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1、2022年江苏省扬州市邗江区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 Have you heard of Li Wenliang, _ doctor in Wuhan Central Hospital? Yes, its said that he was one of _ first men to remind people of the coronavirus.Aa; theBthe; aCa; aD/; the2Why did you _ change your design?I realized it wasnt perfect after a long discu

2、ssion.AfinallyBsuccessfullyCespeciallyDcuriously3_ my two brothers _ my father are able to drive a car. They can take turns to drive on such a long way.AEither; orBNeither; norCNot only; but alsoDBoth; and4Now more people pay attention to the air pollution. The government is taking action to change

3、the terrible _.AsituationBdangerCproblemDbackground5How much difficulty did you have _ this problem? _. Its quite easy.Ato solve; NothingBto solve; NoneCsolving; NoneDsolving; Nothing6Its reported that PM2.5 pollution is the main problem _ air pollution today. And I also know according_ the research

4、 the number of foggy days in Beijing is reducing.Ain, toBby, inCwith, toDat, at7Are you willing to have a robot at home one day?_ . It sounds exciting, but everything will go wrong if it catches a virus.AOf course I amBIm not sureCWhy notDGood idea8Is David coming to your birthday party this evening

5、? No, he _be at the party. He _to Shanghai on business.Amustnt; has goneBmustnt; has beenCcant; has goneDcant; has been9If you are not sure how to use this camera to take videos, you can read the _AintroductionBinstructionsCinformationDsuggestions10Time for break, everybody. Lets_ our tools and leav

6、e the workshop.Aput outBput awayCput downDput up11_news! Our class will go to Beijing for a _trip this spring.AWhat exciting; three-dayBWhat an excited; three daysCWhat an exciting; three-dayDWhat excited; three days12I wonder _. Of course he does. He always cares about others.Awhy does he do well i

7、n playing the pianoBwhy he is always late for classCwhether he has many friends around himDwhether he is popular in his class13We found him_ with. Hes quite an easy-going guy.Aeasily to workBeasily workingCeasy to workDeasy working14In the face of the coming High School Entrance Examination, we shou

8、ldnt _ difficulties.Try our best, and we will find a way.Arun out ofBrun afterCrun overDrun away from15Jim looks so sleepy that he keeps nodding his head in class.Just as the saying goes, “_.” It is bad for his health to stay up too late.ABetter late than neverBBurn the candle at both endsCNo pains,

9、 no gainsDYou are never too old to learn二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。One young person, who was well educated, went for a job as a manager in a big company. The president did the final _16_. He discovered the youth was _17_ and felt satisfied. Then the president asked who paid for his sch

10、ool fees. The youth answered, “My mother did it. She worked as a clothes _18_.”The president required the youth to _19_ his hands. So the youth did. They were smooth. Then he asked, “Have you ever _20_ your mother wash the clothes before?” The youth answered, “Never, my mother always wanted me to _2

11、1_.”“Go and clean your mothers hands when you go back today, and then _22_ me tomorrow morning.” the president said at last.The youth felt his chance of getting the job was high, so when he went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. However, his tears fell _23_ he cleaned his

12、 mothers hands slowly. It was the first time he had _24_ that his mothers hands were so wrinkled (布满皱纹的). After that, the youth didnt say a word and washed all the remaining clothes for his mother _25_. That night, Mother and Son talked for a very long time, longer than any talk before.The next _26_

13、 the youth went to the presidents office. The president noticed the tears in the youths eyes and asked, “Please tell me how you _27_ about helping your mother.” The youth said, “Number One, I know now what appreciation is. Without my mother, I wouldnt be _28_ today. Number Two, by helping my mother,

14、 I realize how _29_ it is to get something done. Number Three, Ive come to realize the _30_ of family relationship.” The president said, “You are hired. This is what Im looking for to be my manager.”16AsurveyBtestCinterviewDresearch17AcreativeBexcellentChumorousDpractical18AmakerBcleanerCdesignerDse


16、mportantBdifficultCdifferentDimpossible30AvalueBsecretCtypeDchange三、阅读单选When a virus changes, it becomes a “variant(变种)”. The World Health Organization (WHO) names and grades COVID-19 variants for the problems they may cause. The Delta variant is now common around the world. But a new variant is her

17、e, and its causing new concerns.What is its name?OmicronWhat does it look like?The variant, named Omicron, was first found in South Africa on Nov 9. It is called a “variant of concern (VOC)” by the WHO. No other COVID-19 variant had yet been graded as a VOC so soon after its discovery. Omicron can m

18、ake people sick more easily. Our antibodies(抗体)are not so good at stopping it.What can Omicron do?People are afraid of me because they will get sick if Omicron gets into their body. It can jump from one person to another, making many people sick. Thats why people stay at home.How does it get into yo

19、ur body?Omicron can get into peoples body through their eyes, noses and mouths. You will get sick easily if you:Do not wear a mask when you go out.Do not wash your hands often.Go to places with lots of people in.If you are worried about your health condition, call the Department of Health and Human

20、Services coronavirus hotline 1800-675-398.Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies(紧急情况)only.31How can Omicron get into our body?AThrough animals.BThrough ears.CThrough hands.DThrough eyes.32Which is TRUE about Omicron in the passage?AThe variant, named Omicron, was first found in South America

21、 on Nov 9.BOur antibodies are good at stopping it.CIt can jump from one animal to another, making many people sick.DPeople stay at home to stay away from Omicron.33In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the text?AScience & technology.BBusiness & markets.CHealth & life.DBooks & arts.

22、I am not sure how many years ago it was, but I still had a cassette player (盒式磁带放录机) at the time. I had a lot of housework. I was tired of television and was in the mood for music. I pulled out one of my favorite cassettes. It started to play but before long the music stopped. I opened the player an

23、d saw the tape in the cassette was all pulled out and twisted (扭曲的). I tried to fix it, but it was already broken beyond repair. I frowned. I didnt want to risk another of my cassettes with a tape-eating machine, but I really wanted some music.Then I noticed my ancient record player in the corner. I

24、 walked over and dusted it off. I pulled out an old record of my moms that my Dad had given me after she died. I turned on the record player and gently put the record on the turntable (唱机上的转盘). “Pop (砰)!” “Crack (噼啪声)!” went the record for a second as I put the needle (唱针) down. Then a beautiful mel

25、ody (旋律) from my childhood started to play. I smiled and started to do my housework. The sweet songs I grew up on touched my soul. I felt the music coming out of me. I started to sing, letting my weak voice join in joyously with the music. I even dared to dance a little while I did the dishes. I smi

26、led and laughed. My heart was filled with happiness. And at that moment I could feel the joy of the universe all around me. “This is how life is supposed to be!”These days all my music is on CDs. My daughter says I am behind the times. She says I should buy a cellphone and download all the music I w

27、ant. But instead, I think I will dust off those old records again, put them on that record player and start to sing along. We all have music within us just waiting to get out. Dont let your music die within you then. Share your song with the world. And dont forget to dance a little too.34Why did the

28、 author give up listening to cassettes?AHis cassettes were out of fashion.BHis cassettes all broke.CHis cassette player didnt work well.DHe preferred records to cassettes.35How did the author feel when listening to his late Moms record?ASad.BEncouraged.CPleased.DSurprised.36What did the authors daug

29、hter suggest he do?ABuy new records.BSing and dance to the music.CChange his record player.DDownload music to his phone.37What does the author want to tell us?ALife with music is beautiful.BMusic can inspire creativity.CMusic helps strengthen family bonds.DMusic helps us keep up with the times.Catwo

30、man is an iconic (标志性的) movie character. The DC Comics role has been played by many famous actresses over the years, including Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway. The latest to take it on is Zoe Kravitz. She plays Catwoman, whose real name is Selina Kyle, in the new movie The Batman.Kravitz has received

31、praise from critics (评论家) and fans for her acting. Screen Rant even called her “the best Catwoman yet”.Traditionally, Catwoman is shaped as a cold-hearted killer. Kravitz makes her seem more human and real. When Catwoman remembers her mothers death or sees a tragedy, she shows her feelings.Kravitz d

32、escribed Catwoman as more complicated (复杂) than Batman. “I like the idea that you can be soft . and still be very powerful and dangerous,” she said.Viewers can see that power in Kravitzs fit body shape and fierce (激烈的) fighting style. In the movie, she does a lot of high kicks (踢腿) and quick moves.

33、Each day after eight hours of filming, she would work out at home for three hours. “You want to look good in a catsuit .,” Kravtiz said. “I had to be strong. I got stronger than Ive ever been . I felt confident.”Kravitz is the daughter of a rock star father and actress mother. People say she is luck

34、y to have a role in such a big movie. She understands why they say that. “Im not going to mask that it didnt help me . but I had to remember that I work hard,” she said. Kravitz wants to prove to the world and herself that she “deserves (值得) to be in the industry”.38What does Kravitz think about Cat

35、woman?ACatwoman is a cold-hearted killer.BCatwoman is stronger than Batman.CCatwoman is realistic and pitiful.DCatwoman is both soft and powerful.39The underlined word “tragedy” in the third paragraph means _ in Chinese.A悲剧B喜剧C漫画D戏剧40What did Kravitz do to fit the characters role?AShe watched cats c

36、arefully.BShe exercised regularly.CShe practiced fighting.DShe studied old Batman movies.41What can we infer from the last paragraph?AKravitz is confident that she deserves the role.BKravitz is afraid of talking about her famous parents.CKravitz is proud of having famous parents.DKravitz only got th

37、e role because of her famous parents.The six-month stay for Chinese astronauts in the Tiangong space station has ended recently. Before returning, they face one last test returning home safely. What needs to be done before they leave the station?To go home after a long journey, you have to pack up.

38、Besides their personal belongings, astronauts also need to bring home experimental data and samples (样品) for further research on Earth.The three astronauts also need to clean “the house”. They must collect leftover food, sanitary waste and waste from experiments. The waste is put into the orbital mo

39、dule (轨道舱), which burns up as it re-enters Earths atmosphere.The astronauts must also put equipment back in place. It will be more than a month before the Shenzhou XIV astronauts enter Tiangong. They need to make sure that things like gym equipment are fixed to the walls for safety.Astronauts experi

40、ence microgravity (微重力) for long periods of time. This affects their bodies. They lose fluids, their muscles atrophy and they lose bone strength. To ensure a safe return, the three astronauts do physical exercises to keep their muscles strong. Based on their physical examination data, experts have c

41、ustomized (定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing.Tiangong space station will be completed before the end of this year. Six astronauts will be sent there for the Shenzhou XIV and XV missions. The Shenzhou XV crew (全体成员) will fly to the station around the years end to meet their

42、 Shenzhou XIV colleagues.42What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AWhat astronauts do in the space station.BWhat dangers astronauts may face on the return journey.CWhat matters most during the astronauts return.DWhat astronauts need to bring back to Earth.43How do astronauts deal with their waste?AThey br

43、ing it back to Earth.BThey leave it on the space station.CThe waste can be left in the orbital module.DThe waste can be thrown out of the space station.44To fight against the effects of living in space, astronauts _.Ashould follow special plans to build up their musclesBshould move as little as poss

44、ible while in the space stationCshould finish their work ahead of timeDshould exercise hard before they set off for space45What can we infer from the last paragraph?ATiangong welcomes astronauts from all over the world.BTwo groups of astronauts will be sent to Tiangong this year.CAstronauts sent by

45、Shenzhou XIV will return to Earth this year.DAstronauts sent by Shenzhou XV will arrive at Tiangong first.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空46What caused the accident remains_ , so we need to do more research on it. (know)47Please put away those _ keys to cars. They are going swimming. (Germany)48Some people think such

46、 a problem should be dealt with _. (peace)49When we face some difficulties, we shouldnt keep them to _. (we)50Have you ever _ a horse before? (ride)Yes, I just rode a horse in the Wetland Park last Sunday.五、根据汉语提示填空51They think Chinese parents are _ (严格的) with their children than American parents.52Its not an easy job to make your _ perfect. (发音)53In her _, she graduated from a famous university. (二十)54We


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