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1、2022年贵州省毕节市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Would you like to go to the open-air concert at school? Itll start in _ hour and _ half.Aan; anBa; anCan; aDa; a2I began to teach _ English when I was twenty-two years old.AtheyBtheirCtheirsDthem3Students _ play with fire in the classroom. Its quite dangerous.

2、AmustntBmustCcouldntDcould4The Forbidden City (紫禁城), the largest palace in the world, _ more than 600 years ago.AbuiltBwere builtCwas built upDwas building5Neither Saturday nor Sunday_ OK because I will be quite busy these two days.AareBisCamDbe6Could you tell me _ pay the bills? You can pay your bi

3、lls through Alipay(支付宝)online.Ahow much IllBhow many IllChow can IDhow I can7_ the weather improves, well have to cancel the outdoor picnic.AUnlessBIfCBecauseDWhen8Many people have lost their homes because of wars. Its important for people _ a peaceful world.AhaveBhadCto haveDto be having9Making rob

4、ots is one of _ activities among students. Each of them has his own robot.Amore popularBthe most popularCmore difficultDthe most difficult10Please mind your head, sir._AIt doesnt matter.BOK! Thank you.CDont mention.DIm afraid not.二、完形填空Mr. Zhang was a cook in Canada. He _11_ in Guangzhou, and he lea

5、rned to cook in Hong Kong. He moved to Canada for work when he was 26 years old. Everything was good till COVID-19(新冠病毒)broke out. Last year, he returned to China because the economy(经济)in Canada began _12_ down. “Im 50 now and I worry about my future there,” said Mr. Zhang. So he gave up his job an

6、d returned to China in September, 2021 and set up his own_13_ named Hong Kong Restaurant in Guangzhou. Mr. Zhang loves _14_ and his restaurant offers everyone a taste of Hong Kong. When he was preparing for his restaurant, his friend who is the leader of a nursing home(疗养院)asked him if he would like

7、 to provide food _15_ patients aged above 60 there. Mr. Zhang thought it was a good idea. “It is my pleasure to do this social work by _16_ a government program.”He uses his free time in the morning to prepare special _17_ for these old people. He has to be careful because the food must be _18_. The

8、 old patients enjoy the food _19_.Mr Zhang said, “The local government offers many preferential policies(优惠政策)for people from abroad and I want to hold the _20_.” Doing such kind of work has brought Mr. Zhang a lot of happiness.11Awoke upBgrew upCbrought upDset up12Ato slowBto takeCto shutDto throw1

9、3AofficeBrestaurantCfactoryDshop14AcookingBeatingCdrinkingDpainting15AonBinCforDwith16AgivingBtakingCjoiningDstarting17AbowlsBchairsCmeatDmeals18AbeautifulBpossibleCcomfortableDhealthy19AkindlyBsadlyChappilyDhurriedly20AchanceBactivityCadviceDpeople三、阅读单选East DailyJanuary 5, 2022, WednesdayTHEY NEED

10、 YOUR HELPThis is the chance for you to help those less lucky members. We suggest you give help to the following organizations. Orphan(孤儿)HouseChildrens toys, books and clothes are needed here. Also we are looking for friendly families who would like to take our children into their homes for a few h

11、ours as guests. If possible, please phone Mrs. Liu at 88776655. Street FoodIn very cold weather, it is no fun being homeless and hungry. We give hot food to at least one hundred people every night. We need new cookers(炊具). Please give us a hand. If possible, please phone 88775566. Youth ClubHave you

12、 got an unwanted chair or a CD player? We need them to work in our meeting room! Please call the secretary. Phone number: 88667755. Well be happy to collect anything you can give us. Thank you! Night Shelter(庇护所)We offer a warm bed to anyone who has nowhere to go. Although a bed is not expensive, we

13、 do not have enough money to pay for enough beds. If you would like to support us some, please send money to us at 15, Landong Street Office. Phone number: 88557766. 21The passage appeared in the newspaper in the season of _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter22The people who can offer a kind family to an

14、orphan for a few hours may call _.A88667755B88776655C88775566D8855776623To give hot food to so many homeless and hungry people every night, Street Food would like to have _.Atoys and booksBnew cookersCbeds and chairsDCD players24People can send their money to Night Shelter _.Ato buy enough bedsBto b

15、uy some hot foodCto get toys and clothesDto take unwanted things25Reading the passage, you might like to help these organizations which work for _.AMrs. LiuBLandong Street OfficeCless lucky membersDthe secretary of Youth ClubIf you travel in New Zealand, you may find some very interesting things. It

16、 is called “New Zealand Four Strange Things”. Have you ever seen that cows are lined up? New Zealand is so large. It is impossible for people to milk cows by hand. So the farmers trained the leading cow to take the cows to the milking station twice a day. The leading cow has a sensor(传感器)on its head

17、. When it is time for milking, the sensor warns the leading cow to take the lead. Horses are mainly raised for viewing(观赏)and racing, so the coat color is very important. Wearing sunscreen(防晒)clothes on horses can avoid the harm from the sun. The clothes on horses are filled with weights that are th

18、e same weight of the rider. When the weights are replaced by the rider during the race, “_” just like the sportsman running with sandbags. Sheep in New Zealand used to have tails. Because they poop(排便)when theyre born, grass flies are interested in them. Grass flies lay their eggs in the tails of th

19、e baby sheep, causing illness and death. Then people tie their tails. As time passes, the sheep become tailless. This improves the survival rate(成活率). New Zealands alpacas(羊驼)were introduced from South America. They are quite different from two-humped camels(双峰驼). An alpaca weighs about 55 kg to 65

20、kg. Its shape is like a sheep. Only one grown-up male(雄性)alpaca can be found in each group. It is the leading one. Alpacas are gentle, clever and human. 26Why do the cows in New Zealand stand in line?ABecause the cows want to eat grass.BBecause the cows are ready for milking.CBecause the cows used t

21、o do so.DBecause the leading cow asks them to do so.27Which of the following can be put in “_”?Athe horses will be used to running with weightsBthe horses can run faster than beforeCthe horses wont be able to runDthe horses will not be used to running28How do people make sheeps tails become tailless

22、?ABy cutting them.BBy tying them.CBy pulling them.DBy pushing them.29How much does an alpaca weigh?AAbout 30 kg to 40 kg.BAbout 40 kg to 50 kg.CAbout 50 kg to 60 kg.DAbout 55 kg to 65 kg.30Which is the best title for this article?ATravel in New ZealandBCows, Horses, Sheep and AlpacasCNew Zealand Fou

23、r Strange ThingsDAnimals in New ZealandChina has four satellite launch bases(卫星发射基地). They are Jiuquan in Gansu, Xichang in Sichuan, Taiyuan in Shanxi and Wenchang in Hainan. Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center which was founded(建立)in 1958 is one of the four famous satellite launch bases in China. The c

24、enter has created eight proud firsts for Chinas space industry. On April 21, 1970, Chinas first man-made earth satellite was raised there. The Long March 2F rocket carrying the Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft blasted off(发射)from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in June, 2021. Xichang Satellite Launch

25、Center, also known as Xichang Satellite City, was founded in 1970. After 37 years of development, the center has thousands of sets of excellent equipment(设备). It is known as the “Oriental Houston(东方休斯顿)”. Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center was founded in 1967. The center has launched Chinas first weath

26、er satellite “Fengyun-1”, making nine firsts in the history of Chinas satellite launches. Wenchang Space Launch Center(founded in 2009)is now the fourth satellite launch center of China. Because it is only 19 degrees away from the equator(赤道), more rocket loads(负载)are possible, making it the center

27、of Chinas space development in the future.31How many satellite launch bases are there in China according to the passage?AThere are three.BThere are four.CThere are five.DThere are six.32What does the underlined words “manned spacecraft” mean in Chinese?A载人飞船B宇宙空间站C航空航天器D人造地球卫星33Which center is known

28、 as the “Oriental Houston”?AJiuquan Satellite Launch Center.BXichang Satellite Launch Center.CTaiyuan Satellite Launch Center.DWenchang Space Launch Center.34Choose the order of the foundation(成立)time of the four centers according to the following:JiuquanXichangTaiyuanWenchangABCD35Which of the foll

29、owing is NOT right?AThe center of Taiyuan has made nine firsts since 1967.BThe Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft blasted off in June, 2021.CThe center of Jiuquan has created eight proud firsts since 1968.DThe center of Wenchang will be the center of Chinas space development.四、阅读还原7选5Do you know how peo

30、ple send messages to each other? Scientists say only 35% of our communication is done through spoken language. _36_ It is natural for us to use our bodies to share our thoughts and feelings. _37_ For example, smiling may be the easiest body language. People understand its meaning without thinking. _

31、38_ But the meaning of some body languages change from one culture to another. Most people move their heads up and down to mean “yes” and side to side to mean “no”. You may think that these have the same meanings everywhere. _39_ In a country, people move their heads side to side to mean “yes”, and

32、up and down to mean “no”. As we have looked at some examples, there are many kinds of body languages and their meanings may change from one culture to another. _40_ If we dont understand them, we may make a mistake and send a wrong signal(信号). The best advice is to watch what other people do in thei

33、r cultures and follow them.ASome of the ways of body language are the same all over the world.BBody language is the most important.CIt is necessary for us to understand them.DSo it is good to smile when we meet people.EThe other 65% is done through “body language”.FIt is not polite to smile at peopl

34、e. GHowever, they have the opposite meanings.五、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从选项中所给的五个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能选一次。A: _41_ B: Pretty good._42_ A: Who did you go with? B: I went with my parents and my brother. A: Did you go by bus or by car? B: Neither. _43_ A: How long did it take you to get there? B: _44_ It was m

35、uch faster. A: _45_ B: It has changed a lot with the help of the government. A: Im glad to hear that.AWe went by high speed train.BHow was your weekend?CWhat do you think of your hometown?DI went back to my hometown to see my grandparents.EOnly one hour.六、短文改错阅读短文。判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和有漏字符号()处是否有错误。如无,在该行

36、右边横线上画一个“”;如有(每行只有一个),则按下列情况改正)画线部分为多余的词:把该词写在该行右边的横线上并画上斜线()。画线部分为错词:在该行右边横线上写出一个正确的词。有漏字符号()处缺一个词:在该行右边横线上写出所缺的词。John is a 13-years-old schoolboy. He studies very hard at school and gets good_46_grades in all his subject. But he doesnt like sports. Six months ago, he did not_47_feel good. He often

37、 had colds and felt sick to his stomach. His parents took him_48_to see a doctor. After asking him some questions and giving him a careful _49_examination, the doctor said which it was not serious and told Johns parents_50_ to worry about it. Then the doctor told John to take more exercise and stop_

38、51_eating fast food. From then on, John went to school by a bike every day instead_52_of taking the bus. At first, he felt tire and weak. But two weeks later, he got_53_fitter and started to enjoy it. Since he started ride a bike, he has not had a cold._54_To his surprise, he has not had a stomachac

39、he since he stoped eating fast food._55_七、小作文56下面是一篇未写完的短文,请认真阅读,为短文写一个3040词的结尾,使短文连贯完整。Family is the first school in ones life. Family education is very important. In my family, my parents often_八、讲稿57劳动课即将走进我们的课程中,你作为一名即将完成义务教育阶段学习任务的学生,请你为在校同学写一篇英文发言稿,谈谈你对新课程方案的看法和建议。词数80左右。内容包括:1. 初中学生的学习任务应该有哪些

40、?(写2点)2. 课程方案规定,初中学生能设计一日三餐食谱,独立制作午餐或晚餐中34道菜等。对此你有何想法?(2点)3. 你对在校同学的倡议(2点)作文要求:1. 文章的开头已经给出,但不计入总词数;2. 语句连贯,书写工整;不得出现单位或个人真实名称。参考词汇:课程方案: curriculum plan; 设计食谱design recipes;A new subject will be carried out in schoolThe new change about the labor class in school has had a heated discussion online. _试卷第9页,共10页


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