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1、2022年浙江省温州市南浦实验中学中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Hangzhou, _ beautiful city of China, will hold 19th Asian Games in 2022.AaBanCtheD/2A dogs eating habit will be _ developed after regular training.AslowlyBwidelyCoriginallyDsuddenly3Unluckily, many parents _ to realize that their behaviors will greatly

2、 influence their children.AhopeBfailCbeginDcontinue4What do you think of Mr. Blacks _, Jane?Excellent! It is such a great success that everyone is talking about his amazing paintings.AconcertBexhibitionCsuggestionDoperation5Its not _ to read Tonys diary without telling him. He will be mad at you.Ahe

3、lpfulBpossibleCproperDnecessary6Im sure that you wont be too nervous in the interview _ you prepare for it well.AifBbeforeCuntilDunless7Zhang Jing behaved perfectly in the China-US High-level Strategic Dialogue.Yes, she _ stay in calm even when she is under much pressure.AcanBmayCmustDwould8I wonder

4、 why Andrew looks so unhappy.Well, he _ his homework at home. He has to return to fetch it.AleavesBleftCwill leaveDhad left9Jane, do you know _?They are working hard to solve the math problem.Awho are best at math in your classBwhy there are so many students hereCwhen they discussed about the proble

5、mDwhat they plan to do for the competition10Japan decided to pour wastewater into the Pacific Ocean!_ I am extremely against the decision.AThat depends!BThats not the point.CThats awful!DThats no excuse.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mother let no one touch the tomatoes. Ive seen her ou

6、t in that field every day since the funeral. I was so _11_ that she spent too much time in the hot sun. I decided to talk to her about it though it was not easy. Since fathers death, she liked to be alone. She was _12_ most of the time.“Mother,” I asked, “Why do you make yourself _13_ out like a you

7、ng farmhand? You have plenty of help.”She looked at me. “Jimmy” she said _14_ “dont interfere with my work on the farm. I know you mean well. But you know _15_ about what had happened. It was your father that planted these tomatoes.”“Father? _16_ he was so ill.”“He was too ill to work. But he would

8、not let the walls of sickroom shut him _17_. He loved the fresh air, and you could not stop him from _18_ in the ground. So, every day he came out and planted a few tomatoes. And these plants are the only part of the crop that was _19_. I feel there the only part of him I have left still living. And

9、 they will be gone at the end of the summer.”I said nothing more because she was close to tears. Every _20_ I made to understand mothers problem only drove us further apart. Id never been a part of the farm really. Father _21_ teaching me how to farm early in my life. He saw how much I loved books.

10、I was given small jobs around the farm and no more was expected from me. That seemed to be the final break with the farm, then there was school, college.Now, mother was left with only a son, who was a stranger, and a(n) _22_ house, full of memories of fathers deep laughter. She was trying to learn t

11、o live with her loneliness.I left the house and began to walk around the farm. The ground seemed strange under my feet. I made myself realize that this was _23_ I was born and grew up. I _24_ not taking more of an interest.I rushed into the house and put my head on mothers shoulder. With a hope that

12、 my _25_ would work, I asked, “Think you could teach me a little about farming?”11AmadBworriedCsurprisedDafraid12Ain silenceBin troubleCin dangerDin peace13AweakBsadCtiredDupset14AexcitedlyBnervouslyCshylyDdeterminedly15AeverythingBanythingCnothingDsomething16AButBOrCAndDSo17AdownBupCinDout18Aplayin

13、gBwalkingCworkingDlying19AhisBhersCyoursDmine20ApromiseBeffortCdecisionDachievement21Awent onBprepared forCinsisted onDgave up22AemptyBtinyCordinaryDbusy23AwhyBwhereCwhenDhow24AenjoyedBregrettedCappreciatedDimagined25AprogressBchangeCcommandDrespect三、阅读单选26In which of the following might the passage

14、 come from?AA newspaper.BA guidebook.CA health report.DA copy of instructions.27If you buy one medium-firm and two medium-soft, how much do you just need to pay?A49.99B59.98C79.98D89.9728Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe pillow is designed in America.BOnly the soft pillows

15、 are available.CThe pillow is made of two kinds of material.DThe shape of the pillow wont change at night.Chinese paintings serve as a symbol of China, which come in different types such as figure, landscape, bird-and-flower painting. Traditional Chinese painting is usually done using a brush with b

16、lack ink, mostly on paper or silk. The finished work can be put up on the wall. Traditional painting has also been done on walls, china, etc.The goal of the traditional Chinese painter is interesting: to pursue not only the outer appearance of a subject but its inner theme as wellits energy, life fo

17、rce and spirit. To achieve his goal, the Chinese painter more often refused the appearance of color in its painting, as the color is seen as distraction. Instead, he preferred lines.However, Chinese paintings come in varied styles. Some are made in Line drawing, using inked lines to draw the outline

18、 of objects. Some are made in ink and wash, using a brush, dipped into ink with more or less water, to spread the ink across the paper. It felt like painters brush the paper with great strength. Some are made in liberal style, using free and simple lines to show the spirit of the objects. Others are

19、 made in gong-bi, using every detail to appear much more decorative and real. Painters will make it “as detailed as it can be”.To appreciate Chinese paintings, people usually have to go to special occasions. Paintings are usually placed in good condition out of reach by hand. Collectors who choose t

20、o display their works continuously should stop the sunlight from reaching on the paintings. Man-made low light and conditions that are neither too dry nor too wet are the best for keeping a traditional Chinese painting in good shape.29According to the passage, traditional Chinese paintings _.Aavoid

21、the use of colorBhave mainly two typesCare hardly found on chinaDare only done on the paper30Which of the following is a landscape painting made in ink and wash?ABCD31Paintings are usually kept in a place with _.Adirect sunlightBnatural low lightCquite dry environmentDcertain distance from visitors3

22、2The writer mainly expects to _ by writing this passage.Atell people the history of Chinese paintingsBexplain some facts about Chinese paintingsCoffer advice on how to draw Chinese paintingsDprove Chinese paintings are a symbol of ChinaNo other planet has captivated our imaginations quite like Mars.

23、 Changing from a landscape similar to that of Earth to a red wasteland, Mars seems to hold many questions waiting for answers. With countless possibilities, countries around the world are sending spacecrafts to it.And one of the most ambitious spacecrafts launched yet is Chinas Tianwen-1. Tianwen-1,

24、 a Mars spacecraft named after a poem titled the Quest for Heavenly Truth by ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan, was launched by China on July 23, 2020. The reason why this spacecraft is regarded as ambitious is that it consists of an orbiter, a lander and a rover and is going to achieve these missions in

25、 one go. However, realizing all three missions on a first-attempt is a fear that hasnt been achieved by any country before.Lets start with Tianwen-1s first mission, entering the orbit of Mars. The orbiter will not only be used as the vessel for the lander and rover to enter the orbit of Mars, but it

26、 will also be responsible for taking pictures and analyzing the surface of Mars. Equipped with many scientific instruments, the orbiter will study Martian soil, geological structure, environment and atmosphere.Once the orbiter manages to enter the orbit around Mars, it will release the lander and ro

27、ver system. To successfully land on Mars, the lander needs to decelerate from its release in the Martian atmosphere, or it will be damaged because of the high speed. NASA scientists once referred to a Mars landing as “the six minutes of terrors”, because the Martian atmosphere creates heat to any ob

28、ject that hopes to land on the surface. Ideally, when the lander touches the ground, it will release a 240-kilogram rover. The rover, with an expected lifespan of at least 90 Martian days, will conduct various kinds of scientific exploration on Mars.The exploration of Mars is in its early stages. Bu

29、t hopefully, Tianwen-1, which also marked Chinas first step in planetary exploration of the solar system, will help to provide answers to longtime questions from scientists and provide insight into mysteries of the Red Planet.33From the first paragraph, Mars is attractive to us because _.Ait holds a

30、 large number of secrets to discoverBmany spacecrafls have arrived on Mars so farCwe dont know why it changed into a red wastelandDexploring Mars is harder than exploring other planets34What does the underlined word “decelerate” in Paragraph 4 mean?ASet offBSlow downCTurn offDCool down35It can be in

31、ferred from the passage that _.ANASA has managed to land spaceships on Mars beforeBthe rover will take pictures of Mars and study its surfaceCthe orbiter plays the most important role in exploring MarsDscientists are not confident about the success of the missions36Which of the following can be the

32、best title of the passage?AThe Structure of Chinas Tianwen-1BChinese Key Step to Explore MarsCA Mars Spacecraft with New TechnologyDCountless Secrets behind the Red Plane四、多任务混合阅读“Please, mother, do sit down and let me try my hand,” said Fred Liscom, a bright, active boy, ten years old. Mrs. Liscom,

33、 looking pale and worn, was trying to clear away the breakfast she had hardly tasted. She smiled, and said, “You, Fred, you wash dishes?” “Yes, mother,” replied Fred, “Just try me.”A look of relief came over his mothers face as she sat in her chair. Fred washed the dishes, and put them in the closet

34、. He then swept the kitchen, kissed his mother goodbye and set out for school. After school, Fred hurried home from school quickly, set the table, and again washed the dishes.He kept on in this way for two weeks, till his mother was able to do her usual work, and he felt quite rewarded when the doct

35、or, who happened in one day, said, “Well, madam, its my opinion that you would have been very sick if you had not kept quiet. You were so busy and tired before.” The doctor did not know what the boy did in order to make his mother “quiet”, nor how nervous the boy was while hearing his words. Fred ha

36、d given up a great deal of what boys loved, for the purpose of helping his mother.Besides this, his temper and his patience had been severely tried. He had been in the habit of going early to school, and staying to play after it was dismissed. The boys missed him, and their curiosity was excited. “I

37、 will tell you,” said Tom Barton, “Ill find it out.”So he called for Fred to go to school, and he walked lightly to the kitchen window. Looking in, he saw Fred standing at the table with a dishcloth in his hand. Then he reported this at school, and various were the greetings poor Fred received at br

38、eak. “Well, youre a brave one to stay at home washing dishes.” “Girl boy!”Fred wanted to fight with some of his classmates, but his awareness of right and his love for his mother helped him. While he was struggling for self-control, his teacher appeared at the door of the schoolhouse. Fred caught hi

39、s eye, and it seemed to look, even if it did not say, “Dont give up! Be really brave!” The boys received notice during the day and so the brave little boy had no further trouble.37Fred wanted to wash the dishes to _.Alearn to be more independentBhelp his mother have a good restCwin high praise from

40、the teachersDfollow what the doctor asked him to38The right order of the following is _.a. The classmates laughed at Fred and were punished by the teacherb. Fred went home early and helped his mother wash the dishesc. The doctor came and said his mother should keep quietd. Tom went to Freds house an

41、d found out the truthAa-c-d-bBa-c-b-dCc-d-b-aDc-b-d-a39What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe teacher gave the notice to Fred for what he did.BThe teacher spoke to Fred and encouraged him a lot.CFred may get on well with his classmates in the following days.DFred didnt fight with the classma

42、tes because his teacher stopped him.40What do you think of Fred according to the passage? (请用约40词回答)_五、多句选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。meanshelfpraisetrueexcept41Look! All the books are in orderly rows on _.42To his joy, his latest movie won high _ from the audience.43I had no idea what he _ exactly.

43、 It just didnt make any sense.44In order to keep fit, James always goes for a walk after dinner _ rainy days.45I am _ thankful for your kindness. I wouldnt achieve so much without your help.六、短文汉语提示填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。Novak Djokovic is _46_ (有影响力的) tennis player in the world today. Novak b

44、ecomes only the _47_ (第七) man in the history of tennis who _48_ (获得) 11 Grand Slam titles or more so far.Novak thinks it is the support and love of those around him that makes his career amazing. His support system _49_ (描述) as the strongest one in all of the tennis world. His parents were both grea

45、t players _50_ (他们自己) and owned a company called Family Sports. His parents are almost always _51_ (出席的) at his games to support and cheer their son. His two _52_ (兄弟), Marko and Djordje, are also professional tennis players. They regularly practice together and play as partners in doubles games.Novak says, “For me, love is a big source of energy. It makes me move _53_ (向前), it makes me give more, it makes me be _54_ (饥饿的) for more.” Like Nov


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