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1、形容词副词形容词副词中考专项复习 形容词副词的基本用法,词义辨析,比较等级,形容词派生法 形容词和副词遍布在整个考卷之中,直接得分点集中出现在根据句意填单词,根据所给单词的适当形式填空,单选题以及小作文题型中。基本用法意义意义位置位置顺序顺序基本用法基本用法 1.意义 用来表示人或事物的性质、特征或状态的词称为形容词。e.g.What beautiful flowers they are!2.基本用法用法例句形容词做定语Zheng Shuang is a special girl.做表语(位于系动词之后)Durians smell bad but taste good.做宾语补足语(常与mak

2、e,keep,leave,find等动词连用)Please keep your mouth closed and eyes open.做主语(“the+形容词”表示一类人时,做主语,谓语动词用复数。)The rich are not always happy.做主语补足语We came back to school,tired but happy.注:注:表语形容词:ill,asleep,awake,alone,afraid,well,worth,gladIt was ill yesterday.3.位置 形容词通常放在名词前。Its a beautiful night.当形容词所修饰的词是由

3、some、any、every、no等构成的复合不定代词时,形容词必须置其后。I have something important to tell you.多个形容词修饰名词的顺序:“描大形新色国材”4.顺序a big new brown wooden table 分类及位置意义副 词1.意义用来表示行为或状态特征的词,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。He runs very fast.Luckily,he found his little dog.2.分类及位置分类常见副词副词位置示例时间副词today,soon,yesterday,already一般

4、放在句子中动词的后面It rained yesterday.地点副词here,there,away,homeLets go home.Lucy does well at school.方式副词fast,slowly,well程度副词very,nearly,so,enough一般放在所修饰的形容词或副词的前面Im very tired.频度副词always,never,often,seldom,hardly,usually,sometimes位置:“系后实前”,有时为了加强语气,也可以将其放在句首(用倒装)。He often plays chess.形派生法 形容词+ly 副词 quick _;

5、happy _;wide _1.后缀safetywarmthhappinessforeignerquicklyhappilywidely 形容词+ness/er/th/ty 名词 happy _;foreign _;warm _;safe _否定前缀:im/in/dis/un polite _;expensive _;honest _;comfortable _2.前缀impoliteinexpensivedishonestuncomfortable根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1When they_(最终)arrived at the hotel,it was midnight.2Zhang J

6、ing is thought highly of because of her_(完美的)translation.3In order to see the blackboard_(清楚地),she must wear glasses every day.4My grandpas money was _(安全地)locked in the drawer.5You must be _(小心的)when a stranger asks about your personal information.6There is nothing _(奇怪的)in the box.finallyperfectcl

7、earlysafelycarefulstrange7All Chinese people think _(高度地)of Zhong Nanshan because of his achievements.8To help my parents live a better life is _(确切地)what I want.9.The boy entered the room _(悄悄地)in order not to wake up his mother.10Im_(口渴的),and I want something to drink.11She is_ (自豪的)that her daugh

8、ter has so much talent.12Alice is a clever girl.She is always_ (有能力的)to come up with good ideas.13It was midnight,but he was still _(清醒)thinking about the teaching plan.14When the office had a power cut _(突然),everyone screamed.highlyexactlyquietly thirstyproudableawake suddenly比较等级肯定形式:as+形容词/副词原级+a

9、s 否定形式:not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as 句型1.原级Science is as important as math.He didnt clean the room as carefully as me.“和一样”“不如”very/too/so/quite+形容词/副词原级 修饰语Im so happy to see my idol.2.比较级及最高级 形容词、副词比较等级的构成原级比较级最高级单音节词和部分双音节一般在词尾加er/esttallshorttallershortertallestshortest以不发音字母e结尾的,在词尾加r或stnicelatenicerla

10、ternicestlatest重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写该辅音字母,再加er/estbigthinfatbiggerthinnerfatterbiggestthinnestfattest以“辅音字母+y”结尾的变y为i,再加er/estearlyfunnyearlierfunnierearliestfunniest部分双音节词和多音节词在词前加more/mostinterestingbeautifulmore interestingmore beautifulmost interestingmost beautiful原级比较级最高级many/muchmoremostgood/we

11、llbetterbeatbad/badly/illworseworstlittlelessleastfarfarther/furtherFarthest/furthestoldolder/elderolder/elder 比较级+than.e.g.This tree is taller than that one.Which/Who is+比较级,A or B?e.g.Which subject do you like better,Chinese or math?形容词、副词比较级的基本句型 “The+比较级(+主+谓+其他),the+比较级(+主+谓+其他)”表示“越.,就越.”The m

12、ore you eat,the heavier youll be.“比较级+and+比较级.”表示“越来越”(多音节词:more and more+原级)In winter,the days are getting colder and colder.Our world is becoming more and more beautiful.“the+比较级+of the two.”表示“两者之中较/更.”Lu Han is the stronger of the two boys.than any other+可数名词单数He is taller than any other student

13、 in his class.表示倍数:数字+times+比较级+than.=(数字+1)+times as+原级+as Our room is twice larger than theirs.Our room is three times as large as theirs.比较级前可用much、a little、a lot、a bit、even等修饰。比较级的修饰语Zhao is much more famous than me.You study much harder than me.He is the tallest of us.in my class.形容词、副词最高级的基本句型

14、 .the+最高级+of+比较对象in+范围.one of the+最高级+n.pl.The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders in the world.the+序数词+最高级 Sam is the second youngest in my class.Which/Who is the+最高级,A,B or C?Who is the thinnest,Linda,Lily or Grace?1Whats _ mountain in the world?Qomolangma.It is 8848.86 meters high according

15、 to the latest report.Ahigher Bhighest Cthe highest Dhigh2Bill lives _ to school than Peter.Aclose Bclosed Ccloser Dthe closest3Protecting ourselves is one of _ things we must do.Aimportant Bmore important Cmost important Dthe most important4Who is the girl dancing on the stage?Oh,shes my friend Mar

16、ia.She dances _ than before.Awell Bmuch better Cbest Dthe bestC玩转玩转考点考点CBD5I think _ children learn to look after themselves,_ it is for their future.Athe earlier;the better Bthe earliest;the bestCthe early;the good6The roads are becoming _ as more people go to work in the morning.Awider Blonger Ccl

17、eaner Dbusier7The more _ you drive,the _ you are.Acareful;safer Bcarefully;saferCcarefully;safely Dcareful;safelyADB8Is your father strict with you?Yes.He takes my grades as _ as my teachers do.Aserious Bmore serious Cseriously Dmore seriously9Are you going to the airport by bus?Id rather take a tax

18、i.Its _.Aquicker Bcheaper Cthe quickest Dthe cheapest10Peter studies _ of all the students in his class.Ahard Bharder ChardestCAC形副辨析-ing&-ed-ingadj.修饰物,在句中做定语 或表语。The story is interesting.-edadj.修饰人,只能做表语。Linda is interested in reading.exciting&excitedrelaxing&relaxedboring&boredalone&lonelyHe danc

19、es alone,but he doesnt feel lonely.aloneadj.&adv.意为“独自地,单 独地”,指无人陪 伴,只能做表语,无感情色彩。(做副词时,alone 可做状语)。He dances alone but he doesnt feel lonely.lonelyadj.意为“孤独的,寂寞的,含有感情色彩,可做定 语和表语。She is a lonely person.You cant get on well with her easily.alive,live,living,livelyaliveadj.“活着的,在世的”,一般指人,多做表语。Im still

20、alive.liveadj.主要用于修饰动物或无生命的动词,做前 置定语。另外还有“现场直播的”意思。He said he had seen a live whale.I want to see the live show.livingadj.既可以做表语又可以做定语,可以修饰人 和物或比喻场合。意为“活着的”,强调说 明“健在的”。The living should remember the old days.livelyadj.在句中做表语或定语,意为“活泼的,生动的,栩栩如生的”,既可以指人,又可以指物。She is a lively girl.sick&illsickadj.“生病的“

21、,做定语和 表语It is a sick dog.illadj.“生病的”,只能做表 语Tom has been ill/sick for a long time.sleepy,asleep,sleepingsleepyadj.“困倦的”,可做表语和定 语I felt sleepy all day.asleepadj.“睡着的”,只做表语fall asleep“入睡”,强调动作;be asleep“睡着的”,强调状态sleeping adj.“正在睡觉的”,既可做表 语,又可做定语,强调 状态a sleeping beautysleepy-asleep-sleeping so&suchsosu

22、chadv.adj.so+adj./adv.(+a/an+n.)such+a/an+adj.+n.such+adj.+n.pl.such+adj.+u.n.He is so great a boy.He is such a great boy.We have so much homework to do.There are so many people on the beach.loud,aloud,loudlyloudadj.&adv.大声地,高声地,响亮 地Speak louder,or no one will hear you.aloudadv.出声地,使声音能听到Read aloud,

23、please!loudly adv.高声地,含有“吵闹地,嘈杂 地”之意Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly.especially&speciallyespeciallyadv.强调事物特有的性质、性 格或专门的目的、用途。I love England,especially in autumn.speciallyadv.强调的是重要性,有优越、好感之意。He came here specially to say sorry to her.hard&hardlyhardadj.硬的;难的adv.努力地;猛烈地The stone is hard.It

24、rained hard/heavily.hardlyadv.几乎不I can hardly understand my teachers words.too,also,eithertooadv.肯定句句末I like bananas.I like bananas,too.alsoadv.肯定句句中She also knows the result.eitheradv.否定句句末Jim didnt go to Beijing.Bill didnt,either.单项选择。1Drinking tea is usually seen as a _ life style in China.Astric

25、t Bboring Cclean Dhealthy2The Chinese language is more and more popular.Exactly!Its becoming a _ language skill in the international community.Asimilar BdifficultCnecessary Dtraditional3Its not _ to talk with your mouth full.Aboring Bpolite Cterrible DsleepyDB玩转玩转考点考点C4Does the store have good fame?

26、Yes,the prices here are always very fair.The owner just wants to make a(an)_ living.Ahonest Bhealthy Crelaxing Dexciting5No one is _The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.Acareful Bgenerous Cfamous Dperfect6I cant believe you made the life-like cat out of paper.How _ you are!Aloyal Bcreati

27、ve Chelpful DorganizedDAB7I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.I agree.I find it _ to improve my listening.Aharmful Bthankful Ccareful Dhelpful8Peter has a _ memory and often forgets the names of people around him.Along Bgood Crich Dpoor9We should learn to decide what

28、 is right and what is _ facing rumors(谣言)Aeasy Bdifficult Cwrong DhighDDC10In order to send the donations to the hospital as soon as possible,the drivers _ stopped to eat or rest during the journey.Anearly Bhardly Cbadly Dmostly11Susan went into her bedroom and ate chocolate _,not letting her parent

29、s know that.Aslowly Bcalmly Csecretly Dproperly12Sue works _,so she never seems to make mistakes.Alate Balone Chappily DcarefullyBCD13.Cloth shoes became popular during the Ming Dynasty,_ in Sichuan province.Ahardly Bnearly Creally Despecially14.Please be polite and _ offer your seat to people who n

30、eed it.Anever Bseldom Csometimes Dalways15.Have you seen my mobile phone,Sam?I cant find it _.Aeverywhere Bsomewhere Cnowhere Danywhere16.Does your sister spend her money _?Yes,of course.She knows what to buy and what not to buy.Aquickly Bwisely Cbadly DsimplyDDDB17.You and I are lucky as weve _ had

31、 to worry about finding clean water.Aoften Busually Cnever18.What time is it now?I cant tell you the time _,but I know its too late.Aexactly Bsuddenly Cpolitely Dwisely19.Zhong Nanshan is _ thought to be the hero of fighting against COVID-19.Ahardly Bwidely Csuddenly Dbadly20I think Miss Wang is the

32、 most _ teacher in our school.Thats true.She never gets angry with her students.Apatient BbeautifulCinteresting DimportantCABA.完形填空。Most children simply go to the store and buy birthday cards for their fathers.But Tina didnt.She spent much time cutting pictures and making a 1 birthday card for her f

33、ather.Then,she wrote a message to him.It said,“Happy birthday to the best father in the world.You work really hard and always think of Mom and me.We both love you.”When everything was 2.Tina sat down quietly and waited for her father to get home.As Mr.Fisher opened the door,Tina jumped up quickly to

34、 sing the song Happy birthday.Mr.Fisher didnt expect them to remember his birthday,so he was very 3.When Mrs.Fisher lit the candles,Mr.Fisher made a wish.Then,he blew out all the candles.He looked around at his family.The birthday card from his daughter was 4 than any gift from the store.He was move

35、d to tears and he knew that he was very 5 to have a family like this.()1.A.special Bexpensive Ccommon Dcheap()2.A.busy Bready Cnice Dfree()3.A.upset Bbored Csad Dsurprised()4.A.easier Bworse Cbetter Dharder()5.A.lucky Bquiet Csmart DkindADCAB形容词短语形容词短语1与与about搭配搭配 be careful about(对小心)be certain/sur

36、e about(对有把握)be crazy about(对热衷)be sorry about(对感到抱歉)be worried about(对担忧)2与与at搭配搭配 be angry at(对生气)be clever at(在方面熟练)be good at(擅长于)be mad at(对愤怒)be surprised at(对感到惊奇)3与与for搭配搭配be bad for(对有坏处)be famous/known/wellknown for(因而著名)be good for(对有好处)be late for(迟到)be sorry for(为感到抱歉)be thirsty for(渴望)

37、be/get ready for(为做好准备)4与与from搭配搭配be absent from(缺席)be different from(与不同)5与与in搭配搭配be disappointed in(对失望)be interested in(对感兴趣)be successful in(在方面成功)be weak in(在方面薄弱)6与与of搭配搭配be afraid of(害怕)be certain/sure of(对有把握)be fond of(喜欢)be full of(充满)be proud of(对感到自豪)be short of(短缺)be/get tired of(对感到厌倦)

38、7与与to搭配搭配be close to(接近,靠近)be friendly to(对友好)be good to(对好)be kind to(对和蔼)be nice to(对友好)be polite to(对礼貌)be rude to(对粗鲁)be similar to(与相似)be thankful to(对心存感激)be useful to(对有用)8与与with搭配搭配be angry with(对生气)be busy with(忙于)be careful with(小心)be filled with(充满)be happy/pleased/satisfied with(对感到满意)be patient with(对有耐心)be strict with(对严格要求)


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