Welcome Unit (Listening and Speaking-Reading and Thinking)单词用法(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、词汇课堂版本:新人教版本:新人教 单元:必修单元:必修一一 Welcome Unit(Listening and Speaking Reading and Thinking)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.exchange基本义:交换构词:ex-(out)+change词块:v exchange views/ideas,exchange sth with sb,exchange sth for sth;n an exchange student,in exchange for,an exchange rate,foreign exchange 2.lecture构词:lect(to speak

2、,read)+-ure(名词后缀)词块:attend/go to a lecture,give/deliver a lecture on熟词生义:教训 give sb a lecture about sth=lecture sb about sth3.register®istration构词:register registration词块:register with,register for4.female&male正式用语(对应 woman,man),尤用于正式调查、报告等提供有关男性和女性信息的情况5.nation词族:nation,national,nationally,natio

3、nality,nationalism,international6.designer&design构词:design+-er(的人)designer构词:de-(down)+sign 设计师总是将自己的灵感(用符号)画下来词块:be designed to do sth/for sth;by design7.campus词块:on campus8.formal构词:form(形式)+-al(形容词后缀)反义词:informal 9.anxious精准的汉语释义“焦”近义词:worried worrying eager词块:be anxious about sth/for sb,be anxio

4、us to do sth10.annoy英语释义:to make sb feel slightly angry and unhappy词族:annoy,annoyed,annoying11.frightened词族:fright(n 惊吓),frighten,frightened,frightening词块:be frightened of;be frightened to death近义词:scared,afraid;afraid 不用于名词前,scared 略不正式12.senior词块:senior high school13.outgoing构词:out+going,同结构的有 eas

5、y-going14.impress&impressionimpress 构词:im-(in 向内)+press(压)向内压(基本义)词块:impress sb with/by sth词族:impress,impressed,impression,impressionist,impressionism,impressive,impressivelyimpression构词:impress+-ion(名词后缀)词块:first impression,make/leave an impression15.concentrate 构词:con-(together 共同)+centr(centre 中心

6、)+-ate(动词后缀)共同到中心去 (使)集中(基本义)词块:concentrate on派生词:concentrated,concentration16.experiment 构词:ex-(out)+peri(to try,test 尝试)+-ment(名词后缀)同根词:experience词块:do/carry out/perform/conduct an experiment 名词动词化:experiment with17.awkward构词:awk-(wrong)+-ward(向的)向错误的方向 笨拙的 令人尴尬的18.junior词块:junior high school19.ex

7、plore派生词:explorer,exploration20.confident构词:con-(表示强调)+fid(to trust)+-ent(形容词后缀)词块:be confident about/of/that 从句派生词:confidently21.confidence基本义:信任构词:con-(表示强调)+fid(to trust)+-ence (名词后缀)词块:have/lose confidence in sb,increase/build up ones confidence,lack/gain confidenceexchangeanxiousimpress,impress

8、ionconfident,confidence一词多义一词多义精准的汉语释义精准的汉语释义英语释义英语释义辨析义辨析义一词多义一词多义词族词族英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义重难点词精讲design搭配义搭配义concentrate一词多义一词多义awkward熟词生义熟词生义explore一词多义一词多义分词形容词分词形容词exchange 的词源义是的词源义是“act of reciprocal giving and receiving”。它是。它是由前缀由前缀 ex-(out)和和 change 组成,可以理解为组成,可以理解为“拿拿出去换成出去换成”,其基本义是其基本义是“交换交换”。在原

9、始社会,人们“物物交换物物交换”,交换自己所需要的物资。但是有时候受到用于交换的物资种类的限制,不得不寻找一种能够为交换双方都能够接受的物品,这种物品就是最原始的货币货币。随着商品生产和交易量逐渐增大,商人们为了谈生意就必须商定一个固定的地点定期会见,就产生了“交易所交易所”。express explain 表达解释ex-意为“out 向外”ex-+change=?exchange n C&U 交换;交流:交换;交流:Im an exchange student from the UK.人教新必修Welcome UnitWould you like my old TV in exchange

10、for this camera?C(商品的商品的)调换:调换:The stores policy is not to allow returns or exchanges.U(货币的货币的)兑换兑换foreign exchange C 交易所:交易所:New York Stock Exchange You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.Before graduation,students exchange presents with each other.vt 交换;交流:交换;交流:“交换”时与 with 搭配“更换”

11、时与 for 搭配exchange views/ideas 更换;兑换更换;兑换(change):Id like to exchange this dress for one in a larger size.交换交换基本义基本义exchange人与人或物与物人与人或物与物之间的之间的“交换交换”商品之间的商品之间的“交换交换”货币之间的货币之间的“交换交换”“交换交换”的场所的场所exchange语义网络图语义网络图交换;交流交换;交流(商品的商品的)调调换换 (货币的货币的)兑兑换换交易所交易所名词名词动词动词交换;交流交换;交流更换;兑换更换;兑换拓展 这是特朗普和希拉里在这是特朗普和希

12、拉里在2016年竞年竞选美国总统时的情形。选美国总统时的情形。据说这是美国据说这是美国史上最没底线的总统大选辩论。史上最没底线的总统大选辩论。Why?因为因为Trump and Clinton exchanged heavily in personal attacks.exchange的意义的意义由交换具体的人或物到交换抽象的由交换具体的人或物到交换抽象的东西东西如思想或信息如思想或信息的的转变转变。如果双方心平气和地交换思想或信息,。如果双方心平气和地交换思想或信息,可可称为称为“交流交流”。如果双。如果双方怒气冲冲地交换的内容是人身攻击方怒气冲冲地交换的内容是人身攻击(personal a

13、ttacks),严肃的说法是,严肃的说法是“争论争论”,通俗的说法是,通俗的说法是“互撕互撕”。design 设计;绘制:设计;绘制:design a car/dress/tool/officespecially designed software常用于被动语态(为某种特定目的)计划;设计常用于被动语态(为某种特定目的)计划;设计 to plan or develop sth for a specific purpose:The route was designed to relieve the heavy traffic.This course is designed as an intro

14、duction to the subject.It is said that the early European playing-cards were designed for entertainment and education.构词:de-(down)+sign 设计师总是将自己的灵感(用符号)画下来 vt n U&C 设计;图样;图案:设计;图样;图案:a bowl with a flower design Looking forward to receiving your creative designs!计划;目的;意图:计划;目的;意图:Whether by chance or

15、 by design,it so happened that there were exactly 150 people in the station.2011 上海改She has designs on his money.n C 设计者;设计师:设计者;设计师:I hope Ill work in a computer company as a program designer.2014 全国书面表达 adj 由著名设计师设计的;名牌的:由著名设计师设计的;名牌的:designer clothes 2011 江西构词:design+-er(的人)designer anxious adj 忧

16、虑的;焦虑的忧虑的;焦虑的 feeling worried or nervous(worried):be anxious for sb/about sthAre you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone?2011 山东 令人焦虑的令人焦虑的 causing worry,fear and nerves(worrying):We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.焦急的;急切的焦急的;急切的 wanting sth v

17、ery much(keen,eager):The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.worried 是最常用的词,表示对某个问题或可能发生的不幸有所担忧。nervous 常用于重要事情(如考试、面试等)、令人不快或困难的事情发生前的紧张不安。anxious 侧重“焦虑”,可指较强烈的担忧和不安,且较正式。辨析 worried,nervous,anxious 印;盖(印)于印;盖(印)于 不用于进行时不用于进行时 给给留下极深的印

18、象;使钦佩留下极深的印象;使钦佩 to make sb feel admiration and respect:It impressed me that he remembered my name.impress sb with/by sth:One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.正式用语正式用语 使意识到使意识到 to try to make sb understand how important sth is:The teacher impressed the importance of English on

19、/upon me.impress vt 构词:im-(in,into 向内)+press(压),基本义为“向内压”。impress 语义网络图语义网络图向内压向内压impress基本义“向内压向内压”在在物体上物体上 印;盖(印)于印;盖(印)于 使意识到使意识到向思想向思想里里“压压”的结果的结果程程度度递递进进“向内压向内压”到到思想里思想里 给给留下极深留下极深的印象;使钦佩的印象;使钦佩 impressimpressionimpressionistimpressionismimpressivelyimpressedimpressive同族词同族词impression n C 印记;压痕

20、印记;压痕 印象;感觉:印象;感觉:first impressionI had the impression(that)we had met before.make/leave an impression 留下印象:留下印象:He left/made a deep impression on me./He left me with a deep impression.2015 江苏改 impressionist n C 印象派艺术家印象派艺术家【词汇拓展词汇拓展】impressive adj 给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的:给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的:impressed adj(对对)印象深刻的印

21、象深刻的 /钦佩的:钦佩的:(be)impressed with/by:The teachers were deeply impressed with/by your performance in the exam.She was very impressive in the interview.press词根记词汇词根记词汇impress v 盖印;使留下深刻印象盖印;使留下深刻印象 (im-进+press 压进去 盖印 印入头脑 使留下深刻印象)express v 表达;特快表达;特快 (ex-向外+press 思想向外压 表达)depress v 压下;使沮丧压下;使沮丧 (de-向下+

22、press 向下压 使情绪低下)pressure n 压力压力 (press+-ure 行为的结果 压的结果 压力)pressv 压压生活中的生活中的 concentrate 当我们喝进口果汁的时候可以注意下商标,上面往往有当我们喝进口果汁的时候可以注意下商标,上面往往有“apple juice concentrate”“”“grape juice concentrate”等,那么大家知道等,那么大家知道concentrate在这里是什么意思吗?在这里是什么意思吗?浓缩浓缩concentrate构词:构词:con-(together 共同)+centr(centre 中心)+-ate(动词后缀

23、)共同到中心去(使)集中(基本义)vt&vi(使使)聚集于;(使)浓缩聚集于;(使)浓缩:Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.专心;集中(注意力、思想等专心;集中(注意力、思想等):When we miss a nights sleep,we find it hard the next day to concentrate and learn new information.concentrate(sth)on(doing)sth 集中(集中()于(做)某事:)于(做)某事:We must concentrate our e

24、fforts on improving education.When you concentrate on one task you can get it done faster and better.n C&U 浓缩物;浓缩液:浓缩物;浓缩液:orange juice concentrate【词汇拓展词汇拓展】concentrated adj 浓缩的;聚集的;全神贯注的浓缩的;聚集的;全神贯注的concentration n C&U 集中;专心集中;专心:Concentration on your studies will result in good grades.Driving requ

25、ires total concentration.concentrate 语义网络图语义网络图(使)聚集于(使)聚集于(使)浓缩(使)浓缩专心;集中专心;集中(注意力、思想等)(注意力、思想等)(使)集中(使)集中concentrate基本义基本义使人或物使人或物“集中集中”使液体等使液体等“集中集中”使注意力、精力使注意力、精力等等“集中集中”具具体体到到抽抽象象一物到另一物 笨拙的;紧张的;不舒适的笨拙的;紧张的;不舒适的 not relaxed or comfortable:She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watchi

26、ng her.使用不便的;难以应付的使用不便的;难以应付的 (difficult):an awkward machine/customerask an awkward question令人尴尬的;别扭的令人尴尬的;别扭的 embarrassing:an awkward silence 不方便的不方便的 (inconvenient):Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time.awkwardly adv 尴尬地尴尬地awkward adj 构词:awk-(wrong)+-ward(向的)向错误的方向 笨拙的 令人尴尬的awkwar

27、d 链接高考链接高考 Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 39 learning experience.I had never considered before how 40 awkward it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my 41 weight made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not 42 locked.Then I wondered where to put my 43 feet.It took me quite a while to

28、 get the metal footrest into 44 place (2013年全国卷I完形填空)awkward的常见释义是“尴尬的”。但是在这道题目中,根据其语境,awkward意为“困难的”,其同义词是difficult。这层释义是我们不太熟悉的释义,表示“困难的”也很少想到用awkward。这个词在高考完形填空中出现的频率相当高。an awkward gesture an awkward peasantan awkward instrument an awkward situationan awkward customer an awkward momentawkward 语境活

29、译大挑战语境活译大挑战 笨拙的姿势 笨手笨脚的乡下人 不好用的仪器棘手的情况不好对付的顾客;难伺候的家伙尴尬的时刻explore vi&vt 探测;探索:探测;探索:explore for oilThe children have gone exploring in the woods.Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys(hutong)of old Beijing.vt 探讨;探究:探讨;探究:We need to explore ways of improving work efficiency

30、.【词汇拓展词汇拓展】exploration n C&U 勘探;探索;探究勘探;探索;探究 explorer n C 勘探者;探险家勘探者;探险家confident&confidence乐观是带你走向成功的信念。没有希望和信心,人什么也做不到。海伦凯勒海伦凯勒(Helen Keller)出生后十九个大月时因病被夺去视力和听力。她活到88岁,却有87年生活在无光、无声的世界里。在此时间里,她先后完成了14本著作。其中最著名的有:假如给我三天光明(Three Days to See)、我的生活故事(The Story of My Life)、石墙故事(The Song Of The Stone W

31、all)。她致力于为残疾人造福,建立了许多慈善机构,1964年荣获“总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of freedom)”,次年入选美国时代周刊(Time)评选的“二十世纪美国十大偶像”之一。信赖;信任信赖;信任 trust or strong belief in sb/sth else:have/lose confidence in sb(a)lack of confidence in sb/sth gain/win/earn sbs confidence 自信;信心自信;信心 the feeling that youre sure about your own abi

32、lities,opinions,etc.:increase/build up ones confidenceI gained so much confidence that I went back to school as a new person.Naturally,shy people might not have enough confidence to start up conversations with strangers.确信;把握确信;把握 the feeling that sth will happen or is true:We have full confidence t

33、hat we shall succeed.confidence n U对别人的信任对自己的信任对事情的信任构词:con-(表示强调)+fid(to trust)+-ence (名词后缀)信任(基本义)有信心的;自信的:有信心的;自信的:a confident smileShe did not feel confident at all when she arrived.人教新必修 Welcome Unit 不用于名词前不用于名词前 确信的;有把握的:确信的;有把握的:(be)confident about sth:I feel confident about the interview.(be

34、)confident of(doing)sth:We are confident of our success.(be)confident+that 从句:从句:We are confident that the environment will be improved by our further efforts.2013 辽宁改【词汇拓展词汇拓展】confidently adv 自信地;确信地自信地;确信地confident adj构词:con-(表示强调)+fid(to trust)+-ent(形容词后缀)frightened adj 受惊的;害怕的受惊的;害怕的 afraid;feel

35、ing fear:Frightened children were calling for their mothers.be frightened of(doing)sth:Are you frightened of thunder?Im frightened of walking home alone at midnight.【分词形容词分词形容词】frightening adj 令人害怕的;吓人的令人害怕的;吓人的 making you feel afraid:a frightening experience/thoughtannoyed adj 恼怒的;烦恼的恼怒的;烦恼的 a litt

36、le angry:(be)annoyed at/with sb:She was annoyed with Duncan for forgetting to phone.(be)annoyed about/by sth:Are you annoyed by the quality of your sleep?2008 湖南(be)annoyed+that 从句:Mr Davies was annoyed that the books were missing.annoying adj 使人烦恼的;令人讨厌的使人烦恼的;令人讨厌的 用括号内单词的正确形式填空,体会用括号内单词的正确形式填空,体会分

37、词形容词分词形容词。1.This story is _(interest)and fun for the whole family to enjoy.(2014 全国)2.Im really _(interest)in this position and hope I can work for you.(2014 辽宁)3.They say its _(bore)to hear the same songs all the time.4._(bore)with life in the city,he moved to a village.5.Starting university can be

38、 exciting,and can also be _(worry).6.She was very _(worry)about her sick mother.interestedinterestingBoredboringworriedworrying分词形容词分词形容词:很多动词的-ing分词和-ed分词已经成为独立词条的形容词,甚至有些分词形容词比其动词形式更为常用。例如:interested/interesting,excited/exciting,bored/boring,surprised/surprising,worried/worrying,tired/tiring,annoy

39、ed/annoying,frightened/frightening 将上面的分词形容词分类:表示人的感受:表示人/物给人带来的感受:interested,excited,bored,surprised,worried,tired,annoyed,frightenedinteresting,exciting,boring,surprising,worrying,tiring,annoying,frightening金句汇总金句汇总1.Before graduation,students exchange presents with each other.2.Are you anxious an

40、d restless if you are separated from your mobile phone?3.It impressed me that he remembered my name.4.The teachers were deeply impressed with/by your performance in the exam.5.He left/made a deep impression on me./He left me with a deep impression.6.When you concentrate on one task you can get it do

41、ne faster and better.7.I gained so much confidence that I went back to school as a new person.8.I feel confident about the interview.9.Im frightened of walking home alone at midnight.随堂检测随堂检测一一、在括号内填入、在括号内填入适适当的介词。当的介词。1.He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby _ other food.(2015 广东

42、)2.Ill type your report if you look after my baby _ exchange.3.If you have a book and dont want to keep it,you can exchange it _ me.(2012 重庆)4.This exchange _ greetings(问候)raised the kids productivity.(2009 山东)二二、将下列短语译成英语。、将下列短语译成英语。1.交换生 _ 2.互换电话号码 _3.将美元换成英镑 _exchange基础训练基础训练forinwithofan exchang

43、e student/exchange studentsexchange telephone numbers/the exchange of telephone numbers exchange dollars for pounds三三、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Mike Perry and Max Griffin have a heated exchange on social media(媒体)._2.I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager._3.Several peopl

44、e were killed during the exchange of fire._4.There was a brief(简短的)exchange between the two leaders._能力提升能力提升激烈的争论激烈的争论交谈交谈/交流了几句交流了几句交火交火交谈交谈 design1.Every _(design)hopes that his work can stand the test of time.(2012 上海)2.This course is designed _ an introduction to the subject.3.It is said that t

45、he early European playing-cards were designed _ entertainment(娱乐)and education.designerfor一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。as1.那位设计师的才华给我们留下了深刻的印象。(be impressed with,talent 才华)_2.这个项目是为了帮助无家可归的青少年。(be designed to do sth)_We are greatly/deeply impressed with the designers talent

46、.二、根据所给词块,翻译下列句子。二、根据所给词块,翻译下列句子。The project is designed to help homeless teenagers.一、同义替换一、同义替换。1.Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of self-confidence is his Achilles heel I am afraid.(worrying/worried)(2016 江苏)_2.There was an anxious moment when the plane suddenly dro

47、pped.(worrying/worried)_worried Achilles heel(致命弱点)源于希腊神话阿喀琉斯的故事。传说他出生后,母亲忒提斯为了使他炼成金刚不坏之躯,将其倒提着浸在冥河水中,除被母亲所捏的脚踵(heel)外,他全身刀枪不入。最后,他的敌人也正是抓住这个弱点,用箭射中了他的脚踵,导致Achilles受伤身亡。worryinganxious二、完成句子。二、完成句子。1.Parents _(自然为担心)their children.2.He seemed _(对忧心忡忡)the meeting.3.There were a few _(令人焦虑不安的时刻)in the

48、 baseball game.4.I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and _(我急切想要得到你们的帮助).(2011 全国书面表达)Im anxious to get help from you/your helpanxious aboutare naturally anxious foranxious moments1.I think what _(impress)me about his painting is the colors he uses.(2014 天津)2.What was so _(impr

49、ess)about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed(光脚的).(2014 湖北)3.My first _(impress)of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.(2012 山东改)4.Williams was impressed _ Benjamin and gave him two books on painting to take home.(2017 浙江改)impress一、在空白处填入一、在

50、空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。impressive impressionimpresses with/by二、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。二、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。1.最让我印象深刻的是他的名言,“天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。”(impress/impressed)(2008 湖南书面表达)_ is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.2.她的勇气和对成功的强烈渴望让世人印象


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