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1、 中考英语中考英语专题专题 之之补全对话补全对话 填句子型填句子型 问路指路 A:Excuse me.Id like to go to Xian Forest of Stone Steles Museum.1.?B:Yes.Its beside the Wenchang Gate.Can you tell me where it is上文说想去西安的一个博物馆,下文介绍了博物馆的所在位置,所以明显是考察问路的句型。A:Oh.2.B:Yes,you are right.Its about 4 kilometers away.Youd better take the bus there.Its a

2、 little far from here根据下文回答大约四公里,最好做公交车可知,上文应填入的句意为:有点远。A:3.?B:You can take No.14 bus.A:4.?B:It will take you about 15 minutes.Which bus can I takeHow long will it take me to get there根据下句你可以乘14路公交车可推出问句问的是我可以乘哪辆公交车此题根据下句将花费你大约15分钟的时间可推出问句:到那将花费我多长时间 A:Well,is the museum easy to find?B:Yes.There are

3、 always many people visiting the museum.I planned to visit it many times.A:The history is our eternal treasure.The bus is coming.What about going with me?B:5.Lets go.Good idea上句是提建议的句型,表示同意对方的建议时可用Good idea/Thats a good idea.购物 A:Good morning.1.?B:Yes,Id like to buy a coat.Can I help you此题根据下文回答“是的,

4、我想买一件上衣”,可知上句售货员会问“需要我帮你吗”A:2.?B:Small.What size do you take此题根据下句回答“Small:小号”,可知提问上衣的尺码 A:How about this yellow one?B:Sorry.3.Do youhave a brown one?A:Sure,here you are.I dont like the color此题根据问句”How about this yellow one:这件黄色的怎样“及回答”Sorry:对不起“,可知此句应该表达不喜欢这件或不喜欢这种颜色 B:I like it very much.4.?A:180

5、yuan.B:Its too expensive.How much is it此题根据下文回答”180 元“,可知上句提问价格 A:Theres a sale today.Everything is half price.B:OK.5.Please pack it up.Ill take it此题根据下句”请打包“,可知此句意思”我要这件了“打电话 A:Hello!This is Sam.May I speak to Peter?B:Hello,Sam!1.根据答语 Hello,Sam!This is Peter speaking.你好,山姆,我是皮特。可知他需要找皮特Could I spea

6、k to Peter A:Peter,I want to go to the shopping center to buy myfather a pair of sports shoes as a birthday present.2.?根据答语 Yes,Id love to.结合上文 I want to go to the shopping center to buy my father a pair of sports shoes as a birthday present.我想要去购物中心给我爸爸买一双运动鞋作为生日礼物,可知需要询问,你想去吗?Would you like to go

7、B:Yes,Id love to.Which brand do you want to choose,Adidas or Nike?A:3.Id like Anta.My father likesthis brand.根据上文 Which brand do you want to choose,Adidas or Nike?你想选择哪个牌子?阿迪达斯还是耐克?回答中 Id like Anta,这个品牌不是对方提到的两个品牌中的任何一个,需要用一个词,来表示“两者都不”Neither B:Oh,thats a good choice.4.?A:Lets meet at the gate of W

8、anda Plaza at 10:00 a.m.tomorrow.根据答语 Lets meet at the gate of Wanda Plaza at 10:00 a.m.tomorrow,我们明天上午10点在万达广场的门口见吧,可知需要询问见面的时间和地点When and where shall we meet B:All right.5.?A:Sure,you can take No.6 Bus.It can take you there.根据答语 Sure,you can take No.6 Bus.It can take you there.当然,你可以乘坐6路公交车。它可以带你去

9、那儿。可知需要询问,我可以乘坐公交车去吗?Can I take a bus there B:Thats a deal.See you then.A:See you.看病就医 A:Hey,Jane!You look terrible.1.?B:Oh,Im not feeling well.I have a headache.此题根据下句我感觉不舒服,有点儿头疼可知,上句需问你怎么了?Whats the matter with you A:2.When did it start?B:Maybe several hours ago.I cant remember it actually.当听到对方有

10、不好的经历时,用固定句型Im sorry to hear that.来回答I am sorry to hear that A:OK,I got it.3.?B:Yes,I went out to do sports this morning.此题根据下句“是的,今早上我出去做运动了,”可推出一般疑问句:今天早上你外出了么?Did you go out this morning A:But look at the serious smog.Do you know how it was formed?B:4.结合上下文可知此句考察一般疑问句的否定回答。No,I dont A:You need to

11、 know that.It was formed by the harmful gas,such as the gas from cars,and factories.B:That must be bad for peoples health.5.?A:You should stay at home and close the window.此题根据下句“你需要待在家里关下窗户”,可知问句没我应该怎么做?What should I do B:Thanks a lot.And I will follow your advice and have a good rest.人际沟通 A:Hi,eve

12、rybody.Im Becky.Welcome back to“The Problem Line”.Today,were going to talk about the problems with parents.Okay,its time for another call.Hello.1.?B:Hello.My names David.结合下文,My names David.可知其答语为名字是大卫,因此判断问句是询问对方叫什么名字Whats your name A:Hi,David.Welcome to“The Problem Line”.2.?B:Well,Im having proble

13、ms with my mom.结合下文,Well,Im having problems with my mom.可知和妈妈之间出了点问题,因此判断问句是询问对方怎么了Whats wrong with you Every timewe talk about something,we argue.A:3.Its impolite.结合上文,Every time we talk about something,we argue.可知每次说什么的时候会吵架,再结合下文,Its impolite.可知是不礼貌的,因此判断空格处要表达的是不应该和妈妈吵架You shouldnt argue with yo

14、ur mother B:I know.But she always arranges(安 排)everything for me.I cant even decide what to wear on week-ends.A:Thats too bad.4.?B:I tried,but she never listened to me.She thinks Ishould listen to her because Im her child.结合下文,I tried,but she never listened to me.可知妈妈从来不听他的,因此判断空格处要表达的建议是应该和妈妈聊聊You

15、should talk with her A:Well,thats a difficult problem.I think you shouldask your teachers for help.B:OK.5.Thank you.结合下文,Okay,next time I will come to The Problem Line with my mom.可知男孩同意下次带妈妈一起拨打问题热线,因此判断空格处要表示的是你可以和妈妈一起来You can come to The Problem Line with your mom 志愿活动 A:There will be a charity s

16、how tomorrow.B:1.?A:It will be held at the Center Park.根据It will be held at the Center Park.可知,此处询问它举行的地点Where will it be held B:2.?A:Yes,of course.There are many things you can do.You can sing to raise money for the blind.根据Yes,of course.There are many things you can do.You can sing to raise money

17、for the blind.可知,此处是一般疑问句,询问是否可以加入,是否有自己可以做的事Are there any things I can do there B:3.I am not goodat singing.But I can draw pictures and sell them toraise money for the disabled people.根据I am not good at singing.可知,我不擅长唱歌,因此表示我恐怕不能参加I am afraid I cant A:Sounds great.Lets meet at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow.B:

18、OK.4.?根据Lets meet at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow.和At the post office.可知,此处询问在哪里见面Where shall we meetA:At the post office.Then well go to the park by bike together.B:OK.5.根据OK.可知,同意一起去,因此表示再见See you then建议 A:Hi,Jack.Our speech competition about music is coming.B:Yeah.Im ready for it.What about you?A:I dont kno

19、w which topic I will choose.1.?B:Yes,I can give you some advice.What kind of musicdo you like best?根据下文回答是的,我可以给你一些建议,可知此处询问你可以给我一些建议吗?Could you give me some adviceDo you like pop music or rock music?A:2.B:Then,you should collect some information about pop music.根据上文询问你喜欢流行音乐还是摇滚乐?以及后面说你可以收集一些关于流行音乐

20、的信息,可知此处选择流行音乐。Pop musicA:All right.3.?B:You can collect the information by reading music magazines and checking the Internet.根据下文回答你可以通过阅读音乐杂志和查阅网络来收集信息。可知此处询问我可以怎么收集信息?How can I collect the informationA:4.Thank you very much.B:Youre welcome.By the way,a report about musicwill be held in our school

21、 根据后面说非常感谢你,可知此处表上文的提议很好Sounds great tomorrow.Would you liketo go there?A:5.I am available tomorrow.B:Wonderful,see you tomorrow.A:See you.根据上文询问你想要去那儿吗?以及后面说明天我有空Yes,Id like to邀请 A:Hello,this is Alice speaking.Is that Laura?B:Hi,Alice.This is Laura speaking.1.?A:I am going to have dinner outside 根据

22、答语:I am going to have dinner outside tonight.Would you like to go with me?(我今晚要去外面吃饭。你愿意和我一起去吗?)推断应该问 有什么事?口语常用Whats up?表示“有什么事?”Whats up tonight.Would youlike to go with me?B:2.Which restaurant do you want to go?A:How about the Red Star Restaurant?根据回答提示:Which restaurant do you want to go?(你想去哪个餐厅?

23、),所以她是愿意去的,Would you like do sth?表示建议的问句,肯定回答用 Yes,Id love/like t Yes,Id love/like to I think it has themost delicious food.B:It also has the best service.3.?A:Well,lets meet at the bus stop.根据答语:Well,lets meet at the bus stop.(好的,我们在公共汽车站见面吧。)回答的是见面的地址,推断问句应该是:我们在哪儿见面?Where shall we meetB:OK.And when shall we meet?I must finish my homework first.A:What about half past six?B:Sure.4.?A:My bike is broken.So we can get there by bus.B:5.See you later.根据答语:(我的自行车坏了。所以我们可以坐公共汽车去那里。)推断问句:我们将如何去那里?根据下句“See you later.”再见。可知此处应是表示同意A的提议How can we go thereAll rightThanks for your listening


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