2021年牛津译林版中考英语语法ppt课件— 形容词和副词比较级和最高级.ppt

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2021年牛津译林版中考英语语法ppt课件— 形容词和副词比较级和最高级.ppt_第1页
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1、形容词和副词形容词和副词比较级和最高级比较级和最高级 形容词和副词通常有三种形式形容词和副词通常有三种形式:原级,比较级和原级,比较级和最高级,用来表示人或事物在某方面的不同程度。最高级,用来表示人或事物在某方面的不同程度。He is very tall.他很高。他很高。He is as tall as you.他和你一样高。他和你一样高。He is taller than you.他比你高。他比你高。He is the tallest of all the boys in our class.他是我们班男生中个子最高的。他是我们班男生中个子最高的。He runs very fast.He r

2、uns as fast as you.He runs faster than you.He runs(the)fastest in our school.as+adj.+as “像像一样一样”2.not as/so+adj.+as “不如不如一样一样”3.not as/so+adj.+as=比较级比较级+than Mr Wu is as happy as the two girls.The two girls are not as tall as Mr Wu.=The two girls are shorter than Mr Wu.Pan Changjiang is not as tall

3、as Yao Ming.Dong Qing is not as fat as Han Hong.The Japanese is not as slim as them.Dong Qing is not so fat as Han Hong.Pan Changjiang is not so tall as Yao Ming.The Japanese is not so slim as them.形容词与副词三种级别的变化规则形容词与副词三种级别的变化规则1规则变化规则变化类别规则原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词一般情况下加er或esttalltallertallest以e结尾的词,加r或s

4、tnicenicernicest以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,先改“y”为“i”,再加er或esteasyhappyeasierhappiereasiesthappiest重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母,先双写辅音字母,再加er或estbigwetbiggerwetterbiggestwettest多音节词和部分双音节词原级前加more/less构成比较级,原级前加most/least构成最高级usefulfamousexpensivemore usefulmore famousless expensivemost usefulmost famousleast expensive2不规则变化:两多

5、,两好,两坏病,不规则变化:两多,两好,两坏病,一少,一老,远距离。一少,一老,远距离。口诀原级比较级最高级口诀原级比较级最高级两多many/muchmoremost一老oldelder(家庭中表长幼)eldest两好good/wellbetterbestolder(岁数大,东西旧)oldest两坏病bad/badly/illworseworst远距离farfarther(距离远)farthest一少littlelessleastfurther(程度深,深入)furthest3专练:写出下列形容词专练:写出下列形容词 或副词的比较级和最高级或副词的比较级和最高级fast hot lazy yo

6、ung fine early good ill useful fat 11.little 12.famous 13.quickly 14.many 15.busy 16.bad 17.old 18.wet 19.few 20.far 21.large 22.beautiful 23.carefully 24.difficultfaster,fastesthotter,hottestlazier,laziestyounger,youngestfiner,finestearlier,earliestbetter,bestworse,worstmore useful,most usefulfatte

7、r,fattestless,leastmore famous,most famousmore quickly,most quicklymore,mostbusier,busiestworse,worstolder(elder),oldest(eldest)wetter,wettestfewer,fewestfarther(further),farthest(furthest)larger,largestmore beautiful,most beautifulmore carefully,most carefullymore difficult,most difficult()1Water i

8、s the cheapest drink.And it is also .AhealthierBhealthiest Cthe healthierDthe healthiest()2Is your headache getting?No,its worse.Abetter Bbad Cless Dwell()3During this years Reading Week,I read the most books in our class.No one read books than I.Amany Bmore Cfew DfewerDAB形容词、副词三个级别的选用形容词、副词三个级别的选用1

9、三个比较等级如下:三个比较等级如下:This story book is interesting.(没比较,原级)This story book is more interesting than that one.(两者比,比较级)This story book is the most interesting of the three books.(三者比,最高级)2原级的考点:原级的考点:1)very,so,too,quite,rather+原级 如:The man is very(so,quite,rather)kind.这个男人是非常(如此,相当,十分)仁慈的。Its too cold

10、outside.Come in please.外面太冷,请进来吧。2)as+原级as,not as(so)+原级as如:He is as tall as his brother.他与他哥哥一样高。Lesson 1 is not as(so)difficult as Lesson 2 第1课不如第2课难。3)原级+enough 如:He is not old enough to go to school.他不够年纪上学。()4There used to be lots of fish in the lake.Yes,but there are very _ now.AfewBfewerClitt

11、leDless()5There is a smile on Miss Goos face.She must be with Sams work.I think so.No one did as as him in our class.Aangry;wellBpleasing;goodCstrict;goodDpleased;wellAD()6Liu Ying is good at singing.She sings the famous singer,Coco.Aas well as Bas good as Cas better as Das best as3比较级的考点:比较级的考点:1)比

12、较级(er)+than如:Health is more important than wealth.健康比财富更重要。The green coat is less expensive than the red one.绿色大衣比红色大衣更便宜。2)修饰比较级的词:far,much,a lot,a little,a bit,even +比较级如:Li Jun is far(much a lot)stronger than Li Ming.李军比李明强壮得多。I am a little(a bit)younger than Lucy.我比露丝年轻一点点。AJack and I want to lo

13、se weight.After some time I am still fatter than before.Jack is even fatter than before.杰克和我想减肥。过了一段时间我仍然比以前肥,杰克甚至比以前更肥。3)越来越:er and er;more and more+多音节词如:Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们国家正变得越来越强。She grows taller and taller.她长得越来越高。4)比较级的平行关系:The+er,the+er 越,就更如:The harder you stud

14、y,the better you will be at your lessons.你学习越努力,你的功课就越好。The more we get together,the happier well be.我们在一起越多,我们就越开心。5)两者中比较的那个(特指):the+er of the two()7Its so cold today.Yes,its _ colder than it was yesterday.AsomeBmore Cvery Dmuch()8After the rebuilding,our school is becoming .Amore and more beautif

15、ul Bmore beautiful and beautiful Cbeautiful and beautiful Dthe more beautiful()9The doctor told me too much but I find it difficult.The doctor is right.The less you drink,you will be.Adont drink;the healthier Bnot to drink;the healthier Cnot to drink;the more healthier Ddont drink;healthierABD()10Wh

16、ich do you like ,summer or winter?I prefer summer.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest()11Of the two shirts,Id like to choose the one to save some money for a cap.Acheapest Bcheaper Cmore expensiveDmost expensive()12I am sorry this coat is not big enough.I want a one.Abigger Bbig Csmaller Dsmall()13Mike is ,but h

17、is brother Sam is much .Aheavy;heavier Bheavy;heaviest Cheavier;heaviest Dheavier;the heaviestABCA()14Many students say that if there were no examinations they should have at school.Athe happiest timeBa more happier time Cmuch happiest time Da much happier time4最高级的考点:最高级的考点:1)最高级+of all.,of the thr

18、ee.,among them.最高级+in+地点范围Lisa runs fastest in her class.莉莎在她班中跑得最快。Jordon is the most famous player of all the basketball players.乔丹是所有篮球运动员中最闻名的。This picture is the most beautiful among these.这幅画是这些画中最漂亮的。2)之一:one of+the 最高级+名词复数;如:Tom is one of the best football players in his school.汤姆是他学校最好的足球运

19、动员之一。D3)第几最:序数词+最高级:如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长的河流()15She prefers football because she thinks its among all sports.AinterestingBmore interesting Cthe most interesting ()16Chiang Mai(清迈)has been one of _ tourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand(

20、泰囧)was shown.AhotBhotter ChottestDthe hottest()17Which month has days in a year?February.Afew Blittle Cthe least Dthe fewestCDD()18Did Kate do best in the final exam?No,but of all the students she did .Athe most carefulBmore careful Cmost carefully Dmore carefully()19We held a concert in the hall ye

21、sterday,Kate sang among the singers.AgoodBwell Cbetter Dbest()20Tom,are you boy in your class?No,but John is.Im shorter than him.Athe tallest Bthe shortestCthe youngest Dthe oldestCDA专练:用括号内所给词的适当级别填空。I was very .Mary was a little than me.Lucy was the of us.(happy)Of all the subjects he likes physic

22、s .(well)Which is ,English or math?(difficult)Its quite in winter in Hunan.But its even in Heilongjiang.(cold)This bridge is as (wide)as that one.But its much (long)and (old)than that one.Beijing is one of (big)cities in China.And it is the second (large)city in China.Roses handwriting is (good)amon

23、g us.The (many)friends you have,the (much)help you will get.happy,happier,happiestbestmore difficultcold,colderwide,longer,olderthe biggest,largestthe bestmore,more The boy studies and ,(hard)I think he will be .(successful)Tom is child in his family.But I am far than him.(old)6.注意1)比较级前面一般没有定冠词the,

24、但遇到以下句型时要用the如:He is the heavier of the two boys.他是两个男孩子中更重的那个。Lily is the cleverer of the twins.莉莉是双胞胎中更聪明的那个。harder,harder,successfulthe elder,older 2)最高级的句型有时可以用比较级句型表示,但要注意搭配。具体如下:如:Shanghai is the largest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。=Shanghai is larger than any other city(any other+单数)in China.(上海

25、和其他城市都属于中国,同范围)=Shanghai is larger than the other cities(the other+复数)in China.(上海和其他城市都属于中国,同范围)区别:Shanghai is larger than any city(any+单数)in Indian.上海比印度的任何城市都要大。(这里上海是中国的,而其他城市是印度的,所以它们的范围不同)一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.Which is _,the sun,the moon or the earth?A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest2.She is _

26、swimmer among them.A.good B.best C.better D.the bestExercise 3.Her drawing is _ than the other three.A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.the more beautiful4.Whose bike is _,his or hers?A.new B.newwer C.the newest D.newer 二、翻译句子。二、翻译句子。1.这台电脑比那台贵。这台电脑比那台贵。This computer is _ that one.2

27、.这三个盒子哪一个最重?这三个盒子哪一个最重?Which box is _?3.今天比昨天热吗?今天比昨天热吗?Is today _ yesterday?more expensive thanthe heaviest of the threehotter than4.在这些学生中,在这些学生中,Sandy数学最好。数学最好。Sandy is _ _.5.第一道数学题比第二道难得多。第一道数学题比第二道难得多。The first maths problem is much _ the second one.the best at maths among these studentsmore di

28、fficult than 归纳归纳1、形容词的原级和比较级的用法、形容词的原级和比较级的用法(1)在)在quite,too,very,so之后常用形容词原之后常用形容词原(2)当对两者进行比较时,常用)当对两者进行比较时,常用比较级比较级+thanmuch,far,even,a little,a lot,still等词后面通常使用比等词后面通常使用比较级。较级。(3)当对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较时,使用)当对三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较时,使用最高级最高级(Dont forget“the”!),并常用并常用of,in,among等来表示最高级的范围。等来表示最高级的范围。(of a

29、ll,of the three,in the class,in our school,among young people)2、最高级与比较级的转换、最高级与比较级的转换any other+n.(单单)/the other+n.(复复)(1)Max is the tallest boy in his class.(2)Max is taller than any other boy in his class.(3)Max is taller than the other boys in his class.不在范围之内不用不在范围之内不用other Shanghai is bigger tha

30、n any city in Jiangsu.3.one of+the+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词表示表示“最最之一之一”eg.The hair clip is one of _(pretty)among those ones.He was one of _(fast)_(swim)of all.the prettiestthe fastestswimmers4.the second/third/fourth+最高级最高级表示表示“第几第几”eg.Millie is the third _(tall)in her class.tallest比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级His shoes

31、 are dirtier and dirtier.more+and more+原级原级 Clothes are more and more expensive.5 56.The _(careful)we are,the _(few)mistakes we will make.7.Nancy is _ of the two girls.(slim)more carefulfewerthe slimmer7.为免重复,为免重复,在在than后常用后常用one(s),that,those等词来替代前面提到过的名词。等词来替代前面提到过的名词。The words in Unit1 are easier

32、 than_ in Unit2.A.one B.those C.it D.thatThe weather there is better than _ in Nanjing.A.one B.it C.that D.thoseBC 数量的比较数量的比较1.用用more than,fewer than,less than完成句子完成句子:1)Simon的的桔子桔子比比sandy少少。Simon has _ oranges _ Sandy.fewer than2)他早饭吃的比我他早饭吃的比我少少。He eats _ food _ I for breakfast.less thanmorethan之间

33、可以加之间可以加可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 或者或者不可数名词不可数名词。fewerthan 之间加之间加可数名词的复数可数名词的复数形式形式.lessthan 之间加之间加不可数名词不可数名词。翻译句子翻译句子汤姆学的科目比彼得多汤姆学的科目比彼得多 Tom studies more subjects than Peter.2.我们加入的俱乐部比汤姆和汉克少。我们加入的俱乐部比汤姆和汉克少。We join fewer clubs than Tom and Hank.3.我妹妹空闲时间比我少我妹妹空闲时间比我少.My sister has less free time than I.4.我校

34、的教师比你校的多。我校的教师比你校的多。There are more teachers in my school than in yours.5.Lucy 比比Tom 有钱。有钱。Lucy has more money than Tom.6.Lily 的花比的花比Millie 的花少。的花少。Lily has fewer flowers than Millie.7.Sandy喝的牛奶比喝的牛奶比Simon少。少。Sandy drinks less milk than Simon.8.Millie 的朋友比的朋友比Daniel多。多。Millie has more friends than Da

35、niel.1)昨天昨天Amy得了最高分得了最高分.2)Simon得分最少得分最少.3)我的钱最多)我的钱最多.4)他的水最少他的水最少.Amy got/scored _ points.Simon gets/scores _ points.I have _ money.He has _ water.the mostthe fewestthe mostthe least2.用用the most,the fewest,the least完成句子完成句子:the most,the fewest,the least 分别是分别是many/much,few,little的最高级的最高级.the most 表示表示“最最,最多最多”后面可以加后面可以加可可数或不可数名词数或不可数名词;the fewest 后面加后面加可数名词的复数可数名词的复数形式形式,表表示示“最少最少”;the least表示表示“最少最少”,后面跟上后面跟上不可数名不可数名词词.


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