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1、2022年安徽省马鞍山市第七中学、第八中学中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 I think everyone should have dreams. You are right. Dreams give us _ and confidence to keep us going through difficulties.AcharmBcourageCtalentDpraise2 To keep the machine working smoothly, you need to have it _ every month. OK, I will.AdroppedBbu

2、rnedCcheckedDworked3 Suzy looks sad. Why not go and talk to her? She is mad at the moment. Im afraid _ I say will do any good.AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything4 Philip, I _ the supermarket, do you need me to get you anything? Two tins of cola please. Thanks, mum.Awent toBgo toChave goneDam goin

3、g to5 It takes me a long time to remember new words, and I forget them quickly. What should I do? Dont worry. Its _ to forget new words. I advise you to try to use them.AnaturalBdifficultCunusualDnervous6 You look pretty in this long white dress! I like the dress very much, but its price goes _ my a

4、bility to pay.AoverBwithCbeyondDabove7 Jenny, you have taken so many photos! I like taking photos very much. It is said that photos can _ many happy memories to us.Aput backBbring backCturn downDcome down8Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower, the little girl moved _ to have a look at it.AquicklyBq

5、uietlyCpolitelyDhardly9Please show me your health code (码), either on Wechat or Alipay. _. Here it is.AIts nothingBBe carefulCGo aheadDNo problem10 Loneliness may be one of the biggest problems in our society these years. _. Especially among aged parents. We should spare more time for them.AI dont t

6、hink soBI hope notCI cant agree moreDThats all right二、完形填空Do you know how to make your study more effective(有效的)? Almost every student has his own learning _11_, but a conversation with my desk mate gave me new ideas _12_ how to study effectively.My desk mate was a typical procrastinator(拖拉的人)in the

7、 eyes of our teachers, and she always finished her homework _13_ than me. However, what puzzled(使困惑)me most was she made progress gradually _14_ I couldnt. Once, I asked her. “_15_ do you improve your grades? You do your homework so slowly.” She answered, “Doing my homework slowly doesnt mean that I

8、 dont study. Instead, I just _16_ what I have learned first, and then do the homework.”I suddenly _17_ that she wasnt a procrastinator. She just spent her time _18_ and reviewing. When she was reviewing, she looked for her _19_ and then corrected them. When we learn a new thing, we remember it well

9、at first. Then we gradually forget it. A few days later, we _20_ keep nothing at all in mind. But reviewing helps us to master new knowledge better.When we dont have to prepare for exams, we should review the knowledge and learn from mistakes. When exams are coming, its always wise to start preparin

10、g for them.11AtimeBchanceCmethodDplace12AinBonCatDby13AearlyBearlierClateDlater14AwhileBsoCandDor15AWhatBWhenCHowDWhere16Ago onBgo overCgive inDgive out17AwonderedBrememberedCheardDrealized18AreadingBthinkingCwaitingDplaying19AmistakesBnotesCpapersDbooks20AmayBmustCneedDshouldTwo travelling angels s

11、topped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and _21_ to let the angels stay in the guest room. Instead, the angels were given a space in the cold basement(地下室). As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and _22_ it. When the y

12、ounger angel asked the reason, the older angel _23_, “Things arent always what they seem.”The next night, the angels came to rest at the house of a very _24_, but very kind farmer and his wife. After _25_ the food they had, the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good ni

13、ghts _26_.When the sun came up the next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, lay _27_ in the field.The younger angel was _28_ and asked the older angel, “How could you let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him. The second family had _29_

14、 but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.”“Things arent always what they seem,” the older angel replied, “When we stayed in the basement, I _30_ there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner didnt want to share his good fortune(财富), I sealed(密封)the wall so that

15、 he couldnt find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead.”21ApromisedBrefusedCagreedDallowed22ArepairedBhidCusedDchanged23AcriedBtoldCrepliedDasked24AbadBsadCrichDpoor25AsellingBsendingCsharingDgetting26ArestBworkCstudyDmon

16、ey27AaliveBillCdeadDsick28AnervousBangryCpatientDglad29AlittleBa littleCfewDa few30AlookedBnoticedCwatchedDforgot三、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hi, Julie, you look excited. What happened?B: _31_A: Wow, its so cute. I also want to have one, but I heard its not easy to get one online.

17、B: That true. I am very lucky. By the way, _32_A: Of course I have. The matches were really exciting. And I have fallen in love with skiing.B: _33_ I really admire Eileen Gu. She is a talented skier.A: Exactly. What do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be an astronaut in the future. _34_A

18、: I dream of being a doctor, because I want to help more people.B: Great, how are you going to do that?A: _35_B: I think as long as you follow your dream and never give up easily, you will finally make it.A: Thank you very much.AMe too.BHow about you?CI have won the match.DHave you watched the match

19、es?EDo you want to be a skier too?FIm going to study medicine at a university.GLook, Ive just received the mascot Bing DwenDwen.四、阅读单选Driverless minibusWalk inside Shougang Industrial Park, you can see different kinds of driverless cars. When you feel tired, you can get in a driverless minibus. When

20、 you feel hungry, you can buy food from a driverless car store.Inspection(巡查)robotThe robot can recognize people within five meters. It will automatically(自动的) walk over to a person who is not wearing a mask and advise him or her to wear one. Also, the robot has a contactless hand disinfection(杀菌) d

21、evice on its head.Smart Band-AidPeople can wear this thermometer(体温计) on their arms. It looks like a bandage(绷带). Users can check their body temperature through an app on their smart phones. If someone gets a fever, the thermometer will report it.Disinfection robotIn Wukesong Sports Center, there is

22、 a robot named Xiaobai. While working, the robot sprays(喷) a fog of disinfectant(消毒剂) through its head fan. One robot can cover 1,000 square meters and work for four to five hours on a single battery charge.36_ can advise people to wear their masks.ADriverless minibusBInspection robotCSmart Band-Aid

23、DDisinfection robot37How can people check their body temperature?AThrough an app on the phones.BBy getting in a driverless minibus.CThrough a battery in the robot.DBy wearing a bandage on their arms.38We can read the passage from _.Aa science magazineBa novelCa storyDa tour guideAt noon that day, I

24、drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound coming from the bedroom upstairsit was the sound of my favorite violin.“Thief!”I dashed upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 12 years old was petting(抚摸)my violin. The boy had messy

25、hair and a thin face, his oversized coat seemingly filled with something. At first glance, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed that he was surely a thief.Then, I saw his eyes full of fear and despair(绝望). My anger was immediately replaced by a smile. I asked. “Are you Mr. Rams nephew, Mic

26、hael? Im his housekeeper. Two days ago, I heard his nephew living in the countryside will come. It must be you. Youre really like him!”Hearing my words, the boy was first surprised but then quickly said, “Has my uncle gone out? I think Id better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a while

27、.”I asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, “Do you like to play the violin so much?”“Yes, but Im so poor that I cant afford it,” the boy replied.“Then I give this violin to you.” The boy looked at me questioningly, but he picked up the violin. Going out to the living room, he sudden

28、ly saw on the wall my huge color photo I performed in the Sydney Opera House. He trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back.I was sure that the boy had understood what happened because no one would decorate the living room with the housekeepers photo.A few years later, at a music competi

29、tion of senior high school students in Melbourne, I was invited to judge the final. Finally, a violin player called Merritt won the first prize with his strength!After the award, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, excited, asked, “Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You have given me a violin whic

30、h I have been treasuring until today! Today, I can give back this violin to you without regret” It turned out that he was “Mr. Rams nephew Michael!”Tears welled up in my eyes.39What did the writer give the boy?AA photo.BA violin.CA prize.DA pair of shoes.40Who is the writer?AThe housekeeper.BThe boy

31、s uncle.CThe house owner.DThe boys teacher.41The underlined world “trembled” refers to(指)_.A发抖B愤怒C晕倒D微笑42What does the story mainly talk about?AMusic has strong power.BBeing kind can get rewarded.CPractice makes a good musician.DSmall kindness can make a difference.As we know, the desert covers larg

32、e areas of the earth. If you are a hiker or driver through the desert, it might be wise to know what you should do in order to survive in the desert.Drink a small amount of water every hour. If you find a small piece of land where the earth is wet, dig deep to look for water. Another method of getti

33、ng water is to cover a green plant with a plastic bag. As it breathes, the water vapor(蒸汽) will be collected inside the bag. Little by little, you can collect enough water to drink.Plan to travel at night and sleep during the day, if you find you have to survive in the desert for a period of time. I

34、f you can find any shade in the desert, use it as a shelter(庇护所) to protect you from the strong sunlight.Wear clothing in light colour. It may seem like youll be cooler if you wear that kind of clothes, which actually helps your body to become cool and helps protect you from sunburn.Prepare to signa

35、l(发信号) planes passing overhead if you are caught in the desert. During the day keep a smoky fire burning and at night, a bright, clean burning one. Spell out the word SOS on the ground as large as you can using whatever materials you can find. In this way, you are more likely to be saved.43How many

36、suggestions does the writer give?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.44Which is a good way to get water in the desert?ATo dig deep into wet earth.BTo put the rocks together.CTo hang a plastic bag under a green plant.DTo make a fire on the dry ground.45Which of following sentences is true?AWe cant find any shade

37、 as a shelter.BIts better to wear a white coat than a black one.CWe shouldnt travel at night because we cant see clearly.DIf you are in trouble, you should make a smoky fire at night.46The title of the passage can be _.AWhat Should We Wear in the DesertBHow to Survive in the DesertCWays to Enjoy You

38、rselves in the DesertDWhats the Weather Like in the DesertAt 8,844.43 meters high, Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain on Earth. While it is famous for its beautiful views, parts of the mountain are facing a problem: rubbish. Every year, thousands of visitors throw away tons of rubbish, such as

39、 bottles and plastic bags.According to the UN, over 140 tons of rubbish has been left on the mountain. To reduce rubbish, China is limiting(限制)the number of people who are allowed to climb up the north side of the mountain. Only 300 people will be allowed to climb it, and only during spring.Local pe

40、ople cleaned the mountain last year, removing rubbish at a height of 5,200 meters. They collected about 8.4 metric tons(公吨)of rubbish.This year, the local government plans to spend 4 million yuan on a new clean-up activity. The local government is also setting up stations to sort(分类), recycle and br

41、eak down rubbish collected from the mountain. A group of artists will also try to turn the rubbish into art works. They will show these works of art to remind people not to leave rubbish when climbing the mountain.47What problem are parts of Mount Qomolangma facing?ARubbish.BAir pollution.CNoise.DWa

42、ter pollution.48How many people will be allowed to climb up the north side of the mountain during spring?A140.B300.C5,200.D4 million.49What do local government do with the rubbish collected from the mountain?ATurn the rubbish into art works.BShow the rubbish to people.CThrow the rubbish.DSort, recyc

43、le and break down the rubbish.The elephant lives in groups. An elephant herd(兽群)usually has from twenty to forty members. The elephants in the herd usually depend on one another for help in time of trouble.The leader of the group is usually a wise and strong female. She travels at the head of the he

44、rd and is followed by the other female and their young. The male elephants follow last. When the danger comes, the male elephants form a circle around the weaker animals and protect them.The members of the herd are loyal to one another. A sick elephant is not left behind to die. If an elephant is si

45、ck, the whole herd stops travelling until it gets well. When an elephant is hurt, two others walk on both sides of it and support it with their bodies. A member of the herd may be caught in a trap. Then the others try to help it.Elephants love the youngsters in the group and give them special care.

46、They help young animals stay afloat when the herd crosses a river. They work together to help a calf(幼崽)when it goes to a dangerous place.When a female elephant gives birth to her young baby, she leaves the herd for a short time. However, she takes another female along to act as “aunt”. The aunt helps the mother with her new-born calf. In this way, the whole herd protects its newest member.50The leader of an elephant herd is usually _.Aa wise maleBa


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