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1、中考语法复习专题三 代词目录备考指南01考点清单02考点知识归纳03考点过关04中考真题0501(一)备考指南 代词可分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、指示代词和疑问代词等。代词几乎是每年中考的考查部分。近三年中考的考查仍集中在不定代词上,所考题量占所考代词的60%以上。试题注重语境和情境要求,能够根据真实的语言环境运用各类代词。1.代词p代词代词(pron.):pronounp 代替名称的词。p 有人称和数的变化。2.代词的分类代代词词人称代词人称代词物主代词物主代词反身代词指示代词疑问代词主格宾格形容词性名词性不定代词考点知识测练(在括号内选择正确的代词填空)1._(Her;Sh

2、e;Herself)goes to school on foot.2.Please give _(me;I;mine)something to drink.Im very thirsty.3.Bob is going to Shanghai on holiday with _(her;she;herself).4.Remember to bring _(mine;myself;my)dictionary here tomorrow.5.-Whose pen is this?-Its _(mine;myself;my).Yours is under the table.(二)考点知识清单Shem

3、ehermymine考点知识测练(在括号内选择正确的代词填空)6.There are _(few;little;a few)eggs and only _(little;few;a little)milk at home.Lets go and buy some.7.Theres _(something;nothing;anything)important for me to do this weekend.Shall we go for a picnic?8._(Both;Either;Neither)Jack and Mike are good swimmers.But _(neither

4、;either;both)of them is good at running.9.-Would you like _(any;some;all)more meat?-Thanks!Im full.10._(Both;None;Each)of us has heard of it,so we know nothing about it.fewa littlenothingBothneithersomeNone考点知识归纳表一(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词)数类别人称人称代词物主代词反身代词 中文主格 宾格中文形容词性名词性单数第一人称我Ime我的mymine我自己myself 第二人称你you

5、you你的youryours你自己yourself第三人称他hehim他的hishis他自己himself她sheher她的herhers她自己herself它itit它的itsits它自己itself 复数第一人称我们 weus我们的ourours我们自己ourselves第二人称你们youyou 你们的youiyours你们自己yourselves第三人称他/她/它们 they them 他/她/它们的lheir theirs 他/她/它们自己themselves0303注意:1.人称代词在句子中做主语时用主格,作及物动词或介词的宾语时用宾格。人称代词在句子中做主语时用主格,作及物动词或介

6、词的宾语时用宾格。如:He goes to school on foot.He told me that he would go there.Bob is going to Shanghai on holiday with her.2.人称代词,作表语时用宾格。人称代词,作表语时用宾格。如:-who is knocking at the door?-Its me,Tom.3.如果主语是并列的几个人,如果主语是并列的几个人,You放在最前面,放在最前面,I放在最后面。(即放在最后面。(即231人称顺序)人称顺序)如:You,he and I are very good friends.注意:(1

7、)主语是复数时,顺序是:we,you,they(即123人称顺序)。(2)如果做错事,需要负责任时,通常把第一人称放在最前面。如:-Who broke the window?-I and Mike.4.形容词性物主代词在句子中可作定语,修饰名词。形容词性物主代词在句子中可作定语,修饰名词。如:They are doing their homework.5.名词性物主代词在句子中可作主语、宾语、表语。名词性物主代词在句子中可作主语、宾语、表语。如:-Whose book is this?-Its mine.Yours is under the table.I usually tidy my ro

8、om.You should tidy yours.表二(不定代词)many许多much 许多/a few 几个a little 一些表示肯定few 没有几个little 没有多少表示否定some 一些;某些一般用于肯定句any一些;任何一般用于否定句或疑问句a lot of=lots of 许多一般用于肯定句注意:注意:当疑问句表示当疑问句表示请求、邀请或建议请求、邀请或建议时,通常用时,通常用some而不用而不用any。如:如:Would you like some more coffee?表三(不定代词)单词词义基本用法all全部全部表示三者或以上表示三者或以上,其其完全否定形式是完全否定


10、可以代替句中前面出现的单数可数名词也可以代替句中前面出现的单数可数名词ones多个多个指人或物指人或物,也可以代替句中前面出现的复数可数名词也可以代替句中前面出现的复数可数名词表四(不定代词)代替事物代替人something某事;某物somebody(someone)somebody(someone)某人anything任何事物anybody(anyone)anybody(anyone)任何人nothing无事无物nobody(no one)nobody(no one)无人everything一切;每一件事物everybody(everyone)everybody(everyone)每人注意注

11、意:形容词修饰不定代词时形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词的后面。(即形容词后置)要放在不定代词的后面。(即形容词后置)如:如:something important,anybody elsesomething important,anybody else表五(不定代词)单数复数泛指another=an otheranother=an other 又一又一(不确定数目不确定数目)otherother+复数名词复数名词othersothers特指the other the other(两个中的另一个两个中的另一个)the otherthe other+复数名词复数名词=the rest+=th

12、e rest+复数名词复数名词the othersthe others=the restthe rest其余全部其余全部功能作主语、宾语、定语作主语、宾语、定语作定语作定语作主语、宾语作主语、宾语搭配one.the otherone.the other 一个一个.另一个另一个some.other.some.other.+复数名词复数名词some.the some.the others.others.表六(指示代词)单数单数复数复数用法用法thisthis 这这thesethese这些这些指近处的人或物指近处的人或物thatthat 那那thosethose那些那些指远处的人或物指远处的人或物表

13、七(疑问代词)指人指人whowho谁谁(主格主格),),whomwhom 谁谁(宾格宾格),),whosewhose 谁的谁的(所有格所有格)指物指物whatwhat什么什么指人或物指人或物whichwhich哪一个哪一个;哪一些哪一些1._ is a boy of ten years old._hobby is collecting stamps.A.His;HeB.Him;HisC.He;His D.Himself;He2.This mobile phone is_._is in your bag.And_ is on the shelf.A.My;Your;hers B.mine;You

14、rs;hisC.her;His;yoursD.mine;Their;hers3.He finishes the hard work by_.I really like_.A.His;his B.him;himC.his;himselfD.himself;him4.There are_ vegetables in the fridge.But there isnt_ meat in it.A.Some;anyB.some;someC.any;anyD.any;some5.There is only_ milk and very _ eggs left in the fridge.A.little

15、;fewB.a little;fewC.few;a fewD.a few;little考点知识过关(单项选择)046.There isnt_ new information for us to look for.A.many B.muchC.lots ofD.a lot of7.Neither of the interviewers _ hard-working enough to take the job.A.are B.isC.hasD.have8.-What are you planning to do this weekend?-_ much.I think I will be fre

16、e.A.Something B.AnythingC.SomebodyD.Nothing9.-The nurses did _ they could to help the patients.-They were really kind.A.everything B.anythingC.nobodyD.nothing10.-Did you read _ in todays newspaper?-Yes.But there isnt _ in it.A.anything important;important anything B.interesting something;anything im

17、portant C.anything interesting;anything important D.something interesting;something important中考真题过关训练051.As soon as he reads one book,he brings home _.A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.the others2.They move on until at last,David sees some houses below.The children run to meet _.A.heB.hisC.himD.himself3.

18、Yes,he did everything well and lived for _ 16 years.A.anotherB.themC.othersD.the others4.So they decided to experiment with animals and test _ in spaceflights.A.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs5.Because his father died before he was born,Xian moved from place to place _ mother.A.heB.himC.his D.hes 中考真题精选(单

19、项选择)1.Tom is skating with a friend of _ on the mountain.They are having a good time.A.himB.he C.himselfD.his2.The old couples have five sons.But_ of them want to take care of them.A.neitherB.none C.allD.both3.-Shall we leave for the station now?-Yes.Lets hurry.We have _ time left.A.fewB.a littleC.li

20、ttleD.much4.There are many people on_ sides of the river watching the Dragon Boat race.A.eitherB.neitherC.eachD.both5._ of them knew the way to the museum.So I had to ask a third person for help.A.Neither B.Either C.BothD.None中考考点精练精测(单项选择)6.-Whats the matter with me,doctor?-Dont worry.Theres_ with

21、you.You only have _ a cold.A.nothing serious;a lot ofB.something serious;a bit B.serious nothing;a littleD.nothing serious;a bit of7._ will make you very excited if you win the important match.A.ThatB.ThisC.ItD.Those8.-Shall we stop to have a rest and _ drink?-Thats what I expected.A.anyB.someC.litt

22、leD.a bit9._ of us has heard from Lily,so we know nothing about her.A.BothB.NobodyC.NoneD.Each10.The Olympic Games are held _.A.each four yearB.every four years B.every fourth yearsD.each four years11.I dont think _ could pass the exam though it was not difficult.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybo

23、dy12.Help_ to some fish,boys.Its good for your health.A.himself B.yourselfC.themselvesD.yourselves13.Dont give her _ help.She can do it all by _.A.some;herselfB.any;herselfC.a few;herD.a little;her14.-Have you finished your work?-Not yet.Its ll take me _ thirty minutes.A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another15.There are two boxes in the room._ is full of paper,and _ is filled with books.A.One;oneB.Another;the other C.One;the other D.Other;the otherThank you very much


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