1、andxxx学校/xxxHistoryTraditionsWhere is it?(p37)The ThamesBig Benthe Palace of Westminster(the home of the UK government)LondonA people without the knowledge of their past history,origin and culture is like a tree without roots.Marcus GarveyWhat does it mean?(p37)一个不了解自己过去历史、起源和文化的一个不了解自己过去历史、起源和文化的民民
2、族族就像一棵没有根的树。就像一棵没有根的树。pople 表示人群时,不可数;表示民族时可数表示人群时,不可数;表示民族时可数How much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?伊斯坦堡伊斯坦堡走过了很多地方我来到伊斯坦堡就像是童话故事有教堂有城堡每天忙碌地寻找到底什么我想要却发现迷了路怎么找也找不着IstanbulByzantine(拜占庭)Capital of European CultureRomantic TrkiyeHot air ballonWe are goi
3、ng to learn how to describe a place you like(p44)How much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?爱在西元前爱在西元前古巴比伦王颁布了汉谟拉比法典刻在黑色的玄武岩距今已经三千七百多年你在橱窗前 凝视碑文的字眼我却在旁静静欣赏你那张我深爱的脸祭司 神殿 征战 弓箭 是谁的从前喜欢在人潮中你只属于我的那画面经过苏美女神身边 我以女神之名许愿思念像底格里斯河般的蔓延古巴比伦古巴比伦One of the Four ancient
4、 civilizations汉谟拉比法典汉谟拉比法典The first relatively complete written codeHow much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?告白气球告白气球塞纳河畔 左岸的咖啡我手一杯 品尝你的美留下唇印 的嘴花店玫瑰 名字写错 谁告白气球 风吹到 对街微笑 在天上飞塞纳河塞纳河Seine RiverParis,France(older name:West Frankish)witness the historical ch
5、anges of PairsWe are going to learn the history of the UK(p40)How much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?蛇舞蛇舞尼罗河悄悄漫过纸莎草蜿蜒像一袭不带感情的纱袍而你穿上后转身为我舞蹈为寂寥的大地舞一场惊叹号黄昏燃烧 金字塔上的云角人面狮身下的影子 在预兆石阶上焚着油膏 在我国度里堆积了 几个世纪的尘嚣在羊皮卷角 古老的明了Which one is not the main tributary of Nil
6、e?A.White NileB.Red NileC.Blue NileWhich part of Sphinx is lost?A.EyeB.NoseC.MouthHow much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?兰亭序兰亭序兰亭临帖 行书如行云流水月下门推 心细如你脚步碎忙不迭 千年碑易拓却难拓你的美真迹绝 真心能给谁牧笛横吹 黄酒小菜又几碟夕阳余晖 如你的羞怯似醉摹本易写 而墨香不退与你同留余味一行朱砂 到底圈了谁书法calligraphyFive quintess
7、ence of China calligraphy Kung Fu Hanfu Beijing Opera traditional Chinese medical scienceHow much do you know about history and traditions?Which country or history is mentioned?爷爷泡的茶爷爷泡的茶在一个雨天那七岁的我躲在屋檐却一直想去荡秋千爷爷抽着烟说唐朝陆羽写茶经三卷流传了千年那天 我翻阅字典查什么字眼The sages in China Tea Sage Calligraohy Sage Paiting Sage The greatest sage陆羽王羲之吴道子孔子 ConfuciusWe are going to learn to share views on historic sites(p38)Homework(2.14)1.完成学习笔记2.找出课本p40-p41文章的所有粗体单词的意思并划出定语从句