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1、第九讲 彰显文采的特殊句式 特殊句式是英语中的高级表达,其中强调和倒装句型是最为常见 的特殊句式,它们的准确使用能够彰显考生的英语水平,提高写作当 次。 强调句型 使用强调句型使句式富于变化 1It is/was被强调部分that/who其他 2018 天津高考书面表达It is not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits that impress us.不仅是你的热情,你的团 队合作和良好的精神状态也给我们留下了深刻的印象。 It is our parents that we can always depe

2、nd on when were in trouble. 当我们遇到麻烦时,我们总可以依靠的是我们的父母。 2017 6 月浙江高考写作It is because its a good chance for you to learn the natural knowledge of China and make new friends that we really wish you can join us. 正是因为它是你学习中国的自然知识和结交新朋友的好机会,所 以我们真的希望你能加入我们。 2It is/was not until. that. It was not until 8 oclo

3、ck that he realized he had spent the whole day on the Internet. 直到八点钟,他才意识到自己一整天都在上网。 It was not until my son had entered the university that he realized the importance of time. 直到我儿子上了大学他才知道时间的重要性。 3强调谓语时,借助于“do/does/did动词原形” We study as a group and all of us do enjoy ourselves. 我们以小组为单位学习,而且大家确实非常

4、开心。 I do sincerely hope you take part in the speech contest. 我的确希望你参加这次演讲比赛。 2018 北京高考书面表达We did hope there would be more meaningful activities in the coming future. 我们确实希望今后有更多有意义的活动。 专题过关演练专题过关演练 .用强调句型补全句子 1 2018 北京高考书面表达虽然在中国喝茶的传统能追溯到公元 前 3 000 年,但是在 17 世纪中期英国才出现下午茶的概念。 Although the tradition of

5、 drinking tea dates back to 3,000 BC in China, _ appeared the concept of “afternoon tea” 22017 6 月浙江高考写作正是由于他们的帮助,才避免了一场 灾难。 _ a disaster was avoided. it was not until the mid- 17th century in the UK that It was because of their help that 3我确实珍惜这个受教育的机会。 I _to get educated. 4正是用真诚和诚信我们创造了一种和谐的气氛。 _

6、we created a harmonious atmosphere. do cherish/value the opportunity It was with sincerity and faithfulness that 5 我的经历告诉我不是你被给予了什么而是你如何利用它决定着 你是谁。 My experience tells me that _ _determines who you are. 6直到进入高中我才意识到英语的重要性。 _ I realized the importance of English. it is not what you are given but how

7、you make use of it that It was not until I entered senior high school that .利用所学的强调句型,结合中文提示补全短文 Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson, 1 _ (我是从中 国的家里写信给你). I returned home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in Birmingham, England, 2._ (正是你们两人) I just cant help thinking of. It was so

8、kind of you to have provided everything to make my staying there such a happy and lucky experience. Ive learned so much, not only English but also culture. And 3._ (我的确很享受) the fun and laughter we shared with each other. Thank you very much. Ill always remember this trip as well as your kindness. Il

9、l keep in touch and write to you later. 4._ (一定要 保重)! Yours, Li Hua It is from my home in China that Im writing to you it is both of you that/who I did enjoy Do take care 倒装句式 一、使用部分倒装使句式富于变化 1Only状语/状语从句(部分倒装)只有 2018 全国卷书面表达Only when you come to China can you experience Chinese food cultures. 只有来到中

10、国,你才能体验中国的饮食文化。 Only by spending at least two hours learning English every day can you improve it quickly. 只有通过每天花费至少两个小时学英语,你才能快速提高它。 2not only. but also.不仅还 Not only can it make our class more lively, but it also can help us learn more effectively. 它不仅可以使我们的课堂活跃, 而且可以帮助我们更有效地学习。 2016 高 考 天 津 卷 书 面

11、 表 达 Not only has the two- week communication helped us Chinese students have a better understanding of English culture, but it also has made us become good friends. 两周的交流不仅帮助我们中国学生对英语文化有了更好的理解, 它还使我们成了好朋友。 3not until.直到才 Not until we lose our health do we realize its value. 直到失去了健康,我们才明白它的价值。 4as 尽

12、管 Quiet student as he may be, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. 尽管他可能是个沉默寡言的学生,但课下谈论喜爱的歌手时,他 却话很多。 Try as he would, he might fail again. 尽管他还会尝试,但可能还会失败。 5在 so/such. that.结构中,当 so/such 连同它所修饰的成分共 同位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。 So fast did he run that he was far ahead of others. 他跑得很快,远远领先于其他人

13、。 2018 天津高考书面表达So interested in the competition are some of my classmates and I that we have formed a group to take part in it. 我和我的一些同学对比赛非常感兴趣,以至于我们组织了一个小组来 参加比赛。 6hardly. when./no sooner. than. 一就 Hardly/No sooner had we arrived at the activity center when/than we signed up to participate in the

14、Walking Contest. 我们一到达活动中心就报了名参加健步走比赛。 No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off.我 们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。 7在含有 had, should, were 等的虚拟条件状语从句中,若省略连 词 if,则可将它们移到主语前构成部分倒装。 Were I two years younger, I wouldnt do it that way. 如果我年轻两岁,我是不会那样做的。 Had you worked hard, you would have finished it ear

15、ly.要是你工 作努力的话,你早就完成了。 二、使用全部倒装使句式富于变化 1up/down/in/out/now/then.(或介词短语位于句首)全部倒装 For a moment nothing happened. Then came voices all shouting together. 有一会儿什么也没发生,然后传来了大家的喊叫声。 2in front of/at the foot of.全部倒装 At the foot of the mountain stands an old temple, which takes on a new look. 一座古老的寺庙屹立在山脚下,呈现

16、出一番新景象。 In front of the teaching building stand two huge trees, which add to the beauty of our schoolyard. 在我们的教学楼前面矗立着两棵大树,它们使得我们的校园更加 美丽。 3表语位于句首倒装 In the picture,standing in the middle of the first row is my grandpa, who was in his sixties at that moment. 相片上站在第一排中间的是我爷爷,他当时六十多岁。 Injured in the a

17、ccident were two students, who were on their way to school when the accident happened. 在事故中受伤的是两位学生,当事故发生时他们正在去上学的路 上。 专题过关演练专题过关演练 .用倒装句型补全句子 1面对这样的困难你绝不能失去信心。 _ in the face of such difficulty. 2虽然有些问题我似乎不熟悉,但很容易回答。 _, they are easy to answer. 3我们学校前面有一棵 1 000 年树龄的大树。 _ with a history of 1,000 year

18、s. 4如果你早到五分钟,你就能为他们送行了。 _, you could have seen them off. By no means should you lose heart Unfamiliar though/as some of the questions seem to me In front of our school stands a tall tree Had you arrived five minutes earlier 52017 全国卷书面表达剪纸是如此迷人和生动,我想你可能 会对它感兴趣。 _ I think you could be interested in i

19、t. 62016 浙江高考写作事实上,只有通过不断地行动,不断地调 整计划,我们才能达到我们的最终目标。 Actually, only by getting moving and constantly adjusting the plan _. 7虽然是个孩子,戴安娜能做到很多成年人做不到的事。 _, Diana can do things most adults cant. 8山脚下流淌着一条美丽而清澈的河流。 _ a beautiful and clean river. So attractive and alive is paper- cutting that can we achiev

20、e our final goal Child as/though she is At the foot of the mountain flows .利用倒装句型,结合提示补全短文 In front of my home 1._ (有座山), which is very high. 2_ (我永远不会忘记) the first time I climbed the mountain with my father. The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. 3._ (我父亲走得如此快) that he was far ahead of

21、 me. Not until he stopped to wait for me 4._ (我赶上他). 5._ (尽管我很累), I didnt give up. When reaching the top, we felt a sense of achievement. 6 _ (生活也是这样) We shouldnt give up halfway, however great the difficulty is.Only in this way 7._ (我们才能成功) lies a mountain Never will I forget So fast did my father walk did I catch up with him Tired as/though I was So is the life can we succeed


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