸作一次深呼吸 take breath歇口气歇口气;歇会儿歇会儿 take sbs breath away使某人大吃一惊使某人大吃一惊 breathe vt.呼吸呼吸 breathing adj.呼吸呼吸(着着)的的 breathless adj.屏息的屏息的1.I was all_ when I got to the top of the mountain.A.held my breath B.o

14、ut of breath C.taken a deep breath D.taken my breath away2.We _ while Mr Evans read the exam results.A.took a deep breath B.out of breath our breath back D.held our breath大家好26大家好2711大家好28 absence n.缺席缺席;不在不在(某处某处)in/during ones absence 某人不在时某人不在时 absence of mind 心不在焉;神不守舍心不在焉;神不守舍 absent adj.

15、缺席的缺席的;不在的不在的 vt.使缺席使缺席;使离开使离开 be absent from缺席缺席;不在不在 absent-minded心不在焉的心不在焉的;神不守舍的神不守舍的 presence n.出席出席;到场到场 present adj.出席的出席的;在场的在场的;现在的现在的完成句子完成句子:Mr Green will be in charge _(在我在我离开期间离开期间).1)Why were you _(旷课旷课)yesterday?during my absenceabsent from school大家好29 大家好30 大家好31a bit和和a littlea bit修

16、饰名词时修饰名词时,必须加介词必须加介词of,即即a bit of+n.a little可直接修饰名词,即可直接修饰名词,即a little+n.not a bit=not at all 一点也不一点也不not a little=not slightly,much-Are you tired?-Not a bit.He didnt eat a little.他吃了很多。他吃了很多。Compare!12.13.annoy vt.使使不悦不悦;惹恼惹恼 (3)annoyance n.烦恼;烦恼的事物烦恼;烦恼的事物 to ones annoyance 让某人恼火的是让某人恼火的是 单句改错单句改错

17、:Its annoyed to miss a train.He was annoyed with the boys rudeness.I felt annoying when he refused to help.1)To his annoy,he discovered they hadnt waited.annoyingat/aboutannoyedannoyance大家好33 大家好34 大家好3514.all in all总而言之总而言之 above all首先首先;最重要的是最重要的是 after all毕竟毕竟;终究终究 first of all首先首先 not at all根本不根

18、本不;别客气别客气 for all虽然虽然;尽管尽管 in all总共总共;总之总之选词填空选词填空:all in all,above all,after all,for all,in allHe is a poor musician _ his training.You must,_,be loyal to your country.There are five hundred books on the shelf _.Everyone makes mistakes,and _,he is only a child.1)The book has some weak spots,but _ I

19、 consider it a success.for allabove allin allafter allall in all大家好36连接两个并列主语,连接两个并列主语,随前一致随前一致15.大家好37 大家好38 大家好39 16.大家好4017.independent adj.独立自主的独立自主的 be independent of 不依赖不依赖;独立于独立于 independence n.独立独立;自主自主 independently adv.独立地独立地;自主地自主地完成句子完成句子:It was the first time that she _(独立生活独立生活).If you

20、 have a car,you _(不依不依赖赖)trains and buses.1)I quite like living alone,because it _ _(使我更独立使我更独立).had lived independentlywill be independent ofmakes me moreindependent大家好4118.make fun of=laugh at 取笑取笑 for fun/in fun为了玩乐为了玩乐;开玩笑地开玩笑地 have fun玩乐玩乐选词填空选词填空:make fun of,in fun,have funThe kids at school u

21、sed to _ Jills clothes.Dont get upset.He said it was only _.We _ in camping last week.1)Its cruel to _ the disabled.make fun ofin funhad funmake fun of大家好4219.encouragement n.鼓励鼓励;奖励奖励 encourage vt.鼓励鼓励;激励激励;支持支持 encourage sb in sth在某事上鼓励某人在某事上鼓励某人 encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 encouraged adj

22、.受到鼓励的受到鼓励的;被鼓励的被鼓励的 encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的;鼓励的鼓励的 选词填空选词填空:encouragement,encourage,encouraged,encouragingMy mother _ me to apply for the job.She felt _ by the many letters of support.Praise acts as an _ to the young.The results of the survey have been very _.1)She was given _ to try something n

23、ew.encouragedencouragedencouragementencouragingencouragement温馨提示:距离期末考试只有1天!19.courage(n)勇气勇气 (v 鼓励鼓励)(n 鼓励)鼓励)(adj 令人鼓舞的令人鼓舞的)(adj 受鼓舞的)受鼓舞的)encourageencouragementencouragingencouragedI didnt dare to speak English in class due to my lack of ,so I failed in my English test.My father always me to try

24、 speaking English loudly in front of him.Thanks to his ,I was not afraid of speaking English in public.So when we got the news that I passed the final English exam,we were all .courageencouragedencouragementencouragingencouraged大家好4420.conduct n.行为行为;品行品行 vt.指挥指挥;管理管理;进行进行;传导传导 conduct sb.around(=sh

25、ow sb.around)带领某人参观带领某人参观 conduct oneself(=behave oneself)为人为人,表现表现,举止举止 conduct(=do/make/perform/carry out)an experiment conductor n.管理人管理人;指挥指挥;售票员售票员完成句子完成句子:The guide _(带领游客参观带领游客参观了了)the museum.Im glad to see _(你在校的行为你在校的行为)has improved.1)The reporter was criticized for _(不不专业行为专业行为).conducted

26、the visitors aroundyour conduct at schoolunprofessional conduct大家好45 大家好4621.大家好4722.大家好4823.assistance(n)(v)(n助手助手).Our government often offers economic(经济上的经济上的)to poor families.Its very kind of her to me in doing my homework.assist v.assist doing sth.assist sb.with sth.assist do sth.a

27、ssistassistantassistanceassist大家好49 24.大家好50 25.大家好51 26.大家好52大家好53 大家好54access n.(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路 (常与介词(常与介词to连用)连用)The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.到那所农舍去的唯一通路就是穿过这片田地。到那所农舍去的唯一通路就是穿过这片田地。Students must have/get access to good resources.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。学生必须有机会使用好的资源

28、。get/have access to 得以接近;得以会见;得以进入;得以使用得以接近;得以会见;得以进入;得以使用give access to 接见;准许使用接见;准许使用be easy/hard of access 容易容易/难以接近难以接近大家好55 大家好56 大家好57 大家好58 大家好59大家好60大家好61大家好62大家好63大家好64大家好65大家好66大家好67大家好68大家好69大家好70 大家好71 大家好72大家好73大家好741.Maria 虽然残疾,却能够做到一些正常人不能做到的事情,她为残疾人树立了一个好榜样。2.他很聪明但是缺乏远大志向。3.她认为女士穿那样的

29、衣服参加聚会十分不得体。4.他不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。5.他驾车时心不在焉,差点肇事。6.全球有10亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。7.药品不应放在孩子们容易拿得到的地方。8.我们应该鼓励残疾人采取一种积极的人生态度。换句话说,我们应该给他们鼓励来帮助他们变得心理强大去适应他们的新环境。Maria 虽然残疾,却能够做到一些正常人不能做到的事情,她为残疾人树立了一个好榜样。2.他很聪明但是缺乏远大志向。3.她认为女士穿那样的衣服参加聚会十分不得体。4.他不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。Disabled as she is,Maria is able to

30、 do what some normal beings are unable to do and sets a good example to the disabled.She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition.She thought it was not suitable for a lady to dress like that for a party.Not only has she adapted herself to the fast rhythm of city life,but she is becoming

31、 more and more outgoing.5.他驾车时心不在焉,差点肇事。6.全球有10亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。7.药品不应放在孩子们容易拿得到的地方。8.我们应该鼓励残疾人采取一种积极的人生态度。换句话说,我们应该给他们鼓励来帮助他们变得心理强大去适应他们的新环境。His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.About 1 billion people have no access to cleaning drinking water around the world.Medicine should not

32、 be kept where it is accessible to children./where children have easy access to it.We should encourage the disabled to adopt a positive attitude to life.In other words,we should give them encouragement to help them become strong psychologically to adapt to their new surroundings.段落1尽管笨拙笨拙并且视力视力方面有残疾

33、残疾,他特别渴望渴望(ambitious)得到尊严得到尊严。在毕业毕业之后,受到同伴们同伴们的鼓励鼓励和帮助帮助,他有机会接触到有机会接触到了文学文学。现在他的作品已经被改编为被改编为电影,因此他应该受到祝贺祝贺。Though clumsy and disabled in eyesight,he is ambitious for dignity.After graduation,encouraged and assisted by his fellow companions,he gains access to literature.Now his works have been adapte

34、d to films.He should be congratulated.,on which he should be congratulated.1.李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重,这使他的行为有点怪李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重,这使他的行为有点怪。(conduct)2.他的同学也因此取笑他,他对这感到很烦恼。他的同学也因此取笑他,他对这感到很烦恼。(make fun of,be annoyed at)3.起初,他在许多方面都很难适应自己的残疾。起初,他在许多方面都很难适应自己的残疾。(in many ways,have difficulty in doing,adapt to)4.换句话说,他

35、很多事都不能做了,如打篮球和踢足球换句话说,他很多事都不能做了,如打篮球和踢足球。(in other words,access to)5.医生叫他除了要有足够的休息,还要做特殊的训练,这医生叫他除了要有足够的休息,还要做特殊的训练,这对他的康复有好处。对他的康复有好处。(as well as,adequate,beneficial)6.几个月之后,我们祝贺他康复。几个月之后,我们祝贺他康复。(congratulate sb.on)7.他终于克服了他所遭遇的困难。他终于克服了他所遭遇的困难。(meet with)1.李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重,这使他的行这使他的行为为(

36、conduct)有点怪。有点怪。Lihuas leg was seriously hurt,which made his conduct a little strange.2.他的同学也因此他的同学也因此取笑取笑他他,他对这感到很烦恼他对这感到很烦恼(make fun of,be annoyed at)2.His fellow students made fun of him,at which he was annoyed.短语运用短语运用making3.起初起初,他在许多方面都很难他在许多方面都很难适应适应自己的残自己的残(in many ways,have difficulty in do

37、ing,adapt to)3.At first,he had difficulty in adapting to his disability in many ways.4.换句话说换句话说,他很多事都不能做了他很多事都不能做了,如打篮球如打篮球和踢足球。和踢足球。(in other words,access to)4.In other words,he didnt have access to many things like basketball and football.5.医生叫他除了要有足够的休息医生叫他除了要有足够的休息,还要还要做做特殊的训练特殊的训练,这对他的康复有好处。这对他

38、的康复有好处。(as well as,adequate,beneficial)5.The doctor told him to do some special training,as well as having adequate rest,which would be beneficial to his recovery from the injury.6.几个月之后几个月之后,我们我们祝贺他康复祝贺他康复。(congratulate sb.on)6.A few months later we congratulated him on his recovery.7.他他终于终于克服了他所遭遇

39、克服了他所遭遇(meet with)的困的困难。难。7.All in all he overcame the difficulties he had met with.Lihuas leg was seriously hurt,which made(making)his conduct a little strange,so his fellow students made fun of him,at which he was annoyed.At first,he had difficulty in adapting to his disability in many ways.In oth

40、er words,he didnt have access to many things like basketball and football.The doctor told him to do some special training,as well as having adequate rest,which would be beneficial to his recovery from the injury.A few months later we congratulated him on his recovery.All in all,he overcame the difficulties he had met with.谢谢


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