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1、2022届四川省遂宁市高三下学期三诊考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解“Use up all leftovers.” “Buy second-hand things instead of new ones”. “Learn DIY to fix things yourself.” “Invite friends over instead of going out.” “Grow your own food.” “Save rainwater for your garden.” Nowadays, more and more people take action to sa

2、ve for life. Lets see what there people do in saving and how they enjoy doing so.“To save money in college, I decided to do the no new clothes challenge last year. This meant I didnt buy new for an entire year. It was little embarrassing to the same clothes to different parties and events, but it wa

3、s worth it. After all, I saved all the money!”Eden from Mint Notion“I copied a whole textbook. I didnt feel like buying a new one, so instead, I borrowed one from a classmate and copied the entire thing using the copy machine. It may or may have taken a few hours but I saved $20. And for a college s

4、tudent who was broke, that was a lot!”Athena from Money Smart Latina“Cat liter(猫砂) is something that can set me back a couple hundred every day. However, by toilet-training my cat with a $20 toilet trainer, Im able to save on the costs and avoid the trouble to change it. Plus its always funny to see

5、 the cat on the toilet.”Dustyn from Dime Will Tell1Who gave up buying clothes to save money?AAthena.BEden.CDustyn.DSmart Latina.2How does Dustyn save for life?ABy walking his cat outside.BBy switching to cheap cat litter.CBy teaching his cat to use the toilet.DBy reducing the amount of cat litter.3W

6、hat do the three people have in common?AThey learn DIY to fix things.BThey received higher education.CTheyre not in financial difficulties.DThey feel it worthwhile to save money.In winter, many of us are reaching for more clothes and turning on the heat. Besides wearing a pair of long johns, increas

7、ing our food intake can help protect us against severe cold. So what food keeps us warm?Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, is great when you find yourself in cold conditions because it is a fantastic source of iron, which is crucial for circulating your blood. Iron is an important mineral to hel

8、p carry oxygen throughout your body. People with low iron may notice cold hands and feet or easily become tired. Eating red meat can also supply vitamin B12, which contributes to healthy nerves and a strong me system.Oats can keep you warm in winter. Its great thermogenic(生热的)food and is filled with

9、 nutrients that release energy slowly throughout the day to keep your body warm. You can start your day with a hot breakfast of oats or other types of porridge. Oats are a great source of whole grains and fiber. In addition to keeping you full and warm, oats are full of other nutrients.Hot ginger te

10、a can make you feel warm inside on a cold day. Ginger is known to be good for health. Its also a diaphoretic(发汗药), which means it will help your body warm from the inside. Ginger has the nature to produce heat and help blood circulation in our bodies, making it a great source of warmth.Root vegetabl

11、es like sweet potatoes need more energy to move through the digestion process which raises your body temperature. High in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium(钾) sweet potatoes add fiber and other nutrientsto a warm winter meal. Sweet potatoes also have betacarotene(胡萝卜素) that is good for eye heath.4H

12、ow many types of food to keep people warm are mentioned in the text?A3.B4.C5.D6.5Why does ginger tea keep you warm?AIts a great source of iron.BIt releases energy slowly.CIt is full of fiber and vitamins.DIt is great food to generate heat.6Whats the purpose of the text?ATo promote green food.BTo rem

13、ind people of a healthy diet.CTo introduce some food to keep warm.DTo teach people how to keep warm.7In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?AScience Study.BCampus Life.CGlobal Vision.DPhysical Education.When a humpback whale began playing with Nan Hauser like a toy, she feared the wors

14、t. The 50,000-pound mammal swam toward the marine biologist and began to push her forward.Nan had been deep-sea diving for 28 years, but had never known a whale like this. It seemed to keep throwing Nan on its head and back. Most of all, it wanted to keep Nan under its pectoral fin (胸鳍). For ten ten

15、se minutes, the whale lifted Nan out of the ocean. She tried to keep cool and calm, but she was aware that at any moment, the whale could break her bones or organs. She smelt death.Nan believed the encounter would not end well. Fortunately for her, it did! The whale left her alone long enough for he

16、r to surface and return to her research vessel.Onboard the boat, she saw a 15-foot-long tiger shark swimming quietly on the other side of the whale. The heroic humpback wasnt playing with her or attacking her. It was protecting her from a deadly predator. Nan later learned that at the same time, ano

17、ther humpback whale was busy keeping the shark at bay. She was moved to tears.In another story, biologist Adam Warwick saved a black bear from drowning.When the authorities saw a bear wandering around the streets of Florida, they shot a tranquilizer dart into the 375-pound hungry male, but he escape

18、d into the Gulf of Mexico. The bear was attempting to swim four miles across the harbor. But after just 25 yards, he began to struggle.Realizing the bear would drown, Adam jumped into the water immediately. He got in front of the bear and began splashing and shouting to try to make him turn around.

19、In a panic, the bear attempted to attack Adam. The six-foot-tall bear reared up, but then fell backward underwater. Adam wrapped his arms around the half-awake animals neck. Keeping the bears head above water, he dragged him to safety.8How did Nan really feel when the whale lifted her out of the oce

20、an?ACalm.BExcited.CDesperate.DPuzzled.9What does the underlined word “vessel” probably mean?ATarget.BBoat.CLaboratory.DCar.10Why did Adam jump into the water?AHe got to swim in the gulf.BHe would swim across the harbor.CHe attempted to save the bear.DHe decided to drown the bear.11What is the best t

21、itle for the text?ALife and death rescueBAn encounter with the whaleCBears: dangerous or endangered?DThe wild within the cityThe student years are not only about books and lectures. This wonderful period of time makes students transition(过渡) to adult life easier. Students learn how to live by themse

22、lves, and network with professors and other students. Moreover, if they choose, they can join a student organization.One of the universitys main purposes is to prepare students for an intellectual job. Student organizations functions are consistent with that. Usually, such an association on campus c

23、arries on many projects that can have a positive impact on students life. These can be inspirational speech events and many other non-profit activities. All these interesting projects require more than just students being present. Each of them has to go through various developments regarding managem

24、ent, digital design, finding sponsorships, organizing events and many others. These will be valuable enough to help them get amazing work.Besides the material effects above, researches show joining a student organization helps psychological development. It is indeed difficult to deal with both extra

25、curricular projects and studies. However, this routine is serious training for their adult life. They will come to understand better the importance of their lectures without which they cant complete complex tasks, so they will become more committed to their collegiate education.Once they get involve

26、d in a student organization, however, its more than likely that they have to spend much time participating in weekly and monthly meetings and contributing their own efforts to lots of projects. Since these activities will have a huge impact on students especially off campus, many students will place

27、 extracurricular duties above college courses.Anyway, the impacts vary in number and effectiveness depending on students attention. However, one thing is for certain. Such organizations will provide an unforgettable experience that will unlock their full potential and deserve a shot.12Why do student

28、 organizations benefit students future career?AThey teach students to network with others.BThey help students to finish complex tasks.CThey inspire students to attend speeches.DThey have students experience different jobs.13What is paragraph 3 mainly about?AStudent organizations have many material e

29、ffects.BIts hard to balance extracurricular projects and studies.CStudent organizations help students with their adult life.DStudents organizations benefit psychological development.14Whats the disadvantage of joining a student organization according to the text?AConcentration on study.BConflicts of

30、 time managements.CParticipation in endless meetings.DA waste of efforts to finish projects.15Whats the attitude of he author towards joining student organizations?AFavorable.BDisapproving.CIndifferent.DHumorous.二、七选五“Im sorry” are two very important words playing a big part in daily life. You might

31、 apologize while pushing your way through a crowd or using the last of the printer paper at work. Its easy to say “Im sorry”, but true apologies are a different story. You may have trouble finding the right way to send meaningful apologies. Or you may wonder how to properly demand an apology if the

32、other person is at fault?_16_Apologize sincerely. _17_ It can even repair your reputation that you can be ns Bu you relationship will remain tense if your apology seems casual. So you have to be truly willing to apologize.Apply specific. A meaningful apology comes down to the three Rs-regret, respon

33、sibility and remedy(补救方法). Firstly, communicate your regret. Show the other person you have recognized you error and can sense his or her pain. Then take complete responsibility. Dont excuses or blame the victim. _18_ Offer to make up for the harm you caused or promise you wouldnt repeat it again.Do

34、nt expect immediate forgiveness. Most people hope for immediate forgiveness while apologizing. but that may mean you dont respect the others emotions and all you care about is yourself. So give them some time to come out of the pain after your apology. _19_20_ If youre the offended one, describe wha

35、ts changed in the relationship and your true feeling. For example, you could say, “Although theres a disagreement between you and me, I want us to be friends again. But Ive been hurt, and Id like an apology. I need you to acknowledge what youve done.”AAsk for an apology if necessary.BDont claim an a

36、pology if youre offended.CHowever, they would refuse to apologize to you.DA genuine apology can help repair your relationship.EWith the following tips, youll find these are not hard.FLastly, show that youre working to improve the situation.GAfter all, they were hurt and it would take them a while to

37、 recover.三、完形填空Have you ever thought about making a huge fortune from the things around you during your whole childhood? Actually, Zhang Yue is a person whose business became _21_ in that way.The place where her success happens is her _22_, where Zhang grew roses to start her business. Surrounded by

38、 roses as she was growing up, she just looked on them as _23_ things. It was only after graduating from university overseas and _24_ to visit her parents that Zhang realized the _25_ of her businessthe conditions there are ideal to plant roses. Zhang therefore decided to stay in her hometown and gro

39、w roses, which _26_ many people at the beginning.As someone who grew up in the country, Zhang already knew _27_ about growing plants. _28_, she had to overcome a number of obstacles in nursing her business to the success. The biggest _29_ at the initial phase was that few villagers in the village be

40、lieved she could _30_ a multi-million yuan business from _31_. Her career didnt take a turning point until a major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics(化妆品)_32_ purchase her product and help with its _33_ to the whole world. It was only then that the locals began to _34_ her. Now her product is one of th

41、e best in Asia.Like Zhang, an increasing number of young people are thinking of starting their own business. Seeing her peers who also dream of success and _35_, Zhang says, “To succeed in business, you need _36_ a good idea, hard work and determination. What really _37_ is a sound business plan, pl

42、enty of capital to _38_ equipment, good management and promoting skills.” She _39_, “Most of all, you should be _40_ enough and consult the experienced business people.”21AdisappointingBsuccessfulCimpressiveDordinary22AfamilyBcountryCuniversityDhometown23ApopularBunusualCcommonDunique24AreturningBvo


44、cts32Awas likely toBwas willing toCwas able toDwas eager to33AconsumptionBpublicationCdistributionDcirculation34AbelieveBadmitCappreciateDunderstand35AhealthBhappinessCindependenceDpower36Amore thanBless thanCrather thanDother than37AlastsBsucceedsCmattersDexists38AtransportBrepairCborrowDpurchase39

45、AaddsBexplainsCanswersDresponds40AconfidentBambitiousCproudDmodest四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games concluded on February 20th _41_ most of the athletes and officials praising the event. The success of the Beijing Winter Games came as _42_ pleasa

46、nt surprise to the world, not least because it _43_(hold) amid the COVID-19 pandemic.China has stuck to _44_(it) own anti-epidemic policies, _45_ have helped it host a “simple, safe and splendid” Winter Olympics. The pandemic was a test for Chinas dynamic zero-COVID-19 policy. But in the end, Chinas

47、 _46_(strong) have made it possible _47_(prove) its anti-pandemic approach is effective.In short,if the Beijing Summer Games 14 years ago were about showing the world _48_ a real China was like, the Winter Games are about telling it what a _49_ (peaceful) rising China can do for the world despite _50_(face) multiple challenges.五、短文改错51假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间


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