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1、五年级英语下册单词默写练习 班级 考号 姓名 总分 (英译汉)Lesson 11practice( )read( )textbook( )important( )wish( )could( )practicing my English( )chatting with my friends( )drawing a picture( )doing crafts( )reading aloud( )listening to English songs( )Lesson 2TV( )talk( )chess( )team( )watching TV( )making a model( )playing

2、 the piano( )playing chess( )practicing Kung fu( )watching a basketball( )game( )Lesson 3photo( )picture( )have( )photo( )parents( )dancing( )fishing ( )having a birthday party( )having a good time( )putting candles on the cake( )playing hide-and-seek( )Lesson 5listen( )come out( )next part( )will/w

3、ould( )the different parts of a plant( )different( )have different jobs( )job( )listen to( )follow( )Lesson 6plant( )up( )carry( )in the ground( )make seeds( )grow up( )carry food and water to the leaves( )make food( )grow up to be plants and trees( )hold the trees above the ground( )Lesson 7sun( )t

4、heir( )nothing( )earth( )without( )without the sun( )make food by ( )on the earth ( )hold the party( )cook the dinner( )Lesson 9forest( )wood( )newspaper( )make use of( )enjoy walking( )in a forest( )help us ( )build houses( )get fruits( )the old jacket( )make a bag( )get fruits from trees( )make pa

5、per caps ( )Lesson 10tomato( )example( )carrot( )potato( )cabbage ( )peach( )watermelon( )peanut( )most of( )give an example of ( )come from/ be from( )for example( )sweet fruits( )fast food( )Lesson 11travel( )both( )else( )a kind of( )in many ways ( )sweet potato( )nut( )what else( )both . and ( )

6、corn( )Lesson 15sister( )eighteen( )kid( )seven( )son( )lovely ( )on the horse( )the son of. .( )a photo of.( )two lovely kids( )Lesson 16niece( )nephew( )daughter( )neighbour( )be born( )in the same year( )that baby boy( )that old lady( )this little girl( )that man( )Linglings cousin( )one of Mikes

7、 uncles( )Lesson 17often( )lucky( )same( )two of them( )live in the same city( )see your cousins( )see each other quite often( )visit your grandparents( )have a big family reunion( )have chess lessons( )high school( )Lesson 19study( )pilot( )should( )artist( )barber( )fly a plane( )fly a spaceship(

8、)in the future( )study hard( )to be a professor( )Lesson 20cap( )football player( )basketball player( )football coach( )teach( )birthday present( )I hope so( )birthday( )practice a lot( )Lesson 21exercise( )engineer( )build( )making clothes( )to be a pilot( )tailor( )making model planes( )need to.(

9、)study hard( )making things( )writing stories( )(be) good at.( )pianist( )playing the piano( )Lesson 23email( )how long( )New York( )more than( )hour( )(be) going to( )by plane( )Have a nice trip.( )go away( )fly to the U.S.A.( )excited( )get to ( )write emails( )Lesson 24exciting( )enjoy( )why not(

10、 )by bullet train( )take the plane to Shanghai( )come back( )take the subway( )more comfortable( )Lesson 25its( )sea ( )famous( )beach( )camera ( ).(be) famous for( )summer vacation( )famous places( )sandy beach( )take me to Sanya( )go swimming in the sea( )enjoy the tours( )take sth. with sb.( )五年级

11、英语下册单词默写练习 班级 考号 姓名 总分 (汉译英)Lesson 1 练习( )读,阅读( )教科书,课本( )重要的( )希望( )能够( )练习我的英语( )和我的朋友们聊天( )画一幅画( )做手工( )大声读( )听英语歌曲( )Lesson 2 电视( )谈话,交谈( )国际象棋( )团队( )看电视( )制作模型( )弹钢琴 ( )下国际象棋( )练习功夫( )观看一场篮球比赛( )游戏( )Lesson 3 相片,照片 ( )父母( )跳舞( )照片( )钓鱼 ( )开生日派对( )有;享受( )玩得开心( )把蜡烛插在蛋糕上( )图片( )玩捉迷藏( )Lesson 5 听

12、( )将,愿意( )不同的( )工作( )跟随( )(生长)出来( )植物的不同部分( )有不同的作用( ) 听( )下一部分 ( )Lesson 6 植物( )向上( )搬运,携带( )在地下( )制造种子( )长大( )向叶子输送养分和水( )制造养料( )长成植物和树( )支撑地上面的树( )Lesson 7 太阳,阳光( )他们的,她们的,它们的( )没有一样,没有东西( )地球( )没有,无( )没有太阳( )通过 制造养( )在地球上( )办聚会( )做晚饭( )Lesson 9 森林( )木头;木材( )报纸( )利用( )喜爱散步( )在森林里( )帮助我们( )建房( )得到

13、水果( )旧夹克( )做书包( )从树上得到果子( )做纸帽子( )Lesson 10西红柿( )实例,例子( )胡萝卜( )土豆( )圆白菜( )桃子( )西瓜( )花生( )大部分的( )举个的例子( )来自于( )例如( )甜水果( )快餐( )Lesson 11旅行( )玉米( )坚果( )别的,其他的( )(两者)都( )一种( )其他的什么( )用许多方法( )红薯( )Lesson 15姐姐;妹妹( )十八( )小孩( )七( )儿子( )可爱的 ( )在马背上( ).的儿子( ).的照片( )两个可爱的小孩( )Lesson 16外甥女;侄女( )外甥;侄子( )女儿( )邻居

14、( )表(堂)兄弟姐妹( )出生( )在同一年( )那个男婴( )那位老妇人( )这个小女孩( )那个男人( )我的侄子( )我的邻居( )玲玲的表妹( )迈克的一位叔叔( )Lesson 17经常( )幸运的( )同一的,相同的( )他们中的两个( )高中( )举办一场盛大的家庭聚会( )彼此经常见面( )住在同一座城市( )见你的表兄弟姐妹们( )上国际象棋课( )Lesson 19学习,读书( )飞行员( )应该,可以( )画家( )理发师( )开飞机( )将来( )成为一名教授( )开宇宙飞船( )努力学习( )Lesson 20帽子( )生日( )讲,讲授( )篮球运动员( )足球教

15、练( )生日礼物( )我希望可以( )多多练习( )Lesson 21锻炼;练习( )工程师( )建筑,建造( )裁缝( )钢琴家( )制作衣服( )做飞机模型( )写故事( )弹钢琴( )成为飞行员( )需要( )认真学习( )擅长( )Lesson 23电子邮件( )小时( )兴奋的,激动的 ( )离开( )纽约( )多长时间( )打算做某事( )飞往美国( )到达( )多于,比多( )坐飞机( )旅途愉快( )写电子邮件( )Lesson 24使人激动的( )享受乐趣 ( )为什么不( )坐子弹头列车( )坐地铁( )回来( )更舒服( )坐飞机去上海( )Lesson 25它的( )著名的,出名的( )海洋( )海滩( )照相机 ( )以而闻名( )暑假( )带我去三亚( )著名的地方( )在海里游泳( )玩得很好( )某人随身带某物( )


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