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1、Supply Chain Management Overview 供应链管理总览供应链管理总览Introduction This course is part of a series of Supply Chain Foundation self study learning activities to provide you a solid base of supply chain knowledge to build upon.There are 14 modules in the series.Each module will take approximately 90 minutes

2、to complete.You may conveniently start and return to the course at any point.When you have completed the course material,please complete the self-assessment examination to measure your level of understanding of the topic.介绍介绍 本单元课程是供应链基础自学教程活动系列的一个部分,这个教程本单元课程是供应链基础自学教程活动系列的一个部分,这个教程的目的是给您学习和提高供应链知识

3、打下一个坚实的基础。本系列的目的是给您学习和提高供应链知识打下一个坚实的基础。本系列共有共有13个单元。个单元。完成每一单元课程将大约需要完成每一单元课程将大约需要90分钟的时间,您可以很方便的开始分钟的时间,您可以很方便的开始和从本单元课程的任何一页继续。和从本单元课程的任何一页继续。当您学完本单元课程的内容后,请完成自我测试题以检验您对本单当您学完本单元课程的内容后,请完成自我测试题以检验您对本单元课程内容的理解程度。元课程内容的理解程度。Overview of ProgramThis module is intended to provide you with general overv

4、iew of SCM concepts.For some of you,this may be a review,while these concepts may be novel for others.We will begin by identifying what the supply chain looks like.Next,well discuss who are the key participants in the supply chain.Next,well identify factors driving organizations to consider SCM stra

5、tegies,and discuss the challenges facing these efforts.Well also provide some examples of companies weve identified as leaders in this area.This will lead to a discussion of why SCM is important and its impact on financial performance,customers,and our ability to do our job.Self Study Modules:6 Area

6、s,14 Modules1 WarehouseWarehousingWarehouse Operations Warehouse Operations 2 InventoryInventory BasicsInventory Operations3 LogisticsTransportation OverviewTransportation OperationsTransportation Planning4 ProcurementThe role of Purchasing5 ProductionProduction PlanningProduction Operations Strateg

7、ic Perspective6 Supply Chain ManagementSupply Chain Management OverviewAnalyzing Supply Chain InformationSupply Chain Planning 本课程的主要内容本课程的主要内容:6 6个领域个领域 1414个单元个单元1 仓储仓储介绍仓储介绍仓储运作仓储运作 仓储运作仓储运作 2 库存库存基础库存基础库存运作库存运作3 物流运输总览运输总览运输运作运输运作运输编制运输编制4 采购采购的任务采购的任务5 生产生产编制生产编制生产运作的战略目标生产运作的战略目标6 供应链管理供应链管理总览

8、供应链管理总览供应链信息的分析供应链信息的分析供应链编制供应链编制Overview:Module IThis module is intended to provide you with general overview of SCM concepts.For some of you,this may be a review,while these concepts may be novel for others.We will begin by identifying what the supply chain looks like.Next,well discuss who are the

9、 key participants in the supply chain.Next,well identify factors driving organizations to consider SCM strategies,and discuss the challenges facing these efforts.Well also provide some examples of companies weve identified as leaders in this area.This will lead to a discussion of why SCM is importan

10、t and its impact on financial performance,customers,and our ability to do our job.总览总览本单元课程目的是给您提供有关供应链本单元课程目的是给您提供有关供应链(Supply Chain Management)概念的一个总览。对有些人来说,这些概念只是复概念的一个总览。对有些人来说,这些概念只是复习而已,但是对另一些人而言,这些概念则可能是全新的。习而已,但是对另一些人而言,这些概念则可能是全新的。首先,我们将从认识供应链看起来像什么样子着手。接下来,我们首先,我们将从认识供应链看起来像什么样子着手。接下来,我们将

11、讨论在供应链中的主要参与者。然后我们要找出驱使企业去考虑将讨论在供应链中的主要参与者。然后我们要找出驱使企业去考虑供应链策略的因素,并讨论在做出这些方面的努力时所面临的挑战。供应链策略的因素,并讨论在做出这些方面的努力时所面临的挑战。我们也会举一些我们认为在这个领域是皎皎者的公司的实例。我们也会举一些我们认为在这个领域是皎皎者的公司的实例。以上将引出对以下内容的讨论:供应链管理为什么如此重要?其对以上将引出对以下内容的讨论:供应链管理为什么如此重要?其对财务状况、客户以及我们的工作能力的影响是什么?财务状况、客户以及我们的工作能力的影响是什么?Learning Objectives After

12、 completing this module the learner will be able to:Identify primary elements of supply chain management Understand the role of supply chain management on competitive performance Describe the relationship between inventory and information Understand key metrics associated with supply chain managemen

13、t 学习目标学习目标在完成本单元课程的学习以后,您应该能在完成本单元课程的学习以后,您应该能:辨认供应链管理中的主要元素。辨认供应链管理中的主要元素。理解供应链管理在增强竞争力中扮演的角色。理解供应链管理在增强竞争力中扮演的角色。描述库存描述库存(Inventory)和信息之间的关系。和信息之间的关系。理解与供应链管理相关的关键度量。理解与供应链管理相关的关键度量。Table of Contents Chapter 2.1 Defining Supply Chain Management Chapter 2.2 Who is in the supply chain?Chapter 2.3 Th

14、e importance of the supply chain Results from research study Skills required for supply chain leaders Senior executive recognition Chapter 2.4 The impact of the supply chain on business Impact on financial performance Impact on the customer Impact on ability to do our jobs Chapter 2.5 The relationsh

15、ip between inventory and information How does information play a role in SCM Substituting information for inventory Chapter 2.6 Supply Chain Management Key Performance Indicators for Customer Satisfaction Key Measurements Perfect Order Summary 目录目录 2.1 2.1 节节 供应链管理的定义供应链管理的定义 2.2 2.2 节节 供应链的组成成员供应链的

16、组成成员 上游上游 下游下游 内部职能部门内部职能部门 2.3 2.3 节节 供应链的重要性供应链的重要性 近期的调研结果近期的调研结果 供应链领导者需要的技能供应链领导者需要的技能 资深高级主管人员的共识资深高级主管人员的共识 2.4 2.4 节节 供应链对企业的影响供应链对企业的影响 对财务状况的影响对财务状况的影响 对客户的影响对客户的影响 对我们工作能力的影响对我们工作能力的影响 2.5 2.5 节节 库存与信息的关系库存与信息的关系 信息如何在供应链管理中发挥作用信息如何在供应链管理中发挥作用 用信息替代库存用信息替代库存 2.6 2.6 节节 在供应链管理中体现客户满意程度的重要绩

17、效指标在供应链管理中体现客户满意程度的重要绩效指标 主要度量标准主要度量标准 完美订单完美订单 总结总结 Defining Supply Chain Management定义供应链管理定义供应链管理Definition of the Supply Chain“The supply chain encompasses all organizations and activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw materials stage,through to the end user,as

18、 well as the associated information flows.Material and information flow both up and down the supply chain.”Sourcing:R.Handfield and E.Nichols,“Supply Chain Redesign”,2002.供应链管理的定义供应链管理的定义供应链包括了与产品从原料阶段到最终用户手中的流动及转变相关的供应链包括了与产品从原料阶段到最终用户手中的流动及转变相关的所有组织和活动,也包括相关信息流动的所有组织和活动。物质和信所有组织和活动,也包括相关信息流动的所有组织和

19、活动。物质和信息流在供应链中既可以往上游动也可以往下游流动。息流在供应链中既可以往上游动也可以往下游流动。来源来源:R.Handfield 和和 E.Nichols,“Supply Chain Redesign”,2002.What Do You Sell?A Product Bundle or a Service Package These include the tangible benefits and intangible attributes the customer recognizes,pays for,uses and/or experiences as well as all

20、 the contacts the customer has with your firm.To begin with,it is important to note that companies no longer simply manufacture a product and ship it.Nor do they simply provide a service as the service often involves having to manage physical products as well as information flows.Many companies also

21、 produce information products is this a service or a product?As you can see,the lines between products and services has blurred,so that when we think about the pharmaceutical business,we are really defining what we sell as a product bundle or a service package.In effect,there are tangible and intang

22、ibles associated with discovering,developing,and selling products.你销售什么?你销售什么?一系列产品或者一整套服务一系列产品或者一整套服务 这包括有形的和无形的属性,这些属性是消费者承认的,为之这包括有形的和无形的属性,这些属性是消费者承认的,为之付费的,可以使用和付费的,可以使用和/或者经历过的,还包括消费者与你公司的或者经历过的,还包括消费者与你公司的所有接洽过程。所有接洽过程。首先,认识到公司不再是简单的将产品生产出来然后运出去是非首先,认识到公司不再是简单的将产品生产出来然后运出去是非常重要的,他们也不是简单地提供一种服


24、aditional View of Supply Chain Management Now,lets step back and review some principles regarding how we manage the product/service bundles within this entity called the supply chain.To begin with,as we noted earlier,all organizations either manufacture products,provide services that someone values,

25、or in many cases,a combination of both.Traditionally,the operations function has had the primary responsibility for making sure this happens.The traditional way to think about operations is as a transformation process that takes a set of inputs and transforms them in some way to create valuable good

26、s and services.This is seen as follows:供应链管理的传统观点供应链管理的传统观点现在,回顾一下我们在这个称为供应链领域内如何管理产品和现在,回顾一下我们在这个称为供应链领域内如何管理产品和服务的一些定律。首先,正像我们在前面注意到的那样,所有服务的一些定律。首先,正像我们在前面注意到的那样,所有的企业要么生产产品,要么提供别人认可的服务,要么两者兼的企业要么生产产品,要么提供别人认可的服务,要么两者兼有。在传统意义上,生产运作对保证这个过程顺利进行负有最有。在传统意义上,生产运作对保证这个过程顺利进行负有最主要的责任。传统观念对运作主要的责任。传统观念对运

27、作(operations)的认识是把一组投入的认识是把一组投入按某种方法生产出有价值的产品和服务的一个转化过程。按某种方法生产出有价值的产品和服务的一个转化过程。如下图所示:如下图所示:Traditional Transformation Process Focusing on the traditional transformation process:传统的转变过程传统的转变过程让我们来集中看一看传统的转变过程:让我们来集中看一看传统的转变过程:Example:Chair ManufacturingEven for a product as simple as a chair,the ra

28、nge of activities that must occur to transform raw lumber into a finished chair can be overwhelming at first.例子:椅子的生产例子:椅子的生产 即使对椅子这样的简单产品,把木材最终变成椅子这样的生产活动其即使对椅子这样的简单产品,把木材最终变成椅子这样的生产活动其范围之广也会让人一开始受不了。范围之广也会让人一开始受不了。Example:Chair ManufacturingContinuing the previous example:例子:椅子的生产例子:椅子的生产 接着前面的例子:

29、接着前面的例子:Different Functions in the Supply Chain-Traditional View of the Supply ChainThe supply chain spans activities of the value chain-raw material supply to the customers final purchase供应链中的不同职能部门供应链中的不同职能部门-供应链的传供应链的传统观念统观念 供应链横跨整个价值链活动供应链横跨整个价值链活动-从原材料的供应到消费者的最终购买。从原材料的供应到消费者的最终购买。Organizationa

30、l Boundaries Information buffers and compartmentalization yield limited visibility.This results in:组织边界组织边界 信息的迟缓和分隔会限制可视性信息的迟缓和分隔会限制可视性(visibility)。Transforming Supply Chains into Value Systems A value system is a connected series of organizations,resources,and knowledge streams involved in the cre

31、ation and delivery of value to end customers.Value systems integrate supply chain activities,from determination of customer needs through product/service development,production/operations and distribution,including(as appropriate)first,second,and third tier suppliers.把供应链转变成价值系统把供应链转变成价值系统 价值系统是专注于创

32、造价值,并把价值送到最终消费者手中的一系列价值系统是专注于创造价值,并把价值送到最终消费者手中的一系列相互关联的组织、资源及信息流。相互关联的组织、资源及信息流。价值系统融于供应链的活动之中:从判断消费者的需求到产品价值系统融于供应链的活动之中:从判断消费者的需求到产品/服务的服务的开发,生产运作及货物发送,包括第一、第二和第三层供应商开发,生产运作及货物发送,包括第一、第二和第三层供应商(视具体视具体情况而定情况而定)。Barrier Exercise As an exercise,list four of the“barriers”or“walls”that prevent operati

33、ons from coordinating effectively with customers,logistics,and suppliers.障碍练习障碍练习 列出四种阻碍生产者有效地与消费者、物流和供应商协调的列出四种阻碍生产者有效地与消费者、物流和供应商协调的“屏障屏障”或或“壁垒壁垒”。Exercise Answers Some possible examples you might have listed include:Lack of aligned metrics with customer service management No representation on new

34、 product rollout teams Lack of visibility into market forecasts,advertising campaigns,and promotions Inability to communicate directly with suppliers Administrative bureaucratic controls Reluctance to change Power struggles distrust of other functions 练习题答案练习题答案 你可能会列举出如下的一些例子你可能会列举出如下的一些例子:缺乏与客户服务管

35、理一致的评价尺度。缺乏与客户服务管理一致的评价尺度。新产品推出团队无所作为。新产品推出团队无所作为。缺乏市场预测、广告竞争及产品促销的可视性。缺乏市场预测、广告竞争及产品促销的可视性。不能直接与供应商交流。不能直接与供应商交流。官僚掌权。官僚掌权。不愿意改变。不愿意改变。权力斗争权力斗争不信任其他的机构。不信任其他的机构。很显然答案远不止上面列出的这些。很显然答案远不止上面列出的这些。Who is in the Supply Chain?谁在供应链中?谁在供应链中?Forces Bludgeoning the Firm As we noted earlier,the“traditional”m

36、odel of supply chains is changing rapidly,and firms now realize that they need to transform their supply chains into value systems.Why?Because of the incredible competition being felt by pharmaceutical companies across the globe 驱使公司的大棒驱使公司的大棒 正像我们先前注意到的那样,正像我们先前注意到的那样,“传统传统”供应链的模型在快速地改变,供应链的模型在快速地改

37、变,公司现在意识到他们需要把供应链转变为价值链公司现在意识到他们需要把供应链转变为价值链(Value Chain)。为什。为什么?因为全球的公司都感到很大的竞争压力。么?因为全球的公司都感到很大的竞争压力。Supply Chain Management Drivers Why are companies so interested in improving supply chain performance?There are several reasons:Globalization and increased competition Increasing customer expectati

38、ons on service levels Product proliferation Shorter product life cycles New technologies Environmental issues 供应链管理的驱动力供应链管理的驱动力 为什么公司对改进供应链性能如此地感兴趣?原因如下:为什么公司对改进供应链性能如此地感兴趣?原因如下:全球化和竞争激化全球化和竞争激化 顾客对服务水平的期望越来越高顾客对服务水平的期望越来越高 产品的迅速增生产品的迅速增生 产品寿命周期的缩短产品寿命周期的缩短 新技术新技术 环境问题环境问题 Supply Chain ProcessesTwo

39、 points are important here.First,nearly all of supply chain management activities require coordination with other business functions,including engineering,marketing,and human resources.We will revisit the importance of cross-functional decision-making in supply chain management later.Second,operatio

40、ns management activities are information intensive.You do not have to be able to assemble a widget yourself to be a successful in managing the supply chain-but you do have to make sure the right people and equipment are available to do the job,the right materials arrive when needed,and the widget is

41、 shipped on-time,at cost,and to specifications!Sound easy?供应链程序供应链程序 再者里有两点非常重要。首先,几乎所有的供应链管理活动要求其他业务再者里有两点非常重要。首先,几乎所有的供应链管理活动要求其他业务部门的合作,包括工程、市场部和人力资源。我们后面会再强调供应链中部门的合作,包括工程、市场部和人力资源。我们后面会再强调供应链中的跨部门决策的重要性。第二点,生产管理活动是信息密集型的,你不必的跨部门决策的重要性。第二点,生产管理活动是信息密集型的,你不必自己会组装一种产品来成功管理供应链,自己会组装一种产品来成功管理供应链,但你必

42、须保证有正确的人和设但你必须保证有正确的人和设备来完成这个工作,当需要时,确保原料准确并且及时的到达,并能将成备来完成这个工作,当需要时,确保原料准确并且及时的到达,并能将成本低廉且符合要求的成品按时运出!看起来很简单?本低廉且符合要求的成品按时运出!看起来很简单?Who is in the Supply Chain So what does it take to build and improve supply chains and transform them into value systems?A good starting point is to define exactly who

43、 the participants are in the supply chain.To do this,we also need to define the scope of the supply chain:Supply chains may be internal or external to the organization Internal supply chain-that portion of the supply chain occurring within GSK External supply chain-that portion of the supply chain o

44、ccurring outside of GSK(i.e.,upstream suppliers and downstream distributors)供应链的参与者供应链的参与者怎样才能建立和改进供应链而且把它们转变为价值系统呢?精确地定义怎样才能建立和改进供应链而且把它们转变为价值系统呢?精确地定义谁是供应链的参与者是一个很好的起点。谁是供应链的参与者是一个很好的起点。为了回答这个问题,我们也需要定义供应链的范围:为了回答这个问题,我们也需要定义供应链的范围:供应链对一个公司来说,可能是内部的也可能是外部的。供应链对一个公司来说,可能是内部的也可能是外部的。内部供应链内部供应链-发生在公司

45、内部的那部分供应链。发生在公司内部的那部分供应链。外部供应链外部供应链-发生在公司外部的那部分供应链。发生在公司外部的那部分供应链。(例如上游的供应商、下例如上游的供应商、下游的分销商)游的分销商)从公司的观点来看,供应链包括上游的供应商,内部各职能部门和下游从公司的观点来看,供应链包括上游的供应商,内部各职能部门和下游的消费者。的消费者。Supply Chain ManagementAt this point you may ask yourself:If SCM spans all of these business processes,who is responsible for mak

46、ing it happen?Whose role is it to manage supply chains?Can it be a competitive advantage?Who performs this function in todays businesses?Whose role is Supply Chain?供应链管理供应链管理 在这个阶段,你可以问自己以下几个问题:在这个阶段,你可以问自己以下几个问题:如果供应链跨越所有这些业务程序,谁应负责实施这个跨越?如果供应链跨越所有这些业务程序,谁应负责实施这个跨越?这能成为一个竞争优势吗?这能成为一个竞争优势吗?在现在的业务中,谁

47、来执行这项功能?在现在的业务中,谁来执行这项功能?供应链管理应该是谁的职责?供应链管理应该是谁的职责?Participants in the Process The answer to that is:EVERYBODY!A recent study conducted at Michigan State University asked global managers what business functions would be integrated into their supply chain redesign strategies in the next five years.供应

48、链过程的参与者供应链过程的参与者 答案是:每个人答案是:每个人!最近米歇根州立大学做了一项研究,这个研究是向全最近米歇根州立大学做了一项研究,这个研究是向全球的经理们咨询在今后的五年中哪些业务功能会被他们纳入他们的供球的经理们咨询在今后的五年中哪些业务功能会被他们纳入他们的供应链重新设计策略中。应链重新设计策略中。Exercise:Who is in Your Supply Chain?As an exercise,spend some time filling in the question mark boxes in the diagram below.See if you can ide

49、ntify who the different participants in your companys supply chain is.Think of all of the possible types of inputs required,and who provides them.Try to think of the different tasks and roles that each supply chain participant plays in delivering value to the end customer?练习:谁在你的供应链中?练习:谁在你的供应链中?请花一

50、点时间完成填充下面图中问号部分的练习。试一试你是否能说出请花一点时间完成填充下面图中问号部分的练习。试一试你是否能说出谁是供应链的不同的参与者。想一想所有的可能的需要输入类型和是由谁是供应链的不同的参与者。想一想所有的可能的需要输入类型和是由谁来提供这些输入。尽量想一想每一个供应链的参与者在把价值传递给谁来提供这些输入。尽量想一想每一个供应链的参与者在把价值传递给最终消费者的过程中担任的不同任务和所起的作用。最终消费者的过程中担任的不同任务和所起的作用。Your Supply Chain Who did you come up with that is part of your supply


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