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1、2023年四川省泸州市泸县中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Your hometown is beautiful, and the air is really fresh. _.AThanks. Im happy you like itBDont say thatCYoure welcomeDIm afraid not2Grandmas birthday is next week. Well have a party for _.AsheBherChersDherself3The Yangtze River is almost as _ as the Amazon

2、River.Athe longestBlongClongerDlongest4For your safety, you mustnt get close to the train _ it stops.AwhileBwhenCsinceDuntil5Please remember to _ the lights when you leave a room.Aput offBcut offCturn offDtake off6Millie _ a lot about wine(酒)culture since she came to Luzhou.AlearnsBlearnedCwill lear

3、nDhas learned7Whose schoolbag is this?Chen Juns ID card is in it. It _ be his. Ill take it to him.AmustBneedCcantDmight8Maria is always full of _ because she takes exercise every day.AenergyBtalentChumourDwealth9Every year many trees_along the streets to make our city more beautiful.AplantBhave plan

4、tedCare plantedDwere planted10 Could you please tell me _ when they meet for the first time in China? They usually shake hands.Awhat do people usually doBwhat people usually doCwhere do people usually goDwhere people usually go二、完形填空Good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But _11_ can w

5、e get on well with others? First of all, we should believe in others. Everybody has their own ways to _12_ things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is _13_ for us to communicate with each other. We can _14_ happiness and sadness with our friends. Whats more, we should be kind to other

6、s and try to offer necessary help to those in trouble. Treating others honestly is also a good way to get on well with others. These _15_ will help us to get along well with others.11AwhereBwhenChowDwhy12AdoBfindCuseDkeep13AdifficultBnecessaryCinterestingDdangerous14AofferBmakeCrefuseDshare15Acourse

7、sBdecisionsCordersDsuggestionsA few weeks ago, I found a perfect pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could actually hear them calling _16_ “Leila, Leila, Leila!”“Mom!” I pointed at the _17_ shoes. “Those are exactly the ones I

8、 need! Can I have them? Please?”“Lets see how _18_ they are,” said Mom. My heart broke when we saw the price$100! I knew Mom would _19_ buy them. “I only have $25,” I _20_ what I was going to do. Auturmn was surely here. The days were _21_ and the leaves were falling from the trees. I was looking ou

9、t of the window one afternoon, watching the leaves falling in the yard. Suddenly I got a(n) _22_. I rushed to my mom. “Mom,” I called into the living room. “I think I know _23_ I can make money to buy those shoes!”Mom looked up from her book. “And hows that, Leila?”“People want their _24_ clean and

10、tidy. I can sweep leaves for them.”A smile slowly spread across Moms face. “Now thats a good idea!”Each week, I _25_ leaves in peoples yards and put them in waste bins. It took five _26_ of hard workI swept leaves until I got blisters (水疱)on my hands. My coats and trousers got dirty, but I didnt _27

11、_. As time went by, I was getting closer to my goal. In the end, I got enough _28_. The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked _29_ into the shoe store. I found the shoes Id wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They _30_ me perfectly! I finally had the exact shoes I wa

12、nted!16AmeByouChimDthem17AbigBoldCuglyDcolorful18AfunnyBheavyCexpensiveDdifferent19AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever20AhatedBagreedCrefusedDwondered21AhotterBcoolerCwetterDlonger22AgiftBideaCemailDphoto23AhowBwhyCwhenDwhether24AstoresBroomsCyardsDschools25Atalked aboutBplayed withClistened toDpicked u

13、p26AdaysBweeksCyearsDcenturies27AcareBdecideCfollowDanswer28AtimeBmoneyCcoatsDshoes29AsadlyBangrilyCexcitedlyDsecretly30AfitBfoundChelpedDmissed三、阅读单选Dear Susan,How are you? Im going to visit Hong Kong with Mum and Dad next month. Well arrive on the second of August. its so exciting! We can meet eac

14、h other soon!I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August. I know that youve visited Ocean Park many times before. Can you give me some advice on what to see in Ocean Park?I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August. Are you free on that day? Ive bought a present f

15、or you. I think youll love it.By the way. would you like to go to Disney land with me? I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland You know I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much. I know you love them too.When can you go to Disneylan

16、d with me? Please let me know. Ill stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that daySee you soonLoveLily31When will Lily arrive in Hong Kong?AOn the second of AugustBOn the third of AugustCOn the fourth of AugustDOn the ninth of August32How long will Lily spend in Ocean Park?AHalf a

17、dayBOne dayCOne and a half daysDTwo days33What will Lily do on the fourth of August?ABuy a presentBVisit Ocean ParkCGo back to EnglandDVisit Susan at her home34What will Lily do in Disney land?ATake photosBWatch a cartoonCSee a film of Mickey MouseDRead the story of Snow White35Lily wants to know_Ai

18、f Susan has received her presentBwhen she will go back to EnglandCif Susan can meet her at the airportDwhen Susan can go to Disney land with herEvery year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to o

19、ther countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals , orthey do something helpful for the environment. Paul,18,comes from Wales. Next year he wants to go to university to study Chinese,but now hes living in Belize. Paul say

20、s,Im working with other people here to save the coral reefs(珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted ,the coral will die. Im helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying.

21、 We need to do something about the problem before its too late. Im staying with a family here and I help do same housework. I dont get any money, but thats OK. I love my work here, and Im learning a lot about the people of Belize.and myself When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another thre

22、e months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America. 36What will some young people in England do after finishing school?AGo to work for money.BGo to other countries and work as volunteers.CStart work in universities.DGo to university in other countries.37Where is Paul living now?AEnglandBCh

23、ina.CBelizeDAmerica.38What is Paul doing with other people in the sea near Belize?AWorking to save the coral reefsBStudying Chinese in a universityCHelping do some houseworkDDoing some research in Wales39From the passage, we know that the coral reefs _.Aare not as beautiful as beforeBwill probably b

24、e sold for moneyCmay die because of the pollutionDcannot live without fish in the sea40What does Paul want to do after he finishes his work as a volunteer?AStay there for another yearBGo back home to start workCLearn about the peoples homeDTravel around Central AmericaTea is an important part of Chi

25、nese tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture. It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5, 000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot

26、 enough to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was discovered in 2737 BCDrinking tea has many advantages. It m

27、akes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice. Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot. Do not drink too much strong tea. It w

28、ill probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong. The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is empty, or cause stomachache when your stomach is full. Do not drink with medicine. It may cha

29、nge the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine. Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.41Paragraph(段落)2 is mainly about _.Awhen King Shen Nong livedBwhere Chinese tea was createdChow Chinese tea w

30、as discoveredDwhy King Shen Nong drank tea42Drinking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT _.Ahelping you lose weightBletting you feel less tiredChaving a strong wish for foodDclearing heat inside your body43Mr. Smith is a computer teacher. Hed better drink _.Agreen teaBblack teaCstrong teaDcoffee with

31、milk44What can we learn from the passage?AShen Nong didnt like the new drink.BThe best time to drink tea is before meals.CDrink tea hot because it oxidizes quickly.DWe should drink tea with medicine.45The passage is mainly written to _.Alet us know how tea was discoveredBgive some advice about drink

32、ing teaCtell people the history of teaDadvise people to drink green teaIm good at my schoolwork, but for some reason, I have a very bad habit of losing things. Last summer, I was on vacation with my family at the beach. On the first day, my father gave me a watch. “You need to have a watch, so take

33、good care of it,” he said. The next day, I went swimming. The sun was shining on the water. The water was warm and beautiful. I really enjoyed being in the water. When I returned to beach, I was quite tired so I lay down. At that moment, I wanted to see what time it was. But the watch was gone! I lo

34、oked for it all afternoon, but I could not find it. That night at dinner, my sister asked, “What time is it?”“Ask Tom,” my mother said. “He has a new watch. ”Dad looked at me and said, “Dont tell me that youve lost the watch already!”“No!” I said. I was sweating (出汗)with great fear. I knew I was goi

35、ng to be caught in a terrible lie (谎言). Just then, there was an announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen, a very nice watch was found on the beach today. If you lost one and can identify(确认)it, please come to the front desk. ”At once, I knew what I had to do. I slowly got up, with my whole family staring

36、 at me. I went to the desk. There it was. The watch was not broken. It was still working. I walked back to the table, sat down and said in a low voice, “Im sorry I didnt tell the truth.” My family smiled. They knew that I had finally learned my lesson.46Toms father gave him a new watch because Tom _

37、.Aneeded oneBwas on vacationCdisliked his old oneDbehaved well at school47What did Tom do when he found the watch was gone?AHe told his father about that.BHe asked the front desk for help.CHe spent all afternoon looking for it.DHe did nothing and continued lying on the beach.48How might Tom feel aft

38、er saying “No”?AHappy.BWorried.CRelaxed.DAngry.49Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ATom does well in his schoolwork.BTom enjoys swimming in the water.CTom always tells lies.DTom often loses things.50What does the underlined word “lesson” in the last sentence refer to?ATakin

39、g good care of ourselves is necessary.BIts important to listen to parents.CWe should excuse others mistakes.DFace mistakes bravely rather than telling lies.四、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,在每个空缺处填入一个适当的词,使整段对话意思完整,并将该空缺处的词填写在答题卡相应的位置上(每空限填一词)。Sue: Wow! Tim, your new sweater looks so nice. Tim: Thanks. My sister

40、bought it for me. Sue: I see. How _51_ have you had it?Tim: For about one week. And my sister bought it in a shop. Sue: _52_ is the shop? I want to know. Tim: Its on Center Street. And it is close to a supermarket. Sue: Do you often go there?Tim: Yes. And its a big shop _53_ different kinds of cloth

41、es in it. Sue: My mothers birthday is coming. I want to buy her a new dress. Would you like to go with me?Tim: Id love to, but I have to look _54_ my sister. She is ill. Sue: Im sorry to _55_ that. I hope she will be better soon. Tim: Thank you.五、短文选词填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面的括号内选出可以填入短文空格处的词,并将其字母代号(不

42、写出该词)填写在相应的位置上。Last week I went to an art show. A painting caught my eye. To my surprise, it was _56_ by Steven, one of my students. Then many things about him came into my mind. Steven was _57_ a poor family. His parents could not afford to buy him some basic(基本的)things that he needed. Once our sch

43、ool provided _58_ for poor children, I put Stevens name on the list. He was so happy when he received a pair. He loved to wear them and they were always _59_ than anybody elses. Steven had a talent for painting and he could _60_ understand what I taught in class. But he didnt have money to buy the p

44、aper for painting. So sometimes, I _61_ him some. He practiced hard. And I often showed his paintings to the class. He was greatly encouraged. One day just before the summer vacation, he came to _62_ some art books. When the new term began, he showed some of his _63_ to me. I felt shocked(震惊). They

45、were very good. Then we talked a lot. He said he would _64_ on. Later he went to a famous art university. After graduation, he had many difficulties, _65_ he never gave up. He was always trying his best to improve himself. His hard work and strong mind led to his success. (AglovesBgaveCeasilyDkeepE.cleanerF.butG.fromH.paintingsI.paintedJ.borrow)六、阅读回答问题A Pioneer for all PeopleThough he was one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considered himself a farmer, because he worked the land to do his research. Known as “Father of Hybrid Rice (杂交水稻)”, Dr. Y


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